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IWD2 Extension

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#1 EmPhasis

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 01:40 PM

Hi All,
Firstly I would like to say, that it's only an idea and it can modified in almost every direction.

I thought about mod that would extend quests( I noticed that almost every quest can be done in only one way - e.g. when we talk with Phaen, but we cannot join his side; we have only some dialogue options that imitate it, but finally we fight as well, as we would choose good side), add maybe some items and for the most important it would make the whole plot more flexible(I've thought about making everything more sense - e.g. those bad twins(as I recall Isair and M..??) they are just so bad, that we must detroy them - we do not have any other options; their badness is justified/supported by some slaves; everything is so obvious... :doh:;we just follow the straight line through minor captains to the most powerful and the worst twins on this world, killing everything that moves in our sight; what if I'm bad ? :devil:).
I've also thought about those places that are marked on world map, but we cannot travel there and I think that mod could also contain them.

Thanks for reading. Posted Image
Please write your opinion or thoughts about it.

If I would start writing this mod, I'd like to firstly discuss every change that would implement this mod with someone/few people, so I hope that there will be someone willing to talk about it. Posted Image

Edited by EmPhasis, 06 August 2011 - 10:32 AM.

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#2 Lysan Lurraxol

Lysan Lurraxol
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Posted 05 August 2011 - 03:24 PM

Hey :)

I've always felt IWD2's underrated; there's a lot of potential - but it's frustratingly linear. Theres's loads of room for expansion, and most of the villains are pretty ambiguosly evil anyway - makes killing them all slightly upsetting. Trying to overhaul IWD2 will be a hell of a lot of work though.

I wish you th best of luck :)

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#3 Crazee

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 11:53 AM

I would love to have IWD2 plots expanded. Domi (creator of the wonderful IWD2 NPC mod) was planning on creating a NWN2 remake of IWD (including her characters), which involved a million and one ways to make the game and quests less linear. Sadly, it was abandoned. I always got the impression the IWD series is harder to code for, but maybe that's because there's just less interest in it. If you do decide to work on this, best of luck.

And I (for one) would be happy to discuss any propsed changes with you. You might as well as post your ideas, you never know, we might get a discussion going.

#4 EmPhasis

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 12:39 PM

In most I've written down only general ideas, cause I would rather base on ideas that aren't mine so..

The most basic change that I would include to iwd2 would be kind of character system. Every party would start with e. g. True Neutral character that would change with his decisions. I thought about somthing that every quest would have some value and if you would take few bad decisions that would provide enought 'points', then your character would change. In my opinion it makes more sense in bg2, but..

One thing that I didn't consider is changes to plot - I mean things like : legion is only defending itself and we are sword that is to decide who is right

Note that, I'm not a writer, I would rather listen to someone else what are his ideas, so please write here !Posted Image

And later add a way to make an allinace with twins.

First part of this mod would add additional ways of resolving quests and next part would extend it.


- Quests from Phaen to sabotage defense of Targos
it may contain something like:silently kill the mayor's wife, burn wood that is needed to repair palisade, kill those meracenaries in the inn(but this is already an option, but still it is not considered as sabotage)
- maybe even help to overtake Targos by Legion

What for orcs and this bridge shaengarne(as I rememberPosted Image)
it could be a dimplomatic mission that would require gain trust of their chieftan, or spying for them.

I almost forgot to mention, that it may be something like we start as a recruits in Legion and slowly gain upper degrees up to private servant of twins - it's only an idea Posted Image I don;t know what nextPosted Image

Aaaaand next things I won't write because everything depends on main conception of changes that would be made to plot.

Guuuuys write down your ideas and opinions !Posted Image
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#5 SapphireIce101

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 01:41 PM

I think this is a good idea, considering that there isn't an option to do really evil things. There isn't a lot of IWD, or IWD2 Mods out there.

I think you are on the right track with Phaen too. However, instead of killing the mayor's wife, the band of adventurers could gain the trust of the mayor, but do the things that Phaen wants the group to do. For instance, burning the wood for the Palisade, possibly kill the people in the Trade Depot, and then attempt to weaken Targos with the army of goblins.

Once thats all done, perhaps Phaen could arrange a meeting with Isair and Madrae(sp?), or Sherincal, and the group of adventurers could become part of the Legion of the Chimera that way, but I'm not sure.

At Shaengarne the adventurers that may or may not be part of the Legion of the Chimera could either speak to orc chieftan, and get them to join the cause to destroy Targos, and the army thats coming from Neverwinter, just spy on the orcs like you said, or just outright kill them. Also, being evil people the new recruits of the Legion would probably destroy that little village by Shaengarne just for the fun of it.

Eventually, Sherincal may order the adventurers to assassinate Guthma, but once again thats just an idea.

Those are just a few ideas though. I may come up with a few more, but I'm not sure.

#6 EmPhasis

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 01:55 PM

Big thanks for that reply SapphireIce101 !

I hope that you'll write your every idea. Posted Image
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#7 SapphireIce101

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 02:04 PM

You're welcome!

It'll probably take me a few playthroughs of IWD2 to get some more ideas, or I may just randomly get some while I'm playing through IWD, or while I'm playing BG/BG2 in the Minimal Reload Challenge on the Bioware forums.

Hmm, I think I just got an evil idea for Kuldahar. the evil group of adventurers could lead an army there, and just annhilate the place, and leave Iselore injured. Since I'm pretty sure killing Iselore is out of the question considering that Maralie mentions his name in her narrations like every chapter. Then, the adventurers could steal the Heartstone Gem, and give it to Isair, and Madae.

Thats probably the last of the ideas for right now. Heh.

#8 EmPhasis

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 02:18 PM

I hope that there will be more Posted Image

Then you've already decide,that twins are straightly evil. I thought that maybe there is an option to make them a victim of agression by Ten Towns. As I recall there is already something about it, that some mayor send them posioned food or something else( attacked them (?)). I do not remember preciously.

Now go and think of it more =P
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#9 SapphireIce101

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 02:27 PM

Then you've already decide,that twins are straightly evil. I thought that maybe there is an option to make them a victim of agression by Ten Towns. As I recall there is already something about it, that some mayor send them posioned food or something else( attacked them (?)). I do not remember preciously.

I might not have been paying attention as well as I thought I should. So, I may need to play IWD2 again. My original thoughts were that Isair, and Madae were evil simply because they are attacking the Ten-Towns because of what happened when they were younger.

Also on the food thing.

Edited by SapphireIce101, 08 August 2011 - 02:27 PM.

#10 EmPhasis

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 02:31 PM

Just read detailed solution to speed up your ideas Posted Image

Remeber : The faster, the better Posted Image
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