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Installation problems

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#1 -Deepminded-

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 03:26 AM

Is anyone having problems with a multiprocessor and PlaneScape Torment not installing?

I have the 4 disk set and tried installing it on my Dell Inspiron 530 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2ghz, WinXP Home SP 2 without success. I place the disk 1 in my DVD RW drive. The install screen will come up and when I click on "Install", the disk will just "whirl" and stop after a few seconds. I can access the Icewind Dale trailer to show up, though.

I went to my D\ drive and saw Torment icon was showing....click on it and tried running the "autorun.exe" to install that way (according to the manual) but it goes through the same thing. I checked my taskmanager to see if the Torment.exe showed to set my "affinity" for one cpu (thinking the installer had a "confusion" problem) But nothing "Torment" showed there either (well, of course it wouldn't because the game would not install....but just in case)

Will following the complete file/data installation from disks to my HD do the trick? Or something else must be done?

I originally bought the game from a friend several years ago after he played it several times and recommended it highly. I thought it might be the installation disk itself having one scratch too many (no matter how careful I had been) for my DVD-RW to read properly. But it will read all my other games that are older without problems. Paid $12 for it then and looked for the 2 disk set as "backup"..... was floored by the present asking price!

It played on my previous computers with no problems. First on an eMachine 600 Win98se and later a HP P4 2 ghz Single Core, WinXP SP 2 Home. When I bought this new Core 2 Duo recently, I wanted to install the game again to play.

PlaneScape Torment is a wonderful, intense, emotional RPG. The characters are well rounded, the graphics are beautifully rendered...as one poster here said, they are "painted" rather than "pixilated" so my 20" monitor would do this "world" justice with the recent larger resolution mod I see offered.

I have NeverWinter Nights Gold but prefer PlaneScape over it. I also play Morrowind GOTY....but the "Saga of the Nameless One is calling"

Please help

#2 Yovaneth


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Posted 03 November 2008 - 04:38 AM

From your description I'd say you have one of two problems:

1. The CD is completely shafted
2. The DVD drive can't deal with the CD which is almost shafted.

I know that sounds daft but I have a couple of DVD/CDs which cause one drive to barf but the other drive is quite happy to read them. If you can dump the entire contents of CD1 to the HDD you will be able to install it from that. I'd then do a full HDD installation as follows:

1. Copy the contents of CD1 to a new folder called CD1 inside the Planescape installation
2. Copy the contents of CD2, 3 and 4 directly to the Planescape installation (they are already subfoldered as cd2, cd3 and cd4)
3. Open the Torment.ini file and change the CD paths to point to the CD folders inside your Planescape folder
4. Apply the Torment 1.1 patch
5. Google the noCD patch and apply it
6. Check that it all works correctly and then copy the entire installation to a DVD (2.5Gb worth)
7. Copy the DVD back to a new folder, change the Torment.ini CD paths to suite and test it.
8. Backup the backup DVD....

If it works, in future a simple copy from the DVD to the HDD will get you up and running.

[Edit] No, it's not a multiprocessor problem. PS:T quite happily plays on my 2.6GHz Core Duo but if you have an LCD screen you may have problems with the resolution - the lovely 'out of range' error on the LCD screen. The Bigg's Widescreen Mod may help in this case - unfortunately it didn't help me :(. In my case I suspect that my screen does not like Planescape default refresh rate and unlike the later versions of the Infinity Engine, there is no way to change it.


Edited by Yovaneth, 03 November 2008 - 04:43 AM.

#3 Deepminded

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 01:08 AM

Thanks for the info and help, Yovaneth. Yeah, I read elsewhere that this can happen with new DVD RW drives and older games. Argh! I will try your suggestions then. Will keep you updated with the progress then.

My monitor is a HP 20" CRT "monster" a friend gave me after my old NEC 15" CRT finally died early last year. Haven't gotten around to replacing it with a LCD yet although it takes up a lot of space on my desk. But then, it was a timely gift...and as long as it works, don't intend replacing it.

So, I don't think I'll have any problems with the Bigg's mod ....once I get the game to work.
Laurie the Deepminded
Runegame.com Admin/Goddess
Official Website of Human Head Studios "RUNE"

#4 Deepminded

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 09:55 PM

I have copied the cds as suggested, downloaded the patch and will look for the NoCD patch shortly. After copying the cds, I looked for the Torment.ini to type in the paths. But I see no "Torment.ini" anywhere to accomplish this in.

All I see is the "Autorun" and "Setup" (configuration settings) to do anything to. It has been quite a while since I last installed Torment in a computer and my present games ".ini" would be found in their "Systems" or "Data Files" folder. The "_sys1" and "_data1" "cabinets" in the CD 1 (Installation folder) are empty.

I know, such a noob question...but I am familiar with other games and how to do what was suggested through the notepad. Unless these go into the "Setup" or "Autorun"...where do I go from here?
Laurie the Deepminded
Runegame.com Admin/Goddess
Official Website of Human Head Studios "RUNE"

#5 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 11:26 PM

I know, such a noob question...but I am familiar with other games and how to do what was suggested through the notepad. Unless these go into the "Setup" or "Autorun"...where do I go from here?

To my information, it's first printed out when you apply the configurations, so you'll have to copy somebody elses one.

So here is mine:



[Game Options]
Mouse Scroll Speed=50
GUI Feedback Level=5
Locator Feedback Level=3
Command Sounds Frequency=3
Selection Sounds Frequency=3
Bored Timeout=3000
Always Dither=0
Keyboard Scroll Speed=50
Effect Text Level=62
Attack Sounds=1
Auto Pause State=0
Difficulty Level=3
Quick Item Mapping=1
Always Run=0
Memory Access=100
Memory Level=1
Health Bar Settings=63
Environmental Audio=1
Sound Processing=1
Music Processing=1

[Program Options]
Sprite Mirror=1
Gamma Correction=0
Brightness Correction=0
Volume Movie=100
Volume Music=100
Volume Voices=100
Volume Ambients=100
Volume SFX=100
Strref On=0
Screen Position X=0
Screen Position Y=0
Full Screen=1
Path Search Nodes=4000
Maximum Frame Rate=30
Translucent Shadows=1
It's totally unmodified.

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#6 Deepminded

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 03:23 AM

WOOT! Got the installation disk to work! I Got Game!

Weird the way it happened.

Went to my taskmgr for something completely different a few minutes ago and found the "trmt11.exe" showing there (I had clicked on it earlier to install in my manually created Programs Files\Torment folder ) Highlighted it and clicked on "end process" when the patch's installation screen came up. MMmmm.

Then I noticed "Setup.exe" was also in my "Taskmgr". There was no reason "why" that should be there and knew it wasn't a "narsty" as my computer is clean of spyware, malware et.c. But I had clicked on "Setup" in my Torment's cd1 "installation disk" earlier and through my created folder (with no results) So on a hunch, I stuck my installation disk back in the DVD-RW. Clicked on "Setup.exe" and the Black Isle screen popped up! Clicked on "install" then crossed fingers and toes.

"Whirl" and the Planescape Torment installation began!

By default it asks for Program Files, but I installed the game under my "Local Disk" instead. Then installed the 1.1 patch into it. After the game finished installing, I deleted the previously created Program Files\ Torment folders to prevent any confusion in the future.

After completing the new installation, checked everything and all the files were downloaded properly.....including the missing "torment.ini". The Play Disk works and expect so will the others in their turn. But to save my disks, I will later perform a full installation as Yovaneth outlined. Add the changes in the "Torment.ini" and get the "noCD" to prevent further marring. For now, they will be stored in jewel cases for safekeeping when not being used. The original cardboard folding "sleeves' will be stored in the large Planescape Torment box.

Whew! Now I can download the Widescreen mod so it will look better and the other mods recently made for the game.

Jarno, Thank You very much for copying your "Torment.ini" and offering it to help me out with. If the installation disk did not work, I would have certainly needed to use this gift. :)
Laurie the Deepminded
Runegame.com Admin/Goddess
Official Website of Human Head Studios "RUNE"