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Planar Sphere Mod - Text Fixes

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#1 Alavin

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Posted 14 September 2004 - 09:48 AM

I've written a large amount of text fixes for the Planar Sphere Mod, which corrects (I think, at least) all typing errors in dialogues, item descriptions and spell descriptions, while keeping the general original language the same. It also adds portraits for several of the main characters in the mod.

It was originally for personal use, but I thought that others might appreciate it. However, since I didn't write the mod, I thought it best to obtain permission first.

Is it okay?

#2 hlidskialf


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Posted 14 September 2004 - 09:58 AM

Go for it. You can attach it here, send it to me at hlidskialf@gmail.com or are you planning on releasing it as a stand-alone mod that you'd like to put out yourself?

The great wolf Fenrir gapes ever at the dwelling of the gods.

#3 Alavin

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Posted 14 September 2004 - 10:02 AM

Well, I WeiDUed it so I could install it over the top of the original mod. Wouldn't mind at all if it was integrated though.

I'll Email it soon. ^_^