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Yoshimo Romance?

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#1 redchartreuse

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Posted 18 November 2004 - 03:44 PM

I personally would love for Charname to have the esteemed opportunity to romance the dashing Kozakuran bounty-hunter that is (the) Yoshimo.

Is anyone planning on creating a mod for this? I've searched the site through and through but I hasn't seen this romance yet.

#2 Gothic Rose

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Posted 18 November 2004 - 04:03 PM

I personally would love for Charname to have the esteemed opportunity to romance the dashing Kozakuran bounty-hunter that is (the) Yoshimo.

Is anyone planning on creating a mod for this? I've searched the site through and through but I hasn't seen this romance yet.

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Considering what happens with/to him, I doubt that such a mod would come about, though I could be wrong - and as well, the mod could simply change that part of the story, I suppose. Maybe the geas kills him when he refuses to help Irenicus kill his beloved, and he ends up going Explody, his last words being: "<CHARNAME>, understand. I am...sorry." Then his heart is left behind, and with it, he can be brought back at a temple devoted to Ilmater, with a suitable quest.

Could work. And we all love Yoshita-San
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#3 AnnabelleRose


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 06:34 PM

It would work. there is nothing that says that he could not be ressurected. I know my lady would love this one. Naturally this would not be BP or TS compatable though. I would like to see it if someoneis willing to pick it up.

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.

#4 fallen_demon


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 10:14 PM

I personally would love for Charname to have the esteemed opportunity to romance the dashing Kozakuran bounty-hunter that is (the) Yoshimo.

Is anyone planning on creating a mod for this? I've searched the site through and through but I hasn't seen this romance yet.

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Considering what happens with/to him, I doubt that such a mod would come about, though I could be wrong - and as well, the mod could simply change that part of the story, I suppose. Maybe the geas kills him when he refuses to help Irenicus kill his beloved, and he ends up going Explody, his last words being: "<CHARNAME>, understand. I am...sorry." Then his heart is left behind, and with it, he can be brought back at a temple devoted to Ilmater, with a suitable quest.

Could work. And we all love Yoshita-San

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or it could just be a tragic ending where your forced to kill your romance permanently. He could ask you to kill him so he doesn't go throught the geas.

on the other hand, i doubt he would get involved, knowing whats going to happen and all.
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#5 Ismail


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Posted 19 November 2004 - 04:12 AM

OR... you could just have a big-ass (or not-so-big-ass) quest for a Remove Geas scroll...
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#6 seanas

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Posted 19 November 2004 - 04:42 AM

OR... you could just have a big-ass (or not-so-big-ass) quest for a Remove Geas scroll...

it's not quite that easy: there's a hard-coded trigger that causes Yoshimo to die irrevocably if he enters Suldenessallar (?sp?). the only way vlad could get around this in Tortured Souls was to have Yoshimo leave the party when you enter the Forest of Tethyr.

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#7 Archmage Silver

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Posted 19 November 2004 - 05:22 AM

Then he could leave before the Suldanesselar scene and pop up later, in Saradush or something like that.

#8 seanas

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Posted 19 November 2004 - 09:59 AM

yep, that's exactly what happens in TS. it would take a bit of work to make his exit and eventual TOB return plausible in a romance, however.

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#9 Deva


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Posted 19 November 2004 - 12:49 PM

Hmm... is there no way to get around him dieing when you enter Suldanesselar? Hmm...

I'd personally love to see a romance with Yoshimo. He was great... one of the few new NPC's I really liked... and he ended up being killed.. :(



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#10 Gothic Rose

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Posted 19 November 2004 - 01:04 PM

yep, that's exactly what happens in TS. it would take a bit of work to make his exit and eventual TOB return plausible in a romance, however.

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No, no it wouldn't. Here's one for ya:

Yoshimo, famed Bounty Hunter who has never renegged on any contract, ever, who has never NOT gotten his bounty...

Well, he just betrayed the man that hired him.

So, since said man is currently busy becoming a god, he has hired...others...for the task.

There are several fights in chapter 6 where bounty hunters and assassins strike the party, after Yoshimo has been raised. THey're trying to kill him, of course. Because Irenicus hired them. Or, Yoshimo was part of a Kara-Turan guild (possible but unlikely) that has heard the news (Probably Irenicus told them, since Kara-Tur is thousands of miles away, across the Hordeleands [read: russian and mongolia]). Regardless, having already put his Ladylove's life in danger once, the gallant and cheerful Bountyhunter decides that it is best for him to leave her - for now - because he desires nothing bad to come about for her.

in ToB, he has managed to call of the Bounty, and thus, can return.

A Yoshimo romance also has great potential if only because you can have Yoshimo's nemesis - another Kara-Turan who he has to fight with, alone (similar to how either Jaheira, Cernd, or a druidic pc must fight for the Druid Grove). Cuz, come on people, if you're gonna go Japanese (Kara-Tur) then you HAVE GOT TO HAVE a duel to the death between Katana wielding men. You just have to.
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#11 Sleeta

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Posted 20 November 2004 - 02:23 PM

I would LOVE to see a Yoshimo romance. He was always such a great, cavalier, witty character. I can see him starting it solely as a way to get closer to you to get further information for Irenicus and then realising it had simply . . . gotten out of hand, and it wasn't just business anymore.

A way around the kill trigger for the elven city could be to have him leave the party for plot reasons. Say he's feeling some guilt -- and rightly so -- over what he's done, or simply having some doubts about himself. Like in Jaheira's quest, you could wake up one morning before you leave for the final leg of the quest to find a note from him explaining and telling you not to look for him, leaving a token of his appreciation behind. Then, in ToB, if you still have the token, he could be discovered in Saradush as someone said, working for Gromnir if you'd like a little drama with your angsty-romance, or simply find him living alone in that forest you have to pass through to get to the temple (both places' names escape me at the moment.), and you would need to convince him to join you again, that you trust him, need him, ect, if you wanted something a little less dramatic and "OH NOS!" for your romance.

. . .

. . . bah. I have too many ill-conceived ideas for projects that ain't mine. I would adore someone if they made this though!
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#12 -Ashara-

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Posted 23 November 2004 - 10:24 AM

Hmm... is there no way to get around him dieing when you enter Suldanesselar? Hmm...

You have to edit BGMain, which is not done out of respect to BioWARE's request. Alternatively you can probavbly create a different CRE, DV etc and assign to it all 'cosmetic' Yoshimo attributes, than substitute every mention of BioWARE's Yoshimo with it if the mod gets installed. Lot's of editing, but I think it can be done;

Plot twist with quitting and returning was in TS's times an easier way. As for TS compatibility it *should* be incompatible, since we always maintained that a PC romance with either Kachiko or Yoshimo is not possible in TS context.

#13 redchartreuse

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Posted 03 December 2004 - 10:01 PM

What exactly was the nature of Yoshi's geas? Is there a specific mission that he has to carry out or just do Irenicus' bidding in general?

It seems to me that he was first instructed to merely keep an eye on the PC until she reached Irenicus because when his betrayal is first discovered at Spellhold, he tells Jon "I did not spend so much time in CHARNAME's company just to have her killed. That could have been done a dozen times over". He only appears to be compelled to attempt to slay the PC when the mage later instructs him to do it.

I'm wondering about this because the geas' nature could has slightly different consquences for the possible romance. If he was directly told to bring her to the mage and then decapitate her, well, any traitorous feelings of affection could result in having his insides torn apart. On the other hand, perhaps the geas would only flair up if he harboured the occaisional fantasy of smuggling CHARNAME under a cloak into Kara-Tur.

What do the rest of you think? Would our bounty hunter be magically tortured for any tender feeling themselves or just ones that involved him considering opposing Irenicus' will?

Edited by redchartreuse, 03 December 2004 - 10:03 PM.

#14 Sovran

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Posted 04 December 2004 - 05:47 AM

@ Yoshimo romance in general, or Yoshimo relationship, or what have you: yay. :)

As for the nature of his geas... of course, having the geas oppose any affection would make for great drama... but somehow (and this is just a personal opinion) I think it would fit better into the picture if the geas left him a bit more room to maneuver. If he was starting to sport some feelings for Charname, wouldn't a geas opposing such feelings practically incapacitate him in the long run? And wouldn't it actually make quite a good drama as well, if he knows that he's walking a thin line -- if he starts considering contradicting Irenicus' orders, it will bring the force of the geas upon him. The crucial point, I think, is that the choice is his -- whether to act on his feelings, and pay the price for it, or not.

Later in Spellhold he says something along the lines of, "Do you know what it's like to fight a geas? It hurts... it hurts and then you die." If he was going through such a struggle all the time, I think he'd rather have dropped any romantic daydreams about Charname. Or had he not, he wouldn't be quite as well-adjusted anymore by the time you reach Spellhold.

BG1 spoiler follows:

One thing to take into consideration is that, allegedly, Tamoko (from BG1) was Yoshimo's sister, and that he came to Faerūn looking for her -- and, possibly, to avenge her. He might, at least initially, believe that Charname's the one who killed Tamoko (regardless of whether or not the protagonist indeed killed her in Baldur's Gate.)

#15 Archmage Silver

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 05:45 AM

Hmm... intriguing.

#16 -dragonlord-

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 06:04 PM

I never knew Tamoko and Yoshi were siblings. What would Sarevok say to Yoshi?

#17 SConrad


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Posted 05 December 2004 - 06:22 PM

AFAIK, that's not official. Only fanfic, but I could be wrong.

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#18 fallen_demon


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Posted 05 December 2004 - 07:47 PM

Theres a record of David Gaider refearing to them as siblings somewhere. UB has "Sarevok's remorse for Yoshimo and Tamoko" as a planned component.
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#19 redchartreuse

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 10:45 PM

I never knew Tamoko and Yoshi were siblings. What would Sarevok say to Yoshi?

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Well, that would certainly make for some interesting conversation in ToB.   :ermm:  
I believe Charname would be forced to take the very volatile role of peacemaker if she chose to have her half-brother tag alone with the party.

Edited by redchartreuse, 05 December 2004 - 11:03 PM.

#20 Gothic Rose

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Posted 06 December 2004 - 03:45 PM

Geas' do not have the power to prevent or harm a character from/for feeling something.
A geas is a magical compulsion - to resist it is to die. Painfully.

Yoshimo's geas was most likely to bring Charname to Irenicus, and ensure s/he stays there. Which would mean that he is compelled to stop him/her from fleeing.

Or, his geas could have been simply to serve Irenicus. There are hints at forces that were at work that caused Yoshimo to do what he did. Perhaps something along the lines of Yoshimo's services being bought by Irenicus before the Bounty Hunter came to Faerun.
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