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2nd part: Couple more bugs - might have been mentioned

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#1 earhug

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 06:46 PM

* Sailor is cave goes hostile if hostile lizards are attack - similar bug as the one where you attacked the mercinaries in Baldur's and the civvies go hostile (anyone know a way around this?)

* Those assasins appear outside the inn if you visit the bard chap in the theatre PLUS the two chaps you kill will then be magically alive inside (can't remember their names)

* Unless you have Fabio with you Peltar doesn't give you the button, string and ruby OR mark the other town on your map (I orginally had fabio in my party, dumped him before I went back to the swoard coast - THEN got him back from the same spot in the 2nd part - only then would Peltar give me the items, mark my map and leave)

* Lothar's traps in his room do NOT need to be spotted as they have been automatically for some reason

Anyhow - if anyone's got a work around for the lizard problem (other from simply avoid hurting them!) can you post me it?

#2 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 18 December 2005 - 05:54 AM

Do you have the latest version? 2.01? I fixed the fishermen, they no longer have Shout as a script. Instead, they should just run away (if they can). However, if you are using a saved game prior to 2.01, the CRE files are stored in the area, so the fishermen would still have the same problems.

Never heard of the problem with Lothar's room before. The door's trap is set at 90, so it will not be an automatic find. Do you have a player script running where one party member is always looking for traps?

Oscar and Philmar are supposed to run outside to fight you. Where exactly where you before the fight? At the inn or some other building?

Fabio and Pelltar still seem to have a dialog problem. I pointed out the issue in another post. Because Fabio was in your party before, he currently has the wrong dialog when you talk to Pelltar. Therefore, Pelltar's dialog stops when it shouldn't.

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#3 earhug

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Posted 18 December 2005 - 08:12 AM

Still behind in Versions, I'm on V2.0, I'll have a crack at the new version when I play with a new character.

Guess I'll try and skip the fisherman thing.  It's not vital to the entire 2nd part is it?

Oscar and Philmar.  FIRST time I played I visited the senile priest guy, then went to the tarvarn where they both ran outside after some dialog and I was then attacked.  Sound enough.  SECOUND time I went to the theatre first and then was attacked (not infront of the theatre mind you).

Lothar's room: had no party scripts on (don't use them).

I know you might have solved some of these issues in your new version but thought I better say something just incase they were missed.

#4 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 18 December 2005 - 08:48 AM

Understood. I haven't done anything to Lothar's room. I still don't see a problem with it. Everything should work fine and you should have to detect the traps. Therefore, there is no fix yet.

Fishermen, you can leave them. They aren't part of the quest. The quest is solved by removing the big guy in the next level down.

Fights in town - this will happen based on certain dialogs. If you tell people your real purpose, you run the risk of being overhead and therefore attacked by the guild. This can happen by the temple, theater, or inn. All three areas have this risk. Being careful of what you say should keep you from getting jumped.

Either way, Oscar and Philmar are only supposed to join the fight if you say the wrong things while at the inn. They shouldn't know about what you said at the temple or theater. Interesting bug. I will have to try to troubleshoot it.

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#5 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 18 December 2005 - 03:05 PM

Okay, I changed Fabio's parting dialog to now reset his default dialog file to BHFABIO. You can change your own game by using NI to edit BFABIO.DLG (don't ask my why I used the banter file). If you edit the file, scroll down and you will see a list of the conditions and then all the actions based on each response. You are looking for:


and you want to change it to:


As a side issue, I have heard others state that any global being set after an NPC leaves will not take effect. You have to set the global prior to leaving. So you see above that I moved the "KickedOut" variable so it will actually work now.

Once you make the changes, save it and try again. Now that he has his standard dialog, the talk from Pelltar to him should work fine.

I went ahead and added the two D files here (one for BGT, one for Tutu). You need to download, remove the first part of the name and place this into the Bonehill\BGT\D or Bonehill\Tutu\D directory before installing the mod. If you have already installed it, use the method above to fix your game.

Attached Files

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#6 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 18 December 2005 - 05:50 PM

Oscar, Philmar, and Basmar are now all checked at the inn to make sure that if they died, they will not show up here.

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