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Simple Item modding question

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#1 kharan5876

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Posted 04 October 2005 - 08:09 PM

Can you have a sling that looks like a crossbow but still shoots bullets? Everytime I try to make a sling the CB icon for paperdoll the game freezes when I use it. I'm trying to make a gun weapon for a cleric. It has to look like a Crossbow and shoot bullets because those are the only kind of ammo clerics can equip. I can't fix the equip issue with a kit because thise character is a multiclass cleric(w a kit)/ranger and that takes precedence over the kits equipping rules.

Are there any effects I can use that will active when the weapon is in the person possesion and it allows them to use crossbow bolts? I don't care so much what the projectile looks like, as long as it is something a cleric can normally equip(Can the sling bullet animation be overwritten to a bolt animation using an effect within the weapon itself?). I want to be able to rebuy ammo at normal shops without having to mod/script or do something wierd to get ammo.

Thanks for the help

Edited by kharan5876, 04 October 2005 - 09:00 PM.

#2 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 05 October 2005 - 06:33 AM

I would assume that the easiest way to do this would be to modify a crossbox item file to match some of the effects/animations of a sling. Use DLTCEP and open a crossbow ITM and a sling ITM. Compare the two and you should see what you need to modify. The first tab which covers proficiences and paperdoll animations are the first area to fix. The other main one would be the effects (last tab). This is where the info about how the avatar's animation will use the item. You really don't want the cleric to swing the crossbox like a normal sling!

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#3 Sticz


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Posted 07 October 2005 - 05:21 AM

Id just change the animation from crossbow bolt to bullet. I know that IEEP can do this pretty easily, I havent done it on NI or anything else. That will get you your bullet effect when using a crossbow. Essentially you can add pretty much any animation to a ranged weapon, I once made a bow that shot beholder rays, it was fun for a time, but clutteres the screen with all that stuff flying through the air.


PS this will only work if you have a weapon that fires unlimited ammunition, if you are trying something else, like a Rifle with magazines or something along those lines, your ammunition is what will dictate the animation, so you will have a regular crossbow shoot bullets that way.
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#4 kharan5876

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Posted 07 October 2005 - 11:54 AM

Got it working, all i had to do whats click the Is Bolt? checkbox in NI. Seemed a little misleading the way it was labeled, anyway thanks for the help folks.