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#21 Zombie216


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Posted 22 June 2007 - 08:50 PM

i might end up releasing my blue retexture o,o
i just need a name for it and i need to somehow put it in a chest <_<. damn i wish i knew how to put things in a chest!

#22 Ryu Doppler

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Posted 22 June 2007 - 08:59 PM

Ryu Doppler : did you make that pose yourself? i don't remember seeing it before

Ryu Doppler : I must say that is a interest animation do you have any plans to release the ones you have done? (oh and how did you learn to make them?)

Well, I learned how to make simple poses in blender by reading the motion capture article in the Japanese modding community. The translation was shakey, but it's basically a little bit of blender's pose mode, nif exportation, and then a little bit of their program called KFextractor. As for adding them into Oblivion, I just replaced one of the JOJO poses to test them ingame.

I might release them if I get a few more poses. At least when I have ten different ones.

Ryu Doppler: Yoga lessons?? looks more like anatomy lessons to me :)

Ryu Doppler: wow, how did you get the trees to show so far away in the second picture?

It's either my settings or it's a border region thing. Likely a bit of both. It was taken somewhere in Blackmarsh. Just to the east of Oynx Caverns if I remember right.
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Doppler's Armory - I'll do something...eventually...

#23 Treetop Smoker

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Posted 22 June 2007 - 09:29 PM


Treetop Smoker: I might be wrong but is that really 7 different types of armor in that first picture?

Treetop Smoker: I swear, is there any armor you haven't mixed together?

Treetop Smoker: What are those weapons I keep seeing you use? I have never seen them anywhere else

Treetop Smoker: Seems this outfit is popular :)

Treetop Smoker: At this rate the case will be thrown out of court :) (again, see above)

Treetop Smoker: that second picture looks wonderful, the wings, weapons, and necklace fit perfectly

Treetop Smoker: how do you carry so much armor and weapons??

Thank you for these comments Karandras !!!! We really appreciate your comments ! :cheers: I'm always trying not to hit the top while carrying all those items.... :shifty:

@ highpressure : Awesome work again !! :)

Edited by Treetop Smoker, 22 June 2007 - 09:35 PM.

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#24 Chiglet

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Posted 22 June 2007 - 10:56 PM

Chiglet : No picture? Heathen!
Chiglet: Gah! Argonians with nuclear hair! run for the hills! In spite of that however, she they look strangely good, how did you manage that one?
Chiglet: great mood in those picture, and yes, happy belated fathers day to all who it applies to
Chiglet: Awesome landscape pictures, my favorite is the first thumbnail

Thank you Karandras. :) I had honestly meant to replace that one post with a pic or 2, but when I finally got around to it, well, that page was long past. I had accidentally posted a reply there. As for a good looking Argonian? I have no idea. A lot of luck, and a lot of fiddling with the face-gen. Still not happy with her mouth and jaw though.

@ Darziak - :ROFL: I about fell off my chair laughing when I read your post. But if it works, heck why not hit your Tamrielic friends?? :new_bottom:

@ Zombie216 - Very nice retex. :coolthumb: Looks velvety in those shots.

@ cyborgakadimoose - Maybe try widening her face a bit. (My other 1/2 says to try making the eyes a bit smaller, and bring them in slightly.) There is a "rule of thumb" in art when drawing the human face for "proper placement", but I don't remember what it is. Overall, she is looking good though. :cheers:

@ Treetop Smoker - Even necromancers can be sexy. (damn I want that robe....) :)

#25 Treetop Smoker

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Posted 22 June 2007 - 11:08 PM

@ Treetop Smoker - Even necromancers can be sexy. (damn I want that robe....) :)

You can get it here ! :cheers: Just scroll down the page.

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#26 Silmuen

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 02:04 AM

A post to say thanks and to comment...Posting takes me so much time ! O_o Im really honored Ive received such warm welcome.

Zombie, I like Lanaya's new hair, although I liked the goggles too! And the new outfit is cute - is it inspired by those anime pictures someone posted a while back? I think I recognise it. Also, your second lot of shots are really unique and interesting! I love how you've conveyed movement and speed by blurring some parts and leaving other clear. It's especially effective in the dagger drawing shot.

Shadow - third shot! :lol: I love it.

Treetop, I think the red definitely looks better on Sakura - it goes with her hair! And the hat looks fantastic with it on Selena.

leomorg, it's great to have you here. You should never be afraid to post. I used to be until I realised there was absolutely no need! Your English is excellent, too. So don't worry about that. Caine is wonderful, he takes me straight back to my Morrowind days. This one is definitely my favourite - I love how he's almost completely monochrome except for the red reflection in the goggles. Very nicely posed! And the leaping sythe shots are... kind of terrifying :D

VanQa :lol: I just cannot see Gwen ever wearing something like that. She'll mutiny against you after the first step :lol:

Chiglet, I actually like version one for the argonian. Reptiles and hair just don't seem to go together somehow! If you are going with the hair, though, I think the green is better than the blue. Also, your Father's Day shots are really beautiful. Very touching, especially the last one.

Floydian and Treetop... You know what's coming! The necklaces are stunning, where are they from? I am dying to get my hands on them. I couldn't see them at Canadian Ice. Floyd, Sapphire looks heartbreakingly beautiful. I think I prefer that short hair on her to the long Slof wig.

Silmuen, welcome! Thill is one of the most unique and beautiful male characters I've seen. I'm getting a real Jonathan Rhys Meyers vibe from him. And the first pic? Saved to my harddrive :D

Spike, Haruko looks cute in Sinblood's dress! She should get a second opinion from Snow...

Slayer, Jasmine and Trevaia... I have a feeling we're in for a treat ^_^

Thank you so much....It means a lot to me that you think he's unique. :D Thanks very very much. me and him've spent a lot of RP time together ;) and I think you are quite right about Rhys Meyers *grins*

Karandras - Thank you for your lovely comment! Yes well I rather think that male characters are underappreciated sometimes ;)
And as for the Dark Seducer armor. It's damn sexy. And no worry... I'll get around to see your pictures now. This forum is going SO fast! :)

@ tfollf - very atmospheric shots there. You have a great eye for atmosphere and ambient. They remind me of the Morrowind vibe - all mysterious. It seems like something sudden is going to happen very soon, even if it seems to be still. I adore the shot of the Khajiit in the tree. It's incredible- the cat assassin strikes! :D

@highpressure - the amount of work you have done on your character is amazing. She's perfected to the minute detail :D I like her skintone and her circlet especially. You're doing a great job! and later... AAAAAA GOOOORE! *thud* :D

- Amazing, detailed and unique character there! I love the calm vibe in the screenshots. very atmospheric too... some more please!

@Windwalker - a master hashashin is always a good idea :D This one looks really tough ...wouldn't want to be his target. Amazing weapons there!

@Soul Slayer - okay that screen of the sky has blown me away completely...how did you do that?!really...from underwater? I always have big probs with screenshotting weather. Your character on the chapel ledge looks creepy there in a delicious sort of way. Say, even the chapels aren't safe from badass sexy ladies with wings? :D

@cyborgakadjmoose- I think you did a great job at making a ..decent? wait, that's not the word she's great! and I know it's damn difficult to make a good looking Dunmer lady ...and I think she does look Morrowindish . Altho she looks a bit pissed.

@Floydian - your character is so elaborate and perfectly done ...my hat off to you. And...is that a pixie? lovely one!

@Yorkmaster- A lovely hashashin dance in the snowy night...

@Axil - Mysty's look's coming along very well :)

@Spike4072 -aaaa mysterious note ha! hehe Im curious where this is going. Great screens ! Especially that woo hoo one lol

@Zombie216 - a little hired help is aways good and she looks reliable ;) I love the shots with the skeletons in the dark dungeon. Especially the last one - the lighting is great there and they look scary.

@ Ryu Doppler - I love your character- he's totally awesome and the shot crack me up everytime I see em. Ha! it's blood on the pages again!

@Chimera - lovely face there. She's beautiful.

@ Rumpleteasza - That black outfit lined with gold is really subtly elegant and I really like stuff like that... great taste! her face and hair are beautiful too. Lovely, calm homely screens :D

@Darziak - amazing, interesting shot there! I love shots with an idea! and this one looks really good... the vampire is posed perfectly! and the vampire tooth looks good too dun worry

@Treetop Smoker - a retexture? looks great - and your character looks damn sexy in that outfit.

@Chiglet - wooooo! craziness :D but in a good way!

You guys do amazing work with the screens! keep up the good work! { EDIT!} some of the comments disappeared somewhere... sorry

Edited by Silmuen, 23 June 2007 - 04:07 AM.

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#27 highpressure

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 04:03 AM

highpressure : That armor goes great with those wings (I like the tattoo as well)
highpressure : Nice editing on those pictures, the first one looks a bit strange but the other two look really nice
highpressure : Great lighting in all those pictures, my favorite was the "goodnight captain" one
highpressure: That is some awesome lighting, how did you do that? Photoshop?
highpressure: Neck biting always makes for good pictures
highpressure: that is a neat looking set of gear
highpressure: All i can say about that first picture is WOW, it looks great
highpressure: Okay now thats unique, never EVER seen pictures like those before
highpressure: Retextures are always awesome :) (even more so when they are released :) )
highpressure: "evasive maneuvers?" Looks more like "being thrown far away" :)
highpressure: Great picture, the snow really adds alot to it
highpressure: Those eyes really stick out, very cool
highpressure: That is a really cool effect in the final picture, no wonder the guards are stopping by
highpressure: That last picture deserves to be made into a avatar (btw is that her name in the corner? I cant quite read it)
highpressure: oooo that retexture looks awesome, well done!
highpressure: its hard to tell but is that dark brotherhood horse armor? if it is that looks really cool
highpressure: That character looks really cool, are they new? (btw great Dragon armor, where did you get that?)
highpressure: Where was that second picture taken? I don't remember a candle shop in the game
highpressure: Great retextures there, I really like the first one
highpressure: Great combat pictures I have yet to actually take anyones hands off yet :)

Wow Karandras! You definitely win the Comment Award :clap: Truly Truly appreciated!

I can answer a few of the questions. Regarding the lady and the dragon, they have been around for a while just on vacation. :) The armor the dragon is wearing is from Ghogiels Akatosh Resource Beta. (can't find a link atm) I just threw another texture on it.

The name of my vampire character, if that is the name you were inquiring about is Motilina Cervantes (Moti) for short.

Yes, that horse armor is DB armor. :)

Edited by highpressure, 23 June 2007 - 04:05 AM.

#28 cyborgakadjmoose

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 04:43 AM

Silmuen: Sweet character Silmuen!

@ cyborgakadimoose - Maybe try widening her face a bit. (My other 1/2 says to try making the eyes a bit smaller, and bring them in slightly.) There is a "rule of thumb" in art when drawing the human face for "proper placement", but I don't remember what it is. Overall, she is looking good though. :cheers:

Yeah...the rule of thumb is halves: The eyes are half way down the face, the nose half way between the eyes and chin, etc. I can't believe I forgot that... Thanks for the tips!

@cyborgakadjmoose- I think you did a great job at making a ..decent? wait, that's not the word she's great! and I know it's damn difficult to make a good looking Dunmer lady ...and I think she does look Morrowindish . Altho she looks a bit pissed.

Yeah...seriously...she was the hardest facegen I've ever done thus far. And yeah...she was mad in those pictures for some reason...

Edited by cyborgakadjmoose, 23 June 2007 - 04:44 AM.

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#29 Darziak



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Posted 23 June 2007 - 05:59 AM

Darziak: Thats a new idea i never thought of. Great posing btw on that picture

@ Darziak - :ROFL: I about fell off my chair laughing when I read your post. But if it works, heck why not hit your Tamrielic friends?? :new_bottom:

@Darziak - amazing, interesting shot there! I love shots with an idea! and this one looks really good... the vampire is posed perfectly! and the vampire tooth looks good too dun worry

Thanks, but if you try it make sure you are good friends with the npc or they'll just plain attack you instead of saying "I'm on your side!".
Can anyone spot the 3rd guy in that shot (the one I was playing). :P

#30 highpressure

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 06:20 AM

She looks great! :Tasty:

Sexy as always! Glad you like the new texture :)

So many different colors! :) Nice!

Aerial combat! I love this shot! :clap:

I love her face & skin. Looks like that dremora is admiring her too! :)

#31 Soul_Slayer

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 09:05 AM

@Karandras: Thank you for the nice comments. :cheers:

@Soul Slayer - okay that screen of the sky has blown me away completely...how did you do that?!really...from underwater? I always have big probs with screenshotting weather. Your character on the chapel ledge looks creepy there in a delicious sort of way. Say, even the chapels aren't safe from badass sexy ladies with wings? :D

Thanks, the sky shot is indeed from underwater, I just thought it looked cool.

Trevaia's reaction to Slayers top post # 21 8)

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Oh great, made the lovely lady cry, now Jasmine won't talk to me. :crying:

#32 Hector the Hooded

Hector the Hooded

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 09:47 AM

Lol. Jasmine did it!

#33 lravenwing

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 02:51 PM

*Sighs* I managed to write comments about most of screenies that appeared after my last post and my browser crashed. :( My fingers hurt so instead I am just going to say great work people and comment on my personal favourites (in no particular order):

Fav1 - What do you mean by "not much"? She is gorgeous. And by the way what hair is that?

Fav2 - I can see Thilly, I can see big guy being smashed but where's the booze? Strange... ;)

Fav3 - Or little girl is all grown up and goes out to murder some people.

Fav4 - Very nice atmosphere in this one.

Fav5 & Fav6 - Great lighting on first one and angle on second.

Fav7 - If I could fall in love with bunch of pixels she would be the one.

Fav8 - Great looking character and a very nice pic.

Fav9 - Great atmosphere. Instant download to hd. :)

Fav10 - "At world's end"...perfect.

Fav11 - Pirate! Great night shot. Most tend to come out a bit too dark but this one has perfect  contrast and lighting.

Fav12 - Great action shot. I don't even want to think how much effort it took to take it.

FavI'veLostCount - The very first sexy looking dremora I've seen.

@ Karandras - Shots were taken in Temple of Dibella. A housing mod that cen be found on Tessource and Junkyard Modding.

Once again sorry for not commenting on all great addons here but my fingers already hurt too much.

#34 highpressure

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 03:45 PM

I see new spell effects here. O.K. Link me..please! :) NVM is Midas magic. I have it but never added it to my game. :doh:

Edited by highpressure, 23 June 2007 - 03:55 PM.

#35 Victoria


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Posted 23 June 2007 - 04:16 PM

Hehe yeah you gotta scratch around for some items to get the spells, anyone know a console command to just get all the spells?
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#36 Shadow'


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Posted 23 June 2007 - 04:20 PM

Hehe yeah you gotta scratch around for some items to get the spells, anyone know a console command to just get all the spells?

I just make them availible to purchase from Midas via the CS. :D
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#37 Karandras

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 04:21 PM

you can also just use psb to get every spell :)

(id did this and got over a thousand new spells, iv been at it over an hour and I'm still not through it all :) )

Edited by Karandras, 23 June 2007 - 04:22 PM.

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Thank you Sinharvest for the signature

#38 Spike4072

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 07:16 PM

And this picture isn't mine but i felt it deserved to be shown to everyone. I found it on http://eq2.matrix.jp and all credit goes to the original author

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someone has to much free time :)

What link is that? :blink: I must have it. :D
I want to make a Haruko charcater and one of those bass guitars would work good after I get the clothes done :)

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Edited by Spike4072, 23 June 2007 - 07:17 PM.

#39 Zombie216


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Posted 23 June 2007 - 07:38 PM

FLCL is the best anime ever. and im not a big anime watcher

#40 Treetop Smoker

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 09:15 PM

Hehe yeah you gotta scratch around for some items to get the spells, anyone know a console command to just get all the spells?

Type PSB in the console.

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