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The Tangled Web

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#1 Jolyth


    Feather Boa Wielding Dominatrix

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 08:52 AM

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."
~ Sir Walter Scott


?Has there been any change?? Irenicus asked.

Bodhi, draped casually across the arms of an overstuffed chair, looked at her brother and shook her dark head.

?Not yet, but I feel confident that we will not have much longer to wait.?

She watched as Jon paced yet another circle around former Director Wanev?s office before finally settling down behind the desk. He occupied himself for several minutes, aligning paper, ink and quills in a neat row before him, much the same way he set up the tools he used in his experiments. When he finished arranging everything to his satisfaction, he carefully selected a quill, loaded it with ink and set the tip to paper. For a few peaceful moments, the only sound in the room was the steady scratching of the pen moving over the paper.

It did not last long. All too soon, impatience drove Irenicus back to his feet.

?What is taking so damn long?? He demanded after a few more trips around the room. ?I have no desire to remain here any longer. There is too much to do and we need to be gone from this place.?

?Patience, Jon. Once the drug wears off, you will have what you need. You know it won?t work if the subject is unconscious.?

?I know that!? Jon snapped. ?I designed the bloody procedure!?

?Then sit down and cease your constant fidgeting! You wear heavily upon my nerves!?

Bohdi watched as Irenicus, his eyes narrowing dangerously, advanced toward her. All too familiar with the mage?s quick temper, she yawned widely and made no effort to move. They had played this game many times over the past decades and she knew what was coming next.

When he reached for her she changed, her gaseous form slipping easily away as his fingers clenched the empty space where her throat had been. She wafted across the room, stopping above the desk, and rematerialized, stretched out across the hard wooden surface. She laughed at Irenicus?s growl of rage, flashing her gleaming white teeth in his direction.

?We can do this all night, Jon.? She purred, stretching lazily. ?However, I can think of better ways to spend the time.?

Irenicus lifted his hands again, but the sound of the door opening caught his attention. He turned to see Valen standing there, carrying a tray and watching them with an amused expression on her face. His expression grew darker. Valen was supposed to be watching over their ?guests?.

?Am I interrupting?? She smirked, moving further into the room.

?What are you doing here?? He demanded. ?You are supposed to be keeping an eye on things. Have they awakened??

Shaking her head, Valen moved toward her mistress with the confidence of one who has been long in their employer?s service. Holding out the tray, she offered the vampire a drink. After taking a long sip of the steaming liquid, Bodhi glanced back at Valen.

?Quite tasty, my pet. Who is it??

Valen smiled over her shoulder as she offered the tray to Jon.

?The Bounty Hunter.?

Jon snorted in disgust and, ignoring the tray, threw himself back into the chair behind the desk. He shoved Bodhi out of the way and picked up his quill and paper once more.

?I certainly hope you weren?t stupid enough to drain him completely. I may still have need of him.?

Ignoring the needless remark, Valen placed Jon?s glass on the desk and, taking the last one for herself, settled into a window seat to watch as night fell over Spellhold. Looking out across the darkening grounds, Valen easily spotted the Lizard Men guards as they blundered through the trees seeking intruders. She did not see the Wraiths or Yoshimo?s assassins, but then, they were much better at stealth than the dim-witted reptiles.

Turning her attention back into the room, she watched as Jon?s quill once more scratched its way furiously across the paper. His glass sat untouched and forgotten next to him, steam no longer rising from its contents. She hurriedly finished her own drink before the liquid grew too cold.

Across the room, Bodhi drained her glass, running her tongue along the inside to retrieve every last drop. She met the other vampire?s gaze and Valen, nodding slightly in acknowledgement, left her perch to slide up quietly behind the preoccupied mage. She placed her hands on the sides of Jon?s neck, deftly massaging the tense muscles in his shoulders while Bodhi eased her way back across the top of the desk.

Jon ignored them both, immersed in his thoughts and determined to transfer them to paper before he lost hold of them again. No amount of teasing and touching could pull his attention away from his journal. Even when Bodhi grabbed the quill out of his hand, he simply picked up another and continued writing.

When the last bit of empty page had been filled, Irenicus carefully blotted the ink dry and set it aside with the one he had written earlier. Reaching up, he grabbed Bodhi around the waist and pulled her roughly into his lap. She laughed wickedly, sending paper and ink flying as she landed atop Jon and straddled him comfortably. The heel of her boot caught his glass, knocking it to the floor where the red black liquid arched upward, splashing across the wall and staining the rich blue carpet.

With a humorless smile, Irenicus buried his hands into Bodhi?s short hair and pulled her red stained lips closer to his own. He could smell the fresh blood on her breath, feel Valen?s touch as she ran her hands down the front of his chest, reaching inside his tunic to better stroke the taunt muscles. Pinning one of Bodhi?s arms behind her back, he pressed her tightly against his body, leaving her little room to maneuver. He tightened his grip on her hair, watching the expression on her face change, the first edges of panic creeping across her features as she recognized the seriousness of her position.

With a sudden movement, Jon yanked his sister?s head back so forcefully that, had Bodhi been mortal, her neck would have snapped and she would have died instantly. He moved his head to the side, dodging the free hand that clawed weakly at his face. Shrugging off Valen?s touch with a glare, he leaned forward to whisper into his captive?s ear.

?I know what you want, what you?ve always wanted.?

Bodhi swallowed nervously, the whites of her eyes showing as she tried to meet Jon?s gaze.

?You think to seduce me into your world?? He continued. ?Think again, dear sister. Your touch disgusts me now more than ever. You are here to do a job, after which you and your guild are free to use Athkatla as your private hunting ground. I have bigger plans and they don?t include you.?

When he was certain she understood his words, Irenicus released his hold on Bodhi, dumping her unceremoniously onto the floor.

?Now leave me, and take your pet with you.? He demanded, reaching for fresh sheet of paper and his quill. ?But stay within the sound of my voice. I do not want to be chasing after you when the BhaalSpawn awakens.?

Knowing she had overstepped her limits, Bodhi accepted Valen?s hand and climbed to her feet, glaring daggers at Jon?s bowed head. The two women retreated to the adjoining bedroom where Bodhi, needing to vent her rage on someone, stripped Valen naked and tied her down on the bed.
She left the door open in hopes that Jon might peer in and see what he was missing, but he continued writing until well after Bodhi had drained Valen to exhaustion.


Kaiane awoke with a start, wincing at the stab of pain that ripped through the base of her skull. A wave of nausea quickly followed and it was several minutes before she felt well enough to open her eyes and sit up. While waiting for her stomach to settle, she gently probed the back of her head and neck, searching for any signs of injury. She expected to find a lump the size of one of Kelsey?s bullets but, surprisingly, there was nothing. The skin was smooth to the touch with no tenderness or evidence of swelling. Still, the throbbing continued.

?Probably a side effect of Yoshimo?s potion.? She thought bitterly. ?When I get my hands on that lousy little??

The pain in her head exploded as her rage against the Bounty Hunter?s betrayal bubbled to the surface. Her vision blurring, Kaiane teetered on the edge of consciousness as the pain became unbearable. She struggled to stay awake, forcing herself to take deep steady breaths in order to calm down. Choking back her anger and frustration, she promised herself she would deal with Yoshimo later. Her first priority was to get to her friends and get back to Athkatla as soon as possible. If she was going into battle, she much preferred to wage it in more familiar territory.

At the idea of battle, Kaiane?s hand automatically fell to her side, fearing for a moment that she would find it empty. She breathed a sigh of relief when the cold metal of Carsomyr?s hilt reassured her that she was not unarmed. Ever since finding it in Firkragg?s lair, Kaiane had not let the sword out of her sight. A feeling of calm washed over her as she lovingly caressed the detailed grip, reveling in the way it fit so perfectly in her hand.

The pain in her head finally retreated to a dull ache at the base of her skull and Kaiane began to see a little more clearly. With her body back under some measure of control, she was at last able to take a good look around.

The room was shroud in darkness, the only source of light coming from a small barred window on the opposite wall. Using its feeble illumination, Kaiane was just able to make out the still forms of her companions strewn about the room. A quick count told her that their number was at five. Yoshimo, of course, was missing, but Kaiane wondered why Imoen was not among them. If Irenicus was finished with her as he had declared, then why still keep her?

The only thought that made sense was either Irenicus was still in the midst of performing his tests, and Kaiane was simply waiting her turn, or the other girl was dead. Neither possibility was very comforting, but if Kaiane had a choice, she hoped it was the former.

Unwilling to simply sit still and wait for her jailer to return, Kaiane got to her feet and made her way slowly across the room, taking care not to trip over any of her unconscious companions. When she reached the window, she grabbed hold of the bars and peered out, hoping to get some idea of their location.

Her heart sank as the dreary gray green walls of a Spellhold hallway glared back at her. She recognized it as the one they passed through on their way to find Imoen. When she looked to the side, she could just make out the curve of the wall as the hallway bent and headed in another direction.

Kaiane sighed heavily and turned back to face the dark room. She had figured they still had to be in Spellhold. Irenicus had gone to great lengths to secure the facility and there was no reason to remove them when he so obviously had control of the situation. Apparently he needed them not only alive but awake and he had stored them in one of the cells until the effects of the potion wore off.

?I wonder how long it is supposed to take.? Kaiane muttered to herself.

A moan at her feet caught her attention and looking down, Kaiane could just make out the form of Kelsey Coltrane. She knelt down beside him and watched as, with a grimace of pain, the young mage struggled to fight off the last effects of the potion.

Kaiane took Kelsey?s hand in hers and stroked it reassuringly. His eyes opened at her touch, a look of fear crossing his face before he realized who it was.

He laughed shakily. ?For a second I thought you might be Bodhi or Irenicus.?

?I could take that as an insult,? Kaiane responded. ?But, I know it?s just the drugs talking. Can you get up??

Kelsey nodded, wincing again as the movement caused his head to ache. Kaiane smiled in sympathy.

?Mine hurts too.? She told him. ?Seems to be a side effect of the potion. Just try to ignore it.?

Grabbing Kelsey?s hand tightly, she helped him to his feet and together they moved to awaken the others.

Minsc was already awake when they reached him. He lay on his back, humming a tune and idly rubbing Boo?s furry head. Realizing that she and Kelsey had awakened with massive headaches, Kaiane worried what effect the drug might have had on the ranger?s already fragile mind. When she called out his name however, the ranger turned to regard her, a happy smile on his face.

?It was very nice of the green man to allow us to rest before going on to kick the butt of the evil mage who has Imoen.? Minsc told them. ?But, Boo says it is time to go now, Kaiane. Are we leaving??

Kaiane smiled in spite of herself. ?Just as soon as we wake the others, Minsc.? She assured him.

?Then Minsc and Boo will wait here until you are ready.?

He crossed his legs comfortably and went back to stroking Boo?s head with his finger while the hamster quietly cleaned his whiskers.

The next person they reached was Jaheira. Kaiane could tell immediately that the druidess was not well. Her skin was cold and clammy and her breathing a shallow rattle in her chest. She shivered uncontrollably and when Kaiane called her name, the other woman could only moan in response.

?She?s having a bad reaction.? Kelsey said.

?So did we.? Kaiane snapped as her head gave a sudden fierce throb. ?Why would hers be worse than ours??

Kelsey shrugged. ?It could be her elven side. The human side might be able to deal with the ingredients Irenicus used, but to the elf in her, those same ingredients could be poison.?

?That?s ridiculous!?

?I didn?t say it was the reason, Kai, just that it is a possibility. It may have nothing to do with her elf side at all. It could just be Jaheira herself. Some people just have bad reactions to certain food or drink.?

Kaiane nodded at the explanation. She remembered that back at Candlekeep, a Priest of Oghama, a man by the name of Warren, had been allergic to a certain type of wine. The trouble was, it was Warren?s favorite drink. After only a sip, he would puff up bigger than old Winthrop and his skin would break out in a fiery rash. She could still hear the lectures Gorion dumped upon the poor man before presenting him with an antidote to dispel the reaction.

An antidote?

?Check her pack.? Kaiane instructed, tilting her head toward Jaheira?s potion bag. ?She has a couple of antidotes in there. Maybe one of them might help.?

Kelsey shook his head. ?Those antidotes are specific. One that cures spider poison is going to do nothing for food or drink poisoning. Not to mention giving her the wrong antidote could make her worse. She?s going to need a spell. It?s the safest route.?

?Look at her!? Kaiane hissed as Jaheira gave a particularly strong shudder. ?She can?t even open her eyes! How?s she going to cast a damn spell??

?Don?t you have any Cure spells memorized??

?No! My spells are too small to be of much good anyway. That?s why I always left the healing side of the job up to Jaheira and Anomen!?

Kaiane and Kelsey?s gazes locked at the mention of Anomen?s name. In her worry over Jaheira, she had completely forgotten about the Priest of Helm and his arsenal of spells.

?Get him over here.? She ordered.

Kelsey immediately rose to do her bidding and Kaiane looked down at the druidess in her arms.

?Hang on, my friend.? She whispered. ?We?ll set you right.?

Kelsey approached Anomen, noting that the arrogant jerk had managed to snag the one cot in the room, leaving the rest of them sprawled out across the floor. He also couldn?t help but see how comfortable the big ox looked wrapped up in the only available blanket. In reality, Kelsey knew Anomen had nothing to do with their sleeping arrangements, but it made him feel better to blame it on the knight. He despised the other man and his condescending attitude.

The figure didn?t move.

Sighing with annoyance, Kesley lifted a foot and shoved Anomen?s shoulder a few times, shaking vigorously to wake him up. A deep rumble of protest issued from the sleeping knight and Kelsey added a few sharp pokes in the back to make his point.

?Get up you lug! Kaiane needs your help!?

The figure moaned again and turned over. A deafening crash filled the room as armor and weapons fell to the floor, barely missing Kelsey?s feet.

The sorcerer leapt back with a disgusted curse, a torrent of insults springing to his lips as the figure rose to a sitting position.

?Anomen!? Kelsey ranted. ?What the hell are you trying to do? Get over??

?Anomen? I am Tiax, ruler of this domain and your master!?

A stunned Kelsey regained his senses quickly and cast Burning Hands in order to get more light. With the flames dancing over his skin, he held his arms out toward the cot and stared in disbelief at the small figure sitting before him.

Tiax shielded his eyes from the sudden brightness and backed away from Kelsey.

?How dare you try to attack Tiax!? The gnome sputtered. ?Tiax rules all! Bow before Tiax and he may forgive your insolence!?

Kelsey ignored the ranting lunatic and walked back over to a wide-eyed Kaiane who was still clutching the ill Jaheira.

?Boss, we?ve got a problem.?

Kaiane could only nod in response.

Against the wall, Tiax marched back and forth across the cot, the wood creaking beneath his booming steps.

?Tiax rules all!?


Valen cautiously poked her head into the director?s office and looked around. After making certain that Jon was indeed gone, she looked over her shoulder and was immediately joined by Bodhi. Together, the two of them entered the room and moved toward the desk.

?Take that side.? Bodhi instructed. ?Search everything. It?s got to be here somewhere.?

?Are you sure?? Valen asked. ?After all, he?s extremely paranoid. He wouldn?t just leave something like that lying around.?

Bodhi opened the drawer nearest her and began rifling through the contents. ?Yes, he is paranoid. That is why he would stow it in a secure place. There is too much risk he would lose it if he carried it about on his person.?

Valen nodded at her mistress? logic and began searching through her side of the desk. Most of the stuff was useless to them. A multitude of files containing background information on the Asylum?s residents, rehabilitation procedures and maintenance schedules were all tossed aside as Bodhi and Valen ransacked one drawer after another.

After almost an hour of fruitless searching, she reached the final drawer on her side. Bodhi had finished and was now searching through a chest across the room. The rattle of glass could be heard as she shifted aside potions, occasionally bringing one forth to better examine its contents.

Convinced that the task was pointless, and that she would find nothing, Valen opened the last drawer. It contained what looked like nothing more than an extra supply of parchment and quills. She sighed heavily. Her mistress was going to be furious if there were unable to locate anything. This would probably lead to another beating for her, as Bodhi would need an outlet upon which to vent her frustration.

She was about to close the drawer in defeat when a though occurred to her. Reaching inside, she flipped through the stack of blank pages. Almost at once, something caught her eye. There, in the middle of the stack were several sheets covered from top to bottom with elegant writing. Valen pulled them free, holding them closer to her face so she could read them.

With Bodhi still half-buried in the Potions Chest, Valen read over the pages. Even in the dark, the script stood out like a beacon to her undead eyes. At the top of the first page was a title: The Journal of Jon Irenicus.

She had found it.

?Mistress!? She called out and held the pages aloft for Bodhi to see.

Bodhi dropped the chest lid with a thump and snatched the pages from her servant?s hands. Peering at them intently, she read over the words, a smile spreading across her face as she scanned each page.

?This is it!? She cried, turning another page. ?It is all here.? She read a moment longer. ?My, my, my Jon, but we have been busy.?

Although she had already looked over the pages, Valen waited patiently for Bodhi to share the knowledge of the discovery. When no information was forthcoming, she casually cleared her throat and ventured a question.

?Mistress? What does it say??

?Such an extraordinary mind.? Bodhi murmured. ?So brilliant. What?? She looked up as Valen?s question sunk in. ?Oh, it is nothing, my pet. Just some modifications to the procedure. He is going to try them on the second Bhaalspawn.?

Bodhi hurriedly finished reading the journal pages and then replaced them in the drawer, closing it with a snap. Even if she had not already read them, based on the excited look that crossed her mistress? face, Valen would have suspected the pages contained more that just procedure modifications. A lot more.

Realizing that her mistress was not going to share certain information with her put Valen on edge. She would have to tread lightly in the future. With her face set in a mask of neutrality, she set to helping Bodhi return the room to normal. There was no point in letting Jon know they were on to him.

When they were finished, they slipped out of the office, back into the sleeping chamber.

?Our plans have not changed.? Bodhi said. ?You have your orders and you are not to deviate from what we have discussed.?

?And what of the others?? Valen asked.

?Leave them to me.? Bodhi ordered. ?Now go!?

Valen bowed her head understanding, turned on her heel and left. Once in the main room, she turned right and quickly made her way toward the resident cells, her footfalls silent on the thickly woven carpet. She took the stairs two at a time and jogged down the long hallway to where the cell containing the Bhaalchild and her companions was located.

She had to hurry.

Valen counted herself lucky that Bodhi had not seen her examining the journal sheets before turning them over. It might have ruined everything if she had notice. Still, there was no time to delay.

As Valen neared the end of the hall, the sound of voices raised in anger reached her ears. She smiled in satisfaction. The potion had worked well. Of course, Jon thought they would not awaken for another couple of hours. Not a great amount of time, but enough for Valen to do what she had been ordered to.

She paused outside the door, cocking her head slightly so that she might hear everything.

?I don?t give a damn, Kelsey!? Said an agitated female voice.

The Bhaalspawn.? Valen thought.

?It?s not going to work, Kai! This is a prison for the ?Magically? deviant. That would include me. We?re wasting our efforts and my spells.?

?Just do it!?

The sound of chanting came echoing out of the cell. Seconds later, Valen watched as the unmistakable energy orbs of a Magic Missile passed through the door and slammed against the opposite wall. An acrid smell filled the air as the wall briefly caught fire, curling the paint and leaving behind a huge scorch mark.

?Shut up, Kelsey.?

?I didn?t say anything!? Protested the mage.
?You think real loud.? Came the tired reply.

Valen shook her head in amusement. Paladins. Their limited protection spells made them so arrogant about magic. The truth of the matter was, they could not begin to comprehend the intricate mental discipline that was required for true spell casting.

The mage was correct. Spellhold was indeed quite capable of withstanding anything its residents threw at it. That is what made it so formidable. Only Jon had found out the truth about the facility. It was using that newfound knowledge that allowed him to break free and overcome the arrogant mages that ran the place. Only Jon had looked deeper. That is why he had succeeded where others had failed. That is why the Bhaalspawn would remain locked behind the cell?s door if she, Valen, did not do something about it.

Still chuckling, Valen pulled a single ornate key from her vest pocket and moved closer to the door.


Edited by Jolyth, 30 August 2004 - 06:02 AM.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOOHOO! What a Ride!

Some people are like slinkies. They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs!!

Dyslexia of Borg: Your ass will be laminated

Solaufein Flirt Pack


#2 Jolyth


    Feather Boa Wielding Dominatrix

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 07:42 AM

The two hardest parts about writing is finding the time to start and finding a place to stop. :)


Irenicus could feel the glares of loathing his test subjects directed his way, but it made no difference to him. The Shadow Thieves were not worthy of his attention. Like the former overseers of Spellhold, they were pathetic fools who thought they were smart enough to defy him. It had been almost enjoyable proving them wrong.


He made his way about the room, carefully checking each of the glass chambers for any breaches or defects. His preparation, like everything else he did, was flawless.

Jon was actually quite satisfied with the way things had turned out. After the destruction of his dungeon, he wondered where he would find all the equipment he needed in order to begin anew. Many of the items he required were rare and difficult to obtain. The thought of wasting more time to set up and start over had cast a pall of doubt over his carefully laid plans. For the first time in years, he wondered if he might fail. Luckily, the tides had once more turned in his favor and handed him Spellhold.

The facility hosted an endless collection of items that dated back thousands of years, most of it useless junk. Some of it, however, turned out to be exactly what the mage needed. Within days of taking over, Jon had been able to transform the Rehabilitation Room into an exact replica of his old laboratory.

The first experiment had been nearly successful. Imoen, the childlike Bhaalspawn, had survived the process with only a small amount of damage to her mind. With any luck, she would eventually return to normal. Provided of course that she lived long enough.

After noting the results, Jon made a few modifications to the procedure and was now ready to try again. He had the tools he needed, the equipment was ready and, he thought about the Bhaalspawn locked in her cell, the main ingredient had arrived.

The Bhaalspawn.


She intrigued him, this savior of The Sword Coast. Barely of age, her mentor dead, she had fought against insurmountable odds and managed to avert a war with Amn. She and her companions, after destroying his first laboratory, had then made their way across half of Faerun in search of one of their own. They had arrived at Spellhold, fully aware that their chances of success were nominal, and yet they entered anyway.

Her drive and determination was something that seemed to mirror Jon’s own, almost as if she were a kindred spirit. Like him, once she set her mind on a certain path, she would overcome and destroy any obstacle that stood in her way.

He could almost admire her.

The thought startled Jon and he chased it away with a snarl. He could not allow himself to become distracted now. All he had to do was hold out a bit longer and he would have what he had worked so hard to achieve.


Like the others, Anomen had awakened in a small dark room with his head feeling as if it were about to split open. Unlike the others, he was alone and his weapons were nowhere in sight.

The disappearance of his companions bothered him more than the loss of his armor. Mainly, he was worried about Kaiane. Although he realized the Paladin was more than capable of defending herself, he still would have preferred having her nearby. At the very least it would have eased his mind somewhat if he knew she was still alive.

He wandered around the cell aimlessly, saying the names of each of his friends aloud and asking Helm to watch over them while they were apart. When he came to Yoshimo, Anomen cursed the traitorous thief with every name he could think of. Then he cursed himself for not being more persistent in his arguments to have the bastard removed from the group.

Anomen had known the Bounty Hunter could not be trusted. His misgivings had pestered him constantly until he finally had brought the matter to Kaiane’s attention.

He had pulled her aside one day, telling her that a person like Yoshimo should not be among them and that she should ask him to leave. He pointed out to her that a Paladin and a Knight with the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart could not be seen traipsing all over Faerun in the company if a thief! Not to mention the shady dealings they had been asked to perform for Renal Bloodscalp, all to settle a debt Yoshimo owed the guild master.

Kaiane had, of course, let him have his say, listening quietly as he voiced each of his objections. When he was done she had smiled at him calmly, telling him that, while she agreed that Yoshimo’s choice of profession was somewhat shady, it was not a good enough reason to ask him to leave. She then reminded Anomen of all the times the thief’s “talents” had come in handy.

In a desperate attempt to make his point, Anomen had asked that if Kaiane felt it necessary to have a thief in the party, then she could go back and get that nice D’Arnise girl. That one had morals. And at least she wasn’t a foreigner!

The moment the words were out of his mouth Anomen realized his mistake. At the mention of heritage, Kaiane’s eyes flared up in anger and she refused to hear another word the priest had to say.

“If you have a problem with a person’s heritage, Lord Delryn, then perhaps you should be the one to leave.”

Accepting the deserved rebuke, Anomen had let the matter drop. The party had continued on as before, Yoshimo in tow and Kaiane acting as if nothing had been said, her temper disappearing as quickly as it had surfaced.

Anomen slammed his fist against the wall as the same feeling of desperation washed over him once more. If only he had tried harder! Maybe he could have convinced Kaiane that his fears were well founded.

“You know she wouldn’t have listened.” He told himself. “The woman can be damn stubborn at times.”

His thoughts were interrupted as he heard the sound of something moving outside his cell. There was a thump and a moan followed by the familiar clink of a key being slid into the lock. He looked about quickly, searching for something, anything that might serve as a weapon. There was nothing, not even a chamber pot to throw.

Even without his armor, Anomen’s training as a warrior and priest left him far from helpless, but he knew his abilities were limited against the vampires in Irenicus’ company. If they came for him in a bunch, the most he could do was try to make his way past them. Once outside, he would locate Kaiane and together they would leave this house of demons behind.

Anomen knew the plan was a stretch, but he could see no other alternative. He hurriedly called up a Negative Plane Protection spell, feeling the familiar tingle of magic as it washed over his body

The lock clicked and the door swung inward, allowing light from the hallway to flood the cell.

Squinting in the sudden glare, Anomen tried to make out the face of the figure standing in the doorway.


“Then we are in agreement.” Bodhi said. It was not a question.

“Of course.” Yoshimo responded easily. “I have no problem doing what you ask.”

Bodhi studied him a moment longer, searching his face for some sign of deception. He looked tired and pale, having not yet completely recovered his strength after his recent draining.

The vampire slowly licked her lips where the taste of Yoshimo’s blood still lingered. For a moment she felt an overwhelming urge to sink her teeth into him, piercing his skin and driving her fangs into the vein she could see pulsing at his throat. Unfortunately, indulging herself in such enjoyment would have to wait until later. She had one final errand for the Bounty Hunter before she could drain the last bits of precious life from his body.

If Yoshimo had any idea of what Bodhi was thinking, he gave no indication. He simply stared back at her, waiting for her to finish giving him his instructions.

With a disappointed sigh, Bodhi dumped the burden she carried at Yoshimo’s feet.

“You have very little time, so I suggest you get going now. Move quickly. I will only be able to detain Jon for so long.”

Yoshimo looked at the bundle and back to Bodhi.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” He called after her.

Bodhi stopped and regarded him casually, once again tempted to finish him off and be done with it.

“Valen will meet you at the Gauntlet.” She said. “She will have what you need.”

She was gone after that, leaving Yoshimo with no choice but to follow his orders. With easy grace, he picked up the bundle and headed down the hallway in the opposite direction.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOOHOO! What a Ride!

Some people are like slinkies. They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs!!

Dyslexia of Borg: Your ass will be laminated

Solaufein Flirt Pack


#3 Jolyth


    Feather Boa Wielding Dominatrix

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Posted 13 March 2004 - 01:24 PM

Thanks to Jester for his patience and to my wonderful proofreader, MB. Your comments added another page! Enjoy!


Kaiane and Kelsey ceased their arguing the moment they heard the sound of the key in the door. Acting quickly, the young woman grabbed the comatose Jaheira under the arms and dragged her out of the way. With the druidess safely tucked aside, she picked up Carsomyr and turned to Minsc and Kelsey.

“Be ready for anything!” She hissed.

Minsc jumped to his feet, stowing Boo safely in his pocket before eagerly raising the Mace of Disruption and taking his place next to Kaiane.

“Is it time to kick the butt of evil?” He asked her hopefully.

“Yes, Minsc.” She whispered back.

“But why are you whispering, Kaiane? If evil is coming, then let them hear the boot of justice that is Minsc and Kaiane”

Before Kaiane could stop him, Minsc raised his already loud voice to a resounding bellow that had the potential to alert every person in Spellhold that they were awake.


Kaiane found herself caught between admiration for the large ranger and a strong desire to slap him silly for ruining their element of surprise. Suppressing a smile, she risked a quick glance at Kelsey instead, seeing the mage’s lips already moving as he prepared to fire his first spell.

She briefly considered getting Tiax to help then but discarded the idea almost immediately. Even if she could convince him to follow her orders, it would be a gamble. She peered at the little gnome who was sitting on the bed, swinging his legs in a childish manner as he watched events unfold. No, she decided with a shake of her head, best they leave him out of the fight then risk him turning on them at a crucial moment.

Turning back toward the entrance, Kaiane tightened her grip on her sword and watched as the door opened to reveal the hallway on the other side.

It was empty.

“Thanks Minsc.” She thought sarcastically.

Kelsey swore as he lost his spell, realizing he had nothing to destroy. He looked over at Kaiane in confusion.

“Ummmm… did anyone think to try the door?” He asked.

Kaiane rolled her eyes and didn’t bother to give him a response.

“That’s what I would have done first.” Said a voice. “But you may rest assured that it was indeed locked. Your escape would have proved to be a most annoying glitch in the course of events.”

“Show yourself!” Kaiane demanded.

A figure obligingly appeared in the doorway. “Did you think I was going to stand here in full view and let you attack me before hearing what I have to say?” Valen asked.

“What makes you think I still won’t?” Kaiane countered.

Valen brushed aside the question. “It is time to leave, Child of Bhaal.”

“So, you’re here to take me to Irenicus?” Kaiane asked.

“No. I said it is time to leave. I don’t have time to explain everything. Suffice it to say that your continued presence here would cause great distress to the one I serve. It is her desire that you be removed from this place and escorted out of Spellhold.”

“You work for Irenicus.” Kelsey pointed out. “I find it hard to believe he would go through all this trouble to capture Kaiane and then just turn around and let her walk out of here.”

”I don’t work for Irenicus.” Valen corrected. “I work for Bodhi.”

“Which still makes anything you say worthless.” Kelsey insisted.

“How can you put up with such insolence?” Valen asked Kaiane. “If I were you, I would have him flayed for speaking out of turn.”

“I’ll thank you to keep your advice to yourself.” Kaiane said coldly. “Kelsey has his uses and as a trustworthy companion, he is free to express his opinion openly. You, however, don’t hold such a comfortable position in my eyes. So, you will have to excuse my rudeness if I say that I don’t exactly believe a word that passes your bloodless lips.”

“Regardless of how you view me, what I tell you is the truth!” Valen snapped. She was growing weary of the pointlessness of the conversation. “If you want to get out of here alive, then you will be silent and do as I say! We don’t have time for arguing.”

“I don’t trust her, Kai.” Kelsey said. “She could just be trying to get us to Irenicus without a fuss.”

“Irenicus would not trust an important mission to one such as myself.” Valen replied. “And even if he did, it would have been much easier for me to just come and get you before you awoke.”

“Maybe we woke before you planned for us to!” Kelsey countered. “Either way, why should we listen to you?”

“Because you have no other choice if you wish to remain alive.” She said simply. “You can either follow me, or I will lock you back in here where you will stay until Irenicus comes for you and Kaiane here can end up like little Imoen.”

Kaiane frowned at Valen’s words, the comment annoying her more than anything. Gorion’s teachings sprang to mind then and the young paladin remembered one of her mentor’s most important lessons. There was always another way. Despite what Valen said, there was still one other option available.

“You know, Valen, I think you overlooked an interesting possibility.”

“Such as?”

Kaiane smiled humorlessly. “Such as I could just have Minsc here smash your head in and put an end to this little disagreement.”

Valen cast a wide eyed glance at the ranger, who raised his mace higher, a boyish smile spreading across his face.

“He has this thing about being locked up.” Kaiane continued. “And he’s really anxious to vent some of his frustration.”

The vampire quickly recovered her composure. “You won’t do that.” She stated.

“Really? Are you sure?”

“I’m not going to continue to debate this with you, Kaiane.”

Three vampires suddenly materialized behind Valen, quickly closing in ranks around her, ready to do her bidding.

“I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this. I would prefer you to accompany me quietly.”

“I don’t give a damn what you prefer!” Kaiane snapped.

Even with the appearance of more vampires, Kaiane was still considering just fighting their way out. She was ready to give the word when a thought occurred to her; why had Irenicus not come for them while they were unconscious? Why stuff them in here and risk a fight when they woke up? Irenicus may be sadistic, but Kaiane could not remember him ever truly looking for a fight. He usually avoided such confrontations, preferring to let his minions handle the low level work.

As much as she would have like to cleave the smug smile off Valen’s face, Kaiane realized she had her companions to consider. Jaheira needed Anomen’s healing and Imoen…Gods knew what had been done to her.

“Where is Imoen?” She asked suddenly. “And Anomen for that matter?”

“Tiax knows!” Came a cry from the corner. “Tiax knows where they are! But Tiax will not tell you!”

“Shut up you!” Kelsey growled.

“Insolent worm! How dare you speak to Tiax in such a manner! Tiax is magnificent! Tiax is – “

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Kelsey said impatiently. “Tiax rules all. We already know that.”

Valen groaned inwardly when the remark prompted another bout of sputtering from the gnome. The situation was deteriorating quickly. All the noise Kelsey and Tiax were making was sure to call the attention of Irenicus.

Kaiane ignored the exchange, her glare remaining fixed upon Valen.

“I asked you a question vampire. My friends. Where are they?”

“We have a prearranged meeting place.” Valen answered. “It’s located two floors below. If you are finally willing to leave, then gather your things quickly. We must be gone from here.”

Kaiane stared at the vampire a moment longer, the entire situation making her skin crawl.

“Minsc!” She said at last. “I need you to take Anomen’s things please.”

Minsc disappointedly set his mace aside and bent to gather together the priest’s armor, stowing the pieces in his oversized pack while Kaiane went to collect Jaheira’s belongings. Kelsey broke off his argument with Tiax and followed her, taking hold of her arm and turning her about to face him.

“Kai, you’re not really serious about this are you?”

“If you have a better idea then let’s hear it now.” Kaiane replied, gently removing her arm from Kelsey’s grasp. She stared up at him, waiting to hear if he could think of something, anything, that would be better than following that vile creature through Spellhold.

“There are only four of them. We’ve handled more than that plenty of times. With my spells and your Avenger, we could take care of them with no problem.”

“All of which would make a lot of noise and probably bring Irenicus running.” Kaiane sighed and shook her head. “Look, I don’t like it anymore than you do, but Valen has a point. We are limited in our options here. Jaheira needs a healer and we have to find Imoen and Anomen. None of these things will be accomplished if we’re locked in here waiting for whatever it is Irenicus has planned. The opportunity to make a quiet exit has presented itself and even though we may hate it, we are just going to have to accept it.”

Realizing that she was right, the young mage nodded and moved toward Jaheira.

“No Kelsey.” Kaiane told him. “I want you by my side with your hands free.”

“Who’s going to take Jaheira then?”

Valen interrupted them. “I’d leave her if I were you.”

“I thought I told you your advice was neither wanted nor needed.” Kaiane said coldly. “I may have to follow you out of her, but when it comes to my companions, I make the decisions. No one remains behind.”

“She is weak and she will slow us down.” Valen insisted. “Irenicus is not after her, so it is likely he will leave her alone when he discovers you to be gone.”

”Or he could just blast her to ashes out of spite.” Kaiane snapped, her temper flaring dangerously. “I’m not willing to leave her here, helpless to defend herself against that maniac. She goes with us. If you are telling us the truth, then when we rejoin with Anomen, he can heal her.”

Kaiane stared defiantly at the other woman. “This time, you have no choice in the matter.”

Valen pursed her lips, clearly unhappy with the arrangement, but she did not press the issue.

“Fine. But I am not going to help you carry her.”

“Boo and I shall carry our sister of the woods out of this evil place!” Minsc announced.

Before anyone had a chance to object, Minsc pushed his way past the others and carefully gathered the unconscious druidess into his arms, holding her as gently as he did Boo. With a satisfied smile at his ingenuity, he strode out the door, leaving the others to follow or stay as they chose.

Kaiane picked up Jaheira’s pack, slung it over her shoulder and walked up to Valen, who gestured to the open door.

“After you.”

“Not likely.” Kaiane said. “You lead the way so I can keep you where I can see you.”

Once outside, Kaiane’s suspicions flared anew when they discovered another pair of vampires waiting for them. One moved forward to join Valen and the two of them, speaking in soft, hurried tones, dove into conversation.

“Scout ahead.” Valen instructed him, glancing down the hallway. “If you see any sign of Bodhi or Irenicus, send a message down the chain immediately so we can take an alternate course.”

“Why would you want to avoid Bodhi?” Kelsey asked, watching as the vampires changed into bat form and flew off ahead.

“Because if she’s not with Irenicus, then we have a problem.” Valen explained and pointed to the ceiling. “Anything out of the ordinary and my brethren will let me know.”

Kaiane glanced up and saw two bats hanging from a beam stretched across the ceiling. Several feet away, she saw another set and then another. Apparently, the group had a line of eyes watching them all the way to the exit. Kaiane wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.

“No more questions.” Valen stated firmly. “It’s time to go.”

Under the watchful eyes of their winged lookout, they moved off down the hallway, stopping only when a shrill voice called out from behind them, “Wait for Tiax!” Seconds later, the gnome joined the group, and they were at last on their way to find their friends and get out of Spellhold.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOOHOO! What a Ride!

Some people are like slinkies. They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs!!

Dyslexia of Borg: Your ass will be laminated

Solaufein Flirt Pack


#4 Jolyth


    Feather Boa Wielding Dominatrix

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Posted 30 March 2004 - 06:44 AM

Sorry about the long delay! Minor case of brain overload! :P Enjoy!


“So perfect.” She thought.

The vampire leaned against the doorway, staring through half closed lids as Jon moved from chamber to chamber, double-checking the status of the occupants. For as long as she had known him, she had always enjoyed watching him work. She thought of all the times she would sit quietly in his room, staring in fascination while he concentrated on solving a particular problem. She remembered all too well the way his eyes would light up when he figured out the solution and how he would come to her to celebrate and share in the joys of his discovery.

Even now, changed as he was, she still felt a tingle of excitement that stirred whenever she looked at him.

Bodhi slid quietly into the room, wanting nothing more than to be close to him once more. To renew the special bond they had shared all those years ago. Now that Jon was so close to obtaining that which he sought, he might be more open to the possibility. Perhaps this time, she would get the response she was seeking. Maybe this time, he would remember.

“Have you finished playing with your pet?” Irenicus snarled, not bothering to turn around.

She did not allow his hostile tone to stop her from going forward with her intent. Wrapping her arms about him, she stood on the tips of her toes and nibbled gently on his earlobe.

“Why?" She purred. "Regretting your decision not to join us?”

“Hardly.” He snapped, stepping out of her grasp. “But now that you have satisfied your pathetic need for carnal pleasure, there is work that needs to be done.”

“There is more to life than work, Jon. Surely you have not forgotten?”

“The Child should be awake by now.” He said, continuing as if she had not spoken. “I want you to bring her to me.”

Bodhi gaped at him. “Have I been reduced to a mere messenger then?” She demanded. “Is there nothing more for me to do except sit back and breathlessly await your next command?”

“You thought differently?”

“How dare you!” Bodhi raged. “If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even have your precious Bhaalspawn! If it weren’t for the efforts of my guild, you wouldn’t have the subjects you need for your experiments! If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t be here!”

“Yes!” He spat back at her, finally turning around to glare at her. “If it weren’t for you, I would not be here! If not for you, I would never have been forced into hiding like some cowering dog. I would still have everything I want or need at my beck and call and I would not be reduced to foraging around in dungeons and basements! If not for you, none of this would even be necessary!”

Bodhi staggered back as if struck, her eyes wide with disbelief. She knew Jon blamed her for the part she played in getting them into this mess, but she never truly realized the depths of his hatred. She always believed they would get out of it, as usual. It had always been that way with them. No matter what amount of trouble they managed to get into, Jon never failed to find a means of escape.

Granted, their current situation was a bit more complicated then their previous escapades, but Jon was brilliant. He had already solved part of the problem. He would soon solve the rest.

“Fine.” She thought, hardening herself against his glare. “If that is the way he wants it, so be it then. I have my own plans to attend to.”

“Very well, Jon.” She said aloud. “But I still think you should take a moment to remember the more simple pleasures life has to offer.”

Easing back up against him, she slid a finger lightly along his shoulder before reaching out and pulling him back toward her soft curves. Her hands slipped beneath his tunic and moved up his back, her nails raking lightly across his skin as she sought to press him closer to her body.

She moved her arms lower, running her hands down the muscular thighs and massaging her way forward. Her fingers passed over the lacings of his trousers and she smiled at what she found. Jon may insist that he had no interest in her charms, but his body was responding quite nicely to her advances. It appeared he had not forgotten all that they had once shared.

At the moment of Bodhi’s discovery, Irenicus called an immediate halt to any further explorations. Taking hold of her hands and prying them off his body, he pinned them behind her back and glared down at her coldly.

“I already told you that I have no interest in anything you have to offer. Your continued attempts to seduce me are as futile as they are annoying. I suggest you do not try to distract me again or I will be forced to do something…unpleasant”

Smiling with an amusement that did not reach her eyes, Bodhi nodded once to show that she understood.

“Good.” He stated, releasing her. “Now, if you will excuse me. I will retrieve the Bhaalspawn myself since you obviously have trouble following simple instructions.”

Bodhi held her breath, keeping the false smile plastered on her face until Jon was through the doorway and out of sight. When she felt it was safe enough to do so, she hurried after him and stepped into hall, looking up at the ceiling. One of the sentry bats immediately detached itself from a beam and flew down to hover before her. She took hold of it, communicating with her servant, sending mental images of what had occurred and where Irenicus was heading.

“Find Valen.” She relayed urgently. “Tell her she is out of time. I couldn’t keep him here long enough. GO!”

The bat took off, racing silently down the hallway to pass the message on to the next sentry.

Bodhi looked back into the main room, glancing at each of the chambers, debating for a moment on what she should do next. Her instincts screamed for her to stop wasting time and get out before Jon discovered his prisoners were gone, but she hesitated. If she released the Shadow Thieves, then all of Jon’s carefully laid plans would fall to dust. There would be no starting over somewhere new; there was no time to. She knew if she did this, she would live and Jon would die.

She took at few steps back into the room when the second sentry bat floated down from the ceiling a materialized before her. She watched as the vampire knelt before her, paying homage to his mistress before stating his intentions.

“Your time is short, Mistress.” He told her. “ You should waste no more time here. Go. I will take care of them.” He gestured toward the imprisoned Shadow Thieves.

“You know how important this is?” Bodhi asked.

The vampire nodded. “I also know what he will do if he catches you. My life is forfeit. Take this chance and get out. Quickly. Before he returns.”

Bodhi took leave of her faithful servant, turning on her heel and not looking back. She knew the job would be done. The Shadow Thieves she and her guild had spent weeks capturing would be released and Jon would be able to do nothing about it. No amount of brilliance would be able to save him now.

She felt a slight twinge of guilt about betraying Jon in such a manner, but there was nothing she could do about it now. She had taken the first steps on her path years ago and there was no way she could ever turn back.

The guilt was short lived, however and Bodhi smiled as she shifted into her gaseous form and floated silently down the hallway. The only thing she had left to do was wait out the final days until Jon’s inevitable demise.

Everything was working out perfectly.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOOHOO! What a Ride!

Some people are like slinkies. They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs!!

Dyslexia of Borg: Your ass will be laminated

Solaufein Flirt Pack


#5 Jolyth


    Feather Boa Wielding Dominatrix

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Posted 31 March 2004 - 08:11 AM

Oh, I hope my brain lock is over! Enjoy!


“So, young samurai. You are ready for me.”

Yoshimo’s voice pierced through the glare of light and Anomen lowered his hand to better see the Bounty Hunter.

“Traitorous fiend!” The knight snarled. “You dare to show up here and speak to me as if we are friends?”

Anomen started forward, wanting nothing more than to wrap his hands about the other man’s throat and feel the satisfying crunch of shattering bone beneath his fingers. He got as far as the door before two vampires materialized in the cell and grabbed hold of his large frame, halting his murderous advance. He struggled to break free, spouting curses at Yoshimo, who remained standing in the doorway, a sad look on his face.

“Still so angry.” He said quietly.

“What do you expect?” Anomen cried. “We befriended you! We accepted you among us and treated you as an equal! You! A thief! A lousy foreigner! And this is how you repay our kindness? With backstabbing treachery?”

Yoshimo listened to every curse Anomen had to shout at him, nodding his head in silent agreement. When the torrent of insults finally abated, he took the opportunity to try and calmly explain the situation to the young knight.

“I understand that you are angry, young knight. And I will offer no excuses for my actions, but I will beg that you set aside your wrath for a moment and hear what I have to say.”

“And why should I listen to any of your filthy lies?” Anomen demanded. “I have been shoved into this dank hole, separated from those I care about and now you arrive, with two vampires no less, and ask me to hear you out!”

“Yes.” Yoshimo responded.

“Well, my answer to you is no. I will not listen to what you have to say and you can rot in hell with the demon servants you have restraining me.”

“I was afraid you were going to say that.” Yoshimo sighed. “Very well.”

Without another word, he rummaged through his many pockets, finally coming forth with a bit of rope and some cloth. He tossed the items to one of the vampires who bound Anomen’s arms securely behind his back. Anomen began struggling anew, trying to break free, but it was no use. The vampires held him securely, their combined grips like steel and more than a match for even the knight’s considerable strength.

Yoshimo watched the scene dispassionately, his face a blank slate. “I tried to give you an easy way out of this, but you are young and you are stubborn. Since you are not willing to cooperate, then you will have to simply wait and see with your eyes that my intentions are honorable.”

“Bastard!” Anomen managed to spit out before the cloth was slipped through his teeth and tied snugly about his head.

“Bring him.” Yoshimo told the vampires. “We’re late as it is.”

Anomen growled something unintelligible against the gag and dug his heels into the ground when the vampires tried to drag him forward. He hurled his weight against them, attempting to throw them off balance and break away. He managed to slip free from one and collapsed on the ground pulling the other with him.

Having finally had enough, the vampire sat on Anomen’s chest and backhanded him across the face so hard that blood spewed forth from his nose. With an incredible display of strength, he then flipped the dazed knight over his shoulder and strode out the room after his companion.

Yoshimo picked up the bundle Bodhi had given him and smiled. “I told you he was stubborn.”

“But you failed to mention stupid.” The vampire responded.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOOHOO! What a Ride!

Some people are like slinkies. They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs!!

Dyslexia of Borg: Your ass will be laminated

Solaufein Flirt Pack


#6 Jolyth


    Feather Boa Wielding Dominatrix

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Posted 01 April 2004 - 06:49 AM

I don't know what to say. Three times in three days! Hope you enjoy! :)


Journal Entry – Date Unknown

I have no idea how long we were trapped within our cell here in Spellhold. Valen released us, and while I hate to admit it, if it had not been for her intervention, we’d still be trying to figure a way out. No matter our attempts at escape, the cell door refused to budge until she opened it.

We are following her now, even though every fiber in my being screams that something is wrong. My nerve ends are tingling and my hand is shaking as I make this entry. Perhaps it is just the fact that I cannot stand the idea of having to rely on someone, no, something, that refused to answer any of the questions I have asked. She merely looks away, swearing that her intentions are honorable and that she can be trusted, but I am still wary. How can I place my faith in the very creatures that are in league with Irenicus?

My companions are cautious as well, but they won’t voice their concerns aloud. Not to me. They follow me without question, obeying my every command. They rely on my judgement in such matters, just as they always have.

The whole thing makes me sick.

I look at them, and see their eyes so full of trust and faith that it makes me want to scream. They look back at me, their faces alive with expectation. I have no idea why they think I have all the answers. They believe I will see them through every damn obstacle we face and I want to yell at them to stop relying on me so much!

Why does it always have to be me?

Because I am the leader, that’s why. It’s my responsibility and I owe them so much. If it wasn’t for me, Khalid would still be alive and Minsc would not have lost Dynaheir. In spite of their own losses, they have remained at my side, willing to continue on no matter the physical, spiritual or emotional cost to them.

Shameful as it is, sometimes I wish they were not here. Not because I feel guilty, but because I am tired. Tired of the whining and the complaints and the “advice” they keep tossing my way. They want answers and they want revenge, but they want it on their terms. Follow the balance this and take the honorable course that. Choose this companion and accept that quest. They want me to tell them what to do with their lives and then hound me for confirmation that they are doing the right thing.


They have me so riled up sometimes that I can feel the anger boiling in my veins.

It’s getting harder to control. The rage. I can feel it throbbing just below the surface, waiting to explode. I fear that at any moment I might lose the control that Gorion was so careful to instill in me.


Did he know?

I wonder sometimes, about my mentor. He knew who I was. What I was. Did he fear then as I do now? Did he wonder what might happen when I became older? Is that the real reason he tried to smuggle me away from Candlekeep? Not because of his fear of Sarevok, but because he feared the power that is part of my divine heritage?

So many questions. So few answers. And so many dead along the way.

I am so tired. All I want to do is sleep. I want to forget, if only for a moment.

But, the rage…

Kaiane dropped her journal as a stab of pain bored its way through the base of her skull. Like the pain she had experienced upon awakening, only this was ten times worse. At first she had thought it to be a side effect of Yoshimo’s potion, but now she was not so certain. Closing her eyes, she sat motionless for a moment, her hands clamped over her neck as she waited for the pain to subside. Waves of nausea washed over her body and she desperately willed herself not to be sick. She leaned back, her head coming to rest against the cold stone wall behind her. If she could just sit quietly for a moment, clear her mind of everything, then maybe the pain would go away like it had before.

The light touch of a hand on her shoulder brought Kaiane’s eyes open again and she looked up at the concerned face of Valen.

“Are you alright?” She asked.

Kaiane snatched her arm away from the vampire with a snarl. “Don’t touch me. I’m fine”

“Well, you certainly don’t look fine!” Valen snapped back. “You should tell me now if you are sick because I most certainly did not go through all this trouble just to have you collapse on me.”

“I said I was fine!” Kaiane repeated, using the wall for support as she struggled to her feet. Spots danced wildly before her eyes, but she was damned if she was going to let Valen see that she really was ill.

“You don’t have to worry about me slowing us down or collapsing.” She continued. “No doubt you’d just step over me and continue on anyway, leaving me the same way you planned on leaving Jaheira!”

Valen’s said nothing at first. Instead, she looked over to where Minsc, Kelsey and Tiax were keeping a silent vigil by the druidess’ side. When she turned back to Kaiane, she saw the distrust and hatred burning brightly in the other woman’s dark eyes.

“I had my reasons for suggesting the druidess remain behind.” She said at last. “I still do.”

“Wouldn’t care to share those with me now would you?” Kaiane asked.


Kaiane snorted in disgust. “Bloody vampire.” She muttered.

“That is what I am, Kaiane,” Valen told her, “and I will offer no apologies for that fact. There is nothing I can do to change what I am, nor can I change your opinion of me. We are natural enemies and our instinctive hatred of each other is something neither one of us can easily set aside.”

“However,” she continued, holding up her hand when Kaiane opened her mouth to speak. “I do ask that you at least look at the facts. I freed you from your prison. I am leading you to your friends and from there we will go on to the exit so that you can escape this place. I have kidnapped you right out from under Irenicus’ boot!”

Valen looked directly at Kaiane, her undead eyes flashing with an eerie light. “If you cannot place your trust in me,” she said, “then at least place it in what you have witnessed with your own eyes.”

Kaiane stood very still, meeting the vampire stare for stare.

“I will agree that you have yet to lead us astray.” She admitted grudgingly. “But, you stated yourself that you work for Bodhi. And Bodhi works for Irenicus. I don’t see the reasoning behind her wanting us free.”

Valen sighed heavily, casting another look over toward the others.

“I realize that there is much you want to know,” she said, “and I swear to you that I will tell you everything when we are out of here. I will sit down with you, and if it takes all night, I will answer anything you ask of me.”

Kaiane frowned darkly and said nothing. It was all too obvious by her expression that she though Valen’s proposal was a load of crap.

“We should go.” Valen continued. “We don’t want to be late in meeting the others.”

Kaiane gathered her things and made her way over to the rest of the party, gritting her teeth in frustration. For a second, she had been tempted to release the anger she had been suppressing, but she managed to rein it in at the last moment. Valen’s evasiveness, on top of worry for her companions was steadily wearing away at Kaiane’s patience. If she did not get some answers soon, there was no telling what she might do.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOOHOO! What a Ride!

Some people are like slinkies. They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs!!

Dyslexia of Borg: Your ass will be laminated

Solaufein Flirt Pack


#7 Jolyth


    Feather Boa Wielding Dominatrix

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:33 AM

?I told you to leave the Druid behind!? Yoshimo whispered.

?I tried!!? Valen responded. ?She wouldn?t leave unless we brought her. I did what I could, but if I had refused to bring her, we?d still be stuck in the cell arguing about it.?

?This complicates matters, Valen.?

Valen reached out and took hold of Yoshimo?s hand. ?It will be alright, Love. We?ve come this far and soon we will be out of this place. The druid will no longer be a bother to us.?

?Why don?t you explain that to me??

Conversation ceased as Kaiane joined the small group of conspirators. They looked at her calmly, their faces devoid of any expression. Yoshimo, smooth as always, smiled broadly and held out his arms in a welcoming gesture.

?Lady Kaiane!? He beamed. ?Tis good to see you fully recovered! Then again, I have yet to see a cell that can hold you captive.?

?Yes, yes, yes.? Kaiane responded, her own smile tight across her face. ?Fully recovered no thanks to you.?

?Ahhh, yes. I am partly to blame for your current predicament, but I was forced, surely you understand that. Irenicus places a Geas upon all who serve him and I had no choice but to follow my orders.?

Kaiane stared at the Bounty Hunter evenly and said nothing.

?However,? Yoshimo continued, ?we managed to find a way around it and here you stand, only a few steps away from your freedom!?

?Hmmmm.? Kaiane nodded absently. ?Yes. And since we are only steps away from freedom, perhaps you can spare a few moments to explain to me why Valen, and now you, wanted Jaheira left behind.?

Yoshimo stared beyond Kaiane to where Anomen was helping the druidess up to a sitting position, his Heal spell apparently successful. Although she looked confused by her surroundings, Jaheira smiled warmly at the cleric as he offered soothing words and explained their current situation.

?How can I tell her?? Yoshimo thought to himself. ?How can I make her understand??

?She deserves to know.? Valen said, reading his thoughts. ?You have to tell her.?

?That?s what I?m waiting on.? Kaiane snapped, her patience finally at its end. ?So would one of you, I don?t care which one, please tell me what in the nine hells is going on??

After a moment of consideration, Yoshimo nodded, his thoughts gathered and his mouth opening to speak.

?As you have already guessed, Lady Kaiane, things are not always what they seem. Plans change, alliances become twisted, enemies become friends and friends turn on you for more lucrative opportunities.?

A cold fear washed over Kaiane as she listened to what Yoshimo had to say. Suddenly, she wanted him to be quiet. She no longer felt a need to have answers to all of her questions and concerns.

?Some things are better left alone.?

Gorion?s voice echoed in her head and she almost clamped a hand over Yoshimo?s mouth to stop the words from flowing. She actually took a step forward with the intent of putting action to thought when a wail of intense pain brought her up short. She spun on her heel in time to see her companions backing away from the horror that lay at their feet.

Anomen, still kneeling on the chamber floor, clutched at a dagger that protruded from his chest, the blade embedded in his body up to the hilt. Jaheira, her eyes alight with a strange fire, grinned wickedly at the damage she had just wrought and brought her bloodied hands up before her, a spell emerging quickly from her lips.

Kaiane watched helplessly as Anomen tumbled to the ground, blood bubbling forth from his mouth while his hand weakly trying to pull the dagger from his chest. Kelsey stumbled over his robe in his haste to back away and call up a defensive spell of his own. Minsc, an expression of utter confusion on his face, drew his sword but hesitated against raising his arm against one of his own.

Jaheira finished her casting first and a sword of flame appeared in her hands. She leapt to her feet and ran at Minsc, a feral cry of rage erupting from her lungs as she swung at the ranger. Minsc fell back, managing to block the attack enough so that the sword only caught him a glancing blow on the arm.

?Jaheira!? He cried plaintively. ?Stop! It is me! It is Minsc! You do not want to hurt me and leave Boo with no one to care for him do you??

The druidess ignored the ranger?s plea and continued her mindless attack, her anger too out of control to make her aim truly effective.

Kelsey finished his spell and a Chromatic Orb flew from his fingertips. The globe of energy slammed into Jaheira?s side, sparks flying at the impact, but the woman brushed it off without bothering to stop her assault on Minsc.

Recovering from her shock, Kaiane ran toward Anomen, reaching him at the same time as Tiax. The old gnome, looking surprisingly sane, knelt next to the injured knight and quickly assessed the extent of the damage.

?She got him good,? he said, ?but not good enough. She missed is heart by a couple of inches there. Lousy aim on that one?

?Hold him still!? Kaiane ordered. ?When I nod, pull out the knife!? She raised her hands to begin casting, realizing that her Cure Light Wound spells were limited, but she would at least be able to slow the bleeding.

?Hold on now Little Monkey.? The gnome responded. ?Let?s see what we got here. Oooooh! This is bad!? He said, shaking his head. ?You see this?? He pointed at the wound. ?Blade caught the bone here. Lucky if it doesn?t break off in there!?

?Please.? Kaiane begged through clenched teeth. ?Can you please, just do what I ask for once??

Tiax shook his head. ?Your spells wouldn?t cure a headache. Best leave it to an expert.?

Knowing what he said was true, Kaiane sat back on her heels and watched while Tiax gripped the hilt of the dagger and yanked it out of Anomen?s chest, tossing it aside. Blood spewed forth at the release of pressure and Tiax stared at it with intense interest.

Once the blade was clear, Kaiane automatically clamped her hand over the wound in a futile attempt to stop the flow of blood and give the gnome time to cast a heal spell. Her eyes met those of the dying man beneath her and she tried to smile bravely at him.

?Don?t you leave me.? She told him gently. ?I?m not ready to give you up yet.?

Around them, the sounds of battle continued as Minsc, Kelsey and the others tried to subdue Jaheira without harming her too much. She fought like a crazed animal, screaming curses at the people surrounding her while continuing her unprovoked attacks. She cast spells as she swung, something Kaiane had never seen done before and did not think was possible. Animals, insects and elementals sprang forth to aid the druidess in her fight, increasing the confusion and damage with each additional spell.

Still standing off to the side, Valen could not understand how things had gotten so out of hand. She had known the druidess was up to something and she cursed herself for letting down her guard. Her failure was going to cost them dearly for all the noise caused by the battle was sure to bring Irenicus down their throats. They needed help.

Closing her eyes, she sent a call sweeping down the halls of the Asylum to each of her undead kin, begging they come to her aid. Each one sent a response before heading off to the Gauntlet in an effort to offer what assistance they could.

Valen felt some measure of relief that the situation would soon be back under control. With the help of the others, she would kill the druidess if she had too. There were no other alternatives.

As she moved to help the others, one last image floated through her mind, its content stopping her cold.

Irenicus was coming.

Edited by Jolyth, 01 June 2004 - 05:38 AM.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOOHOO! What a Ride!

Some people are like slinkies. They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs!!

Dyslexia of Borg: Your ass will be laminated

Solaufein Flirt Pack


#8 Jolyth


    Feather Boa Wielding Dominatrix

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Posted 09 July 2004 - 01:44 PM

I hate Writer's Block <_<


From her perch on the second floor, Bodhi watched calmly as Jaheira unleashed a fury of attacks upon her companions. She was not surprised that it happened, but she was curious as to why it had taken so long for the nature brat to crack. She figured that any woman who watched her husband be eviscerated and sucked dry would have lost her sanity long before now. Apparently the druidess was made of slightly stronger stuff.

Bodhi shrugged at her thoughts. No matter. She could care less if the druidess ripped the rest of the companions to shreds. All that mattered was that her plans were followed through to the end.

She was about to turn away, trusting Valen to see get the situation back under control, when something unusual caught her eye. Moving nearer to the edge of the balcony, Bodhi studied the chaos below with a bit more scrutiny.

Jaheira had just finished taking a vicious one handed swipe at Kelsey, the tip of her summoned sword ripping open the front of the mage?s robe and leaving behind a sizable gash in its wake. At the same moment, she threw out her other hand and directed a Charm spell at the Ranger, Minsc.

The vampire frowned in confusion. There was no way the druidess should have been able to do that. Even a highly experienced mage would be unable to perform such an act since the amount of concentration required to cast a spell was enormous. Jaheira?s abilities were split evenly between swordplay and the command of magic, so it simply was not possible for her to summon and parry at the same time.


With a gasp of understanding, Bodhi staggered away from the railing. Desperately she contacted Valen, sending a single command that could not be ignored.

?Kill the druidess.? She demanded. ?NOW!?

On the first floor, Valen, who had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of her kin, jumped as her mistress?s command boomed through her mind. Without hesitation, she ran to Yoshimo, the Bounty Hunter having just finished off the elemental he had been battling. He turned at the sound of Valen?s voice and listened intently, his face displaying no expression as she relayed Bodhi?s instructions.

A true assassin, Yoshimo nodded once to show that he understood and then dug into his pouch, pulling forth a potion and a small cloth wrapped bundle. Thrusting the bundle into Valen?s hands, he downed the potion and quickly vanished from sight.

From her vantage point, Bodhi smiled as she watched Yoshimo disappear from view. Gone from the sight of a mere mortal, but not from her. Using her vampire sight, she followed the heat outline of his body as he expertly wove his way through the conjured elementals toward the enraged druidess.

Jaheira, lost in her madness, never knew he was there.


Imoen knew she was dreaming. She knew it had to be because she was back at Candlekeep, standing outside the library?s great walls, watching as Gorion and Kaiane disappeared into the surrounding woods.

She had seen Kaiane earlier in the day, running all over the keep performing mysterious errands for her guardian, and she had been frustrated that her childhood friend had refused to share the details of her mission. Determined to find out what was going on, she had followed the paladin, dodging her footsteps all morning in an attempt to sate her curiosity. As the day wore on, she grew increasingly disappointed when nothing Kaiane did gave away any hint of what Gorion had in mind. Unwilling to give up on what promised to be deliciously interesting, Imoen had continued her spying and now it looked as if her efforts were about to pay off.

Using every ounce of her thieving ability, Imoen silently followed the two as they quickly made their way through the darkening forest. She remained a distance behind them, creeping from one great oak to the next, trying to keep them in her sights without giving away her position.

Before long, they came to the edge of a clearing. They halted for a moment, staring at the grassy stretch of land, awash in a silver glow of moonlight that gave it a strange and somewhat ethereal look. Still beneath the cover of trees, Imoen?s watched as Gorion and Kaiane stepped into the open.

The mage and his ward had just reached the middle of the clearing when the moon disappeared behind a layer of clouds and several figures materialized out of the darkness and joined the pair.

Knowing that this was the reason she had followed them in the first place, Imoen leaned in to listen. The murmur of voices carried through the still night, but she was too far away for the words to come across clearly. She was going to have to move closer.
Easing her way forward, she moved in as far as she dared in order to try again.

The tree she finally stopped at was huge, its enormous trunk more than enough to hide the lithe girl. Pressing her face against the rough bark, Imoen slowed her breathing and strained to hear the conversation. She was just able to make out some of the words when a tiny shower of twigs rained down on her head, drowning out the speakers and causing her to lose track of the conversation.

Tsking in annoyance, Imoen looked up, expecting to see a squirrel or bird of some sort, making itself comfortable before settling in for the night. What she saw instead was a large shadow, carefully hidden and barely noticeable among the leaves. She would have missed it herself if not for her thief trained eyes.

The figure shifted again, ever so slightly and it was then that she noticed the loaded crossbow aimed at Gorion and Kaiane.

Suddenly, Imoen desperately wished she were back at Candlekeep.

She opened her mouth to yell out a warning when the murmur of voices in the clearing abruptly turned to shouts and Imoen realized it was already too late. She heard Gorion order Kaiane to run and watched her friend take a bolt in the shoulder when she turned to flee.

Desperate to help, Imoen pulled her Magic Missile wand out of her pouch and pointed it up at the figure in the tree. Taking careful aim, she fired a volley of charges at the archer, knocking him off balance and disrupting his next shot.

Stunned but not really hurt, the archer turned to stare at Imoen and, with a snarl, quickly began to make his way down out of the tree.

?Time to go!? Imoen chirped and activating her stealth, faded into the blackness.

In the clearing, spells raged back and forth as Gorion tried to fight off his attackers in order to give Kaiane time to get away. It was a useless attempt however, for the mage was greatly outnumbered. His body was covered in wounds, many of them severe, and he was rapidly running out of spells.

Realizing he was near his end, Gorion used the last strong spell he had in his memory. Ignoring the pain that wracked his body, he recited the words while his enemies moved in closer.

Imoen saw what Gorion was about to do and knew there was no way she would be able to stop him. She collapsed to the ground as the clearing exploded in a violent ball of fire, scorching the surrounding area and enveloping her in waves of heat.

The last thing she heard before she blacked out were the screams. She never realized they were her own.


Edited by Jolyth, 12 July 2004 - 06:33 AM.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOOHOO! What a Ride!

Some people are like slinkies. They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs!!

Dyslexia of Borg: Your ass will be laminated

Solaufein Flirt Pack


#9 Jolyth


    Feather Boa Wielding Dominatrix

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Posted 12 July 2004 - 09:44 AM

O.K., I'm cracking the whip! :P


The screams eventually found their way through the darkness that clouded her mind. She tried to tune them out, wanting nothing more than to sink back down into the emptiness that promised a restful escape from the harshness of the real world.

The voices were persistent however, and soon they were accompanied by other sounds that Imoen?s foggy mind could not ignore. The clash of steel against steel and the familiar chant of a spell being cast worked their way deeper into her being and forced her body awake.

At first Imoen was confused. Surely the battle between Gorion and the mysterious figures had ended? It had to have. There was no way anyone could have survived the deadly fireball the mage had become during his final moments of life.

Then she remembered the archer hidden in the trees. There might have been others who had been positioned far enough back to avoid the blast. That would explain the sounds of battle, but who would they be fighting?


The name rang through Imoen?s mind and everything came back to her in a rush. She wasn?t back in the clearing the night Gorion had died, she was in Spellhold, the Asylum, held captive by the mage Irenicus. The sounds of battle she was hearing had to be Kaiane coming to free her.

Smiling, the young mage tried desperately to chase off the last of the fog that clouded her mind. Since her friend had gone through all the trouble to come and get her, the least she could do was lend a hand in the rescue attempt!

The first thing Imoen saw when she opened her eyes was Jaheira and Minsc engaged in battle with a man she did not recognize. She watched as each one took a determined swipe at the head of the man, a mage judging by his robes. The mage managed to dodge the swings and then called up a Fire Shield in an attempt to keep his attackers at bay. From behind the safety of his defensive wall, he withdrew his sling and began hurling bullets at the other two, adding more damage to that caused by the shield.

Eager to prevent a repeat of the night Gorion died, Imoen quickly called forth a Breach spell and sent it whistling through the air toward the robed man. Her aim fell true and her attack managed to bring down the mage?s defenses and allow Jaheira to land a blow of her own.

?Gotcha!? Imoen smiled when the druidess?s flaming sword cut another path across her assailant?s already wounded chest.

Raising her hands to cast another spell, Imoen lost her concentration when a hand gripped her from behind and spun her around viciously.

?What the hell are you doing?!?? A furious Kaiane demanded.

Imoen stared at her friend in amazement. ?He was attacking them!?

?THEY'RE CHARMED!? Kaiane yelled.

Imoen?s mouth formed an O of surprise and she looked back to where a very bloody Minsc and Jaheira were moving in to finish off the barely standing Kelsey.

?Do you have Dispell or Domination memorized? Anything?? Kaiane asked.

?I do.? Anomen interrupted.

Stepping ahead of the two women, the newly healed priest recited the words of the spell and flung his arms out toward Jaheira and Minsc. Small globes of white light enveloped the two, the magic seeking out and nullifying the effects of any previous spells.

Minsc, his sword raised high above his head, just managed to halt his attack as the Charm spell dissipated and released its hold on his mind. He looked around, confused as to why he was about to bring his sword crashing down onto Kelsey?s head.

The spell had no such effect on Jaheira. It fizzled out to nothingness and she continued her assault on Kelsey, the mage reduced to holding his staff out before him in an attempt to ward off the blows.

?Try again.? Kaiane ordered.

Anomen shook his head apologetically. ?I?m out.? He said and grimly pulled out his giant warhammer instead.

Before he got very far, a shimmering image appeared a few feet behind the druidess and moved in closer.

With the natural and efficient grace of his class, Yoshimo unsheathed his dagger and rammed it into Jaheira?s back. The blade slid into her body easily, severing her spinal cord and slashing through her vital organs.

Jaheira experienced a sharp flash of intense pain before her body functions ceased and her legs crumpled beneath her weight.

Yoshimo, an expression of sadness and regret evident upon his face, caught the dead woman around the waist and eased her gently to the floor.


With the druidess finally out of the way, the chaos she had wrought at last began to subside and Valen once more took charge of the situation. Bodhi listened as the other vampire told Kaiane that even though Irenicus was on his way, there was still time for the godchild and her party to get out of the Asylum.

Bodhi agreed wholeheartedly and with one final message to her servant, she melted back into the shadows, her only thought to get the hell out of there before Irenicus discovered what she had done.


Edited by Jolyth, 12 July 2004 - 11:08 AM.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOOHOO! What a Ride!

Some people are like slinkies. They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs!!

Dyslexia of Borg: Your ass will be laminated

Solaufein Flirt Pack


#10 Jolyth


    Feather Boa Wielding Dominatrix

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Posted 13 July 2004 - 08:03 AM

Irenicus?s eyes flew open and then closed again as the world around him titled precariously. He placed his hand against the wall to steady himself, cursing his body and its ever increasing weakness. The effort required for his spell casting was taking more of a toll on him of late, and the time it took to recover had doubled from what it had previously been. His time was growing shorter with each passing day and if he did not get his hands on the Godchild soon, it would be too late.

He rubbed a hand across the back of his neck, startled to find it damp with sweat. With a hiss of annoyance, he wiped the moisture away and willed his body into a calmer state of being. His hand shook uncontrollably and he glared down at fingers that refused to obey his command. A smear of red caught his attention and, bringing the hand closer to his face, he found that instead of sweat, his fingers were coated in a thin layer of blood.

?Close.? He thought. ?Too close. Another second and I might not have made it back.?

For a moment he wondered if the price of his latest spell had been too high. Then he thought about how close he had come to reclaiming what he had lost and he smiled. There was no doubt in his mind. The effects his body now suffered were definitely worth the cost it had taken to control the druidess.

It had been so simple for him, a mage of immense power, to control the distraught mind of Kaiane?s most trusted companion. Using a variation of the Domination spell, he had eased his way into the smallest cracks on the druidess?s rigid mind, shaping himself into the image of her dead husband, Khalid. With this disguise, he had subtly bent her to his will, slowly taking over control of her body while still retaining his own abilities.

?Pathetic fools!? He thought to himself. ?You have no idea the power I have at my fingertips.?

But for how much longer? An inner voice taunted. How long before you become so weak that it will require days for you to recover from even the simplest of spells? How long before your body is only able to summon the magic sporadically? And when you do manage to call it forth, how do you propose to control it? How long do you have before everything comes crashing down around you?

Irenicus blocked out the voice with a snarl and concentrated harder on getting his vision back into focus. At long last, the swirling colors solidified into to their proper state of being and he was finally able to see straight once more. He did not bother to try and reestablish his connection to the druidess. The wound on the back of his neck was all the evidence he needed to know that she was already dead.

With renewed determination, Irenicus quickened his pace down the hallway, taking the same path Valen and the others had earlier.


Kaiane stood over Jaheira?s lifeless body holding the Rod of Resurrection tightly in her hand. She knelt down next to her friend and placed one end of the rod against the other woman?s chest, preparing to summon her friend back from the netherworld.

?Do you really want to do that?? Yoshimo asked, crouching next to Kaiane.

?Don?t talk to me.? Kaiane said.

Taking a risk, Yoshimo ignored the request and instead placed his hand out to halt the magical rod from making a connection with Jaheira?s body. Kaiane?s head snapped up and she glared at the Bounty Hunter, her eyes full of venom and unshed tears.

?Get out of my way, Yoshimo.? She demanded. ?I won?t tell you again.?

?I?m only asking you to think about this for a moment, Lady Kaiane.? Yoshimo pressed. ?What if she begins to attack us again after you bring her back? After the damage she has already wrought, do you think you have enough heal spells and potions to withstand another attack from the druidess??

Kaiane looked over her shoulder to where Anomen and Imoen were tending to the battle worn Minsc and Kelsey. Under the careful direction of Tiax, the ranger and mage were showing improvement as they downed potions and accepted the spells the clerics had to offer.

?How many more times do you wish for me to kill her before you accept that perhaps this is what destiny has planned out for her?? Yoshimo asked, regaining the paladin?s attention. ?Did you stop to think that maybe, just maybe, this is what she would prefer??

?No one would prefer death over life!? Kaiane snapped.

?Indeed?? Yoshimo asked. ?Are you so sure??

Kaiane paused for a moment as the man?s words finally began to penetrate her tired and stressed out brain. She knew all too well that Jaheira had been devastated over the loss of her beloved husband. Even though she somehow managed to drag herself through each day without him, the druidess was only a shadow of her former self, a wasted version of the woman she had once been.

As she thought of these things, Kaiane had to wonder, what if the druidess was with Khalid at that moment, their souls united once again now that death had claimed them both? How could she rip Jaheira away from her husband and ask her to continue her life without him? Maybe she would prefer death to going on without Khalid. Unfortunately, Jaheira had never once made her wishes known to Kaiane.

?Perhaps she would prefer death to life.? Kaiane said at last. ?But she is going to have to tell me that herself.?

?Very well.? Yoshimo sighed. ?However, I would ask that you wait until we are gone from this place. If she does turn on us again, best that it occur outside. It would not do to have Irenicus happen upon us here and find us in a weakened and disorganized state.?

Kaiane nodded at the suggestion and stowed the rod back into her pack. She was about to close it when a thought occurred to her. Reaching deeper into the pack, she dug around through the various bottles, scrolls and weapons, her fingers questing for a specific item. After a moment of searching she located it and with a satisfied smile, pulled forth a tiny figurine in the shape of a spider.

Placing her lips next to the figure, Kaiane whispered the creature?s name before setting it on the ground and backing away. Seconds later, Kitthix emerged and stood awaiting her mistress?s command.

?We need someone to carry Jaheira?s body.? Kaiane told Yoshimo when the Bounty Hunter questioned her intent.

Hurriedly, the group pulled itself together again. Anomen fastened on his armor while Kelsey checked his scrolls, offering some to Imoen since she had just about exhausted her supply. Minsc, still looking confused, double-checked that Boo was tucked safely away while Tiax danced around barking orders like a commander in the Amnish Army.

Yoshimo checked his weapons and moved over to stand next to Valen, who was impatiently waiting beside her bretheren.

?I hate to put a rush on this,? she said as Jaheria?s body was wrapped in webbing and hefted onto Kittix?s back, ?but I seem to remember that Irenicus is on his way.?

Kaiane offered no response other than to motion the giant spider forward. Then, with the others gathered behind her, the paladin stood before the vampire, hand resting casually on her sword.

Valen breathed an audible sigh of relief and she began to lead them forward. She made for the stairwell directly opposite, but Yoshimo halted her and pointed in the other direction.

?We have what we need.? He said, indicating the bundle he had given her earlier. ?Everything has been dealt with.?

The vampire gave her lover a wide smile of gratefulness and quickly changed direction to take the western stair. Once at the top, Valen pulled out the bundle Yoshimo had given her and withdrew the items it contained. Kaiane peeked over out of curiosity and her face screwed up in disgust when she saw what was inside.

?Hungry?? She asked

Valen shot the undead hunter an annoyed look. ?Cute.? She sneered.

?The hand belongs to a vampire by the name of Dace Sontan.? Yoshimo interrupted before an argument could start. ?He was one of the directors here when Irenicus was first taken into custody. He was the only one to survive Jon?s escape from the cells so Bodhi changed him and then placed him down here as a guard dog for the maze.?

?So where?s the rest of him?? Kaiane asked.

?During his time down here, Dace went quite mad.? Yoshimo continued. ?He somehow managed to bar the one way out of this hell hole. He fixed the exit so that only by his death would anyone be able to continue through the maze and obtain freedom. While Irenicus held you and your companions in custody, I entered the maze and released Dace from his torment. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement.?

?Works for me.? Kaiane shrugged. ?One less bloodsucker in the world.?

With a glare in her eyes, Valen finished placing the crystal and hand on the platform and whirled around to face Kaiane.

?Look you little??

Before she could finish her retort, a high-pitched whine filled the cavern and the two vampires standing guard at the rear were blasted to pieces by an unseen force. Turning, they discovered Irenicus standing at the top of the opposite stair, his hands crackling with power as he readied another spell.

?RUN!? Yoshimo shouted, pushing Valen toward the now open exit.

Readying his bow, he ran back down the stairs and across the great room toward Irenicus. He knew what he was doing was pointless since the Geas would never allow him to attack the mage directly. He had an idea on how launch an indirect attack however, and he hoped that his plan would work.

Notching a Detonation Arrow, he took careful aim at the archway above the entrance.

Irenicus saw what the Bounty Hunter meant to do and redirected the focus of his building spell. As the energy flew from his fingertips, the portal behind him opened and he was suddenly surrounded by dozens of tiny winged creatures.

Valen?s brethren had finally arrived to help.


Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOOHOO! What a Ride!

Some people are like slinkies. They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs!!

Dyslexia of Borg: Your ass will be laminated

Solaufein Flirt Pack


#11 Jolyth


    Feather Boa Wielding Dominatrix

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Posted 29 July 2004 - 07:25 AM

From the opposite side of the room, the companions watched as the army of bats buried Irenicus under a fluttering mass of leathery wings and sharp biting teeth. The onslaught was so intense that it forced the mage to call off his spell casting in order to deal with the newly arrived threat.

Kaiane held her breath anxiously while below her, Yoshimo finally stepped within firing range and unleashed a Detonation Arrow at the archway above the portal. His aim was true and the projectile blasted through the stone, leaving a gaping hole in its wake. Yoshimo smiled and, hurriedly notching another arrow, sent it speeding after the first.

Realizing what the Bounty Hunter intended to do, Kaiane ordered Kelsey and Imoen to direct whatever spells they could at the wall. The explosions in the room became deafening as more arrows, Magic Missiles, Fireballs and Chromatic Orbs were hurled at the steadily weakening stone.

Covering her ears, Kaiane glanced over her shoulder to her other companions and saw Anomen beckoning to her from the doorway. Minsc, Tiax and Kitthix had already gone through and the cleric was desperately trying to get the rest of them to follow suit.

?My Lady!? He yelled over the din. ?We must leave now!?

Kaiane nodded at him and waited for the two mages to finish their casting before steering each one toward the giant head shaped door. She was almost through the exit herself when she noticed that Valen was not among the party. Looking back, she discovered the vampire at the bottom of the steps, futilely sending Domination Spells out toward Irenicus. The mage deflected the magic effortlessly and continued to fend off his winged attackers, who had already been reduced to less than half their number.

Chunks of marble rained down around the fighters, the crack in the wall having expanded until it reached the top of the room. It widened even further, spreading out like a spider web until the ceiling of the room began to tremble and collapse beneath its own weight.

Dodging the fall of stones, Kaiane made her way down to Valen and tried to pull her back up to safety, but the other woman pushed her away with a snarl.

?I?m not leaving Yoshimo!? She screamed, sending another useless spell at Irenicus.

?There?s nothing you can do!? Kaiane yelled back. ?He?ll catch up when he can!?

Summoning every bit of strength housed in her lithe form, Kaiane locked her arms about Valen?s waist and began to haul the other woman bodily toward the exit.

Kaiane barely managed to maintain her grip on the vampire as chalky clouds of marble dust filled her lungs and hindered her breathing. Her vision blurred so badly that she was forced to feel her way up each step by using the tip of her toe, making her trip slower than she would have liked.

The going was made even slower by the fact that Valen, desperate to stay and help Yoshimo, continued to struggle every step of the way. At one point, in an effort to break free, she landed a painful kick to Kaiane?s shin that nearly sent them both to the ground. The annoyed paladin was then struck with an overwhelming desire to just leave the vampire and have done with her nonsense.

?Why bother to stay and help?? She wondered. ?If she wants to stay and get killed, then who am I to argue??

?Because you don?t want to see anyone else die because of you.? She answered herself and hoisted Valen up another step.

Anomen met them halfway and added his considerable strength to the task of restraining the vampire. Tucking Valen under one arm, he wrapped the other around Kaiane and half carried both women up the last few steps.

Behind them, Yoshimo released one final arrow as Irenicus ground the last vampire bat beneath his boot, mashing it into a bloody pulp. The mage did not even flinch when the explosion went off above his head. Instead, he looked down at the Bounty Hunter who had betrayed him, his glare promising a slow and painful death.

His arrows spent, Yoshimo tossed aside the hindering weight of his bow and unsheathed his katana. He knew it was a useless gesture since he could not attack Irenicus directly, but it felt better to have his fingers curled around the leather wrapped hilt of his weapon. He was not foolish enough to believe that he could defeat Irenicus on his own, yet he did not try to run, preferring instead to face his death on his feet and fighting as well as the Geas would allow him.

Irenicus walked toward Yoshimo, casually avoiding the raining chunks of stone that fell from the ceiling and shattered on the ground. He halted several feet away and stood staring at his former servant, the glare of death now mingled with a smirk of amusement.

?So Yoshimo!? He said. ?First you betray me and now you intend to kill me!?

?I wanted to live.? Yoshimo responded with a calmness he did not truly feel. ?In order to do that, I needed to be rid of this Geas. You did not want to release me and so I found another way.?

?There is no other way!? Irenicus snarled.

?Yes there is??

?She lied to you, Yoshimo.?

Yoshimo stared at Irenicus in amazement. ?No.? He said. ?She said that??

?She told you what you wanted to hear!? Irenicus interrupted. ?She knew exactly what words to use in order to bend you to her will. And you did it! Performing like the puppet you are, allowing anyone to pull your strings! First me and now her!?

Yoshimo shook his head in disbelief. She had not betrayed him! She had not!

?You have no power here.? Irenicus continued. ?You will do what I say or you will die.?

?I will not!?

?Kill them!?

?No!? Yoshimo raised his katana to strike, no longer caring whether he lived or died.

His movement was stopped short when Irenicus activated the power of the Geas. Yoshimo felt his control slipping as command of his movements was transferred to the mage. His face screwed up in pain as he attempted to fight off the magical effects, desperately willing himself to ignore the commands that Irenicus was giving him.

?Bring her back to me.? The mage ordered, sending out an image of Yoshimo hunting down and capturing Kaiane.

?Never.? The Bounty Hunter whispered.

His body shook as Irenicus increased the level of control. His other thoughts scattered as the vision of Kaiane being captured dominated his mind. He turned toward the exit, his kitana gripped tightly in his hand, and moved to do his master?s bidding.

Irenicus smiled triumphantly and together they headed up the stairs after the party.

Around them the room trembled violently and a resounding CRACK echoed off the walls of the cavern. Greatly weakened, the ancient stone finally gave way beneath its own weight and began to collapse in earnest.

Irenicus tried to get Yoshimo to move faster but the other man was still battling for control. He growled in anger and finally released the Bounty Hunter, not wanting to waste any more time on the troublesome slave. He would come back for him later.

Yoshimo fell to his knees as he regained control over his body, the effects of the battle leaving him weak and disoriented. He heard Irenicus move off, but could do nothing to stop him. An unbelievable roar of sound filled the cavern and he felt a rush of wind all around him. He closed his eyes, still struggling to clear his mind so he could go after Irenicus.

A sudden silence fell over the cavern and the last thing he thought of before he blacked out was Valen.


Edited by Jolyth, 30 July 2004 - 01:02 PM.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOOHOO! What a Ride!

Some people are like slinkies. They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs!!

Dyslexia of Borg: Your ass will be laminated

Solaufein Flirt Pack


#12 Jolyth


    Feather Boa Wielding Dominatrix

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Posted 27 August 2004 - 04:34 AM

Boy! I love vacations!


?I was in control of my actions the entire time. I just?I don?t know. For some reason everywhere I looked, no matter where I turned, Irenicus was there, staring back at me. Staring back and laughing.?

Kaiane listened carefully as Jaheira explained why she had gone on her rampage earlier. Clad only in her tunic and breeches, the druidess sat on the floor of the room, her knees drawn up close to her body as she told her story. Her skin was pale and clammy, a result of her recent resurrection and her eyes reflected the disgust she felt over being forced to attack her closest friends.

The party surrounded her, each member staring down with looks of horror etched upon their faces.

?I saw Khalid.? Jaheira continued. ?I saw him as he was lying broken and near death on that table in the dungeon. I was trying to save him, but that crazed mage kept getting in my way. No matter where I turned, no matter what I did, it didn?t matter. He was everywhere! I didn?t know?I had to?oh, Khalid!?

Jaheira broke down then, the force of the emotions she had held back for so long finally tearing down the wall she had built to contain them. She was so overwhelmed by her grief that her body shook violently and she could barely catch her breath. Kaiane knelt awkwardly beside her, unsure of how to go about comforting the normally stoic druidess.

?I had no idea I was being controlled.? Jaheira insisted when she could once again speak. ?In my mind, I was defending Khalid. I swear, if I had realized??

?There?s no need to speak further.? Kaiane told her softly. ?I am just thankful you are back with us and that you don?t really hate us that much!? She leaned back to look Jaheira in the eyes before continuing. ?I know I can be difficult Jaheira, but next time I think you should just talk to me instead of trying to gut my cleric!?

The other woman laughed in spite of herself, hiccupping slightly as relief washed over her.

?You ready to get back to work?? Kaiane asked.

The druidess nodded and accepted a helping hand to her feet. Anomen came forward with her belongings, offering a warm smile and assisting her with strapping on her armor. Minsc stood a few feet away, watching cautiously as Jaheira cinched the straps on her breastplate and buckled on her scimitar. She deliberately avoided his gaze, busying herself by making certain that every single piece of armor was in place before finally raising her gray eyes to meet his brown ones. Neither of them said a word at first, but after a moment, it was Minsc who finally broke the silence.

?Boo wishes to know if you are still angry with us, Jaheira.? He said softly, his head hanging low as he spoke.

?I?m not angry with you, Minsc.? Jaheira responded, moving to stand beside him. Her small frame was dwarfed by the ranger?s incredible size, but it was Minsc who looked uneasy when the petite druidess moved closer. He obviously did not relish the though of another battle with a person he considered a friend.

Jaheira smiled up at him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder to set him at ease. ?I was just?I wasn?t myself you see. There was someone else? talking to me. Telling me what to do.?

Minsc cocked his head to the side as he usually did when slowly mulling things over in his mind.

?You mean like when Boo tells things to Minsc?? He finally asked.

?Something like that.? Jaheira responded, smiling at the big man?s simplicity. ?Except the things I was being told were not nice. My ?Boo? was not as good as yours.?

?Well,? Minsc stated firmly. ?Then we just need to find you a better Boo!?

Jaheira allowed herself a small chuckle. ?Yes Minsc. We can do that.?

Kaiane, listening carefully to the exchange, grinned to herself as Jaheira and Minsc made their peace. A light touch on her arm caught her attention and, turning to find Kelsey at her side, she allowed him to lead her off a little way from the rest of the group.

?Are you sure we can trust her?? He asked when they were alone. ?I mean, what if Irenicus decides to start poking around in her head again? What then? How many times do we have to kill her??

?You sound like Yoshimo.? Kaiane responded.

?Maybe he had a point.? Kelsey said. ?Perhaps?perhaps we should part company with her as a safety precaution. We could try to meet up with her again in Brynnlaw.?

Kaiane stared hard at the mage. ?First off Kelsey, I?ve known Jaheira for a long time and she has never before given me a reason not to trust her. If she tells me that Irenicus was controlling her actions, then I believe her.?


?Second off,? she continued, holding up her hand to stop the interruption, ?if one more person tells me to leave Jaheira behind, that person will find themselves minus one group of traveling companions the next time they wake up.?

Kaiane glared at Kelsey meaningfully. ?Do I make myself clear??

Kelsey looked as if he wanted to say something else, but wisely kept his mouth shut. Satisfied that she had at last gotten her point across, Kaiane turned on her heel and headed over to talk to Valen.

The vampire was waiting for her and watched calmly as the paladin approached. She stood beside Tiax, her face devoid of expression and all evidence of her earlier outburst completely gone.

?Are you ready to go now?? She asked impatiently, as if she had been waiting on Kaiane and her party all along. ?We still have a lot of ground to cover if we are going to get out of here in this lifetime.?

?That depends.? Kaiane snapped back. ? You finished having your pity party and ready to lead us out of here? Because if you?re not, then we?ll just make our way without you.?

?You wouldn?t get beyond the next room!? Valen taunted.

?Keep up your yammering and neither will you!? Kaiane retorted, her hand falling to the hilt of her sword.

Valen?s eyes followed the motion of Kaiane?s hand and the paladin thought she saw just the
briefest glimmer of emotion flicker across the dead orbs. Not fear, but something else?

?Fine.? Valen said at last, curbing in her temper. ?The sooner I lead you out of here, the sooner I can be rid of your annoying presence.?

Shoving past Kaiane, she stormed over to the far wall and stood before it. To her right was an archway and to her left, an empty portion of wall. While the rest of the group watched, Valen ran her hand slowly across the section of wall, her fingers pressing every few inches as she looked for the lever to release the hidden door.

After several minutes of waiting, Valen still had not found the spot she was looking for and the others began to grow restless. Heaving an exasperated sigh, Imoen, using her thief skills, marched over to the wall and placed her hand directly on the release latch. With a grin at the vampire, she pressed hard and the hidden door swung inward on silent hinges.

?You all are really getting on my nerves.? She griped, stalking past the young woman to the now accessible chamber.

?Your welcome!? Imoen called after her.

The chamber was empty, save for a stone dial standing in the very center of the room. Motioning for the others to join her, Valen placed her hand on the dial and then turned to address the rest of the group.

?Prepare yourselves.? She told them. ?From this point forward, it is going to be one long drawn out battle.?

?There?s a surprise.? Kelsey muttered.

?Awww!? Imoen cooed. ?What?s that matter Kelsey? Scared ya gonna singe your robes??

?Oh! You think that?s funny??

?Cut it out.? Kaiane said. ?Valen? Any idea of what we might come up against??

The vampire shrugged. ?None whatsoever.?

?Alright then. Imoen, I want you and Kelsey to take up the rear. No fireballs please. Jaheira, ready your sling. Minsc and Anomen, I want you two??

?You will all get behind me!? Tiax shouted. ?I am the ruler and you will go where I tell you and fight who I tell you! I will be the first to go!?

?Fine! Then you can be the first to die!? Kaiane barked back.

The young paladin had just about had enough. She wanted nothing more than to get out of Spellhold and being forced to deal with a moody vampire and a crazy gnome was doing nothing for her temper. To make matters worse, the pain in her head was back and it was stronger than ever before. Closing her eyes, she tried to block out the pain, but it hung on stubbornly. Sweat broke out on her forehead and after a long moment, she was finally able to force it down to a dull throbbing ache at the base of her skull.

When she opened her eyes again, she found Valen staring at her. Ignoring the look, Kaiane took one more appraisal of the position of her party members and unsheathed her sword to show she was ready.

Taking hold of the stone wheel, Valen gave it a sharp pull and another hidden door opened up in the hallway.

Kaiane heard the unmistakable growl of several Trolls coming from somewhere in the darkness. With a feral yell of her own, she raised Carsomyr and rushed forward to meet her enemy.


Edited by Jolyth, 27 August 2004 - 09:06 AM.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOOHOO! What a Ride!

Some people are like slinkies. They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs!!

Dyslexia of Borg: Your ass will be laminated

Solaufein Flirt Pack


#13 Jolyth


    Feather Boa Wielding Dominatrix

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Posted 27 August 2004 - 10:08 AM

Hmmmm... twice in one day. I really need to take vacations more often! :D


Minsc picked up the sword the Mind Flayer had dropped and stuffed it into his pack along with the rest of their treasure. Kaiane stood next to him, using a piece of the dead creature?s robe to clean the blood off Carsomyr before resheathing the precious weapon.

?Please tell me that?s it.? A battered Kelsey begged. Beside him, a heavily breathing Imoen added her own plea by sinking to the floor and refusing to get back up.

?I gotta rest!? She gasped. ?I don?t care who or what comes running at us next. I?m Not Moving!?

Kaiane could definitely relate to how the two mages were feeling. Valen had not been wrong when she had told them to prepare themselves for one long battle. After opening the hidden door and releasing the Trolls, the party had killed off two regular Trolls, a Spirit Troll and a party of Minotaurs only to find their advancement blocked by a locked door that resisted all attempts to pick its lock or open with a Knock spell.

?We have to take out the guardians before we can go any further.? Valen had told them. The Maze is filled with little obstacles such as this.?

Forced to backtrack their steps, they had just finished battling a Djinni, an Umber Hulk, six Wolfweres, three Golems, another Troll and a Mind Flayer.

It was a wonder any of them were still standing.

?Where to now?? Kaiane asked Valen.

?Back the way we came.? Valen replied, her own face showing signs of exhaustion. ?With the last guardian dead, the door should open now.?

?Good.? Jaheira voiced as she tied a bandage around a nasty gash on her upper arm. ?We?re out of heal spells,? she said to Kaiane?s questioning look, ?and our potions are almost gone. I would rather we save them in case we suffer more critical injuries.?

?What about Tiax? Is he out of spells too??

?I don?t know. I haven?t seen him.?

?That reminds me. Neither have I.?

With a feeling of unease, Kaiane and Jaheira started searching for the smallest member of their group. They discovered him in the last cell, poking around the dead Djinni?s body and muttering to himself.

?What are you doing?? Kaiane demanded.

?How dare you question Tiax!? He sputtered. ?Tiax does not answer to the likes of you!?

?Don?t you pull that nonsense with me! I know you?re not as crazy as you pretend!?

Kaiane stormed over and, grabbing Tiax firmly by the arm, hauled him out of the cell and back toward the group.

?Hey! Unhand me you peasant! No one touches Tiax! I will smite you for your insolence! I swear!?

?You were suspiciously absent during that last battle gnome, so from now on I want you right where I can see you.?

Releasing Tiax with a shove, Kaiane directed her gaze at Valen. ?Keep your pet on a leash or I?m cutting him loose.?

The vampire shot the cleric a look before nodding her agreement. Then, after making certain everyone was gathered together and ready to proceed, she turned and headed back off down the hallway.


Valen placed a finger to her lips, indicating the need for silence. Kaiane nodded her understanding and passed the message back to the rest of the group. She worried for a moment that this action might prompt another Butt Kicking outburst from Minsc, but for once the ranger appeared to comprehend the seriousness of the situation. He placed one large finger to Boo?s nose, letting the hamster know that no squeaking was allowed.

Kaiane smiled and turned back to Valen, raising her sword as the vampire opened the door.

When nothing jumped out to immediately rip their heads off, the group relaxed slightly and moved in, each member taking a defensive stance against whatever might be hidden in the shadows.

The paladin looked around warily. At first glance, the room appeared to be empty. It was shroud in darkness, like every other one they had entered so far, with only a few torches lit to drive back the blackness. There were massive stone statues standing in alcoves along the walls, but nothing else to speak of.

She nudged Valen and pointed at the archway in the corner and the other woman nodded affirmatively.

?This room is safe.? She said. ?The exit lies beyond that archway. However, before we move on, we should take this chance to heal the wounded.?

?We?re out of spells and our potions are limited.? Kaiane reminded her.

?Stay here.?

?Where are you going?? Kaiane protested.

?This room is a healing chamber.? Valen explained. ?I remember it from when Bodhi and I explored the maze upon our arrival. Give me a moment and I?ll see if I can remember how to activate it.?

Leaving the party standing in the middle of the room, Valen walked over and began examining the statues. Finding the one she needed, she pulled the small lever located at its base and waited. A gentle humming filled the room and Kaiane heard Jaheira sigh in relief as a wave of healing washed over her body and closed her oozing wounds.

When the last party member had been healed, they traversed the short distance across the chamber to the next room. Not as empty as the previous area, this one contained three doors and the biggest, ugliest statue Kaiane had ever laid eyes on. Next to the one of Bhaal that is.

?What in the name of all the hells is that?? She gaped.

?The way out.? Their guide answered. ?Don?t bother.? She said to Imoen, noticing that the thief was trying to pick the locked door on the far wall. ?We have to replace the statues horns before that will open.?

?We only have the one.? Kaiane said, fishing the object out of her pack and handing it over to Valen.

?Does this mean we have to backtrack again?? Kelsey groaned. ?Because if we do, I think I?ll just wait here.?

?No.? Valen answered. ?The other is in the side room. Retrieve it while I fly this one up to the top.?

?I?ll get it!? Imoen said.

With the thought of finally leaving the Asylum refreshing her spirit, the young woman practically skipped over to the side door, opened it and poked her head into the room.

?NOT THAT ONE!!!!? Valen screamed.

Kaiane jumped when she heard Valen?s yell followed by a high pitched shriek from Imoen and looked to find her childhood friend clutching desperately at the handle of the door. The wood behind her splintered in several places as something extremely large slammed into it from the other side.

?Minotaurs!? She cried. ?And a Gauth!?

?MINSC!? Kaiane yelled.

The ranger, hefting Celestial Fury and the Shield of Balduran, did not hesitate in the least, but instead took off full steam toward the door.

?BEND OVER FOR MY BOOT EVIL!!? He boomed happily as he ran.

Imoen ducked aside at the last second and the big man rushed through the door, shattering the rest of with his passing. The minotaurs pounced on him immediately and the Gauth, its large eye gleaming wickedly, began blasting away at the flurry of sword thrusts that was Minsc.

The battle was over in seconds.

Tucked safely away behind the shield, Minsc concentrated all of his efforts on the minotaurs while every spell the Gauth sent out was reflected back at the creature. It tried to flee in panic, but a quickly fired bullet from Kelsey sent it crashing heavily to the floor.

?Is he singing?? Kelsey asked as he reloaded his sling.

Sure enough, Kaiane could hear the ranger?s deep voice mingled in with the dying screams of the minotaurs. She did not bother trying to make out the words as the entire effect was more than a bit creepy, but at least Minsc was happy.

When the last enemy lay dead at his feet, Minsc stepped calmly over the bodies to the fountain in the corner. Taking a deep breath, he plunged his head into the clear water and rinsed off the blood and sweat covering his face. He back came up dripping wet and grinning from ear to ear.

?Look Kaiane!? He cried. ?Look what Minsc and Boo have found!?

Reaching back into the water, he pulled out a handful of gold and gems and handed them proudly over to his leader.

?Good for you, Minsc.? Kaiane said with a smile as she moved to join him. Together they cleaned out the fountain, finding some darts and bullets nestled among the coins and gems.

They stowed the items and made their way through the proper door on the opposite side of the room. A quick scan turned up the second horn, which they turned over to Valen so she could affix it to the statue?s head. When it clicked into place, the locked exit swung open, revealing a set of stairs leading up and out of the Maze.

?I?m outta here!? Imoen announced and strode determinedly through the archway.

Edited by Jolyth, 27 August 2004 - 11:58 AM.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOOHOO! What a Ride!

Some people are like slinkies. They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs!!

Dyslexia of Borg: Your ass will be laminated

Solaufein Flirt Pack


#14 Jolyth


    Feather Boa Wielding Dominatrix

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Posted 03 September 2004 - 01:10 PM

Well, this is it. The final segment of The Tangled Web: A Spellhold Story. I hope you enjoy it.


?You lied to me Vampire!?

?Kaiane! Please wait! I didn?t?OOMPH!?

Valen grunted as Kaiane grabbed hold of the undead woman?s tunic and slammed her into the wall.

?Did you enjoy yourself?? The enraged paladin snarled. ?Promising to get us out of here and then making us run your mistress?s maze like animals! Tell me something. Was she watching? Did she hide in the shadows and laugh at us as we battled our way from one room to the next??

?No! You?re mistaken! We??

?You wanted us to follow you,? Kaiane continued, ignoring Valen?s protests, ?and so we did. And after you have run us ragged and worn us out, you take us right back to the beginning! Right back to where we started and into the waiting hands of the same backstabbing son-of-a-bitch that dropped us off on this rock! I LOST 2 PEOPLE IN THAT HELL HOLE!!!?

?See here now!? Saemon protested. ?Such harsh words are hardly necessary??

?One more word,? Kaiane spat at him, ?and it will be your last.?

To Valen she said, ?I should have killed you when I had the chance.?

With a deadly glare, she released the other woman and backed away.

?That is a mistake I intend to rectify.?

Moving with a speed that caught everyone off guard, Kaiane ripped the Mace of Disruption from Minsc?s belt loop and swung back around, aiming for the vampire?s head.

Valen was too quick however, and by the tine Kaiane?s arm was in motion, the other woman had already changed. The Mace passed harmlessly through Valen?s misty form and slammed into the wall behind.

Kaiane screamed in fury and pain as the force of the blow traveled through her arm, causing it to go numb up to the shoulder. Dropping the weapon, she clutched her injured limb as her eyes watered and her vision blurred.

When she was finally able to see straight again, she scooped up the Mace in her other hand and spun about, searching for her quarry.

She found the vampire several feet away, a cloud of vapor hovering halfway toward the ceiling.

?Get back down here you bitch!? Kaiane demanded.

?Not until you listen to what I have to say.? Came the disembodied response.

?Foul creature!? Anomen spat. ?We have listened to enough of your twisted words! Nothing you could say would make us trust you now!?

?I did not lie to you, Kaiane.? The Mist Valen told them. ?I told you that I would lead you out of the Asylum and I did.?

?And yet here we are back at the beginning!? Jaheira snapped.

?It is not my doing that brought you back here Druidess.? Valen said calmly. ?It was the Directors.?

At the mention of the Directors, Kaiane?s blood went cold. ?What are you saying??

?The door I led you to was indeed the exit.? Valen explained. ?Bodhi and I verified this when we first explored the maze. We walked through that door and ended up outside of the Asylum. When I walked through it a short while ago, I ended up in the same place Bodhi and I originally did. By all accounts, you should have been waiting for me when I emerged.?

Kaiane fought against her anger long enough to allow Valen?s words to sink in.

?Let?s say for a moment that I believe you.? She said at last. ?Why did you end up outside while we were teleported off somewhere else??

Taking Kaiane?s calm questioning as a sign that it was safe to rematerialize, Valen changed back into her physical form, but still remained safely out of arm?s reach.

?When we first arrived here, Jon was so preoccupied with catching you that Bodhi and I were pretty much left alone.? She said. ?We put the time to good use and set out to learn more about this place. During our explorations, we found out much about the history ospellholdstudios.netf the Asylum. We discovered the Directors, the original mages who founded the Asylum, wanted to make certain that only those residents who were a true threat to the outside world would remain locked inside. In order to do this, they create a failsafe that would allow those who could prove their sanity a chance to leave. Only if a resident passed through a series of tests and received an acceptable judgement would the front door be opened and the individual be allowed to walk free.?

?That makes sense.? Kelsey admitted.

?The mages who ran Spellhold until Jon?s arrival knew of this failsafe,? Valen continued, ?and the possibility that a resident could be judged by the Directors of old was a threat to their control. In order to make certain that they did not lose that control, the new staff did not let this release option be known. You see, once a resident is judged sane by the old Directors, even the strongest of today?s mages cannot override that decision.?

?So why didn?t you mention this before?? Kaiane demanded once Valen had finished speaking.

?To be honest, with everything that was happening, I completely forgot. It wasn?t until I was outside that I remembered but by then, it was too late and you were being tested.?

Again Valen spoke the truth. Upon exiting the maze, instead of finding themselves out of doors, they had encountered a group of Kobolds. By the time the Kobolds had been dispatched and Valen?s absence noted, the Directors had arrived and the party was being transported from one test to another.

?So why weren?t you there?? Kaiane pressed. She still did not want to admit that she might have been wrong about the vampire.

?Because she is dead.? Jaheira answered softly.

?It is likely that she is correct.? Valen said. ?The Spectral Directors probably did not see me as a resident. If they even detected me at all.?

?Fine.? Kaiane relented. ?Your story makes sense.? Her head was spinning after everything that had happened and she only wanted the answer to one question.

?So where the hell is the door out??

?You have two options.? Valen told her.

?And they are??

?After a brief conversation, Saemon here has ?graciously agreed? to help you.? Valen said. ?If you return to Brynnlaw and board his ship, he will sail you safely back to Athkatla.?

Kaiane stared at the silent Saemon as Valen told of his willingness to take them away from the city of Brynnlaw.

?I don?t trust him.? She said at last.

?You didn?t trust me either.?

?I trust him even less.? Kaiane answered dryly. ?Besides, we can?t leave yet. We still have some unfinished business here.?

?I don?t even need to ask what that is.? Valen sighed.

?We need to get Imoen?s soul back Valen.? Kaiane told her firmly. ?And that means that I have to go after your mistress to do it.?

?You know I can?t help you seek out and destroy Bodhi.?

?I?m prepared to fight you if I have to.?

Valen watched as Kaiane?s companions became more alert at the mention of a possible fight. Only Tiax did not prepare himself to take up arms. Instead, the gnome moved to stand next to the vampire, making it clear where he would stand should a fight indeed occur. However, even with Tiax on her side, Valen knew she did not stand a chance against the party should the situation deteriorate enough to come to blows.

?There is no need for us to fight about this, Kaiane. I said I could not help you fight Bodhi, but I still intend to see you get off this island.?

?We?re not going with Saemon.? Kaiane said. ?You mentioned another option??

?Your second choice is much more dangerous.? Valen warned.

?What is it??

?You can take the portal that Jon originally set aside for his own escape.?

Kaiane stared hard at the vampire. ?Where is this portal and where does it lead??

?Follow me.?

Valen once again led the way down the hallway of the Asylum and one by one the party fell into line behind her.

?So I take it you won?t be needing me now.? Saemon asked pleasantly as Valen marched past him.

The vampire stopped before him and regarded him with a strange gleam in her eye. ?No Saemon, it appears that your services are not necessary. Unless?.but no, I couldn?t trouble you to do that.?

?Name it and if I have it, it?s yours! And if I don?t have it, then you can be certain that I will find it for you!?

?Well, I am rather hungry. I don?t suppose you?d be willing to-?

?On second thought,? Saemon interrupted, ?I just recalled that I left something back in the?er?back in the?one of the rooms. If you?ll excuse me, I?ll just go run and fetch it.?

?Don?t you worry about me!? He called back over his shoulder. ?I?ll get out just fine!?

Valen?s chuckle drifted back to Kaiane?s ears and the paladin could not help but smile at how efficiently the other woman managed to get rid of Saemon Haverian.


?There!? Valen said, stepping back from the newly activated portal.

Imoen eyes the portal warily. ?Are you sure we?re not going to end up going through another series of tests only to end up on another floor of this place??

?You need not fear that possibility.? Valen assured the mage. ?Irenicus established this portal upon his arrival here and as it doesn?t lead outside, it would not fall under the Director?s original failsafe.?

To Kaiane she said, ?Are you sure you want to do this??

?As strange as this may sound, it?s a hell of a lot better than our other option.?

?That?s debatable.? Valen smiled. ?The Underdark holds more horrors that Saemon could ever hope to.?

?Then this is it.? She continued when Kaiane did not answer. ?I have fulfilled my responsibility and led you out of the Asylum.?

?You?re not coming with us?? Kaiane asked.

?You are on your way to kill my mistress.? Valen pointed out. ?I have already told you that I cannot help you with that task.?

?No.? She continued. ?Tiax and I will release the remaining prisoners here before making our own way out.?

?Back to Athkatla?? Imoen asked.

?I don?t know. With Yoshimo gone, there really isn?t anything to go back to.?

?What about Bodhi?? Kaiane said. ?You do not wish to find where your mistress has escaped to and return to her side? Perhaps even to warn her that I am coming for her??

To that Valen responded, ?Bodhi?s original plan was to obtain Imoen?s soul and return to Athkatla so she could turn it into the largest vampire nest that the Sword Coast has ever seen. From there she intended to head north. I doubt that her plans have changed so if I wish to find her, I have only to go to the Graveyard District and I am sure that she will be there, planning her next move.?

Kaiane stared hard at the woman standing before her, stunned at the fact that Valen had just told her where to find Bodhi.

?You take care Kaiane.?

And with that, she was gone, Tiax following close behind.

Kaiane stared after them, still unable to believe what Valen had just told her.

?Kaiane?? Imoen asked. ?Are you ready to go??

?Yeah.? Came the response. ?Let?s get out of here.?

Uncertain of what lay on the other side, the party readied their weapons and stepped through the portal.


And so, the party makes their way into the Underdark and it is here that our story ends. Thank you for your patronage! :D

Yeah riiiiiiight! You really think I would end it that way?


Yoshimo could feel nothing from his waist down since the collapsing ceiling had effectively crushed his spine and rendered him immobile. He supposed he was happy for that. He could only image how intense the pain would be if he could feel his legs being crushed beneath the weight of stone that had fallen on him. He tried again to move his arm, to reach the knife that lay nearby, but the most he could manage was a weak twitch of movement that was barely noticeable.

Tears of frustration welled up in Yoshimo?s eyes and he blinked them back furiously, determined not to feel sorry for himself. If he had the use of his arm, then he would at least be able to end this intolerable waiting. Even though he knew he would be hastening the start of the eternal torment that was waiting for his soul, at that moment, he believed it would be preferable to the slow torturous feel of Death creeping over his body.

As blackness invaded his eyesight, steadily narrowing his line of vision, he thought of his life thus far and how he had reached such a sad point. He thought of Irenicus and the Geas, of betraying Kaiane, and of Bodhi and her promises of freedom. He cursed them each in turn, even Kaiane, since she had showed him nothing but honesty and friendship. He hated her for forgiving him and hated her more for being so understanding about the entire situation.

A spasm of pain suddenly raced across his body and Yoshimo was surprised. Perhaps his spine was not crushed after all! Maybe he would be able to move soon!

The pain knifed through his body again and the brief flicker of hope vanished as the Bounty Hunter realized that this pain was different from anything he had ever experienced before. Unlike the normal pain of an injury this one was based within his very soul. Every nerve tingled with fire as the Geas took hold of the part of his soul that had already crossed over. It ripped at his very being, taking one tiny piece at a time as he continued to die with each passing breath.

Yoshimo desperately tried to cling to the last bits of his life, commanding his heart to continue beating and his soul to remain within his body, but it continued to seep away, the pain intensifying as it did.

Through the agony of his death, a soft noise reached his ears. It was the sound of a booted heel crunching on the gravely stone that littered the floor. He tried to turn his head, tried to see through his blurred vision if Valen had come back for him after all. If he had her by his side, he felt he might be able to face whatever lay before him, no matter how horrendous. All he needed was to see her face once more.

He saw a form, but he could not tell if it was his beloved. The smell of death overwhelmed him as it moved closer.

?Valen?? He whispered.

?Shhh.? Comforted the figure. ?I am here. Rest now.?

?Bodhi.? Yoshimo spat weakly and tried to cringe away from her touch. ?You betrayed us.?

?No, Yoshimo, I did not betray you. I was unable to keep Irenicus from discovering that the Bhaalchild had been set free. He realized our plans and managed to head you off in spite of my attempts to stop him. I did what I could to prevent this from happening.?

?Liar.? Came the whispered reply. ?You promised?freedom?Irenicus??

Yoshimo?s words were cut off as a fit of coughing overcame him. Blood spew forth from his mouth, splashing across Bodhi?s hand as she tried to keep the Bounty Hunter?s head still. The coppery smell filled her nostrils and she stared at the bright contrast of the dark red across her pale skin. Saliva filled her mouth, her fangs tingling in anticipation of a feeding as she remembered her earlier desire to sink her teeth into the man?s throat.

A thought occurred to the vampire?

It would be so easy.

An idea formulated in her mind?

She would be fulfilling both of their desires.

She stared down into the eyes of the man in her arms?

He wants to die.

She curled her fingers through his hair and tilted his head?

It would end his pain.

?You have done well, Yoshimo,? Bodhi told him, brushing back a stray lock of hair. ?You are deserving of a reward and it is I who shall grant it. For your faithful service to me I will offer you release from this life.?

Unable to contain her bloodlust any longer, Bodhi peeled her lips away from her fangs, the tips elongating as she prepared to plunge them into Yoshimo?s bared neck. She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with air before leaning forward to satisfy her need.

The hot liquid poured over her tongue as she sucked deeply, barely taking time to swallow before pulling once again on the opening in Yoshimo?s throat. With each mouthful she could feel the power of the Geas, greedily working its way through his body, fighting to drive her out as each struggled for control. Bodhi raced forward, pushing the Geas back with her own power, wanting to be the first to bring the Bounty Hunter into the realm of death.

She sensed victory was within her grasp when a hand grabbed her by the hair and yanked her away from her feeding. Falling back on her heels, she looked up to see the ice blue eyes of Jon Irenicus staring back down at her.

?Jon.? She smiled innocently up at him. ?How nice to see you. Find the Bhaalspawn yet??

?You were stupid to betray me, Bodhi.? He snarled. ?Did you really think you could successfully pull off your pathetic schemes behind my back? Did you honestly believe I would not find out??

?I have no idea what you are talking about.?

Irenicus forced his sister to her feet and slammed her face first into the wall. She tried to escape, tried to shift into her gaseous form and flee, but she was too drained from her fight with the Geas. Her body gave a tremendous shudder, melting halfway before the effort became too great and she was forced to revert back to her human shape.

Irenicus smiled wickedly as he watched his sister try to run.

?Too weak to Change, dear sister? Poured too much of yourself into a nasty little fight with my Geas, hm? A positively deadly mistake to make around me.?

?Jon, let?s talk about this. I?m sure once you hear my plans ? ?

?I already know all about your plans, Bodhi.? He said. ?You thought to keep me occupied with running about your little maze, chasing after Kaiane, trying to catch her once more. But you missed something. Something very important. You see, I came to realize that there is no need for me to continue wasting my remaining time hunting down Bhaal?s most elusive child.?

?What do you mean??

?What I mean Bodhi is that I need a soul, and I have just remembered that I have one in storage.?

Bodhi?s eyes widened in understanding and she tried once more to run only to have the furious mage slam her into the wall once more, this time almost knocking her out.

With a wicked laugh, Irenicus caught Bodhi?s arm in a vice like grip and dragged the dazed woman off toward the stairs.


And that really is the end. Thank you so much for reading my story, for your comments, your suggestions and most of all, for your support. Extra special thanks to Jester for constantly bugging me, for Shadowhawke for her encouragement and Caveman for his proofreading.

Edited by Jolyth, 04 September 2004 - 05:50 AM.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOOHOO! What a Ride!

Some people are like slinkies. They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs!!

Dyslexia of Borg: Your ass will be laminated

Solaufein Flirt Pack
