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Bug: Edwin and Anomen not walking properly

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#1 Nix


    Oh Captain, my Captain!

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Posted 12 November 2007 - 07:13 AM

Hi there. I just installed and am playing through the Edwin romance, and its been really funny and enjoyable. Now I seem to have encountered a bug though. In the first talk that comes up after Edwin changes back into a man (the one that comes up when resting) Anomen interrupts and Edwin asks the PC to set Anomen straight, so she does and the talk continues and then the party rests. However after resting I find that Edwin and Anomen are both unable to walk properly with the rest of the group. They refuse to move to the designated green circles, instead they lag behind the party and need constant prodding just to get them to walk a few steps. I remember having the same problem once with Aerie, after Anomen got aggressive with her after failing his test. I tried kicking Anomen out of the party just before talking with Edwin and bringing him back after the talk. When I do that, Edwin will walk properly but Anomen still has the same problem. Can anyone help?