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Comments about PoOC thread #10

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#281 Rainer Fenixhart

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Posted 11 June 2007 - 09:20 PM

Spike4072 post Today, 12:34 AM: Nice use of that second animation there, I havn't yet been able to figure out a way to make it look good like you did :(

You have to use the rings on your companion and the matching actor ball animation on yourself. I TAIed my companion then lined the player upto it so they looked right. Hope that helps :)

I sorta meant the one with the cape in the wind but either way thats useful to know :)

...does anyone else have OBSE? Or can make sense of the readme? >_>
I don;t want to find out the Hard way D:

Well after taking the readme section by section and translating it it seems there is a new nps added to the arena who you have do some kind of quest for to get the ring that lets you use the burst attack. A lot of it doesn't make any sense but i plan on trying it out tomorrow and if you haven't by then ill let you know what i find

Thank you SO much!

Now to install these new pose animations... :D

#282 Treetop Smoker

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Posted 11 June 2007 - 09:22 PM

About your second screen....do you have any trouble return it to normal ??

I didnt try to return to normal. After getting the shot I just exited the game. So I dont know :lol:

I will reload the game and try again.

*edit* Works fine for me. No trouble going back to normal.

Hmmm....maybe its time for me to stop messing with the mod <_< Thanks Spike !!

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#283 ghaleon1103

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Posted 11 June 2007 - 09:31 PM

RE: http://i18.photobuck...72/CapeFlap.jpg
Awesome pic, Spike! She looks dangerous. ;)

And while we're on the subject of that Japanese site (or not, heh), has anyone managed to find the Morrigan outfit? I've seen a few pics of her on there (and on RamyEnfant's FF mod lists on tessource), but I haven't found her yet...
I want it something fierce, and my fiancee (who's a big Morrigan / Lillith fan) wants to see it too.

Edited by ghaleon1103, 11 June 2007 - 09:37 PM.

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#284 Xetirox


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Posted 11 June 2007 - 09:35 PM

Where can I get one?

Normally, you wouldn't need to. You can change the encoding in your browser (in Firefox and I believe IE, anyway) by going to View -> Character Encoding, and switching to one that might support Japanese characters, such as Japanese and Unicode.

Course, it may not be a problem with you encoding, but the font you're using. You could try getting a Japanese font. You might be able to find both over here.

Yea, major changes to the face didn't turn up anything better so its back to the drawing board for this character :) I think from now on I'm gonna try to avoid taking pictures at night when its hard to see because i always forget in a screenshot its even harder to see. that whole series was quite lacking actually so I guess oblivion needing a reinstall was a blessing :)

Thanks for the comments. As for your shots, don't get too discouraged about night time ones. For screen-shooting purposes, I usually carry around some rings enchanted with Light and put them on when needed, and I hear positive things about the Droppable Lit Torches mod.
"Even if I forcibly replace everything I've lost, they won't go back to normal."
-Guts, episode 287

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#285 Chiglet

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Posted 11 June 2007 - 11:29 PM

@ Soul Slayer - Marvelous pics of two very close friends. :) (have to laugh though as my computer is set to an aquatic theme, and as I was hitting wrong buttons, I got rather "interesting" sound effects to go with these pics) :lol: :blush:

@ trollf - Wowzers, wowzers, and again wowzers. I couldn't even begin to pick a favorite, though in my current mental state, it would probably either be Dreaming, or Boys Band. :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

@ DIE75 - That outfit puts me in mind of an odd combination of the 3 Musketeers and Zorro. :) I like

@ cyborg - She's looking good. :new_thumbs: . I haven't seen any mods with ram's horns, but if I do, I'll let you know.

@ Floydian1 - lovin' the fairies :clap:

@ highpressure - She's got a lovely set of coconuts, Here they are al sitting in a row... :naughty: :tease: :whistling:

@ Spike4072 - Excellent story :new_thumbs: :cookie:

@ Karandras - Her nose does look a little large for her mouth. :)

@ Yorkmaster - He looks rather sad in the second pic. Give it another go at tweaking, poke at it more. You'll succeed. :Poke:

@ Xetirox - Really really mega cool story and pics. You get 3 wowzers too. :clap: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

To be honest, I'm suprised it's taken so long. Someone give the guy a medal! The world's a better place.

LOL! You never took alook at my screenshot album then? ;)

And here i was thinking some of my shots were getting a little to...adult :rolleyes: guess im gonna have to work on that hu? :)

(post squished for space) :) "Artistic" shots like those have been around since well before even the Morrowind days. I personally go browse the "Dremora Worship" pages to gaze at Slof's works, and many others. As it's a bit difficult to find webhosting for this type of artistry, more people than we know may have screenies in the same vein, just not online. :whistling: :devil:

Thanks Treetop! I've now downloaded that mod, though havne't installed it yet. That ErosBook does intrigue me though. Wonder if it's similar to Slof's "Oblivion Pillow Book". :Tasty:

Karandras - You fixed the nose? Oh good! :) Havn't seen the pics yet. Too late tonight, will look tomorrow after work. :)

All - Excellent tips on the new animations and such (I'm finally figuring out tai and tcl) :) and excellent pics of what I saw. Had to stop for the night, I'll get to look at them tomorrow evening. :) I'm off to bed. nighters! :zzz:

Chiglet :ph34r:

#286 Spike4072

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Posted 11 June 2007 - 11:47 PM

@ Spike4072 - Excellent story :new_thumbs: :cookie:

Thanks :) I have the next set of story shots ready for word bubbling when I get up in the morning :)

#287 highpressure

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 01:54 AM

I need to show you guys some love! 8)

@ Spike : Great story. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I love your comic style stories, and I just love Snow. I look forward to your continuation Sir! :cheers:

@ Darziak : Always love your characters and screens. Lots of humor, and my favorite gang of all time. Tell them all I said hello! :D

@ Xetirox : Wow! As you know, I'm a huge fan of your screens, but this story was great! I absolutely love your style of storytelling. Almost made me feel like I was there with Cynn. Excellent job Xetirox! :clap:

@ Soul Slayer @ trollf @ DIE75 @ Floydian1 @ Karandras @ Yorkmaster @ Treetop Smoker @ Rumpleteasza @ Zombie216: So as not to be repetitive: Outstanding screens from you all! Extremely impressive. Looking forward to more great screens and stories from all of you! :Bow: :clap:

Edited by highpressure, 12 June 2007 - 02:00 AM.

#288 Victoria


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Posted 12 June 2007 - 03:17 AM

Does anyone know how to get that burst attack mod going in game?
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#289 Karandras

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 04:27 AM

Does anyone know how to get that burst attack mod going in game?

Well it took a bit but I just got it working.

First I installed the mod and activated both parts (still have no idea what the second part does) anyway, then i game i typed startquest efginitialize and i got a new spell.

When I cast it it started a counter showing how much charge i had. The way to charge the thing is to inflict damage (a lot of it) so I started shooting the guards with flare in the imperial city arena area and when it hit 15-17% (I wasn't looking at the number) I was telaported to a special arena match against
"A bearded man" who cheats, (he uses a 2 handed hammer with a shield) he also switches between weapons alot.

Anyway once the charge got up to 100% I cast the spell i got from starting the quest and punched him (kinda by accedent) and he was blown away from me and I turned invisible. It seems that different attacks do cause different burst spells though i am still trying to figure this one out.

Hope that helps

Edit: good news, with a bit more testing i have found that different types of attack require different weapons and skills to use. Im not quite sure of the skill level (I cheated my destruction, mysticism, and alteration to 100) but i know for the magic attacks you need to be using a staff. You also get different effects based on how your moving. Below are the pictures of the ones I have been able to do so far.

standing still

moving side to side

Moving backward (close to moving side to side but its all in one burst where side to side is many shots shooting out around you)

Edit2: Moving forward Missed this one before, its my favorite of the magic ones :) gonna be trying out the combat ones next then the stealth

Edit 3: few minor things, The comabt spells i cant quite figure out, when i use it all it seems to do is make me attack and move really fast and diplay a counter of the number of hits i have done. As for the stealth skills They are slightly more interesting though they dont have much in the way of spell effects.

standing still power attack: Will attempt to steal the opponents gear

Moving left and right: not sure but i think it gave me reflect spell 15% and my enemy a weakness to magic

Forward power attack seems to massively slow them down.

Edit 4: real quick one this time, i found you can hold down the mouse button on the magic ones creating a constant wave of spells this is insanely powerful :)

Edited by Karandras, 12 June 2007 - 06:02 AM.

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Thank you Sinharvest for the signature

#290 Rumpleteasza


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Posted 12 June 2007 - 04:51 AM

Thank you for your comments, highpressure and Xetirox <3 I really appreciate them!

Karandras - I'd like to see what tweaks you make with your character, but in all honesty, I don't think you have to change her drastically. You don't need to perfect the 'babyface' look (big eyes, small pert nose, full lips) for a character to be beautiful. Yours is strong and competent-looking, which is exactly right for the mood in that set of shots. Also, there's nothing wrong with big noses.

(This coming from a woman with a big nose, you understand. :D)

Xetirox, I just read your story. I have to say, I was really impressed. You evoke a fantastic mood and your methods are very subtle - the way you concentrate on the small details, like the sense of foreboding and the blankness of the snow, really add to the atmosphere. You should definitely put that in the story thread.

I've always been interested in Hermaeus Mora most out of all the Daedric Princes. In fact for one of my Morrowind/Daggerfall fics I did a scene very similar to the one you've just written, and I was suprised by how much our ideas correlated - after all, there isn't exactly a wealth of information on Mora about. To me, he's always been one of the most elusive Princes. Time and omniscience have always been the two things totally beyond human endeavour and control, and I think that adds to Mora's distance from mortality. His sphere is also something that's nearly impossible without using metaphysical ideas to describe the experience of. Mortal minds generally aren't equipped to deal with omniscience, so I wouldn't be suprised if the vast majority of Mora communers would end up as mad as Sheogorath's - or, in the case of a select few, changed for life (as you said in the last part of the narrative).

I think because they're so easy to get to and complete in the game, people forget what a huge deal daedric quests and artifacts are. I liked the sense of enormity and importance you placed on the encounter. The screens you used for the story were very well chosen, too - not so much that it swamps the reader and disconnects the story, but enough to add to the brooding atmosphere and to be able to picture the concepts you describe in the second half.

All in all, I loved it, and I can't wait to see more of your writing!
New avatar in honour of SeV/Jade, because everyone knows Jade brings all the (elves? Humans? Tabaxi? Let's just say girls, shall we?) to the yard.
Well... not quite so appropriate now I changed it. Sorry, Jadikins. <3 <3

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#291 Karandras

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 05:07 AM

Karandras - I'd like to see what tweaks you make with your character, but in all honesty, I don't think you have to change her drastically. You don't need to perfect the 'babyface' look (big eyes, small pert nose, full lips) for a character to be beautiful. Yours is strong and competent-looking, which is exactly right for the mood in that set of shots. Also, there's nothing wrong with big noses.

(This coming from a woman with a big nose, you understand. :D)

Thank you for the compliment but for the moment at least that character is being put on hold, something just wasn't right about them (might be a lack of personality or uniqueness) but still someday I hope to get back to them
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Thank you Sinharvest for the signature

#292 Darziak



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Posted 12 June 2007 - 06:18 AM

Darziak post Jun 9 2007, 06:19 PM[/b]: Nice pose and great looking horse, is that from Slof's horse mod? (or whatever that mod is called, my memory is completely shot today)'

Thanks and yea it's from slof's horse mod but the shot was more of test to see if the saddlebag would work. :P

@Darziak: About this pic...:ROFL: The scene, dialogue, and previous panels really helped build to a funny punchline image here.

The place looked cool and I thought that it needs a funny bit in it. :D

Darziak post Yesterday, 06:20 PM: Very nice continuation of the story, this part seemed very "Nordish" to me :)

Glad it gave the nordish feel to ya since they're in Skyrim.

@ Darziak : Always love your characters and screens. Lots of humor, and my favorite gang of all time. Tell them all I said hello! :D

Thank you! says my gang......well everyone but No-Name might have said it I dunno. :unsure: :P

#293 Chiglet

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 06:26 AM

@ Chimera - That is one cute baby :wub:

#294 highpressure

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 06:33 AM

Does anyone know how to get that burst attack mod going in game?

Well it took a bit but I just got it working.

First I installed the mod and activated both parts (still have no idea what the second part does) anyway, then i game i typed startquest efginitialize and i got a new spell.

When I cast it it started a counter showing how much charge i had. The way to charge the thing is to inflict damage (a lot of it) so I started shooting the guards with flare in the imperial city arena area and when it hit 15-17% (I wasn't looking at the number) I was telaported to a special arena match against
"A bearded man" who cheats, (he uses a 2 handed hammer with a shield) he also switches between weapons alot.

Anyway once the charge got up to 100% I cast the spell i got from starting the quest and punched him (kinda by accedent) and he was blown away from me and I turned invisible. It seems that different attacks do cause different burst spells though i am still trying to figure this one out.

Hope that helps

Edit: good news, with a bit more testing i have found that different types of attack require different weapons and skills to use. Im not quite sure of the skill level (I cheated my destruction, mysticism, and alteration to 100) but i know for the magic attacks you need to be using a staff. You also get different effects based on how your moving. Below are the pictures of the ones I have been able to do so far.


I've been trying to see the effects with this mod while using a sword. When the charge hits 100, a Hit counter appears. Not quite sure of the effects yet.

#295 Rumpleteasza


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Posted 12 June 2007 - 06:52 AM

I love the armour, Karandras! Where's it from?
New avatar in honour of SeV/Jade, because everyone knows Jade brings all the (elves? Humans? Tabaxi? Let's just say girls, shall we?) to the yard.
Well... not quite so appropriate now I changed it. Sorry, Jadikins. <3 <3

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#296 Karandras

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 06:57 AM

I love the armour, Karandras! Where's it from?

Its from the Japanese site :) http://eq2.matrix.jp/snup3/upload.html
9th down, KS items
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Thank you Sinharvest for the signature

#297 Rumpleteasza


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Posted 12 June 2007 - 07:08 AM

Thanks! I think I got it, although I can't make head or tail of the site...
New avatar in honour of SeV/Jade, because everyone knows Jade brings all the (elves? Humans? Tabaxi? Let's just say girls, shall we?) to the yard.
Well... not quite so appropriate now I changed it. Sorry, Jadikins. <3 <3

The King and I
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#298 Karandras

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 07:16 AM

I just download all the rar folders and go through them :) some interesting stuff there (an ogre companion for one).

My favorite one aside from the animations in the first one on this page. It lets you change the weather and time of through a menu like AIC. It also lets you spawn little stones of different colors that give off light (I plan on using them in dark shots :)

Edit: Changed the link so it actually works

Edited by Karandras, 12 June 2007 - 07:19 AM.

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Thank you Sinharvest for the signature

#299 Rumpleteasza


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Posted 12 June 2007 - 07:26 AM

I just download all the rar folders and go through them :) some interesting stuff there (an ogre companion for one).

My favorite one aside from the animations in the first one on this page. It lets you change the weather and time of through a menu like AIC. It also lets you spawn little stones of different colors that give off light (I plan on using them in dark shots :)

Edit: Changed the link so it actually works

Wow, thank you! Will definitely try that one out. I think I'll have a go at muddling my way through the animations in a moment as well.
New avatar in honour of SeV/Jade, because everyone knows Jade brings all the (elves? Humans? Tabaxi? Let's just say girls, shall we?) to the yard.
Well... not quite so appropriate now I changed it. Sorry, Jadikins. <3 <3

The King and I
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#300 trollf

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 07:39 AM

:D I know, I'm terrible. I can't do five hundred of Shandril (nice name, it's kind of like my character's ^_^), and I know you were joking, but actually I'd be quite happy to do a couple!

* The Ritual Begins... *

/chanting of the crowd/
Rumple Tumple, Ruple Tumple, Rumple Tumple....

:Bow: :Bow: :Bow:

/high priest's speech/
Oh, Mighty Rumple One!
Bless thy talented hands,
and let them dance,
to give us a chance
to see the evidence
of Rumplesque Picturesque Art...

/chanting of the crowd/
Rumple Tumple, Ruple Tumple, Rumple Tumple....

:Bow: :Bow: :Bow:

* The Ritual Ends... *

err... well... ekhm.... and how about this one then? :]
I'm curious what you will do to it ;] Could you, please? :]
I am an operator of my pocket calculator.
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