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#61 Kellen


    Earn a person's heart, and they'll die a thousand deaths

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Posted 24 May 2007 - 01:56 PM

Heh. Just hope we don't run into charmers...

My halfling bard just got charmed a bit ago. She's currently trying to summon a creature to attack the mean people hurting her 'friends', the drow who charmed her. Quite charming really.

Okay so Halfling bard for Solstice. Will update post to show.
"She could resist temptation. Really she could. Sometimes. At least when it wasn't tempting." - Calli Slythistle
"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood

we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan

#62 Menelanna

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Posted 24 May 2007 - 02:10 PM

I second the fact that I hope we do not run into charmers! First my monk gets charmed then Kellen's halfing does. And she is attacking me!
Steel is my body, fire is my blood.
I've created over a thousand blades
Unknown to death.
Nor known to life.
Have withstood pain to create many weapons.
Yet, those hands will never hold anything.
So as i pray, "Unlimited Blade Works."--Archer from Fate/Stay Night

Posted Image
Signature done by Sinharvest. thanks!

Interested in great fanstay Role Play? Come join Imythess the Border Between Dreams and Choas.
(should you join feel free to contact me. my main account it Fara're. hope to see you there :D)

#63 minotaur_in_maze


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Posted 24 May 2007 - 06:40 PM

EDIT: CMorgan May I point out that MiM has announced that his minotaur will be a somewhat magish character.

Yeah, I was wanting to do something along the lines of a fighter/mage - with emphisis on Mage. See, minotaurs are powerful as you said, but I know that most here want a moderate compaign...not to mention that *I* am hoping (greatly) for something more than Hack & Slash, y'know, like Roll Playing, questing et' all. (the reason I never did wargaming/warhammer was basically all it is is rolling dice, killing the guy across the table until one is dead... *YAWN.

So, to limit my characters, uhm, natural traits, somewhat, I have come up with a more peaceful introspective member of the minotaur species. A fighter/mage who prefers magik over muscle. (Actually this IS all pending per okay by Our Dungeon Master, but c'mon, this is Roll Playing, right? I'm sure we can work SOMETHING out that everybody can live with, huh?)

Actually, for the last few hours I have been playing with that Generator from the link and come up with a tentative character. PLEASE keep in mind that this might need adjusting, as he might be overpowered - it's been awhile since I did this - Please feel free to tell me what I need to edit down, as I am unsure.

I also used another program to make a portrait for him. Not -Quite- BG2 quality, I'm afraid, but if there are no Strong objections, I rather fancy it.

Let me post what I got for stats and related junk, okay?

------Representing minotaur_in_maze - PLEASE don't cuss me, I KNOW it needs adjusting.------------------

Underlord Drellos

Male Minotaur Monstrous Humanoid 6 / Mage 8 / Overlord 3
Chaotic Good

Strength 20 (+5)
Dexterity 5 (-3)
Constitution 20 (+5)
Intelligence 16 (+3)
Wisdom 16 (+3)
Charisma 7 (-2)

Size: Large
Height: 8?8?
Weight: around 600 lb
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Red/Brown; Curly; Thick, mostly all over...

Domains: Magic Trickery
Energy: Positive [Healing / Turns Undead] // THIS is for CLERIC... Try as I might, I could NOT get the a mage minotaur.
Any way around this?
Total Hit Points: 176
Speed: 20 feet [armor]
Armor Class: 18 = 10 +6 [banded] -3 [dexterity] +5 [minotaur]
Touch AC: 7
Flat-footed: 18

Initiative modifier: -3 = -3 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: +12 = 7 [base] +5 [constitution]
Reflex save: +2 = 5 [base] -3 [dexterity]
Will save: +12 = 9 [base] +3 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): +13/+8 = 8 [base] +5 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +13/+8 = 8 [base] +5 [strength]
Attack (missile): +5/+0 = 8 [base] -3 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +13/+8 = 8 [base] +5 [strength]

Light load: 153 lb. or less
Medium load: 154-306 lb.
Heavy load: 307-460 lb.
Lift over head: 460 lb.
Lift off ground: 920 lb.
Push or drag: 2300 lb.

Languages: Common, Dark Elf, Giant, Goblin, Infernal, Orc and Undercommon

Weapons/Armor (???)

Spiked Gauntlet [1d4, crit x2, 1 lb, light, piercing]
Spiked Chain [2d4, crit x2, 10 lb., two-handed, piercing]
Two-bladed Sword [1d8/1d8, crit 19-20/x2, 10 lb., two-handed, slashing]
Banded mail [heavy; +6 AC; max dex +1; check penalty -6; 35 lb.]
Armor Leggings

Feats: (???????? I don?t remember THIS part...)

Combat Casting
Combat Reflexes
Exotic Weapon Proficiency Weapon: Spiked Chain
Power Attack: Improved Bull Rush
Murky-Eyed: [ -1 flaw]
Weapon Focus x1 Weapon(s):

Brew Potion
Craft Magic Arms and Armor



Skill Name Key
Ability Skill
Modifier Ability
Modifier Ranks Misc.
Appraise Int 3 = +3
Balance Dex* -4 = -3 -1 [musclebound]
Bluff Cha -3 = -2 -1 [honest]
Climb Str* 11 = +5 +5 +1 [musclebound]
Concentration Con 12 = +5 +7
Craft_1 Int 3 = +3
Craft_2 Int 3 = +3
Craft_3 Int 3 = +3
Diplomacy Cha 0 = -2 +2 [sense motive] +1 [honest] +1 [polite]
Disable Device Int 5.5 = +3 +2.5
Disguise Cha -2 = -2
Escape Artist Dex* -5 = -3 -1 [musclebound] -1 [stout]
Forgery Int 3 = +3
Gather Information Cha -2 = -2
Heal Wis 8 = +3 +5
Hide Dex* -4 = -3 -1 [musclebound]
Intimidate Cha -4 = -2 -2 [polite]
Jump Str* 5 = +5 +5 +1 [musclebound] -6 [speed 20]
Knowledge (dungeoneering) Int 5.5 = +3 +2.5
Knowledge (planes) Int 8 = +3 +5
Listen Wis 7 = +3 +4 [minotaur]
Move Silently Dex* -4 = -3 -1 [musclebound]
Perform_1 Cha -2 = -2
Perform_2 Cha -2 = -2
Perform_3 Cha -2 = -2
Perform_4 Cha -2 = -2
Perform_5 Cha -2 = -2
Ride Dex -4 = -3 -1 [musclebound]
Search Int 7 = +3 +4 [minotaur]
Sense Motive Wis 7 = +3 +5 -1 [honest]
Spellcraft Int 23 = +3 +20
Spot Wis 10 = +3 +3 +4 [minotaur]
Survival Wis 8 = +3 +5
Swim Str** 6 = +5 +1 [musclebound]
Use Rope Dex -2.5 = -3 +1.5 -2 [musclebound]

* = check penalty for wearing armor
This character also has 2 ranks in Speak Languages.
Know Planes >=5 ranks gives +2 on survival checks on other planes.
Cautious trait: +1 dodge bonus on AC when fighting defensively; -1 saves vs. fear.
Stout trait: +2 on strength checks to avoid being overrun / bullrushed.

Zero-level Cleric spells: 6 per day // AGAIN with the Damned Cleric. Help!? Can this be made to Mage?

First-level Cleric spells: 6 (5+1) per day +1 from a domain:
Second-level Cleric spells: 5 (4+1) per day +1 from a domain:
Third-level Cleric spells: 5 (4+1) per day +1 from a domain:
Fourth-level Cleric spells: 3 per day +1 from a domain:
Fifth-level Cleric spells: 2 per day +1 from a domain:
Sixth-level Cleric spells: 1 per day +1 from a domain:

? May charge and gore for 4d6+6 points of damage
? Darkvision to 60 feet
? Gore for 1d8
? May take "scent" as a feature
? Never lost, never flat-footed, escape maze in one round
? +4 on spot, search, and listen (already included)

Cleric: // And AGAIN! AArrraaaggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
? Alignment Aura
? Spontaneous Casting (heal)
? Turn Undead (1x/day)
? High wisdom gains bonus spells daily
? Domain choices give additional abilities

Overlord //Well, Underlord, actually...

? Hit dice d8
? Average increase in attack bonuses
? Slow increase in fortitude saves
? Fast increase in reflex saves
? Fast increase in will saves
? Base 4 skill points per level
? Medium armor proficiency
? One bonus feat
? Additional cleric spell levels: 3


Class HP rolled
Level 1: Monstrous Humanoid 8
Level 2: Monstrous Humanoid 4
Level 3: Monstrous Humanoid 4
Level 4: Monstrous Humanoid 8 +1 to constitution
Level 5: Monstrous Humanoid 8
Level 6: Monstrous Humanoid 8
Level 7: Cleric 4
Level 8: Cleric 2 +1 to intelligence
Level 9: Cleric 3
Level 10: Cleric 7
Level 11: Cleric 7
Level 12: Cleric 6 +1 to intelligence
Level 13: Cleric 1
Level 14: Cleric 1
Level 15: Overlord 5
Level 16: Overlord 7 +1 to charisma
Level 17: Overlord 8

Drellos's Equipment:

56 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
2 lb Backpack
5 lb Bedroll
2 lb Flasks x1
Flint and steel
4 lb Grappling hook
Ink vial
Ink pen
2 lb Oil flasks x2
Parchment sheets x5
2 lb Rations (1 day) x2
10 lb Rope (50', hempen) x1
2 lb Torches x2
4 lb Waterskins x1
40 lb Alchemist lab
2 lb Spell component pouch
3 lb Spellbook x1
3lb Mesh net
Onix & Ivory Horn Ring
134 lb Total

More about Drellos (Bio)

Currently on a special quest as Ambassador for the isle of Minos, Underlord Drellos joins the party in search of enlightenment. A pacifist by nature, and a student of advance meditation, Drellos much prefers spellcasting to up close and personal combat. He will fight when he must, though he frequently can be heard trying to engage his foes in the philosophy of non-violence even as he trades sword thrusts or spellstrikes with them.

His dedication to learning the magical arts of the Cleric as well as his talent for crafting armor and weapons have, over the years, caused his physical strength to suffer some ? for a minotaur. Indeed, behind his horns he is slanderously known as timid, though nothing could be farther from the truth. In battle he does well, though often after the battle he will meditate for hours for the safety of his fallen foes in their journey into the next life.

Okay, now tell me and I will start chopping

Minotaur In maze

Attached Images

  • Underlord_Drellos.JPG

* * * * * *
They say the world is going to Hell.

They are wrong.

The world IS Hell! Always has been, always will be; except perhaps for the five percent or so of the population who can afford differently.

And, if one must reside in Hell, it is far better to do it as a minion of the Devil than as a member of the damned.
* * * * * *
LOVE SUCKS: It makes fools and slaves of us all.
But being alone and unloved is worse.
- Nancy A. Collins "Thin Walls"
* * * * * *

#64 Solstice


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Posted 24 May 2007 - 09:54 PM

Here's my first attempt at creating my character, named Varia for a simple generic female name. I have no idea if her stats, skills, and feats are useful or not-I tried for a character good at talking to people, and reasonably good at other things, but not so good at fighting.

Representing Solstice

Female Halfling Bard 1
Neutral Good

Strength 8 (-1)
Dexterity 18 (+4)
Constitution 13 (+1)
Intelligence 16 (+3)
Wisdom 9 (-1)
Charisma 18 (-2)

Size: Small
Height: 3?3?
Weight: 35 lb
Skin: Light
Eyes: Green
Hair: Light Brown, Curly

Total Hit Points: 7
Speed: 20 feet
Armor Class: 17 = 10 +2 [leather] +4 [dexterity] +1 [small]
Touch AC: 15
Flat-footed: 13

Initiative modifier: +4 = +4 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: +2 = 0 [base] +1 [constitution] +1 [halfling]
Reflex save: +7 = 2 [base] +4 [dexterity] +1 [halfling]
Will save: +2 = 2 [base] -1 [wisdom] +1 [halfling]
Attack (handheld): +0 = 0 [base] -1 [strength] +1 [small]
Attack (unarmed): +0 = 0 [base] -1 [strength] +1 [small]
Attack (missile): +5 = 0 [base] +4 [dexterity] +1 [small]
Grapple check: -5 = 0 [base] -1 [strength] -4 [small]

Light load: 20 lb or less
Medium load: 20-40 lb
Heavy load: 41-60 lb
Lift over head: 60 lb
Lift off ground: 120 lb
Push or drag: 300 lb

Languages: Celestial Common Draconic Dwarven Elven Halfling Sylvan Terran Orc

Dagger [1d3, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1/2 lb., light, piercing]
Spiked Gauntlet [1d3, crit x2, 1/2 lb, light, piercing]
Leather armor [light; +2 AC; max dex +6; check penalty 0; 7.5 lb.]


Inattentive (flaw)

Appraise Int 3 = +3
Balance Dex* 4 = +4
Bluff Cha 8 = +4 +4
Climb Str* 1 = -1 +2 [halfling]
Concentration Con 1 = +1
Craft_1 Int 3 = +3
Craft_2 Int 3 = +3
Craft_3 Int 3 = +3
Diplomacy Cha 8 = +4 +4
Disguise Cha 4 = +4
Escape Artist Dex* 4 = +4
Forgery Int 3 = +3
Gather Information Cha 9 = +4 +4 +1 [easygoing]
Heal Wis -1 = -1
Hide Dex* 14 = +4 +4 +4 [small] +2 [stealthy]
Intimidate Cha 3 = +4 -1 [easygoing]
Jump Str* -5 = -1 +2 [halfling] -6 [speed 20]
Knowledge (history) Int 7 = +3 +4
Knowledge (local) Int 7 = +3 +4
Listen Wis -3 = -1 -4 [inattentive] +2 [halfling]
Move Silently Dex* 12 = +4 +4 +2 [halfling] +2 [stealthy]
Perform_1 Cha 8 = +4 +4
Perform_2 Cha 4 = +4
Perform_3 Cha 4 = +4
Perform_4 Cha 4 = +4
Perform_5 Cha 4 = +4
Ride Dex 4 = +4
Search Int 3 = +3
Sense Motive Wis -2 = -1 -1 [easygoing]
Spot Wis -5 = -1 -4 [inattentive]
Survival Wis -1 = -1
Swim Str** -1 = -1
Use Rope Dex 4 = +4

This character also has 4 ranks in Speak Languages.
Zero-level Bard spells: 2 per day

+2 dexterity / -2 strength (already included)
Small (combat bonuses, +4 to hide already included)
+2 racial bonus on climb, jump, move silently
+1 racial bonus on all saving throws (already included)
+2 morale bonus on saves vs. fear (stacks with racial bonus)
+1 to hit with thrown weapons and slings
+2 racial bonus on listen checks (already included)

Bardic Knowledge
Bardic Music
Can know only limited numbers of spells
High charisma gains bonus spells daily
Class HP rolled
Level 1: Bard 6

9 lb Weapons/Armor
2 lb Backpack
1lb Bedroll
Ink Vial
Ink Pen
Parchment Sheets x10
2lb Rations x6
6lb Waterskins x6
1lb Musical Instrument
2lb Spell Pouch

Varia is an eccentric young halfling from the region of Amn. She is devoted to the human god of knowledge, Oghma, and has a zest for learning. Her travels have taken her many places, and she's learned well how to interact with others, her gift for song and basically benign nature serving her well. She has joined the group purely for the thrill of adventure, and the knowledge that one day people will sing tales of her, too. She is impulsive and more than a little lacking in common sense, but her knowledge of history, both local and global, and linguistic expertise should prove assets to the group, as with her natural halfling affinity for sneaking.

// That's my first attempt! I know the character's a little stereotypical, but if I could create a complex character, I'd make a mod. :) Also, I have no idea if I picked good stats/skills/feats/equipment and everything else, and I picked Varia's languages basically at random.
"Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!" -Charname, Baldur's Gate 1

"Power corrupts. And absolute power is actually pretty neat." -Tom Clancy

"Is it possible to take Favored Enemy: Forum Poster?" -Someone who shall remain anonymous

#65 Celestine


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Posted 25 May 2007 - 08:47 AM

Well, I don't mind playing any class, so I'll just fill in the gaps.

#66 Dark-Mage


    Because killing is an art, and I am a master.

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Posted 25 May 2007 - 02:39 PM

The password for the Classic Dungeons protected forum already being distributed?

#67 Kellen


    Earn a person's heart, and they'll die a thousand deaths

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Posted 25 May 2007 - 03:03 PM

Didn't you get it?
"She could resist temptation. Really she could. Sometimes. At least when it wasn't tempting." - Calli Slythistle
"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood

we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan

#68 Dark-Mage


    Because killing is an art, and I am a master.

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Posted 25 May 2007 - 03:10 PM

Nope... :crying:

#69 Kellen


    Earn a person's heart, and they'll die a thousand deaths

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Posted 25 May 2007 - 03:23 PM

Weird, he sent it to you from what I can see of the CC. Well I'll send it to you just in case.

Oh. He sent it to Dark Mage instead of Dark-Mage. I do believe they might both be you though.

But yes, I've sent it to Dark-Mage now.
"She could resist temptation. Really she could. Sometimes. At least when it wasn't tempting." - Calli Slythistle
"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood

we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan

#70 Dark-Mage


    Because killing is an art, and I am a master.

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Posted 25 May 2007 - 03:29 PM

Weird, he sent it to you from what I can see of the CC. Well I'll send it to you just in case.

Oh. He sent it to Dark Mage instead of Dark-Mage. I do believe they might both be you though.

But yes, I've sent it to Dark-Mage now.

I have it now, and aye - Dark Mage is also me. Made the account before remembering that I already had one here. My bad, and I apologise for the trouble.

#71 Kellen


    Earn a person's heart, and they'll die a thousand deaths

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Posted 25 May 2007 - 03:46 PM

Btw, just a quick question if I may ask. Do you plan on making your Cleric/Wizard a Dweomerkeeper or a Mystic Theurge?
"She could resist temptation. Really she could. Sometimes. At least when it wasn't tempting." - Calli Slythistle
"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood

we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan

#72 Dark-Mage


    Because killing is an art, and I am a master.

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Posted 25 May 2007 - 04:08 PM

Playing a Moon elf so Dweomerkeeper is out of the question. So, Mystic Theurge or possible a Lorekeep. Not sure yet.

#73 Kellen


    Earn a person's heart, and they'll die a thousand deaths

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Posted 25 May 2007 - 04:22 PM

Cool. Well good luck with it. I'll work on mine over the weekend, but I'm not sure how much I'll actually get done.
"She could resist temptation. Really she could. Sometimes. At least when it wasn't tempting." - Calli Slythistle
"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood

we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan

#74 Dark-Mage


    Because killing is an art, and I am a master.

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Posted 26 May 2007 - 04:40 AM

You playing a wizard as well right? Going for archmage, or any prestiage class for that matter?

#75 Kellen


    Earn a person's heart, and they'll die a thousand deaths

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Posted 26 May 2007 - 07:03 AM

Unsure at the moment. Might do a cleric, that Paladin still wants to go, despite the evils joining us(Possibly fallen and blackguarded once he meets the requirements), and that Druid of Talona might still have fun joining us.

That doesn't take into account the cleric mage(who would become a mystic Theurge) of Kossuth(who's been giving me weird thoughts about refusing to use fire spells because fire is too perfect to be manipulated by magic), and the Abjurer.

We currently have a Wizard(underlord of MiM), a Wizard Cleric, a Bard, A Cleric who might get wizardly since the specialty priest of Savras doesn't exist as such in 3rd ed. I'm not sure another wizard is needed.
"She could resist temptation. Really she could. Sometimes. At least when it wasn't tempting." - Calli Slythistle
"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood

we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan

#76 Dark-Mage


    Because killing is an art, and I am a master.

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Posted 26 May 2007 - 02:04 PM

To be honest I'm having second thoughts about all this wizards/spellcasters myself - may try something else. Shall see what characters spring into my mind.

#77 Kellen


    Earn a person's heart, and they'll die a thousand deaths

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Posted 26 May 2007 - 02:43 PM

Well you can certainly keep him/her. If you don't we're back down to one wizard one bard unless something changes.

I'm thinking a smart paladin might be a fun thing to try too. Curse this overflow of ideas.
"She could resist temptation. Really she could. Sometimes. At least when it wasn't tempting." - Calli Slythistle
"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood

we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan

#78 quinlan

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Posted 12 December 2007 - 11:54 PM


I have noticed that this campaign doesn't have "game full" written under the title of the thread. Could it be that there is free space for another player? :rolleyes:

My fantasy story


"Man, in his discussions with other men about questions of religion, statecraft, geography, trade, has always reached a point in the discussion where it has seemed wise to reply to his opponent by disemboweling him or knocking his brains out."


My name is Thomas Hockenberry, Ph.D., and I think the "Ph.D." stands for "Pouring His Draft."


"The study of modern science today is being done by the brain of primitive man."

#79 Deathsangel


    Living on Wings of Dreams

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Posted 13 December 2007 - 03:12 AM


I have noticed that this campaign doesn't have "game full" written under the title of the thread. Could it be that there is free space for another player? :rolleyes:

Or make possibly two?
I think this one is full seeing eight players...
Perhaps it is nice to make a new call to see who is interrested?

Edited by Deathsangel, 13 December 2007 - 03:23 AM.

Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.

Sentences marking (my) life:

Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams

(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable :P

~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~

#80 MechanicalMarz

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Posted 14 May 2008 - 02:35 AM

I, myself, with my grand 2 posts dare to go, where no newbies went before, and thus,

I'd like to indicate here I would be more than glad to join any sort of play by post event, will it be this, or any other in the near future!