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paging Gebhard Blucher

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#1 Kiki


    Philosopher Queen in training

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Posted 11 October 2003 - 11:11 AM

Has anyone seen Blucher recently? I know that he used to spend some time in this forum, and some of you modding types may have seen him in other venues. I've tried e-mailing him, but to no avail. Thanks.
Placetne, magistra?

#2 -jcompton-

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Posted 12 October 2003 - 10:14 AM

Not a finger.

He was gone for a couple of months, then showed up and said "I'm back!" ... which we all know means that someone is really gone forever, and it does in fact seem to be true in this case.

#3 Kiki


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Posted 14 October 2003 - 11:47 AM

He was gone for a couple of months, then showed up and said "I'm back!" ... which we all know means that someone is really gone forever, and it does in fact seem to be true in this case.

That does seem to be the kiss of death. Alas. Well, thanks for the information--if you haven't seen him in the BG2 world, then he's not to be found.
Placetne, magistra?