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Benog's Truth: an axe so uber it crashes the game

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#1 ether

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Posted 04 November 2005 - 08:33 PM

Weidu SoS v.1.5

There's an axe Selence fenced and is selling, the one that confers +1 AC, some radical damage, and a 10% chance to stun

what she forgot to tell me was on 7 out of 10 successful swings, the axe will lock up the game; it doesn't matter who I'm swinging it, but it does apply to everything I have swung at with it

the axe is so scary even I don't want to use it  :lol:  :huh:  

although I still get by w/ my trusty axe from De'Arnise Hold, it'd be nice if someone could figure out how to fix it :D