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#1 -Imskel-

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Posted 06 August 2007 - 10:14 PM

Ok here is my idea,

I have watched old movies and seen 2 types of outfits that prisoners wear the dirty cloth and prison chains.
so i added both.

I was wondering if there was a way to make it so your character started out in chains and have it so that you
cold not remove till the guard or the king took them off you.

I have been toying with Growlfs rusty chain stuff with the cloth to make it feel more real that your in jail or prison.
but the part i am having trouble with is the script so u can not remove the stuff, i Know this may add a bit of trouble
with the training part of the tutorial but in my opion it adds a bit more realism to the game.

Thanks for reading this hope someone likes the idea.

#2 -Oblivionmodder23-

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 05:08 AM

I know this is a late reply, but I think I know how you can make the chain idea
first you need nifskope and BSA cmd
export the textures and the NIF files of chains and handcuffs
then open the chain mesh, copy everything including the GravityNode
paste in handcuffs and viola!
I'm not saying that I did this before (Very same thing) and im also not saying that it will be that easy, this is just an
overview of how i'd try to do it.

Ok here is my idea,

I have watched old movies and seen 2 types of outfits that prisoners wear the dirty cloth and prison chains.
so i added both.

I was wondering if there was a way to make it so your character started out in chains and have it so that you
cold not remove till the guard or the king took them off you.

I have been toying with Growlfs rusty chain stuff with the cloth to make it feel more real that your in jail or prison.
but the part i am having trouble with is the script so u can not remove the stuff, i Know this may add a bit of trouble
with the training part of the tutorial but in my opion it adds a bit more realism to the game.

Thanks for reading this hope someone likes the idea.

#3 -sean volpato-

-sean volpato-
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Posted 02 November 2008 - 03:37 PM

i think you should make an oblivian mod where you can dual weild swords or other wepons, also where you can make your character completly nacked( not for the perversion, I just think that would be cool)

#4 -mushi134-

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Posted 15 April 2011 - 12:42 PM

the script to stop movement except looking is DisablePlayerControls 1111011 if u want to not look just turn the 0 into a 1

#5 -mushi134-

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Posted 15 April 2011 - 12:44 PM

oh and u also need to add a trigger for when the king walks in, just put disableplayercontrols 0000000