So basically I should have read through the deva quest BEFORE starting it but I found out too late and took too long and the Bebilith died and Jon thought I was an oaf. Now I am playing a NG fighter/thief and I wanted to redeem him but it seemed impossible after that. I thought it was dependent on redemption counter so I set globalled it to 1000 just in case, hoping from what I read that he would not take Sendai's soul but alas he does but even worse Keldorn calls me evil and attacks, so does Amomen and worst of all, my pregnant girlfriend (Aerie) turns on me as well with only Saverok staying true. I have reloaded 3 times but every time they turn on me and my my entire game seems ruined because of it. Not only do I need them in my party but I really wanted to redeem Irenicus. Is there NOTHING that can be done? At least anything that will keep my good companions from turning on me? I guess I could leave them back in the pocket plane and kill Sendai and then pick them up again? Any advice? Cause I think I will just do that. I hope someone didn't write this exact problem down already as I don't want to repeat stuff but shouldn't the console global redemption counter affect what Jon does? Please, if anyone can help I will be most grateful. Cheers to all and this mod (apart from my foolishness) ROCKS, along with others. After nigh 10 years I have rediscovered my love for this wonderful game! Thank you.

Botched Deva Quest, Jon takes Sendai's Soul and all my good compan
Started by Stardusk, Sep 05 2009 09:46 AM
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