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Reccomended Mod(s) thread

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#21 Bluenose


    The gnome-sage of Ral Worcester

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Posted 21 November 2007 - 11:52 AM

Out of curiosity, has anyone played Avertine - A Nation Dreamed? It won the Golden Dragon award for best role-playing module 2006, so it's presumably good, but I've never got round to playing it.

And Almraiven won best module 2006. Excellent. :cheers:

Back from the brink.

Like RPGs? Like Star Wars? Think combining the two would be fun? Read Darths and Droids, and discover the line "Jar Jar, you're a genius".

These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.

#22 Delight

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Posted 23 November 2007 - 10:55 AM

I just found a used boxed version of NWN for 5$ :) . Could someone recommend me a good module with a lot of sex, romance and dialogues but not much combat?

#23 princesspurpleblob



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Posted 21 February 2008 - 01:52 AM

I've played "A halo of flies" and its sequel "Shadow from soul on fire". Both mods are short (2-3hrs) and very linear, but nevertheless, excellent storyline. I loved it. If you are looking for something nice and short, this is the one to go for.