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CTD's from world map

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#1 kharan5876

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Posted 15 October 2005 - 11:26 PM

The second area on the worldmap, when I try to goto it I get a CTD.
Also got a CTD exploring this map if I go to the lower left of the center of the map

I am using BP-BGT-NEJ, Dsotsc 1.60, Nsotsc1.2, Yacomos world map

I reinstalled all these components after beating the main story of BG1 because DSC and NSC npcs, scripts, and everything were not showing up at all. Reinstalling in the middle of the save could be causing some of these issues.

Otho never spawned in the Thunderhammer smithy, The Morninglord priest never spawned in burning wizard, jeremy and strongblade never spawned within nashkels inn.

Perhaps the no spawning issue is due to me reinstalling mid save. Is there a way to clear all the information from these indoor areas from my save file?

Also, I am missing the Area DSC008, i assume this is the map where the dragon is because Ive tried to CLUACONSOLE to every dsc map and none of them are the outdoor one with the dragon. I can console to the map where the relic and his treasure is but if I try to go outside I get a ctd. Or is that map some other file? Anyone that can post the missing DSC008 if that indeed is the file im missing?

Edited by kharan5876, 16 October 2005 - 10:03 AM.

#2 Sir BillyBob

Sir BillyBob
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Posted 16 October 2005 - 11:30 AM

You really can't play with DSotSC and NTotSC on a saved game. There are too many changes. Otho and many others are created based on area scripts that don't exist in the original game. I had to create them and in many cases, I had to change the ARE files to point to these scripts because nothing was already defined. Therefore, if you have already been to this location, the ARE is saved in your game and you will never see the updates.

The dragon is outside on the map that you find Samuel (AR4500 I think). Same issue here, you will probably never see the dragon because there was no area script in the normal BGT game. Also, no new areas will appear in on a Worldmap. This is also saved in each game. If you install DSotSC, you either have to start over or at least start from Candlekeep. Even the very first area outside of Candlekeep has changes that you may not see if you have already been to this location.

By the way, I don't think there is a DSC008. I am not home to verify right now, so if someone else could please. Yes, leaving the baby dragons to head back out would cause a CTD. You are asking the game to appear on a spot that is not defined on the area because your saved game had the older ARE file.

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#3 kharan5876

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Posted 16 October 2005 - 06:11 PM

Bah! I played all thru BG1, played for so long. I dont wanna restart again!!! Already started over once form the bandit camp because thats when I first found out about BGT. Does Nsotsc add a lot of extra content to the core of BG1?

Might just have to forget Dsotsc/Nsotsc and move on to BG2 :doh: :doh: :doh:

Edited by kharan5876, 16 October 2005 - 06:19 PM.

#4 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 17 October 2005 - 06:03 PM

Most of the new content is just toughening up some areas. What you may want to do is look at the TP2 file and see what modifications I do to each area. Mostly I add an area script to the ARE files. Many are in Beregost (3 or 4 of them). You may see several of the changes to outdoor areas already. Many of them already have area scripts so I had just added content to those scripts.

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