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Pickpocket Bug or not?

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#1 markp

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Posted 17 December 2006 - 10:49 AM

It seems it is impossible to pickpocket vendors now I have the most popular BP-BGT install 'collection'. I know stealing is not the best way to get thru a game, but I want a few high priced (small) items and no matter what I do (stack thievery potions PP=275) I get caught EVERYTIME!

Is there a bug with one of the mods or did I install something that shuts off or makes it impossible to PP?
I don't want to cheat through the game (SetCurrentGold) but why have a pickpocket skill if you can't use it.

Thanks again,


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#2 -Guest-

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Posted 17 December 2006 - 11:18 AM

When you get numbers past 255, you have problems.

#3 seanas

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Posted 17 December 2006 - 12:35 PM

yep, can you test this with a lower PP? there's a hard limit in the game, that causes PP values to wrap around to zero over 255 - ie with PP 275, you've actually only got a PP of 20, which will be instant failure every time you try to steal. and as it's a hard limit, there's no working around it.

so: try thieving with 255>PP>100, and see if it works. if not, we can look at what might be modifying yr game - altho as it's a hard limit i suspect nothing is actually limiting it, and yr just experiencing the wraparound effect.

Edited by seanas, 17 December 2006 - 12:36 PM.

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#4 markp

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Posted 17 December 2006 - 01:24 PM

Thanks for the quick responses. I tried different values of 25-50-90-130-150-175-220-250-270 with partial success. I found some vendors I was able to PP. Some (Altor in Restenford for example) allows no PP at all. So I guess I'll have to experiment a bit more.

One other thing I found. A basic thief (no kit) has no snares. I tried an assasin and a bounty hunter and the snares are fine. I noticed it first when Imoen didn't have any snares.

- Mark