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NPC Mods

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#1 adrich81

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 06:23 AM

I read a post a while ago about the best time to install weidu NPC mods, but can't find it any more. I know you install weidu mods last, but should the npcs be the first weidu mods I install or the last?


#2 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 11:42 AM

Like everything, it depends. Which NPCs? Several conflict with each other. Some have to be installed after others. Tashia and Chloe both have issues with BP but others here have gotten them to work. I think Kelsey works fine as is.

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#3 seanas

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 04:42 PM

tashia has issues with the way some of her dialogues get added, so install her late in yr install process; chloe can do strange things with the imoen romance in BP - no-one really knows why. i'd suggest, if yr using chloe and immy, to install immy prior to chloe, as this is what i always do, and have never had the problems chloe/imoen problems others describe. i've noticed that willie bruce apparently has problems with the imoen romance as well, so choose one or the other. The Longer Road (aka the irenicus mod) and kiara/zaiya both have issues with BGT, so if yr installing BP-BGT or BP-BGT-NEJ, don't install either of these; if yr installing BP or BP-NEJ, then there's no problem with either of these. i'm pretty sure that yasraena doesn't play nicely with kiara/zaiya either, and you'll have some problems with the tsujutha romance in a BP install as well.

every other weidu NPC i know about can be installed whenever you want after you've got yr BP install complete.

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#4 fallen_demon


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Posted 05 December 2004 - 06:07 PM

I can imagine why chloe and immy romance would cause problems. Multu-romances tend to be kind of buggy, and if you don't romance chloe she'll romance imoen w/ nothing the pc can do to stop this.
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#5 seanas

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 06:30 PM

I can imagine why chloe and immy romance would cause problems.  Multu-romances tend to be kind of buggy, and if you don't romance chloe she'll romance imoen w/ nothing the pc can do to stop this.

nah, it's nothing to do with romances or anything like that. there's a block in chloe's script that checks to make sure post-spellhold immy has the right script assigned; it's missing a chapter check, so as soon as you meet chloe, immy gets her post-spellhold level-ups. for reasons which no-one knows (or rather, has bothered to find out), this only seems to happen in BP, and only when chloe is installed before immy. there's a fix for it posted in the chloe forum, so strictly speaking there are no issues between chloe and the imoen romance.

"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
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#6 wellunhappy

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Posted 06 December 2004 - 05:38 AM

tashia has issues with the way some of her dialogues get added, so install her late in yr install process; chloe can do strange things with the imoen romance in BP - no-one really knows why. i'd suggest, if yr using chloe and immy, to install immy prior to chloe, as this is what i always do, and have never had the problems chloe/imoen problems others describe. i've noticed that willie bruce apparently has problems with the imoen romance as well, so choose one or the other. The Longer Road (aka the irenicus mod) and kiara/zaiya both have issues with BGT, so if yr installing BP-BGT or BP-BGT-NEJ, don't install either of these; if yr installing BP or BP-NEJ, then there's no problem with either of these. i'm pretty sure that yasraena doesn't play nicely with kiara/zaiya either, and you'll have some problems with the tsujutha romance in a BP install as well.

every other weidu NPC i know about can be installed whenever you want after you've got yr BP install complete.

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I think I should be known as wellconfused not unhappy :rolleyes:

I would gamble my grannys teeth on the fact that Tashia should be the first npc mod you install. I'm not disputing this just so very confused???? :ermm:

so what if my install order was:

chloe patch

good or bad?????????

#7 seanas

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Posted 06 December 2004 - 08:17 AM

so what if my install order was:

chloe patch

good or bad?????????

should be fine - having the chloe patch will stop any chloe/immy strangeness; tashia will be fine as long as you dont uninstall and reinstall her too much. the only places you'll have problems with tashia in any event will be at the tree of life and irenicus' final speech - admittedly, two fairly crucial game events, but late in the game at least. my rule of thumb is: if you have multiple tashias in trademeet, you'll have trouble at the tree of life/ irenicus hell battle and vice versa - so at least you'll have advance warning of any problems and can either ctrl-y tashia at the crucial moments (which works) or take kelsey instead...

"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
"EFF files have saves, too." - CamDawg
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#8 -Guest-

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Posted 08 December 2004 - 02:40 PM

Tree of Life and Hell gave me big problems the first time through with Tashia - and that was back in the day before we even had BP. Ive always been dodgy about taking her since then, cos I'd hate to get that far through BP and find I'm stuffed. Worst case, can you kill her, then resurrect her after the dialogue triggers are out of the way?

Either way - cheers for the help! The difficult ones will go in last.

#9 adrich81

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Posted 08 December 2004 - 02:45 PM

btw that last post was me - sorry forgot to long in :rolleyes:

#10 seanas

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Posted 08 December 2004 - 03:20 PM

if you've got tashia and you've got problems with her (ie, multiple tashia's in trademeet) then yes, ctrl-y-ing her prior to the entrance to hell (ie, *before* the battle with irenicus at the tree of life) and before irenicus' grand entrance in hell, and the ctrl-r-ing her immediately afterwards will avoid all the problems. the entrance to hell issues arent a major drama - ie, the game doesnt hang - so you can let that one go; but before irenicus final entrance in hell, she either needs to be out of the party temporarily or dead, otherwise the irenicus-speech cutscene will hang.

"A simple test of the relative merits of science and religion is to compare lighting your house at night by prayer or electricity" - A. C. Grayling
"EFF files have saves, too." - CamDawg
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