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Exnem's Body Replacer for Oblivion

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#1 Rom

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 06:42 AM

I got the exnem body replacer for oblivion and just started using a mystic character. Exnem's mod works great except for the mystic elf race body. Shape is perfect but the texture doesn't show any detail in the upper or lower area (you know what). On tessource.net I read on the comments that there might be a download to fix this issue on Exnem's website. If this is the site does anyone have the patch to fix this?

Please reply or send me a email at romrnk@hotmail.com

Thanks for all the great work. I actually use several mods from this site.


#2 Hector the Hooded

Hector the Hooded

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 06:43 AM

I got the exnem body replacer for oblivion and just started using a mystic character. Exnem's mod works great except for the mystic elf race body. Shape is perfect but the texture doesn't show any detail in the upper or lower area (you know what). On tessource.net I read on the comments that there might be a download to fix this issue on Exnem's website. If this is the site does anyone have the patch to fix this?

Please reply or send me a email at romrnk@hotmail.com

Thanks for all the great work. I actually use several mods from this site.


You need to download the mystic Elf body textures for Exnem.

#3 Rom

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 06:48 AM

I got the exnem body replacer for oblivion and just started using a mystic character. Exnem's mod works great except for the mystic elf race body. Shape is perfect but the texture doesn't show any detail in the upper or lower area (you know what). On tessource.net I read on the comments that there might be a download to fix this issue on Exnem's website. If this is the site does anyone have the patch to fix this?

Please reply or send me a email at romrnk@hotmail.com

Thanks for all the great work. I actually use several mods from this site.


You need to download the mystic Elf body textures for Exnem.

Where is that exactly? I've been searching for that specific download.

#4 Kaelis Ebonrai

Kaelis Ebonrai

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 07:01 AM

There should be a link to download it, in the 18+ section of exnem's forums, unless its been lost in the bugs of said forums.

EDIT: no, this site isn't exnem's =)

Try here: http://exnemsims.com...n/forum/YaBB.pl =)

Edited by Kaelis Ebonrai, 14 May 2007 - 07:02 AM.

#5 Rom

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 07:11 AM

There should be a link to download it, in the 18+ section of exnem's forums, unless its been lost in the bugs of said forums.

EDIT: no, this site isn't exnem's =)

Try here: http://exnemsims.com...n/forum/YaBB.pl =)

Oh well, this is still a good site.^^ Interesting mods yall working on. One thing I'm very interested is npc interaction mod.

Thanks for the help.^^

Edited by Rom, 14 May 2007 - 07:11 AM.

#6 Kaelis Ebonrai

Kaelis Ebonrai

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 07:28 AM

thank you! I hope you'll stick around! ^__^

#7 Kimory


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Posted 14 May 2007 - 05:15 PM

Can you use Exnem's Mystic Elf texture replacer without the body mod?
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#8 Kaelis Ebonrai

Kaelis Ebonrai

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 08:57 PM

I suppose you /could/, but, it wouldn't work too well, no =P

#9 Treetop Smoker

Treetop Smoker


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Posted 16 May 2007 - 01:23 PM

You need to download the mystic Elf body textures for Exnem.

A quick update ! New high res textures are available for the public on TESS.

Posted Image

#10 Owen

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Posted 31 May 2007 - 12:10 AM

You need to download the mystic Elf body textures for Exnem.

A quick update ! New high res textures are available for the public on TESS.

Any chance for a link, I searched and did not come across it. Thanks in advance.

#11 -JHP-

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Posted 27 September 2007 - 01:17 PM

There should be a link to download it, in the 18+ section of exnem's forums, unless its been lost in the bugs of said forums.

EDIT: no, this site isn't exnem's =)

Try here: http://exnemsims.com...n/forum/YaBB.pl =)

This site doesn't work for me can you please e-mail me the file.
use q47j@aol.com and jkillaprophet@aol.com just in case one doesn't work. would be greatly appreciated

#12 Karandras

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Posted 27 September 2007 - 02:28 PM

The site has moved, here is the new forum http://teseyecandy.com/forum/index.php If you know what your looking for try looking in the Killgores Links of Exnem Mods section, that has links to almost every mod yet made for Exnems.
Posted Image
Thank you Sinharvest for the signature

#13 -Randomguy-

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Posted 04 January 2008 - 12:27 PM

Is this mod supposed 2 make the characters it shows in the screenshots, or issit just a body replacer without the faces?

#14 Intruder45

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Posted 06 January 2008 - 01:15 PM

I've tried several times now to get this mod loaded, my first, I admit it. But I've done my reading and I have a fair grasp of how to load a mod, at least I thought I had.

I have both types of this mod, the manual and the omod. I've tried several times to load it both ways, with and without the 1.2 patch for Oblivion. Always with a new installation and this is the only mod I've installed.

Manually, placing the contents of it's rar into C:|Program Files\Bethsade\Oblivion\Data; along with the two folders, textures and some other folder, I forgot the name. Start Oblivion and check Data Files, nothing.

Then with the omod version. Using the Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM), I placed the contents of it's rar into the OBMM mod subdirectory, started it up, and it was showing on the right hand side, as instructed in the help file that came with this mod, I double clicked on it and it appeared to be installed. Starting Oblivion, checking Data Files, nothing. UGhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Do I need to use something like the FileDate Changer utility for the 1.2 patched version of Oblivion? Do I need to start a brand new game instead of a saved game?

Any help would be appreicated!!!

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#15 -bearrr-

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Posted 23 February 2008 - 04:24 AM

I've tried several times now to get this mod loaded, my first, I admit it. But I've done my reading and I have a fair grasp of how to load a mod, at least I thought I had.

I have both types of this mod, the manual and the omod. I've tried several times to load it both ways, with and without the 1.2 patch for Oblivion. Always with a new installation and this is the only mod I've installed.

Manually, placing the contents of it's rar into C:|Program Files\Bethsade\Oblivion\Data; along with the two folders, textures and some other folder, I forgot the name. Start Oblivion and check Data Files, nothing.

Then with the omod version. Using the Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM), I placed the contents of it's rar into the OBMM mod subdirectory, started it up, and it was showing on the right hand side, as instructed in the help file that came with this mod, I double clicked on it and it appeared to be installed. Starting Oblivion, checking Data Files, nothing. UGhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Do I need to use something like the FileDate Changer utility for the 1.2 patched version of Oblivion? Do I need to start a brand new game instead of a saved game?

Any help would be appreicated!!!


Same for me and i havent found nowwhere where someone could explain how to do this

#16 -Grooplefixx-

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 05:38 PM

Where can I get Exnem's Body Replacer for Oblivion

#17 meastubsesene

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 03:18 PM

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