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Looking forward to 100/100/100,000

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#1 -jcompton-

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Posted 11 August 2002 - 09:48 AM

WeiDU version: 69
Solaufein version: 69
Weimer site visits: >67,000

Seems to me like you could hit a triple jubilee (v100/v100/100,000 visits) if you play your cards right. You should start planning special events for when that happens.

In Solaufein v100, Lord Bennett Cerf of Waterdeep shows up and gives Solaufein a 200,000 gp advance on a 4-book deal for his original poetry creations.

Visitor 100,000 to the site receives a signed copy of the first volume of aforementioned poetry collection, and an unchaperoned date with Valen.

And, of course, WeiDU v100 would have to introduce all of those features Wes has been holding out on us:

- Allowing us to speak into a microphone and have it magically modify the game for us.

- Reading our minds.

- Implementing "fuzzy technology."

#2 -jcompton-

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Posted 11 August 2002 - 08:22 PM

Visitor 100,000 to the site receives a signed copy of the first volume of aforementioned poetry collection, and an unchaperoned date with Valen.

Alternately, Westley could TAKE THEM TO LUNCH.

#3 Gospel

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Posted 11 August 2002 - 08:50 PM

Oooh, ooh, me wants! :D

Could I have a date with Immy kitty instead, though? :) *purrs* :D
Is kitty :)

#4 oopsilon

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Posted 11 August 2002 - 09:58 PM

How 'bout a free one way trip to Spellhold?

For the evil inclined, there's always the quaint accomodations provided by Bohdi's Lair below the graveyard of Athkatla. Great place to have that date with Valen...

#5 Artemidore

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Posted 12 August 2002 - 02:53 AM

Visitor 100,000 to the site receives a signed copy of the first volume of aforementioned poetry collection, and an unchaperoned date with Valen.

Alternately, Westley could TAKE THEM TO LUNCH.

                    I guess I'd rather have a lunch with Weimer than a date with Valen... could be dangerous!  :unsure:  :)

#6 alustriel


    Seething little ball of hate...

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Posted 12 August 2002 - 05:41 AM

Visitor 100,000 to the site receives a signed copy of the first volume of aforementioned poetry collection, and an unchaperoned date with Valen.

Alternately, Westley could TAKE THEM TO LUNCH.

hehehehe... Would they really want Weimer to TAKE THEM TO LUNCH?? :lol:
<center>Madness...<br>Tempest of the Witch

"Arr, ph34r me leet skillz, ye scurvy dogs, or shiver me timbers if I don't pwnzor the lot of ye! One one one and a bottle of rum!

Avast, ye scurvy n00bs! STFU and prepare to be pwned!!!11!!1!"</center>

Vero: In Halo... "I done kilted you!"
Alustriel: So.. he puts a man-skirt on his victims? Dooood.. That's just harsh!
Vero: LOL