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Problems with the Tactics-installation: This time normal BWS+BWP

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#1 Fennek

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 11:09 AM

O.K., I tried a new BWP installation and this time used the normal BWS and BWP.

I did not get errors with SCS this time, but these problems still exist:

Longer Road (less warnings than before, but still some...)


SimDingsQuestpack, Nazariel The Lich

(Did not get this problem on the weekend...)

SCSII: Better calls for help

(I got this two times now)

Kiara Zaiya [Dead]-problem:

Skie Portrait (Translation-problem)

BP-Series Remake: something went terribly wrong (and I got this two times now):

Edited by Fennek, 12 April 2010 - 11:25 AM.

#2 -Hoppy-

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 12:26 PM

O.K., I tried a new BWP installation and this time used the normal BWS and BWP.

I did not get errors with SCS this time, but these problems still exist:

Longer Road (less warnings than before, but still some...)


SimDingsQuestpack, Nazariel The Lich

(Did not get this problem on the weekend...)

SCSII: Better calls for help

(I got this two times now)

Kiara Zaiya [Dead]-problem:

Skie Portrait (Translation-problem)

BP-Series Remake: something went terribly wrong (and I got this two times now):

Did you install Big Picture?

#3 Fennek

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 01:16 PM

Did you install Big Picture?

Yes, every component excet 0 (AI) and the Orcus-thing which needs component 0.
May I guess that component 0 is necessary for BP series? :whistling:
If that is the case the problem (or actually not installing BP Series) has to be included into the install.bat, if one does not choose BP-AI...

Here's the weidu.log:


I also attached the whole debug, just in case...

Attached Files

Edited by Fennek, 12 April 2010 - 02:52 PM.

#4 Hoppy


    Mage Hunter

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 04:02 PM

Did you install Big Picture?

Yes, every component excet 0 (AI) and the Orcus-thing which needs component 0.
May I guess that component 0 is necessary for BP series? :whistling:
If that is the case the problem (or actually not installing BP Series) has to be included into the install.bat, if one does not choose BP-AI...

Here's the weidu.log:


I also attached the whole debug, just in case...


This doesn't rule out the fact that other mods can wipe your IDS files even if you do install BP AI.
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#5 Fennek

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Posted 13 April 2010 - 12:38 PM

This doesn't rule out the fact that other mods can wipe your IDS files even if you do install BP AI.

Yes, has to be tested in a BP-Installation. But in all other installations BP Series should be problematic. I told Leomar. Well, one problem less for the SCS-installation, I guess. :)

Edit: I guess the Kiara Zaiya Problem is also discovered.

Nazariel the Lich... Hm, maybe one needs the full Bg2fixpack, with Supper Happy etc. component or at least a part of the code. :blink:

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Edited by Fennek, 15 April 2010 - 10:55 AM.

#6 Fennek

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Posted 18 April 2010 - 10:04 AM

The Questpack discussion about the ids files etc. is going on here, if somebody is interested:


SCSII-problem might (?) have been solved in the Fixpack tread (no idea if the typo caused the problem):


Same is true for Kiara Zaiya, I guess. (And BP Series problem will be solved by excluding it from a non-BP install, I guess).

Longer Road is still a (minor) problem. Skie... Hm, still no idea.

(There was also a problem with Viconias portrain having vanished, this is also fixed.)