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Getting Ariena 2.0 running

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#1 Deathsangel


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Posted 27 September 2007 - 08:37 AM

I've got two questions concerning this code

COPY_EXISTING ~UHFARM03.cre~ ~override/MWAndia.cre~
SAY NAME1 ~Andia~
SAY NAME2 ~Andia~

I) Does WRITE_ASCII recognise DIALOG? I know it does DEATHVAR, but I can't find the list

II) The new death variable (and dialog) file name is shorter than the older one and WeiDu warns for this saying this:

Note, that if you?re WRITE_ASCIIing to say, the death variable, and the previous death variable entry is longer than the one you?re writing, then you?ll have spillover after WRITE_ASCII. To avoid this, embed a null character at the end of your string. So, if I have

WRITE_ASCII 0x280 ~Guy~

I would want to put a null character right after the y in Guy. You can do this by using a hex editor and inserting 00 after the y.

What are null characters? Sorry, to say this but are they simply using difficult language to say you ought to add two 0's (= zero) or am I missing something. I guess I do, for adding two 0's would just make the DV MWAndia00, or not? What am I exactly to do?

Thanks for any help in advance

Edited by Deathsangel, 27 September 2007 - 08:40 AM.

Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
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(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable :P

~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~

#2 SConrad


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Posted 27 September 2007 - 08:54 AM

1) WeiDU documentation has full listing of constants you can use (yes, DIALOG works).

2) What you want to do is add "#x" as another parameter to WRITE_ASCII, which will fill out the entire entry. Death variables are 32 bytes, so in this case, it would be WRITE_ASCII DEATHVAR ~Guy~ #32. DIALOG and the various SCRIPT_* are 8 bytes. You can't "type" null characters like a "0." ;)

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#3 Deathsangel


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Posted 28 September 2007 - 12:59 AM

Thanks, Sebastian :cheers:

Unfortunately the page gives me:

The requested URL could not be retrieved


While trying to retrieve the URL: NONE:// 

The following error was encountered: 

Zero Sized Reply 
Squid did not receive any data for this request. 

Your cache administrator is webmaster.

However, I will try later.

Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.

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(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable :P

~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~

#4 Gort

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Posted 28 September 2007 - 01:43 AM

you can get the latest version at BWL, with the readme

#5 Deathsangel


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Posted 28 September 2007 - 03:28 AM

you can get the latest version at BWL, with the readme

Thanks for the tip. The Read-me I got with the download (which where I found the warning), but the documentation I don't have.

Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.

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(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable :P

~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~

#6 SConrad


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Posted 28 September 2007 - 11:48 AM

My URL is correct - are you perhaps behind a router or something?

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#7 Deathsangel


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Posted 28 September 2007 - 11:54 AM

I am. However, I just figured out a trick ;)

Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.

Sentences marking (my) life:

Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
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(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable :P

~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~

#8 Deathsangel


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Posted 28 September 2007 - 12:51 PM

Euh... okay now I am going to be the annoying boy. I am trying to parse stuff and I am horrible at tracking mistakes.
This file has one that says ought to be in the MWCONAndia9 line... Any help?

SAY ~Here is ten gold. A small fee, if you will please be so kind as to forget it.~
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~If you insist.~ DO ~GivePartyGold(10)~ EXIT
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~I have no need of your money, I am just curious.~ GOTO MWCONAndia9
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Ah, that is a good deal.~ DO ~GivePartyGold(10)~ EXIT

SAY ~Curiousty killed the cat. If you are just curious and have no true need to know than I am sure you can leave it.~
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Okay, I will.~ GOTO MWCONAndia7
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Okay, I will. Can I still have the gold?~ GOTO MWCONAndia8

SAY ~I understand. I will simply live my life here and know you live.~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("MWAndia",EscapeArea())~ EXIT

Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.

Sentences marking (my) life:

Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams

(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable :P

~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~

#9 Rastor


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Posted 01 October 2007 - 05:41 AM

What's the message WeiDU is giving you?
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#10 Deathsangel


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Posted 01 October 2007 - 09:20 AM


parsing error,
line ...
near SAY
fatal error

and so forth. I really hope that I can nail this mistake.

Edited by Deathsangel, 01 October 2007 - 11:15 AM.

Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.

Sentences marking (my) life:

Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams

(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable :P

~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~

#11 berelinde



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Posted 01 October 2007 - 09:24 AM

Can you post, say, another 20 lines above the state before? Sometimes, it's buried pretty far back.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#12 Deathsangel


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Posted 01 October 2007 - 11:14 AM

SAY ~There is but one place in our humble village that offers beds. It is at the west end of the town square, you can't miss it.~

SAY ~I disagree with your tone, please go away.~

SAY ~Many things in Fearūn are touched by something or are wonderous in their own way. Some have sorcerous powers, there are the Chosen of Mystra, and yet others have an innate ability to resist magic. I don't know what my 'afflicition' is, but it has granted me with little, but outer wordly looks. Anything else?~
IF ~!Dead("Shadeld")~ THEN REPLY ~Who do you think is behind the Umar Hills.~ GOTO MWCONAndia2
IF ~CheckStatGT(Player1,16,WIS)~ THEN REPLY ~I believe you are not being entirely honest with me, madam.~ GOTO MWCONAndia6
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~I am very tired do you know of safe place to sleep?~ GOTO MWCONAndia3
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Oh, I know of several ways, hehe.~ GOTO MWCONAndia4

SAY ~I will give in that I have lied and say that I have done so as I do not want to touch the subject. Will you be so kind as to leave it alone, good <SIRMAAM>?~
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No, I won't.~ GOTO MWCONAndia8

SAY ~Thank you. Anything else I can do for you?~
IF ~!Dead("shadeld")~ THEN REPLY ~Who do you think is behind the Umar Hills.~ GOTO MWCONAndia2
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~I am very tired do you know of safe place to sleep?~ GOTO MWCONAndia3
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Oh, I know of several ways, hehe.~ GOTO MWCONAndia4

SAY ~Here is ten gold. A small fee, if you will please be so kind as to forget it.~
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~If you insist.~ DO ~GivePartyGold(10)~ EXIT
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~I have no need of your money, I am just curious.~ GOTO MWCONAndia9
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Ah, that is a good deal.~ DO ~GivePartyGold(10)~ EXIT

SAY ~Curiousity killed the cat. If you are just curious and have no true need to know than I am sure you can leave it.~
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Okay, I will.~ GOTO MWCONAndia7
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Okay, I will. Can I still have the gold?~ GOTO MWCONAndia8

Here ya go. At least I am not the only one having problems witht his :D

Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.

Sentences marking (my) life:

Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams

(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable :P

~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~

#13 berelinde



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Posted 01 October 2007 - 11:54 AM

I don't see anything. Anybody else?

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#14 berelinde



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Posted 01 October 2007 - 12:15 PM

What exactly is the message WeiDU is giving you? If you quoted it verbatim, it might provide a better picture of what is going on.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#15 Deathsangel


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Posted 02 October 2007 - 08:11 AM

Here is the WeiDu error. Sorry it took so long but I was at work

Attached Files

Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.

Sentences marking (my) life:

Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams

(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable :P

~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~

#16 berelinde



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Posted 02 October 2007 - 08:36 AM

Oh! This is during traification, not compilation!

Please, please, oh please, make sure everything compiles properly before traifying. Because it's really a pain to make changes afterward. Just a hunch, but you might need a THEN before the DO ~GivePartyGold(10~.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#17 Deathsangel


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Posted 08 October 2007 - 12:52 PM

Okay after many many fixes by me and my wonderful debugster It installs!!!! :D

However, it isn't good yet. I get a lot of warnings! I have to look at the HAEGAN warning. I just saw it for the first time.

But more importantly It is complaining about the "ArienaRedemption" and "ArienaFallen" Globals, see attached .debug. Now these globals are set in the file of a NPC via an APPEND to ArienaJ and the complains are from other files... what I can do/must I do to get rid of these warnings? (And yes checked spelling is correct)

Attached Files

Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.

Sentences marking (my) life:

Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams

(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable :P

~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~

#18 Gort

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Posted 08 October 2007 - 09:46 PM

trigger should be not
And really, register your prefix for variables etc. You can do it at BWL

#19 Deathsangel


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Posted 08 October 2007 - 11:46 PM

trigger should be not

And really, register your prefix for variables etc. You can do it at BWL

Thanks for the explanation.

I wonder why I have to do this perse at BWL? It is already announced that I will take 'MW'. I will try and see if I can find the right topic at BWL. That not all of my globals work with that for the moment is because I will clean up later.

Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.

Sentences marking (my) life:

Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams

(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable :P

~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~

#20 Gort

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Posted 08 October 2007 - 11:57 PM

I wonder why I have to do this perse at BWL? It is already announced that I will take 'MW'. I will try and see if I can find the right topic at BWL. That not all of my globals work with that for the moment is because I will clean up later.

because the list is mantained at BWL). I don't know where did you anounce it, but I doubt anyone would look if prefix is already taken in any other place then the list. Topic is hard to miss, but here you are, anyway: http://forums.blackw...p?showtopic=113