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Worldmap v6 Becomes Unuseable In Area DSC004

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#1 erebusant


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Posted 26 July 2006 - 06:48 PM

As soon as you travel to Forest of Lost Souls, all other destinations on the Worldmap v6 go "Destination Unreachable"

I took a look at the DSotSC Area links Table. It looks like DSC004 links to the N AR0700 (which of course when I cluaconsoled there plunked me down right smack dab in the western edge of Waukeen's Promenade in Athkatla) and all the BG1 locations had become unreachable.

And to the S the link is to AR60PB (Temple of the Black Hand) which I could clua to and then return normally to Forest of Lost souls.

The good news is: Once you are stuck in the Forest of Forgotten Souls, all you need to do to get back on track is CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("DSC002") after you finish the Banshee off (or any other location, actually) and your Worldmap reverts back to normal and you can travel from area to area normally again, and you no longer get the "destination unreachable" script on the map...

Edited by erebusant, 26 July 2006 - 09:09 PM.

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#2 Teutomatos

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Posted 26 December 2006 - 04:47 PM

Hell !

lua: call expression not a function


I ve try with different way with AR and FW in case of, but nada, nothin ...

Hmm, i m not beguin the Dsotc, just finishing the whole parts of baldur s south areas, first part of Bone hill after the nashkel mines, so i m beguin the cloackwood ... Any suggest to take my ass off forgotten soul ? ( guess i m damned and rest the rest of my life on it ? :crying: next quest: forgotten Teutomatos soul :wall: )

#3 seanas

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Posted 26 December 2006 - 04:55 PM

type it exactly as listed below:


if yr getting lua: call expression not a function messages, then you are not typing it correctly

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#4 erebusant


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Posted 26 December 2006 - 06:26 PM

Hell !

lua: call expression not a function


I ve try with different way with AR and FW in case of, but nada, nothin ...

Hmm, i m not beguin the Dsotc, just finishing the whole parts of baldur s south areas, first part of Bone hill after the nashkel mines, so i m beguin the cloackwood ... Any suggest to take my ass off forgotten soul ? ( guess i m damned and rest the rest of my life on it ? :crying: next quest: forgotten Teutomatos soul :wall: )

How did you get to DSC004 in the 1st place if you've not completed the Cloakwood? That shouldn't even be possible.

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#5 Teutomatos

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Posted 27 December 2006 - 12:56 PM

I type the code correctly :angry: Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V the best way, is it ?

I saw the map Forgotten soul since... The beguinning !?? Or really early.

As i finish cloackwood, jet laya appears just now at Friendly arm inn.

But, strangly, the "first" cloackwood which appears is not the 1 but "cloackwood 2" dont remember when exactly. May be near the Mines quest. So i have presume it was normal cause some news quest arround ...
The cloackwood 1 coming at last !

I have visiting the cavern on Lathrande temple, and killed the 3 fantôms, never mind for the vampiric sword.
I have done Bonehill "first part"...

So i dont play with PNJ, make my own team in multiplayer and stay single on multiplayer game.

BG2Fixpack v1
BGT 1.02
DSotSC 1.85
NTotSC 1.45
SoB 2.05
BP 1.77
BP-BGT World map 6.3

like Multiplayer mood but single

EDIT 00.35

well, i reload it, "almost regular way with Jet laya in my crew. I take her (to get the maps) and kick immediatly, don t wanna loose my personnal Clerc. (and i don t know where he s leaving !!?? Beregost ??)
The both map appears now, with Forgotten soul. I clean everything, but for sure, unfortunatly i can t find near the cavern, and talk with Jet laya sister:
Question: Theres a clua thing for that ?

So, may be cause i can t finish this quest, i m blocked on this map now. So desesperate i ve click on bad place and BTW... So, i relaod and gonna try the MoveToArea like u suggest first. Soon report...

Edited by Teutomatos, 27 December 2006 - 03:45 PM.

#6 Teutomatos

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Posted 27 December 2006 - 03:54 PM

OK OK OK :Bow:

All pardon, excuses, apologizes : i don t type "Clua console" in front, thinking open it, it s the clua indeed :clown: :new_bottom: :doh:

AND AND AND ...pffff TEUTOMATOS (in place of Noober) Creature = get ring of stupidity XP - 10 000 Rep - 1 million

kill Banshee = get the Amulet => End area type "exactly": CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("DSC002") => go to Beregost => talk to Lennan = finish the quest

Thx for u re patience. 2 solutions, u delete theses post (mine) for clearing area, u conserv them for exemple of stupid move :new_bottom:

Edited by Teutomatos, 27 December 2006 - 04:50 PM.