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Lets discuss a few things

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#101 lemonio

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 02:41 PM

is anyone intrested in the idea of a rating system? i have no clue how it would work, but it would be really cool if people could rate screenshots.

I, who come from a forum with a rating system would like to say


It usually ends up with people posting stuff just for ratings :P

ok. good point. i lose.
wow. they are still arguing over people leaving and teggers post on the bethesda forums.

Edited by lemonio, 08 May 2007 - 03:41 PM.

Twenty-two astronauts were born in Ohio. What is it about your state that makes people want to flee the earth?
-Stephen Colbert

#102 VanQa

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 02:47 PM

should we split the post up in two

I completely agree that the threads are going fast with the babbling and offtopic things. But ! I love reading all the things in between :) Either way is fine with me.

should we snip out image replies


should we make another section for archiving pictures

If the space is there, why not ?

should we split the post into newbie/veteran sections.... which I dunno once again I hate using anything that splits people into a us-them mentality.

All pictures are nice to look at :) No need for newbie/veteran I think. I felt an outside as well when i posted my first pictures, but that was not because you all made me feel unwelcome. On the contrary. I felt very at home at the other forum, and now again here on this one because of you guys being here. I know you lot appreciate my pictures and i know that no comments on my pictures does not mean you dont like em :)
And no ratings. I dont post my pictures to have them rated, but to share them.

Edited by VanQa, 08 May 2007 - 02:48 PM.

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-o0o- My Photobucket -o00-

#103 Spike4072

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 03:55 PM

So we still doing a poll or is everything all worked out now?

#104 Hector the Hooded

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 04:10 PM

Thats up to Sev, Spike!

#105 ghostruler

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 04:21 PM

I'm down for the comment thread, these are moveing quite fast. And theres an Inside/outside group thing going on, I always saw it as there was too groups but we where all one family, there was the posts alots and the doesn't post so muches.
And I shall stand upon a sandbar in my bucket because I'm beyond that cool.

#106 Treetop Smoker

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 04:27 PM

I always saw it as there was too groups but we where all one family, there was the posts alots and the doesn't post so muches.

Excellent ! Couldnt agree more :) Well-said !!

Posted Image

#107 jackmix69



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Posted 08 May 2007 - 05:15 PM


Pretty good post. Here are my opinions on it.

#1: I do agree, those threads move fast, we've already got 5 threads and moved here a few days ago.
#2: At first, I did feel like there was an "In" group, but after posting a few screenshots I realized I was completely wrong. Greatfool1 and Kalia are the #2 people who comment on things from what I've experianced.

I only read the main post right now so forgive me if we're discussing something else at the moment.

Edited by jackmix69, 08 May 2007 - 05:27 PM.

#108 lemonio

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 05:23 PM

I'm down for the comment thread, these are moveing quite fast. And theres an Inside/outside group thing going on, I always saw it as there was too groups but we where all one family, there was the posts alots and the doesn't post so muches.

people in the world are divided into two groups

the post alots and the doesn't post so muches.
that is ingenious.
you should really write plays. doesn't post so muches!
I have laughed so hard in a long time

you are right though, even though what you said is so hilarious
Twenty-two astronauts were born in Ohio. What is it about your state that makes people want to flee the earth?
-Stephen Colbert

#109 highpressure

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 05:59 PM

Something I posted in the 100th thread, and one earlier thread over at esf. I hope that my feelings are shared by some here. As you see in my comments below, for me it's not just the screens, but so much more.

What I have come to realize is that people will tend to gravitate to screens that hold interest in how they like to play the game, and that's why I think, some get more comments than others. But a clique, I think not. A concerted effort to comment on others postings is the only thing I would encourage. But only if you have something to say. Because some times you're simply at a lost for words. :)

Below is my honest feeling about all of you that share in threads like these.


I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to share not only your game screens, but your artistic knowledge and experience. One thing I love most about this thread, is seeing how each of you prefer to play the game, as shown through your characters. For some, this is also a means to give us a little peak into your personality.

I don't want to get into name calling, because you always seem to forget to mention someone. So what I say, I say to you all. You make playing this game much more fun that it would ordinarily be. You inspire the creative talents in others through the sharing of your own. Many of you put smiles on faces, and cause laughter, with your very thoughtful and well planned depictions of your various character screens, and very well written stories. Boy, can I think of a few!

I may not comment on every single screen posted. But you can be sure that I checkout every single one that is posted. Comments or not,.. I enjoy every single shot, angle, effect, and all other personal touches that you choose to share. I used to be heavily into art, video, photography, most anything film related, when I was some years younger. But being a participant in this thread has truly got the creative juices flowing again. Not a whole lot, but just a little. For this I do thank you all.

In closing, I would just like to say, that you never know what kind of a day someone may have had, or what type of things they may be going through currently. But something as simple as a game screen, a funny quote, a thoughtfully written story, a kind word, or compliment about someones picture, could be the very thing that puts a smile on someones face, and bring laughter where there would otherwise be sorrow. I may never meet any of you, but that doesn't mean we can't have a positive affect on one another.

P.S. I for a comment thread too. If that is what the family feel is needed, then go for it! B)

#110 Spike4072

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 06:06 PM

:clap: Very nicely said Highpressure :new_thumbs:

#111 greatfool1

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 09:36 PM

Hi everybody, it's me. I hope everybody's enjoying the new stay here so far. SC, Liam, and everybody at SHS has been so gracious to us, lets try to take some time to thank them for the new haven.


2. The second issue is perhaps a little bit tougher to deal with, but I'd like to get it out in the open right now so there's no doubts. Unfortunately, we've discussed this over and over and I think some people will never accept it, and so we'll always be battling the stigma but I'm giving it another try. There is no "inside" and "outside" group. I really hadn't even heard the term until a few weeks ago when Mirrors messaged me about it. We (and I mean every last person that has ever posted in the thread) are a group of friends. For some reason, people feel alienated and excluded from us. I don't really understand why they feel that way, but it's more than one person, and I would like to squash this right now because we want to promote SHS as a place where anyone and everyone should feel welcome. The last thing I want to do is scare off new people from participating or joining in because they feel there's an "in crowd"

I'm sure all of us at some point in our lives have felt alienated, left out, singled-out. We know how much that feeling sucks. The last thing I want to do is make someone else feel like that. I know some of you like Kalia, and Shadow', and GF1 (oh how we miss your presence GF) have tried to take time out of their day to make sure and comment on everybody's pictures. That's extra-special coming from Kalia, bless her heart, I feel honored, and grateful she uses the energy she's allotted on us :) That says a lot. I also understand that people like Floydian, and Spike, and JazzJR aren't very good with words, as are a lot of us.

I think a good example of what can come from just mustering up the courage to open your mouth and participate is Popcorn. He wanted to post, we welcomed him. He had questions and problems with importing faces, we tried to accommodate him. Now he's taking great shots, and joining in on the rest of the discussion like we all love to do.

So the question here is, what can we as a group do to obliterate this notion that there's an "inside" click? Of course there is only so much we can do, 99% of it is just people speaking up and participating. Like my dad always used to say, closed mouthes don't get fed. Regardless, I'm hoping we can come up with some sort of gameplan here to include everybody in the fun. Lets discuss this, and get it out of the way so we can move on with our postings.

Thanks for reading.


Hi everyone! I have been exploring around a bit. Thanks for all the kind words and PMs!

I saw your post here SeV and it prompted me to get registered tonight and connect here with all of you. Been a bit rough of late over at TES having been away and then returning to see the Pics thread in the state it's in. But it is a good reminder that it is not so much the house but the family that lives in it that counts. Plus, this looks like a very very fine house - a beautiful site here!

I took a while to get here mainly because I am so rl busy, and partly because my Oblivion is dead, and partly because I didn't know where to even post, since I have no new screenies. But seeing your post here, SeV, made it easy. In fact, I wrote a kind of "see you later" on the TES Picture thread earlier today and tried to address the insider/outsider syndrome that was being brought up there in a negative manner once again. I have long been aware of the politics of people living/working/playing together and wanting to relate and cooperate, but also the great difficulties this can cause. People have been presuming insiders/outsiders probably as long as there have been more than one being!

It is great you are actively looking to undermine any obvious ways the insider/outsider syndrome can creep into our gathering. But try as we may, if someone really "wants" to feel betrayed and left out, they will find a reason. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard "how no one comments on new poster's shots, but only on the insiders (regulars)". To be honest, I almost never commented on Floydian1's and almost always commented on new people's posts - to not only welcome the new people, but also to undermine this insider/outsider mentality that some people just have to assume. (Plus Floydian1 already knows I love his shots.)

But even today on TES, I felt obliged to address that same criticism about leaving new people out. For some people, e.g., Mirrors, I have repeatedly PM'd him to post screenies and to join the party, and he confessed he felt left out, but he never took me up on any offer to participate. For him to do so would not allow him to feel excluded any longer. So yes, do what we can, but still know people will feel betrayed.

A funny aside about this betrayal/exclusion mechanism in all of us: My daughter, when she was 5 years old, came home from school very sad. My wife at the time and I asked her what was wrong, and she finally confessed that she felt really bad because all of her classmates had TWO homes to go home to - one with mommy and the other with daddy! (California divorce rates are very high.) Here my wife and I are proudly thinking we were giving her a very happy family/home - and she hits us with this! I saw very clearly that this mechanism of betrayal/feeling excluded may have little to do with actual reality!

gf1 (greatfool1's "mini-me"): "Hey wait a minute! I feel left out - I go away for a week, and I get back and most of my friends are gone! They left me Layla!"

Layla (my pc): Good for them! But why didn't they come for me????

J/k... That is my mini-me "dramatizing" the exclusion game. Many of you left me a forwarding address! So thanks for that. Though it did sadden me to leave that thread. And now to see some of the types there currently trashing it - I do feel bad for all the lurkers there. Thanks Spike and Floydian1 for countering some of the BS there today. I am surprised the mods are just letting certain people bash away. I guess I am still connected to it in some way - a whole lot of time spent there. Lots of great fun. But hey, a whole new place here! So thank you hosts and hostesses for this!

But I think what saddens me the most is that I won't be able to participate too much here for a while, as I have said before - too many rl matters to handle. But I still wanted to check in and say hello and I really enjoy seeing your screenies - damn! 5 threads already! And also all the regulars here. Hey wait, we are the outsiders here now! Yay!!!!!! Finally, we can prove we are not insiders! Sorry....

Back to regarding your topic, SeV, mainly I want to say if people take the time to comment, and particularly welcome new posters, the thread will grow and at least this insider/outsider syndrome can be shown to be just a presumption made at an individual level - and not necessarily at a group level. And it really is a presumption - who are the insiders? Who are the outsiders? You describe it well in your post, SeV.

Another reminder, we went from 140 unique posters at Thread #50 to about 420 unique posters by Thread #100 - and I think this is due to both the excellence of everyone's posts and also the relational nature of the threads, via comments, etc.

Btw, where is Cosmic-Banana? I haven't seen anything from him. Also, he did that great avatar wall in case we need to look for other MIAs.

Anyway, forgive my ramblings... I am fried.

Oh yeah, I read all the prior posts here, and I like the idea of separate Pics and Comments threads like we did at Thread #100. I also think it worked well to allow comments about other people's pictures (without quoting the whole img pic) within one's own post on the Picture thread. Otherwise, comments alone would go to the Comments thread.

Also, how are the dialup users faring with the img tags? I wonder if we should post dialup size links and IMG tags if we do the latter? Many of you know I always post both a broadband link (1 MB screenie) and a dialup link (100K screenie), and about 35% of my hits were to the dialup link. I saw someone say it was slow downloading too many 500K img pics. Just wondering.

Glad to make contact here! Sorry about the lengthy post and any venting. Thanks for listening!

#112 Kaelis Ebonrai

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 09:48 PM

Welcome, gf1!

Great to see you here, and, indeed, your sentiments echo my own. You always were a wise fellow. ;) Don't worry too much about not being able to post, we'll be waiting for you, trust me. =) Thank you for spending the time to post here, my friend.

#113 Spike4072

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 09:50 PM

I guess I am still connected to it in some way - a whole lot of time spent there. Lots of great fun. But hey, a whole new place here! So thank you hosts and hostesses for this!

I know how you feel. That is why I started the new thread over at TESF and was trying to keep it alive but this place is really starting to grow on me and we have much more freedom too. :) I know the old place will never be the same but it is not that hard to post at two sites with copy/paste so I am going to try to keep that one going too. :)

#114 Soul_Slayer

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 09:51 PM

But even today on TES, I felt obliged to address that same criticism about leaving new people out. For some people, e.g., Mirrors, I have repeatedly PM'd him to post screenies and to join the party, and he confessed he felt left out, but he never took me up on any offer to participate. For him to do so would not allow him to feel excluded any longer. So yes, do what we can, but still know people will feel betrayed.

I've often wondered what the deal was with that dude, don't see him post, but he sure has alot of trash to talk in the screenie thread.

A funny aside about this betrayal/exclusion mechanism in all of us: My daughter, when she was 5 years old, came home from school very sad. My wife at the time and I asked her what was wrong, and she finally confessed that she felt really bad because all of her classmates had TWO homes to go home to - one with mommy and the other with daddy! (California divorce rates are very high.) Here my wife and I are proudly thinking we were giving her a very happy family/home - and she hits us with this! I saw very clearly that this mechanism of betrayal/feeling excluded may have little to do with actual reality!

My daughter complained of wanting to have another daddy like her step sister had, it hurts, till you realize they have no idea what they're talking about.

Good to see you made it over, even if you can't post pics. :cheers:

#115 greatfool1

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 10:59 PM

Thanks very much, guys! I will stay in touch. This is a very friendly place you have here. Good nite!

#116 Von Stahlriven

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 11:05 PM

Good to see you GF1! :cheers:

I have nothing against the separate pictures/comments threads, as it would give everyone's pictures more time in the current page. We really should try it out and see how it works.
But then again, I dont really like the idea of rating threads because it would bring more competition than there should be...

"I'm invisible, now I'm certain." - Von Stahlriven.
My screenshot Gallery.
My DeviantArt Stuff.

#117 Rumpleteasza


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Posted 09 May 2007 - 04:14 AM

Thank you so much for that thoughtful post, GF1. I couldn't find anything there that I didn't agree with. Your paragraph about people wanting to have something to complain about really struck a chord. I think it's just a sad truth. No matter what you do, and how many hands of friendship you extent, some people will never be satisfied unless they can throw all their toys out of the pram and have someone coo at them and put them back in... only for the same thing to happen a moment later.

Because that's what I feel like the situation's been - like a massive screenshotty two-year-old having a tantrum. All this passive-aggression and pseudo-intellectual posturing just seems absolutely absurd when you look at it from an objective perspective. This is a thread on the internet for posting game pictures. I think some people need to take a step back and think, "well, if this is bothering me so much, why don't I turn my computer off, have a sandwich, buy some shoes, lunch with a friend, and realise there's nothing to be stroppy about."

After the ridiculous circular wankfest I saw on the ESF thread last night, I fully expected to come on this morning to find it locked down with a cool-off message on the end by a moderator. I was very suprised, although pleased, to find that I was wrong. The SHS screenshotters are really trying to get the thread back on track, and I think it shows to anyone with half a brain cell. It's the people that keep coming in and airing their entitlements and complaints that are REALLY dragging the thread off track.

I know all this isn't exactly what we're discussing now, but GF1's post brought it all out of me. Although I love our new home, the circumstances surrounding coming here are getting out of hand. I hope things calm down now and we can all continue enjoying both forums peacefully.

With regards to the new structuring of the forum here, I don't think ratings are a good idea either - with some things it might work, but I think the nature of the screenshot thread isn't suited to a system like that. I think we need to avoid a sense of competition coming in.
New avatar in honour of SeV/Jade, because everyone knows Jade brings all the (elves? Humans? Tabaxi? Let's just say girls, shall we?) to the yard.
Well... not quite so appropriate now I changed it. Sorry, Jadikins. <3 <3

The King and I
The Emperor and I

#118 DS Divine

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Posted 09 May 2007 - 05:35 AM

Ah, I couldn't force myself to read more than three first pages- Im lazy person, especially before weekend.

Anyway, whatever idea you guys come up with- I accept (just make sure to make separate sticky thread about new rulez, or I will definitely break them, for not knowing them :P )

The separate chat thread seemed to work fine in the 100th PoOC tread :) (Got the link in my sig btw, for those who haven't seen that great thread yet)

Im not sure I understund that second "issue"

I noticed GF1 here, good to see You!

And there is something wrong with the forums, this is 5th! time I type this message, but for some reasons, I get the error message and page is shutted down just when im about to post! (I writed in the notepad and copy/pasted it this time)

We should make a clan.
How 'bout "The Screenshooters" :D
Ok I was just kidding -_-

#119 kalia

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Posted 09 May 2007 - 05:47 AM

Can you all please stop commenting on my screenshots, it causes Luchaire's posting arm to go all limp.

:ROFL: And you say you're not good with words!

I guess I am still connected to it in some way - a whole lot of time spent there. Lots of great fun. But hey, a whole new place here! So thank you hosts and hostesses for this!

I know how you feel. That is why I started the new thread over at TESF and was trying to keep it alive but this place is really starting to grow on me and we have much more freedom too. :) I know the old place will never be the same but it is not that hard to post at two sites with copy/paste so I am going to try to keep that one going too. :)

I've really appreciated the effort you've put in to maintain that, Spike4072. I *was* hoping it'd keep things from getting nasty. But it does appear to have settled down a bit over there, thankfully.

Thanks very much, guys! I will stay in touch. This is a very friendly place you have here. Good nite!

OH, I wake up & come online & there's greatfool1ness!! :wub: *contented sigh* Well, I was thinking last night of things I wanted to say, and he said it all much better than I was going to. I think this discussion gets us headed in a great direction for trying new things in this new home, but let's remember you can't please all the people all the time!

My very-much-not-awake-yet thoughts:

As far as img tags/loading times: We've now been encouraged *several* times (well, at least twice) by the fine folks here to *attach* our pics. That means loading 'em up right here, and apparently that means faster page loading times? Anyway, seems to be so on my end. So I'd vote for that being what we *encourage* in the pictures thread. Attach your pics directly here.

And I also like the no-repost idea. Perhaps if someone posted right at the end of the last thread & is concerned the shots were missed, they could just say that in their post & link to the other post, then post new pics. Or post in the comments thread asking for comments, linking to that post.

I'll say again I'm really for the separate comments thread. I thought it worked very well for the 100th thread, and I always have to put a separate tab up & start my comments that way anyways. And we're already saying that if that's the route we go, the two threads route, that comments thread would last as long as the pictures thread, right? I see no reason to cap the comments thread at 200 posts & start a new comments thread.

I also like the idea of a separate *section* for wips/feedback. I'm picturing highpressure starting a thread about retextures of the exnem stuff, me starting a thread bout "hey here's my new character I'm working on", etc. And if someone's stuff wasn't getting as much feedback as they wanted, they could post a little advert link in the comments thread, where everyone would see it! Or link at the bottom of a regular pic in the piccies thread.

Perhaps "Stories" could be a separate section too? Then each person doing a story could have their own thread in that section. Well, ideally, each *story* would have it's own thread. I'd love to be able to read some of these stories straight through, and that'd make it easy! Being in a separate section of the board, all those story-threads wouldn't be "cluttering" this section.

And I'd also like to remind folks about the UESP page. Read Wrye's post in that thread, and the once-again generous reply from a mod here. I love the idea of archiving shots, but if we can host some format here for the UESP pictures page idea, wouldn't that just rock? And I'm really all about rotating those pictures, hopefully monthly, so we can really showcase everyone. I could really use some input from the more technically-savvy folks around here on what's possible - but probably best to post those ideas there.

One more thought: could I make a suggestion for one small limitation here? Could we encourage political discussion to go to the Rec Room? It's just such a divisive & heated topic, and it's easy for humor to be misinterpreted as insult. Plus, it'd get us out into the larger population here. Too much longer, and they're gonna think we don't like them! :P

On that note, last but not least: Hector & Soul_Slayer: No fighting! :new_bottom: Don't make me get out the paddle! :P

DS Divine - if it's a clan, does that mean the men have to wear kilts? :devil:

#120 Luchaire

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Posted 09 May 2007 - 05:50 AM

Can you all please stop commenting on my screenshots, it causes Luchaire's posting arm to go all limp.

This from the guy who takes the time to arrange, pose, screencap, edit, upload, and post pictures of pixelated video game characters having sex? :unsure: