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Should this be possible?

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#1 Gray Mouser

Gray Mouser
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Posted 29 October 2010 - 03:20 AM


Judging from what I read, it is possible tho play EITHER the U series or th UK series, but not bothe.

I have progressed to pulling the Mistmoor Manor quest, and I went back to get Rurik because I wanted a Cleric heavy part (AND I LOVE HIS VOICEWORK KUDOS!) as soon as he popped into the party, he bantered with Aleigha about upgrading her sword and as we all know, item upgrades make you salivate.

Well, I thought Piney Bluff was unatainable at that point having progressed all the way through the U series, but just to see, I paid a visit to Althon, and sure enough..he asked me to do the escort mission to piney bluff.

WOW! I thought, maybe I'll get to see more wonderful game! ...I went and got the Keg Rurik wanted and....nothing...Is this broken because you shouldnt'a been able to get to piney bluff after the U series, or what is the story with her ruby sword upgrade?

Edited by Gray Mouser, 29 October 2010 - 03:24 AM.

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#2 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 29 October 2010 - 06:31 PM

The sword will get upgraded in Myth Drannor, assuming you take her with you.

Rurik's soundset is from IWD

The only part of the U series you should be able to do is the first one, U1 which is to investigate the haunted house and the Sea Ghost. Once they are done you can decline the Captain and start Piney Bluff through Althon and Icar. If you accept the Captain's request to go to the swamp, Althon will ask to join you but he will not ask you to go to Piney Bluff. One or the other all based on what you tell the captain.

Interesting that Althon still offers this quest. I will have to see about blocking that.

Rurik's interest in the keg has nothing to do with the UK mods. That is a side quest to tell you that the sword can be upgraded.

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#3 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 29 October 2010 - 06:39 PM

My own errors found:

Candella keeps repeating her banter with you. Fixed
Aesdale and Blush - Blush doesn't appear at inn. Fixed by changing the coordinates of where she spawns in.
Scroll about chair. Fixed, item can't be equipped and therefore you can't duplicate the scroll.
Key to Lizardman lair. Never broken, it is the guy outside the entrance, not the other two lizardmen, however, if all three fight you I can see why there is confusion on this.
Lizardmen animations. Not fixed yet but several creatures have reversed animations, as in a guard has the red lizardman and the higher level creatures have the green. Issues will show animations without proper weapons do to the green lizardmen not have staves, just shield and axe.
Sanbelt will cast Magic Missle 2 using a wand at the PC - this is a killer if the PC is a low level mage. Fixed to now casts spell at person he is talking to. So I used Dirbert who can handle the damage.

BTW, my current party is PC - elf mage, Shadow, Dirbert, Candella, Aesdale, and Blush. It has been incredibly fustrating playing such a weak bunch of characters. It is doable though.

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#4 Gray Mouser

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Posted 30 October 2010 - 11:24 AM

My own errors found:

Candella keeps repeating her banter with you. Fixed
Aesdale and Blush - Blush doesn't appear at inn. Fixed by changing the coordinates of where she spawns in.
Scroll about chair. Fixed, item can't be equipped and therefore you can't duplicate the scroll.
Key to Lizardman lair. Never broken, it is the guy outside the entrance, not the other two lizardmen, however, if all three fight you I can see why there is confusion on this.
Lizardmen animations. Not fixed yet but several creatures have reversed animations, as in a guard has the red lizardman and the higher level creatures have the green. Issues will show animations without proper weapons do to the green lizardmen not have staves, just shield and axe.
Sanbelt will cast Magic Missle 2 using a wand at the PC - this is a killer if the PC is a low level mage. Fixed to now casts spell at person he is talking to. So I used Dirbert who can handle the damage.

BTW, my current party is PC - elf mage, Shadow, Dirbert, Candella, Aesdale, and Blush. It has been incredibly fustrating playing such a weak bunch of characters. It is doable though.

Re: lizardmen Key: I don't know what unlikely combination of variables conspired to produce my original lack of lizardmen key, but on my first game (Multi Player) there was no key on any of the three for multiple iterations/reloads of that same fight. On the 2nd run (Single Player) it dropped fine.

I intend to play through this thing again on the evil side...is there anything I could do to help you make this great adventure more bug free?...Just let me know...like what file should I send to show you the state of my game at time of error,etc.

Thank you for creating this world.
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#5 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 30 October 2010 - 08:28 PM

Bug free? There is a reason why this is only version .53 and not 1.53. It isn't done!

There are plenty of incomplete areas and I am still finding buggy dialogs. That is the nature of a mod in progress. I would recommend that you search the forum here whenever you find an issue. More than likely it is either a known bug we haven't gotten to or a fresh new bug which we don't know about yet. Either way, all you can do is try to continue on. Some cases will require using the CLUConsole to reset a global variable or kill a creature or jump yourself to the next area.

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#6 Gray Mouser

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Posted 31 October 2010 - 05:55 AM

Bug free? There is a reason why this is only version .53 and not 1.53. It isn't done!

There are plenty of incomplete areas and I am still finding buggy dialogs. That is the nature of a mod in progress. I would recommend that you search the forum here whenever you find an issue. More than likely it is either a known bug we haven't gotten to or a fresh new bug which we don't know about yet. Either way, all you can do is try to continue on. Some cases will require using the CLUConsole to reset a global variable or kill a creature or jump yourself to the next area.

Oh, I thoroughly understand. I didn't mean to imply that it was anything other than the glorious imperfection in development that it is. (And still cooler than the original). In fact, that was kind of my point. I am just anxious to see it advance to the 1.xx stage and would like to help in any way possible.
Boo says, "I've been biffed in the scrote!"

#7 leahnkain

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Posted 31 October 2010 - 06:55 AM

Helping us bughunt like you are doing now is the best way. It really is useful to hear about what works and what doesn't. Also alot of the NPC's we actually haven't used much so feedback on the NPC's is useful as well. Who is in your group, who do you drop from your party, ect... it gives me an idea who should get more banters and worked on.

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#8 Tchos

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Posted 18 December 2010 - 10:32 PM

First of all, let me say that this is a fantastic mod that I expect will give me many hours of enjoyable gaming. I applaud your effort!

I came to the forum here to find the answer to the same question posted above, about the U series and UK series. It seemed like it was an either/or from the readme file, but I wanted to be sure about it. So, from what you say above, in order to experience all of the content, my best course of action would be to save before I talk to the Captain at that crucial point, so that I can do one of the questlines, and then revert to my older save in order to do the rest?

#9 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 10:41 AM

Correct. The idea is to give you optional paths to play. Just like you should be doing either the Sunless Citadel or the Silver Princess, you should be either doing the Lizardmen series or the Gauntlet series. At the end of each you should be able to continue on to Mistmoor and then to Selgaunt's Bridge district. Mistmoor is totally optional for either paths. All paths will lead to the Bridge District.

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#10 Tchos

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 10:50 AM

Understood. Thanks for the confirmation and additional information (didn't know Sunless and Silver were also exclusive). I'll do one playthrough in which I take the first choices I'm given, and another where I take the alternate ones.