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Choosing Sides

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#1 TC Dale

TC Dale
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  • 80 posts

Posted 22 March 2009 - 11:24 PM

?Choosing Sides? is set after the end of the original Baldur?s Gate and before the beginning of Baldur?s Gate II: Shadows of Amn. It?s a short (3 pages) one-shot of what might happen if Jaheira wasn?t entirely faithful to Khalid. Rated R for a sex-scene at the beginning. Also, it involves Jaheira and another woman. So possibly R-rated for alternative sexuality.

(Un?)Fortunately, the story starts out in media res with the sex scene, so adding a disclaimer to the top of this post isn't going to "hide" the sex from anyone who happens to glance in. So, for this particular story, I'm just posting a link up above to the full text on my website. So, if you don't want to see it, just don't click.

(Unless there's a way to 'hide' things in the post until people click on it to display it, akin to LiveJournal "cuts"? In which case I'll just post the text here.)

Comments and feedback always welcome, either on my webpage or here on the forum.
