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Drink Drink Drink

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#1 earhug

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Posted 18 December 2005 - 06:11 AM

This may have already been suggested and it''s not my original idea in the first place, but a mod that elaborates on the ALCHOHOLIC (edit) social side of these games wouldn't go a miss.

I think it was the RPG magazine White Dwarf that used to put extra rules and props for your games in their mag and one time they added a drinking table for 'Warhammer Adventures' I think it was called.

The way it worked was that when I character deceided to go to a pub inbwtween adventures, when they've become ineberated every drink they had from there they had to roll of an event table.  Man different things (good and bad) could happen from being pick pocketed, winning a card game, learning a sea chanty that you could later use as a battle cry, even wake up next morning with a horrid tatoo (the tattoo was deceided by the other players).  Games like Baldur's Gate and Morrowind could learn from this.  The closest I've ever seen I believe was Planescape.

Edited by earhug, 18 December 2005 - 06:54 AM.

#2 Jyzabyl


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Posted 18 December 2005 - 06:26 AM

TeeHee - I like it!!!
True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing. And in knowing that you know nothing, that makes you the smartest of all. Socrates

Not only are female redheads frequently lovely but theirs is a loveliness that suggests both lust and danger, pleasure and violence, and is, therefore, to the male of the species virtually irresistible. Red O red were the tresses of the original femme fatale. Tom Robbins

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Unless you know anthing about anatomy. In that case the way to a man's heart is through his ribs with a meat cleaver. Miss Jyzzy's Guide to Men.

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#3 Kulyok

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Posted 18 December 2005 - 06:33 AM

Yes, I, too, believe that the dialogues which trigger when PC is drunk can become a winning point in any NPC mod. (Especially in romance, he-he... Oh, the possibilities... )
EDIT: For romance-related "drunk" dialogues I'd recommend to turn romance music off, since it may (and does, in my opinion) look a bit ridiculous: PC gets drunk, then tender, sad music starts to play, and a dialogue appears.

The scenes like pickpocketing might be tricky, though, since they involve area scripts, and there're ten taverns in SoA, not counting Drow one - a lot of work.

Edited by Kulyok, 18 December 2005 - 06:35 AM.

#4 Archmage Silver

Archmage Silver

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Posted 18 December 2005 - 06:56 AM

This has been up before, yes. It's a hilarious idea, but I think that finishing it would be a hell of a job tho... with all the NPCs and modded ones included.

#5 earhug

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Posted 18 December 2005 - 07:02 AM

This has been up before, yes. It's a hilarious idea, but I think that finishing it would be a hell of a job tho... with all the NPCs and modded ones included.

I'm not really thinking about drunken interjections from NPCs but more random events.  They don't even need to be cutscenes per say.  Perhaps something like the dialog that is displayed when you rest in the woods and are attacked by monsters



"You hear a rustling, spring to you feet and have eight eyes peering at you.  It can't be anything else but a poisonous spider!" --------or whatever


"You swill down your umpteeth drink and stagger back to fall on the floor, your comrades laugh at the drunken stuppor you've fallen into.  As you bashfully and misco-ordinatally pick yourself up you realise your gold pouch is missing!  You have had 250gp pick pocketed"

#6 Kulyok

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Posted 18 December 2005 - 07:10 AM

That could indeed be interesting, but it's a two or three months full-time work, I fear. To make it work, every tavern needs to have its own flavour added: a drunk actor approaching you in Five Flagons, a cutpurse - in Copper Coronet, an angry Handmaiden - in Ust Natha. To make these truly random, you'll need 8-10 encounters per tavern. Writing, coding, and testing - a month at the very least. Adding voice (if any) - another month or two. I think.

Besides, someone has to do all this. :)

#7 Archmage Silver

Archmage Silver

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Posted 18 December 2005 - 07:36 AM

That could indeed be interesting, but it's a two or three months full-time work, I fear. To make it work, every tavern needs to have its own flavour added: a drunk actor approaching you in Five Flagons, a cutpurse - in Copper Coronet, an angry Handmaiden - in Ust Natha. To make these truly random, you'll need 8-10 encounters per tavern. Writing, coding, and testing - a month at the very least. Adding voice (if any) - another month or two. I think.

Besides, someone has to do all this. :)

I think you could skip Ust Natha as the drow never seem to get drunk due to their natural resistances and the fear of being assassinated or snatched to be tortured. ;) But yeah, every modder around here has always some project going on (usually more than one) and this would warrant a lot of time and work.

#8 earhug

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Posted 18 December 2005 - 08:04 AM

Fair enough - just typing out loud, getting my two bits worth, blowing the trumpet, yadda yadda

#9 Jyzabyl


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Posted 18 December 2005 - 08:32 AM

It's a great idea for adding content to the gaming experience. All good things take time :D

Edited by Jyzabyl, 18 December 2005 - 08:35 AM.

True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing. And in knowing that you know nothing, that makes you the smartest of all. Socrates

Not only are female redheads frequently lovely but theirs is a loveliness that suggests both lust and danger, pleasure and violence, and is, therefore, to the male of the species virtually irresistible. Red O red were the tresses of the original femme fatale. Tom Robbins

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Unless you know anthing about anatomy. In that case the way to a man's heart is through his ribs with a meat cleaver. Miss Jyzzy's Guide to Men.

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#10 Shadowhawke


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Posted 18 December 2005 - 11:04 PM

I agree with Jyzabyl. This idea certainly has merit. I seem to recall another one like this knocking about somewhere... the drunken NPC mod? It has room to add in not only fun gameplay experience but some 'quality' character interaction as well, which is fun. :P :)

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Through hell and all above,
Surviving sword and arrow,
Bound stronger by the love


And in the end a witness,
To where the death has lain,
Silent through the sorrow,
Where innocents lie slain

#11 Kaeloree


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Posted 18 December 2005 - 11:39 PM

And what about hangovers? *grins*

I agree with the wonderful Jyz and SH -- great idea!

Imoen: Hey, this feels... really... wierd. You! You there, the cute one! Get me another...

*Imoen slumps unconscious onto the floor*

Aerie: *giggles* I wiiiin! Another rrooound, my god barman...

#12 Kulyok

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Posted 19 December 2005 - 01:33 AM

In hopes that someone'll pass by and adopt the idea:

(Since I am eager to play it, but not at all eager to write it on my own, let alone code it. Naturally.)

1) A real NPC coming to you and talking to you, and then running away/picking a fight/making a not-so-decent proposal is far, far better than several lines of action text on the screen. Just look at Keto's greeting dialogue.

2) While PC getting drunk is a good idea, since it is the player character and the player can do whatever they want with their character, drunk and hangover lines for other characters merit careful consideration. For example, while I imagine the player will have no difficulty in getting Jan, Korgan, or Haer'Dalis drunk, Aerie, Keldorn or Mazzy is a somewhat difficult issue.

3) Compatibility with NPC mods which have drunk dialogues and hangover dialogues. (Amber, no?) For encounters and drunk dialogues to be compatible, I think a short timer (10 seconds) and !PartyRested() condition should do.

4) Voices for the encounters. Should there be custom voiced lines, or do the game's "default rogue", "default female prostitute", "default commoner" voiced lines more than enough? Another issue to consider.

#13 Deva


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Posted 29 December 2005 - 03:57 PM

Wasn't this mod idea originally called 'Vino Veritas' or something? O.o;

Yush, I like it alot, I felt there was a lot that could be done with it. There was talk of incorporating a quest where all the party members have their alignments switched to the exact opposites? I thought that'd be pretty great aswell. xD Anything that involves Aerie killing orphans is good in my book.



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