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Comments about PoOC thread #7

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#121 Spike4072

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 07:51 AM

Spike 4072: Very nice ice elf, are we going to be seeing more pics of her or was she just a test of the coloring?
Spike 4072: I know those are bab only but what would happen if i I tried them on without bab? (i use exems)

Thanks, Yes you may see more of her. Some people are also wanting me to make her into a race mod.

You can where those dresses with Exems but the body texture under the dress will be messed up

Spike4072 - She's very prettty. :new_thumbs: Post 32 - Now everyone can see what I've been saying all along - Luna's a hottie!

Thanks :) Luna has a big grin now. :D

#122 greatfool1

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 08:26 AM

Morning, all! Hey, only a couple pages of pics to catch up on - I'm liking this split thread thing. On the subject of posting scenery: perhaps we should drop the "characters" part of the thread title? Just make it "Pictures of Oblivion"? What? You don't like the PoO acronym? :P
greatfool1 - :ROFL:

gf1: Thanks Kalia! I am glad you liked it. Please do not give greatfool1 any credit for it as he is trying to get rid of me.

gf1: Kalia, these search links on people's names don't seem to work for me - like when I click on the link above, it does go to that one for a second, but then jumps somewhere else. Am I not understanding something about your intention here - in other words, am I missing something about what the link on "greatfool1" is supposed to be doing? Is it a setup/options issue? Do other people have this problem?

Your code:
[url=http://www.shsforums.net/index.php?s=&showtopic=26631&view=findpost&p=301430]greatfool1[/url] - :ROFL:

If I want to link a post separately from purely "quoting" it, I usually go to the top of its page, copy that link, and change the number to the post # less 1 and add the "url" code. There is probably an easier way, but this always works for me.

My original Post was #33, so here is the code for it:
[url=http://www.shsforums.net/index.php?showtopic=26631&st=32]gf1's post (NOT greatfool1's)[/url]

gf1's post (NOT greatfool1's)

(I think you can also use the "topic" code too, but I usually just do the above.)

Layla: Uh, gf1, I think greatfool1 wants that post avoided at all costs. So please stop posting links to it. So in that case, good job Kalia!!!
gf1: I want my mummy...

All you Mom's: :wub: Happy Mummy's Day!!!! :wub:

greatfool1: How did he get out again, Layla?
Layla: Oh... an overnite delivery came that he had to sign for - I think it is another blowup dolly. He won't be any trouble for a while now, I promise you.

Edited by greatfool1, 13 May 2007 - 08:45 AM.

#123 kalia

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 08:33 AM

You're right - your way works and mine doesn't. :( Phooey. I was just clicking on the post# & copying that link. Your way sounds like more work, but I'll have to try it.

#124 greatfool1

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 08:39 AM

You're right - your way works and mine doesn't. :( Phooey. I was just clicking on the post# & copying that link. Your way sounds like more work, but I'll have to try it.

Maybe someone else can weigh in with a simpler approach - there should be a way to click the post and do what you are saying. Spike uses "showtopic" (or is it "topic"?) sometimes - I wonder if there is a simple click method for this.

Edited by greatfool1, 13 May 2007 - 09:49 AM.

#125 kalia

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 09:03 AM

OK, let's try greatfool1's approach:

Charisma - So glad you delurked! Very nice lighting in that shot. I like the shine on the armor - and on your character's skin.

Well, that appears to work just fine. And aside from having to do math (what? Y'all can subtract 1 just in your heads? :P ) it's actually very easy. But I wonder why it has to be 1 less than the actual post #.

Windwalker - I've kept seeing your name down there amongst those reading - my actual name means "walker on the wind" so it caught my eye - glad to see piccies from you! Sad though that you deleted purple dark elf girl. She was pretty!

floydian1 - No, no - now THIS is my fav piccie of Sia! :P

Daiyoukai Ramza - Now *that's* a shot from a fantasy game! A dragon, a unicorn, a giant and a guy with wings all in one shot! Fabulous!

Whaddya know? Not only did it work, but it's actually easier to link that way, since I only have to copy the link once per page & then just change that number. Kick ass. That'll show me for being negative about it right up front without trying it first. :doh:

Hey, can I ask - why aren't people attaching the pictures directly here, rather than linking to outside hosts? I'm genuinely curious, especially as the uesp thing seems to be coming together & my plan was to have those piccies directly attached. It seems to me the pages load faster when the pics are attached here - but that maybe is just in my head?

Edited by kalia, 13 May 2007 - 09:08 AM.

#126 SeV

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 09:09 AM

@Kalia: Because I found some enchanted armor with +15 strength and +15 endurance and decided to throw it on for the remainder of the dungeon so I could carry more loot :P It technically breaks role-playing, but I figured a +15 strength would actually feel lighter than a light armor suit : I promptly sold it for a nice chunk of change at the IM.

:wub: Happy mothers day to all of the wonderful girls we have here in our board :wub:

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#127 Victoria


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Posted 13 May 2007 - 09:14 AM

Hey, can I ask - why aren't people attaching the pictures directly here, rather than linking to outside hosts? I'm genuinely curious, especially as the uesp thing seems to be coming together & my plan was to have those piccies directly attached. It seems to me the pages load faster when the pics are attached here - but that maybe is just in my head?

Well I have unlimited space on both my album sites so it's just easy to link to there as i can use the link on multiple forums.
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#128 kalia

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 09:18 AM

@ SeV - Oh yeah. I, uh, tend to forget about encumbrance - I have that modded super-high. :whistling: Thing is, I'm so anal I'd drag everything out of the dungeon anyway, and that was just getting repetitive.

Floydian1 - That's part of what I thought might be happening.

Guess perhaps it'll be better to img tag the original locations on the uesp thing?

#129 Hector the Hooded

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 09:27 AM

Happy Mummy's Day! Every one of you ladies with children!

#130 Luchaire

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 09:30 AM

Hey, can I ask - why aren't people attaching the pictures directly here, rather than linking to outside hosts? I'm genuinely curious, especially as the uesp thing seems to be coming together & my plan was to have those piccies directly attached. It seems to me the pages load faster when the pics are attached here - but that maybe is just in my head?

I store all mine on my own host (unlimited storage space ftw!) because I also link to them for other websites and because - eventually - I plan to put together an actual story-based website out of them. When I have time... :P

#131 Grimbot

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 09:35 AM

Post 37 - Wow, a whole other side of Valken. It freaked me out a little bit, seeing him without any sort of helmet on. ;) The shot through the snow globe's wonderful. He seems almost forlorn in the last "practice" shot, as if he's remembering slain comrades or a past love he couldn't save. (I'm saying, Grimbot's shot are cinematic in that way for me. I always see whole stories going on.)

Thanks Kalia and Karandras for your comments!

Actually, Kalia, Valken does have some fun backstory that all came out of gameplay (and some hardware issues). This is his lost love, Biene Amelion, who he once helped out in a time of need. She joined his pirate crew and was eventually killed, which Valken blames this man for. He'll probably never find Kovan Kren (due to software issues), but lust for revenge is what drives him when he's not on a quest.

I had to restart Valken after a computer crash a while back. He lost all of his former companions and wealth and skills, so I decided to say he'd been locked up in prison for the last fifteen years, his skills withering away, as he pined for revenge. I usually play him that way, and then if I run into something cool I'll find a saving point and then reload and take some screenshots. That's part of what I like about this forum-- you get to see all the different ways people play oblivion. I'm not just saying that we get to see different classes we haven't tried out yet, but we get to see how other people's imaginations work. And that's pretty cool.

@ Alexander Wolf:

Those are some awesome interiors! Where is that?

@ Rogue Sun:

Great shots! How'd you get her to give that dirty look with her head tilted down but her eyes straight ahead? She looks like she's gonna kick someone's ass but good!

Edited by Grimbot, 13 May 2007 - 09:38 AM.

#132 Karandras

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 09:56 AM

Zombie216: I cant wait for that mod :) My character is starting to feel a little left out :)

what mod?

The one you mentioned here(points down), though on reading it again i realize you didn't say mod, sorry about the confusion

i made a slideshow of the tattoo body im making right now :ph34r: *nudity*

Karandras -
"Unexpected lawn work" - Oh no! The grass is attacking! Quick - to the mowers! :lol: I really like the glowing eyes.
Something about the face still feels a bit off, but could just be me. Have you tried moving the eyes a touch apart?
Oooh, that "Spies" shot is fabulous! Love the dragon through the tree branches like that - very very effective!
I love your character's profile, too. Post 29 - Is the dungeon mod what turns the dungeon all green?
I personally am not a fan of the effect, but what else does it do? I like the shots, though a few are perhaps a bit repetitive (something I struggle with).

Yea the eyes are a bit of a problem, also i think the forehead is a little to big. thats something i hope to work on later today. As for the mod it doesn't turn all the dungeons green, it "tries" to make
dungeons diffrent from each other by changing the lighting based on the enemies in the place, i.e. green for outlaws, red for necromancers, ect. ect. ect.. It also changes the names of alot of dungeons.
Here is the tess source link if you want to look at it http://www.tessource...le.php?id=10466

Spike 4072: Very nice ice elf, are we going to be seeing more pics of her or was she just a test of the coloring?
Spike 4072: I know those are bab only but what would happen if i I tried them on without bab? (i use exems)

Thanks, Yes you may see more of her. Some people are also wanting me to make her into a race mod.

You can where those dresses with Exems but the body texture under the dress will be messed up

ah okay thank you
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#133 Zombie216


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Posted 13 May 2007 - 10:06 AM

The one you mentioned here(points down), though on reading it again i realize you didn't say mod, sorry about the confusion

i made a slideshow of the tattoo body im making right now :ph34r: *nudity*

i wasnt really plannign on making a mod out of it, but would you want me to? o.o

#134 Daiyoukai Ramza

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 10:18 AM

@ Floydian: Ooh.. is that that new snowglobe home? Looks neat. Nice shots, as always.

@Charisma: I've never seen that armour before... except for the shield, of course. Looks neat.

@ Kimory: Poor Legionnaire... or is that poor fishmerman? Either way, poor (target of character in the screenshot).

@Alexander Wolf: I've always loved castles situated in snowy areas. :coolthumb:

@ Rogue Sun: Yep, definitely has an artistic feel to it... especially the last shot.

@ VanQa: Heh, she looks sorta irked in the picture with the hist tree.

@ Grimbot: Heh, I've REALLY got download that snowglobe home. Also, your character kinda reminds me of the version of Leonidas from 300... with lighter hair. Nice shots, in any case.

@ Anyone I may have missed: Nice screenies.

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#135 Karandras

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 10:37 AM

The one you mentioned here(points down), though on reading it again i realize you didn't say mod, sorry about the confusion

i made a slideshow of the tattoo body im making right now :ph34r: *nudity*

i wasnt really plannign on making a mod out of it, but would you want me to? o.o

There is no need to if you weren't planning on it. I misunderstood both your posts it seems, sorry about that, the last thing I'm trying to do is make extra work for people :)
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#136 Zombie216


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Posted 13 May 2007 - 10:58 AM

no, im flattered :)
if you want it, ill package it up, its no trouble at all

#137 Karandras

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 11:13 AM

no, im flattered :)
if you want it, ill package it up, its no trouble at all

Well if that is the case I would love to be able to use them, they look really nice :)
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#138 Victoria


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Posted 13 May 2007 - 11:32 AM

Another awesome character Kalia, just like Pip :new_thumbs:
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#139 VanQa

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 11:35 AM

*Frowns* what is 'irked'? (sorry :) English not my native language)

I hope all you moms out there had/are having a great mothers day !
I been spoiled by my 2 sweeties :) I have a boy (12) and girl (10).

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#140 Victoria


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Posted 13 May 2007 - 11:40 AM

Irked = Angry/Annoyed/Irratated
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