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setting .STO parameters

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#1 josh_clue

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Posted 05 July 2003 - 02:33 AM

:o simple question really- i'm just too lazy to look it up :blink:

how do i set the parameters for a *.STO files using WeiDU?
the "SAY NAME" command is used for adding the store's name, right?
how do i use WeiDU to indicate that a specific *.STO is an inn, a shop, or a temple? ;)


#2 weimer

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Posted 05 July 2003 - 02:08 PM

As usual for any file format that WeiDU doesn't have specific support for, pull it up in Near Infinity and read the offsets.

#3 josh_clue

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Posted 05 July 2003 - 08:29 PM

:huh: i DID use Near Infinity to edit the *.STO files i included in my MOD. BUT, as soon as these files are installed via *.TP2 and setup-mymod.EXE files, they lose their identifier (inn, temple, etc.), crashing the game whenever entering the new or edited stores. (i made this discovery upon opening the *.STO files with Near Infinity AFTER the setup-mymod.EXE file installed my MOD)

i tried manually copying the .sto files onto the override directory, and the files worked fine. so, i started thinking that WeiDU had this parameter-setting capacity and i wrote you the note above. :(

here is how part of the *.TP2 file looks like:

COPY ~vault/sto/friend.sto~ ~override/friend.sto~
SAY NAME1 ~Friendly Arm Inn~
SAY NAME2 ~Friendly Arm Inn~
COPY ~vault/sto/highhedg.sto~ ~override/highhedg.sto~
SAY NAME1 ~Highhedge~
SAY NAME2 ~Highhedge~
COPY ~vault/sto/sto0703.sto~ ~override/sto0703.sto~
SAY NAME1 ~Sorcerous Sundries~
SAY NAME2 ~Sorcerous Sundries~
COPY ~vault/sto/sto4803.sto~ ~override/sto4803.sto~
SAY NAME1 ~Nashkel Store~
SAY NAME2 ~Nashkel Store~
COPY ~vault/sto/sto4901.sto~ ~override/sto4901.sto~
~vault/sto/sto4905.sto~ ~override/sto4905.sto~
~vault/sto/sto4906.sto~ ~override/sto4906.sto~
~vault/sto/sto4907.sto~ ~override/sto4907.sto~
SAY NAME1 ~Carnival Shop~
SAY NAME2 ~Carnival Shop~
COPY ~vault/sto/stosilen.sto~ ~override/stosilen.sto~
SAY NAME1 ~Shop of Silence~
SAY NAME2 ~Shop of Silence~
COPY ~vault/sto/tem0131.sto~ ~override/tem0131.sto~
SAY NAME1 ~High House of Wonders~
SAY NAME2 ~High House of Wonders~
COPY ~vault/sto/tem0132.sto~ ~override/tem0132.sto~
SAY NAME1 ~The Lady's House~
SAY NAME2 ~The Lady's House~
COPY ~vault/sto/tem0149.sto~ ~override/tem0149.sto~
SAY NAME1 ~Ilmater's Shrine~
SAY NAME2 ~Ilmater's Shrine~
COPY ~vault/sto/tem0609.sto~ ~override/tem0609.sto~
SAY NAME1 ~Water Queen's House~
SAY NAME2 ~Water Queen's House~

so, what am i doing wrong, wes?

thanks a bundle

#4 Avenger_teambg

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Posted 06 July 2003 - 01:28 AM

stores have only ONE name

#5 -Ghreyfain-

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Posted 08 July 2003 - 05:40 PM

And that name is NAME2, or 0xC

What you're doing to cause the crash is change the Store type (inn, temple, etc.) to a crazy number (the strref you created when writing NAME1 to that offset)