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#1 vilkacis


    Rashemen REPRESENT! Word to yo hamsta!

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Posted 11 February 2011 - 05:28 AM

So, you'd like Miranda to wear something a little less stupid, but are tired of Bioware putting dumb crap on characters' faces? So am I

Let's start with the easiest one. Here's Tali, before and after.
Download this file here because the boards don't allow .tpf attachments.

Now, it gets more complicated.
gruntvisor.jpg mirandavisor.jpg
Get these here.

Grunt and Miranda's visors share a resource, so it's not possible to package them separately. However, this resource is not exclusively used by the DLC costumes. It also affects a few other things in the game.

garrusvisor.jpg shepvisor.jpg

(There may be others, but these are the most noticeable ones.) Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about that; it's either this or having random rings floating around in front of Miranda and Grunt's faces, and that's... not the purpose of this mod.

Also, I'm not able to remove the actual headgear from Grunt and Miranda. I tried just slapping transparent textures on there, but it resulted in weirdly black models, so let's not do that.

Texmod is needed to use these, instructions are provided under the link.

*Mordin voice* Enjoy. */Mordin voice*