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I think I like him! [Edit: So I made a soundset! Enjoy.]

offering to contribute

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#1 tatterdemalion

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Posted 18 November 2012 - 05:50 PM

...And I could do a soundset up for him, if anyone is interested. :-)

I understand you may or may not be trying to find full voicing on this project and I'm not sure if I'd have the time or energy to do anything quite so exciting. As such I fully understand that this might be totally replaced if/when Adrian gets a full complement of voiced dialogue lines and that sort of thing.

But I feel like I want to contribute something, and I don't think it would be too difficult to do the basic set of select/action/wounded, etc, sounds, whether to incorporate into the mod or as a separate fan project that people could install manually. His lines are evocative and I can 'hear' them in my head when they appear on the screen - I'd like to actually hear them. :-)

(In fact I think I'm going to go downstairs right now and mess about with my microphone, if only to get him properly chatty in my OWN game. Heh. Never gets done if I don't get off my duff and do it.)

Any objections?

If this does sound good to y'all, and doesn't step on your toes... would anyone be willing to help make the sounds installable, if I record them, as I seem to be able to *read* Infinity Engine code but not figure out how to *write* it to save my life?

(For my own install I can probably just import them and make an override CRE file using DLTCEP, but I'm not sure if that flies as a thing to share with other people.)

[Edit: Soundset is made now & uploaded below. ]

Edited by tatterdemalion, 18 November 2012 - 10:31 PM.

#2 Rhaella

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Posted 18 November 2012 - 06:52 PM

Thank you for the offer! I'm not really looking at putting together an official full soundset just yet, but I have no objections to you making a separate installation if you'd like.

The soundset lines can be found in the tp2. For easy reference:


I've never tried to install audio, so I can't help you too much there. Don't play around with the CRE, though -- as far as I'm aware, you just need to name your audio files in a way that they match up with the bracketed numberings next to each line (rh#ad9, etc.), and then they'd be recognized as his soundset. You could probably look at something like Gavin to get an idea of how audio coding works, or otherwise just ask around. =)

Edited by Rhaella, 18 November 2012 - 06:58 PM.

#3 tatterdemalion

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Posted 18 November 2012 - 10:29 PM

*busily fixes up recordings and drops them in the override folder, as above*

Indeed, it works! So here's the soundset. Please, everyone, do let me know if you use this soundset and/or enjoy it. Constructive criticism is also appreciated. :-)


Attached Files

Edited by tatterdemalion, 18 November 2012 - 10:30 PM.

#4 Setepenre

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Posted 30 January 2013 - 06:49 PM

It works, indeed!  I enjoy it very much.  It is not how I imagine Adrian would sound, but that's really immaterial to me because you don't do his dialogue, just the prompts.  It's nice to have the voice when I "poke" him to do something!  Thank you for this.  I love it.  :)

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#5 Kulyok

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Posted 28 February 2013 - 01:10 AM

I like it a lot - and a voiced Adrian is always a good idea. On the chance that tatterdemalion visits this topic again, I think a full voicing(well, first lines of lovetalks and banters, which probably means ~100 more lines or a bit more) by him would be great. And, naturally, including the soundset into the mod's main download or as an optional download may be, too.

#6 phaelin

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Posted 10 January 2017 - 11:08 PM



I got here from the FAQ thread in which I posted (as a guest) a question about voice acting of Adrian. So just let me say that I think that Adrian is one of the most interesting NPC mods out there. Too bad he isn't voice acted, but surprisingly tatterdemalion made a great job recording himself. These 43 lines are just enough for Adrian to be enjoyably verbose. Thanks!


But this thing got me thinking and I am seriously planning to make my own recordings for my own use. I don't know will it be as good as tatterdemalions, but I want to try. Mostly because the more I listen to it the more I realize that IN MY MIND that character could've sound in a different manner.


So could I get a couple of hints? Recently I left the vanilla BG behind and bought the EE, so here are my questions:

1. how does one install such a soundset - copy it to the override folder?
2. is WAV suitable for the Enhanced Edition or should it be OGG?


Thank you, and great job Rhaella and tatterdemalion. Best regards.

Edited by phaelin, 10 January 2017 - 11:10 PM.

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#7 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 11 January 2017 - 12:28 PM

2. This way made, only works in the original BG2... cause I didn't upload files nore made this one to be EE compatible. Cause it needs .tra file, special encoded files and PLAH PLAH PLAH.

And because of EET, you'll want to PLAH PLAH PLAH.

Any one is free to use this as a base for what ever they wish to do with it, AND make a EE compatible version of this if they have the skills for that, and upload their work.. just switch the mod author name.


1. how does one install such a soundset - copy it to the override folder

1. Download and install the original mod.

2. Download the above archive.

3. Extract the "Adrian_Soundset" folder into the game folder.

4. Make a new .txt file.

5. Edit the .txt file with Notepad, copy paste this code into it:

BACKUP ~Adrian_Soundset/backup~
AUTHOR ~The Imp, the one to blame all your delusions for if this does not work~
VERSION ~v0.02~
BEGIN ~Adrian audio & original class~ //I didnt even check what it was

COPY ~Adrian_Soundset~ override
COPY ~adrian/creatures/rh#adr.cre~ ~override/rh#adr.cre~
  SAY NAME1 ~Adrian~ 
  SAY NAME2 ~Adrian~
  WRITE_ASCII 0X34 ~rh#adrS~ #8   //small portrait
  WRITE_ASCII 0x3c ~rh#adrM~ #8   //medium portrait
  SAY BIO ~When asked about his past, ADRIAN smiles slightly and says that there are enough demons to face in the present without worrying about yesterday's as well. Given his recent enslavement, it would appear that he has more than a few of his own with which to contend. Despite his slippery responses, you eventually glean that he spent some time in Sembia, working as a hirespell wizard for a rising merchant prince. You quickly learn that further prodding will win you nothing but headaches.~
SAY MORALE ~Oh, I don't think so.~ [rh#ad1]
SAY HAPPY ~I must admit, this is rather effective.~ [rh#ad2]
SAY UNHAPPY_ANNOYED ~Well, we certainly know how to waste our time.~ [rh#ad3]
SAY UNHAPPY_SERIOUS ~Is this sort of nonsense really necessary?~ [rh#ad4]
SAY LEADER ~Oh, I don't mind this at all.~ [rh#ad5]
SAY TIRED ~What is this, a Thayvian plantation? Couldn't we find an inn?~[rh#ad6]
SAY BORED ~If I'm drunk again by the time you decide to do something, you've only yourself to blame.~ [rh#ad7]
SAY DAMAGE ~Damn!~ [rh#ad8]
SAY DYING ~No... not like this...~ [rh#ad9]
SAY HURT ~Where's a damn cleric when I need one?~ [rh#ad10]
SAY AREA_FOREST ~It's not exactly Cormanthor, is it?~ [rh#ad11]
SAY AREA_CITY ~Ah, the sights and smells of the city... I could do without the latter.~ [rh#ad12]
SAY AREA_DUNGEON ~Quite the setting... I'm beginning to wish we'd simply paid someone to do this for us.~ [rh#ad13]
SAY AREA_DAY ~A lovely day, isn't it? Shame about the locale.~ [rh#ad14]
SAY AREA_NIGHT ~Mmm... the sun sets, and the day truly begins.~ [rh#ad15]
SAY CRITICAL_HIT ~That should just about finish this.~ [rh#ad16]
SAY CRITICAL_MISS ~Dammit!~ [rh#ad17]
SAY TARGET_IMMUNE ~Oh, this is working wonderfully. If you don't find me a better weapon soon, I might as well just sit in a corner and watch.~ [rh#ad18]
SAY INVENTORY_FULL ~I'm a mage, not a pack mule.~ [rh#ad19]
SAY SPELL_DISRUPTED ~Some cover over here, if you don't mind...~ [rh#ad20]
SAY SET_A_TRAP ~This is sure to be entertaining.~ [rh#ad21]
SAY HIDDEN_IN_SHADOWS ~It's not quite invisibility, but I suppose it'll do.~ [rh#ad22]
SAY PICKED_POCKET ~Well, what have we here?~ [rh#ad23]
SAY BATTLE_CRY1 ~To the Abyss with you!~ [rh#ad24]
SAY BATTLE_CRY2 ~No mercy for scum like this!~ [rh#ad25]
SAY BATTLE_CRY3 ~Die, already!~ [rh#ad26]
SAY BATTLE_CRY4 ~I can already count the gold.~ [rh#ad27]
SAY BATTLE_CRY5 ~Don't even bother to run.~ [rh#ad28]
SAY SELECT_COMMON1 ~Yes?~ [rh#ad29]
SAY SELECT_COMMON2 ~What is it?~ [rh#ad30]
SAY SELECT_COMMON3 ~Speak up.~ [rh#ad31]
SAY SELECT_COMMON4 ~What now?~ [rh#ad32]
SAY SELECT_COMMON5 ~Spit it out already.~ [rh#ad33]
SAY SELECT_COMMON6 ~Hmm?~ [rh#ad34]
SAY SELECT_ACTION1 ~Certainly.~ [rh#ad35]
SAY SELECT_ACTION2 ~Of course.~ [rh#ad36]
SAY SELECT_ACTION3 ~If you insist. And you always do, don't you?~ [rh#ad37]
SAY SELECT_ACTION4 ~A waste of a mage's talents, if you ask me.~ [rh#ad38]
SAY SELECT_ACTION5 ~Yes, yes, yes. I'm working on it.~ [rh#ad39]
SAY SELECT_ACTION6 ~Oh, not this again.~ [rh#ad40]
SAY SELECT_ACTION7 ~You can do better than that.~ [rh#ad41]
SAY SELECT_RARE1 ~Go point that thing at someone else.~ [rh#ad42]
SAY SELECT_RARE2 ~Well, you do have a way with words, don't you?~ [rh#ad43]

~adrian/creatures/rh#adr25.cre~ ~override/rh#adr25.cre~
  SAY NAME1 ~Adrian~ 
  SAY NAME2 ~Adrian~
  WRITE_ASCII 0X34 ~rh#adrS~ #8   //small portrait
  WRITE_ASCII 0x3c ~rh#adrM~ #8   //medium portrait
  SAY BIO ~When asked about his past, ADRIAN smiles slightly and says that there are enough demons to face in the present without worrying about yesterday's as well. Given his recent enslavement, it would appear that he has more than a few of his own with which to contend. Despite his slippery responses, you eventually glean that he spent some time in Sembia, working as a hirespell wizard for a rising merchant prince. You quickly learn that further prodding will win you nothing but headaches.~
SAY MORALE ~Oh, I don't think so.~ [rh#ad1]
SAY HAPPY ~I must admit, this is rather effective.~ [rh#ad2]
SAY UNHAPPY_ANNOYED ~Well, we certainly know how to waste our time.~ [rh#ad3]
SAY UNHAPPY_SERIOUS ~Is this sort of nonsense really necessary?~ [rh#ad4]
SAY LEADER ~Oh, I don't mind this at all.~ [rh#ad5]
SAY TIRED ~What is this, a Thayvian plantation? Couldn't we find an inn?~[rh#ad6]
SAY BORED ~If I'm drunk again by the time you decide to do something, you've only yourself to blame.~ [rh#ad7]
SAY DAMAGE ~Damn!~ [rh#ad8]
SAY DYING ~No... not like this...~ [rh#ad9]
SAY HURT ~Where's a damn cleric when I need one?~ [rh#ad10]
SAY AREA_FOREST ~It's not exactly Cormanthor, is it?~ [rh#ad11]
SAY AREA_CITY ~Ah, the sights and smells of the city... I could do without the latter.~ [rh#ad12]
SAY AREA_DUNGEON ~Quite the setting... I'm beginning to wish we'd simply paid someone to do this for us.~ [rh#ad13]
SAY AREA_DAY ~A lovely day, isn't it? Shame about the locale.~ [rh#ad14]
SAY AREA_NIGHT ~Mmm... the sun sets, and the day truly begins.~ [rh#ad15]
SAY CRITICAL_HIT ~That should just about finish this.~ [rh#ad16]
SAY CRITICAL_MISS ~Dammit!~ [rh#ad17]
SAY TARGET_IMMUNE ~Oh, this is working wonderfully. If you don't find me a better weapon soon, I might as well just sit in a corner and watch.~ [rh#ad18]
SAY INVENTORY_FULL ~I'm a mage, not a pack mule.~ [rh#ad19]
SAY SPELL_DISRUPTED ~Some cover over here, if you don't mind...~ [rh#ad20]
SAY SET_A_TRAP ~This is sure to be entertaining.~ [rh#ad21]
SAY HIDDEN_IN_SHADOWS ~It's not quite invisibility, but I suppose it'll do.~ [rh#ad22]
SAY PICKED_POCKET ~Well, what have we here?~ [rh#ad23]
SAY BATTLE_CRY1 ~To the Abyss with you!~ [rh#ad24]
SAY BATTLE_CRY2 ~No mercy for scum like this!~ [rh#ad25]
SAY BATTLE_CRY3 ~Die, already!~ [rh#ad26]
SAY BATTLE_CRY4 ~I can already count the gold.~ [rh#ad27]
SAY BATTLE_CRY5 ~Don't even bother to run.~ [rh#ad28]
SAY SELECT_COMMON1 ~Yes?~ [rh#ad29]
SAY SELECT_COMMON2 ~What is it?~ [rh#ad30]
SAY SELECT_COMMON3 ~Speak up.~ [rh#ad31]
SAY SELECT_COMMON4 ~What now?~ [rh#ad32]
SAY SELECT_COMMON5 ~Spit it out already.~ [rh#ad33]
SAY SELECT_COMMON6 ~Hmm?~ [rh#ad34]
SAY SELECT_ACTION1 ~Certainly.~ [rh#ad35]
SAY SELECT_ACTION2 ~Of course.~ [rh#ad36]
SAY SELECT_ACTION3 ~If you insist. And you always do, don't you?~ [rh#ad37]
SAY SELECT_ACTION4 ~A waste of a mage's talents, if you ask me.~ [rh#ad38]
SAY SELECT_ACTION5 ~Yes, yes, yes. I'm working on it.~ [rh#ad39]
SAY SELECT_ACTION6 ~Oh, not this again.~ [rh#ad40]
SAY SELECT_ACTION7 ~You can do better than that.~ [rh#ad41]
SAY SELECT_RARE1 ~Go point that thing at someone else.~ [rh#ad42]
SAY SELECT_RARE2 ~Well, you do have a way with words, don't you?~ [rh#ad43]

BEGIN ~Adrian audio & Cleric/Mage class~

COPY ~Adrian_Soundset~ override
COPY ~adrian/creatures/rh#adr1.cre~ ~override/rh#adr.cre~
  SAY NAME1 ~Adrian~ 
  SAY NAME2 ~Adrian~
  WRITE_ASCII 0X34 ~rh#adrS~ #8   //small portrait
  WRITE_ASCII 0x3c ~rh#adrM~ #8   //medium portrait
  SAY BIO ~When asked about his past, ADRIAN smiles slightly and says that there are enough demons to face in the present without worrying about yesterday's as well. Given his recent enslavement, it would appear that he has more than a few of his own with which to contend. Despite his slippery responses, you eventually glean that he spent some time in Sembia, working as a hirespell wizard for a rising merchant prince. You quickly learn that further prodding will win you nothing but headaches.~
SAY MORALE ~Oh, I don't think so.~ [rh#ad1]
SAY HAPPY ~I must admit, this is rather effective.~ [rh#ad2]
SAY UNHAPPY_ANNOYED ~Well, we certainly know how to waste our time.~ [rh#ad3]
SAY UNHAPPY_SERIOUS ~Is this sort of nonsense really necessary?~ [rh#ad4]
SAY LEADER ~Oh, I don't mind this at all.~ [rh#ad5]
SAY TIRED ~What is this, a Thayvian plantation? Couldn't we find an inn?~[rh#ad6]
SAY BORED ~If I'm drunk again by the time you decide to do something, you've only yourself to blame.~ [rh#ad7]
SAY DAMAGE ~Damn!~ [rh#ad8]
SAY DYING ~No... not like this...~ [rh#ad9]
SAY HURT ~Where's a damn cleric when I need one?~ [rh#ad10]
SAY AREA_FOREST ~It's not exactly Cormanthor, is it?~ [rh#ad11]
SAY AREA_CITY ~Ah, the sights and smells of the city... I could do without the latter.~ [rh#ad12]
SAY AREA_DUNGEON ~Quite the setting... I'm beginning to wish we'd simply paid someone to do this for us.~ [rh#ad13]
SAY AREA_DAY ~A lovely day, isn't it? Shame about the locale.~ [rh#ad14]
SAY AREA_NIGHT ~Mmm... the sun sets, and the day truly begins.~ [rh#ad15]
SAY CRITICAL_HIT ~That should just about finish this.~ [rh#ad16]
SAY CRITICAL_MISS ~Dammit!~ [rh#ad17]
SAY TARGET_IMMUNE ~Oh, this is working wonderfully. If you don't find me a better weapon soon, I might as well just sit in a corner and watch.~ [rh#ad18]
SAY INVENTORY_FULL ~I'm a mage, not a pack mule.~ [rh#ad19]
SAY SPELL_DISRUPTED ~Some cover over here, if you don't mind...~ [rh#ad20]
SAY SET_A_TRAP ~This is sure to be entertaining.~ [rh#ad21]
SAY HIDDEN_IN_SHADOWS ~It's not quite invisibility, but I suppose it'll do.~ [rh#ad22]
SAY PICKED_POCKET ~Well, what have we here?~ [rh#ad23]
SAY BATTLE_CRY1 ~To the Abyss with you!~ [rh#ad24]
SAY BATTLE_CRY2 ~No mercy for scum like this!~ [rh#ad25]
SAY BATTLE_CRY3 ~Die, already!~ [rh#ad26]
SAY BATTLE_CRY4 ~I can already count the gold.~ [rh#ad27]
SAY BATTLE_CRY5 ~Don't even bother to run.~ [rh#ad28]
SAY SELECT_COMMON1 ~Yes?~ [rh#ad29]
SAY SELECT_COMMON2 ~What is it?~ [rh#ad30]
SAY SELECT_COMMON3 ~Speak up.~ [rh#ad31]
SAY SELECT_COMMON4 ~What now?~ [rh#ad32]
SAY SELECT_COMMON5 ~Spit it out already.~ [rh#ad33]
SAY SELECT_COMMON6 ~Hmm?~ [rh#ad34]
SAY SELECT_ACTION1 ~Certainly.~ [rh#ad35]
SAY SELECT_ACTION2 ~Of course.~ [rh#ad36]
SAY SELECT_ACTION3 ~If you insist. And you always do, don't you?~ [rh#ad37]
SAY SELECT_ACTION4 ~A waste of a mage's talents, if you ask me.~ [rh#ad38]
SAY SELECT_ACTION5 ~Yes, yes, yes. I'm working on it.~ [rh#ad39]
SAY SELECT_ACTION6 ~Oh, not this again.~ [rh#ad40]
SAY SELECT_ACTION7 ~You can do better than that.~ [rh#ad41]
SAY SELECT_RARE1 ~Go point that thing at someone else.~ [rh#ad42]
SAY SELECT_RARE2 ~Well, you do have a way with words, don't you?~ [rh#ad43]

~adrian/creatures/rh#ad25c.cre~ ~override/rh#adr25.cre~
  SAY NAME1 ~Adrian~ 
  SAY NAME2 ~Adrian~
  WRITE_ASCII 0X34 ~rh#adrS~ #8   //small portrait
  WRITE_ASCII 0x3c ~rh#adrM~ #8   //medium portrait
  SAY BIO ~When asked about his past, ADRIAN smiles slightly and says that there are enough demons to face in the present without worrying about yesterday's as well. Given his recent enslavement, it would appear that he has more than a few of his own with which to contend. Despite his slippery responses, you eventually glean that he spent some time in Sembia, working as a hirespell wizard for a rising merchant prince. You quickly learn that further prodding will win you nothing but headaches.~
SAY MORALE ~Oh, I don't think so.~ [rh#ad1]
SAY HAPPY ~I must admit, this is rather effective.~ [rh#ad2]
SAY UNHAPPY_ANNOYED ~Well, we certainly know how to waste our time.~ [rh#ad3]
SAY UNHAPPY_SERIOUS ~Is this sort of nonsense really necessary?~ [rh#ad4]
SAY LEADER ~Oh, I don't mind this at all.~ [rh#ad5]
SAY TIRED ~What is this, a Thayvian plantation? Couldn't we find an inn?~[rh#ad6]
SAY BORED ~If I'm drunk again by the time you decide to do something, you've only yourself to blame.~ [rh#ad7]
SAY DAMAGE ~Damn!~ [rh#ad8]
SAY DYING ~No... not like this...~ [rh#ad9]
SAY HURT ~Where's a damn cleric when I need one?~ [rh#ad10]
SAY AREA_FOREST ~It's not exactly Cormanthor, is it?~ [rh#ad11]
SAY AREA_CITY ~Ah, the sights and smells of the city... I could do without the latter.~ [rh#ad12]
SAY AREA_DUNGEON ~Quite the setting... I'm beginning to wish we'd simply paid someone to do this for us.~ [rh#ad13]
SAY AREA_DAY ~A lovely day, isn't it? Shame about the locale.~ [rh#ad14]
SAY AREA_NIGHT ~Mmm... the sun sets, and the day truly begins.~ [rh#ad15]
SAY CRITICAL_HIT ~That should just about finish this.~ [rh#ad16]
SAY CRITICAL_MISS ~Dammit!~ [rh#ad17]
SAY TARGET_IMMUNE ~Oh, this is working wonderfully. If you don't find me a better weapon soon, I might as well just sit in a corner and watch.~ [rh#ad18]
SAY INVENTORY_FULL ~I'm a mage, not a pack mule.~ [rh#ad19]
SAY SPELL_DISRUPTED ~Some cover over here, if you don't mind...~ [rh#ad20]
SAY SET_A_TRAP ~This is sure to be entertaining.~ [rh#ad21]
SAY HIDDEN_IN_SHADOWS ~It's not quite invisibility, but I suppose it'll do.~ [rh#ad22]
SAY PICKED_POCKET ~Well, what have we here?~ [rh#ad23]
SAY BATTLE_CRY1 ~To the Abyss with you!~ [rh#ad24]
SAY BATTLE_CRY2 ~No mercy for scum like this!~ [rh#ad25]
SAY BATTLE_CRY3 ~Die, already!~ [rh#ad26]
SAY BATTLE_CRY4 ~I can already count the gold.~ [rh#ad27]
SAY BATTLE_CRY5 ~Don't even bother to run.~ [rh#ad28]
SAY SELECT_COMMON1 ~Yes?~ [rh#ad29]
SAY SELECT_COMMON2 ~What is it?~ [rh#ad30]
SAY SELECT_COMMON3 ~Speak up.~ [rh#ad31]
SAY SELECT_COMMON4 ~What now?~ [rh#ad32]
SAY SELECT_COMMON5 ~Spit it out already.~ [rh#ad33]
SAY SELECT_COMMON6 ~Hmm?~ [rh#ad34]
SAY SELECT_ACTION1 ~Certainly.~ [rh#ad35]
SAY SELECT_ACTION2 ~Of course.~ [rh#ad36]
SAY SELECT_ACTION3 ~If you insist. And you always do, don't you?~ [rh#ad37]
SAY SELECT_ACTION4 ~A waste of a mage's talents, if you ask me.~ [rh#ad38]
SAY SELECT_ACTION5 ~Yes, yes, yes. I'm working on it.~ [rh#ad39]
SAY SELECT_ACTION6 ~Oh, not this again.~ [rh#ad40]
SAY SELECT_ACTION7 ~You can do better than that.~ [rh#ad41]
SAY SELECT_RARE1 ~Go point that thing at someone else.~ [rh#ad42]
SAY SELECT_RARE2 ~Well, you do have a way with words, don't you?~ [rh#ad43]

BEGIN ~Adrian audio & Mage/Thief class~

COPY ~Adrian_Soundset~ override
COPY ~adrian/creatures/rh#adr2.cre~ ~override/rh#adr.cre~
  SAY NAME1 ~Adrian~ 
  SAY NAME2 ~Adrian~
  WRITE_ASCII 0X34 ~rh#adrS~ #8   //small portrait
  WRITE_ASCII 0x3c ~rh#adrM~ #8   //medium portrait
  SAY BIO ~When asked about his past, ADRIAN smiles slightly and says that there are enough demons to face in the present without worrying about yesterday's as well. Given his recent enslavement, it would appear that he has more than a few of his own with which to contend. Despite his slippery responses, you eventually glean that he spent some time in Sembia, working as a hirespell wizard for a rising merchant prince. You quickly learn that further prodding will win you nothing but headaches.~
SAY MORALE ~Oh, I don't think so.~ [rh#ad1]
SAY HAPPY ~I must admit, this is rather effective.~ [rh#ad2]
SAY UNHAPPY_ANNOYED ~Well, we certainly know how to waste our time.~ [rh#ad3]
SAY UNHAPPY_SERIOUS ~Is this sort of nonsense really necessary?~ [rh#ad4]
SAY LEADER ~Oh, I don't mind this at all.~ [rh#ad5]
SAY TIRED ~What is this, a Thayvian plantation? Couldn't we find an inn?~[rh#ad6]
SAY BORED ~If I'm drunk again by the time you decide to do something, you've only yourself to blame.~ [rh#ad7]
SAY DAMAGE ~Damn!~ [rh#ad8]
SAY DYING ~No... not like this...~ [rh#ad9]
SAY HURT ~Where's a damn cleric when I need one?~ [rh#ad10]
SAY AREA_FOREST ~It's not exactly Cormanthor, is it?~ [rh#ad11]
SAY AREA_CITY ~Ah, the sights and smells of the city... I could do without the latter.~ [rh#ad12]
SAY AREA_DUNGEON ~Quite the setting... I'm beginning to wish we'd simply paid someone to do this for us.~ [rh#ad13]
SAY AREA_DAY ~A lovely day, isn't it? Shame about the locale.~ [rh#ad14]
SAY AREA_NIGHT ~Mmm... the sun sets, and the day truly begins.~ [rh#ad15]
SAY CRITICAL_HIT ~That should just about finish this.~ [rh#ad16]
SAY CRITICAL_MISS ~Dammit!~ [rh#ad17]
SAY TARGET_IMMUNE ~Oh, this is working wonderfully. If you don't find me a better weapon soon, I might as well just sit in a corner and watch.~ [rh#ad18]
SAY INVENTORY_FULL ~I'm a mage, not a pack mule.~ [rh#ad19]
SAY SPELL_DISRUPTED ~Some cover over here, if you don't mind...~ [rh#ad20]
SAY SET_A_TRAP ~This is sure to be entertaining.~ [rh#ad21]
SAY HIDDEN_IN_SHADOWS ~It's not quite invisibility, but I suppose it'll do.~ [rh#ad22]
SAY PICKED_POCKET ~Well, what have we here?~ [rh#ad23]
SAY BATTLE_CRY1 ~To the Abyss with you!~ [rh#ad24]
SAY BATTLE_CRY2 ~No mercy for scum like this!~ [rh#ad25]
SAY BATTLE_CRY3 ~Die, already!~ [rh#ad26]
SAY BATTLE_CRY4 ~I can already count the gold.~ [rh#ad27]
SAY BATTLE_CRY5 ~Don't even bother to run.~ [rh#ad28]
SAY SELECT_COMMON1 ~Yes?~ [rh#ad29]
SAY SELECT_COMMON2 ~What is it?~ [rh#ad30]
SAY SELECT_COMMON3 ~Speak up.~ [rh#ad31]
SAY SELECT_COMMON4 ~What now?~ [rh#ad32]
SAY SELECT_COMMON5 ~Spit it out already.~ [rh#ad33]
SAY SELECT_COMMON6 ~Hmm?~ [rh#ad34]
SAY SELECT_ACTION1 ~Certainly.~ [rh#ad35]
SAY SELECT_ACTION2 ~Of course.~ [rh#ad36]
SAY SELECT_ACTION3 ~If you insist. And you always do, don't you?~ [rh#ad37]
SAY SELECT_ACTION4 ~A waste of a mage's talents, if you ask me.~ [rh#ad38]
SAY SELECT_ACTION5 ~Yes, yes, yes. I'm working on it.~ [rh#ad39]
SAY SELECT_ACTION6 ~Oh, not this again.~ [rh#ad40]
SAY SELECT_ACTION7 ~You can do better than that.~ [rh#ad41]
SAY SELECT_RARE1 ~Go point that thing at someone else.~ [rh#ad42]
SAY SELECT_RARE2 ~Well, you do have a way with words, don't you?~ [rh#ad43]

~adrian/creatures/rh#ad25t.cre~ ~override/rh#adr25.cre~
  SAY NAME1 ~Adrian~ 
  SAY NAME2 ~Adrian~
  WRITE_ASCII 0X34 ~rh#adrS~ #8   //small portrait
  WRITE_ASCII 0x3c ~rh#adrM~ #8   //medium portrait
  SAY BIO ~When asked about his past, ADRIAN smiles slightly and says that there are enough demons to face in the present without worrying about yesterday's as well. Given his recent enslavement, it would appear that he has more than a few of his own with which to contend. Despite his slippery responses, you eventually glean that he spent some time in Sembia, working as a hirespell wizard for a rising merchant prince. You quickly learn that further prodding will win you nothing but headaches.~
SAY MORALE ~Oh, I don't think so.~ [rh#ad1]
SAY HAPPY ~I must admit, this is rather effective.~ [rh#ad2]
SAY UNHAPPY_ANNOYED ~Well, we certainly know how to waste our time.~ [rh#ad3]
SAY UNHAPPY_SERIOUS ~Is this sort of nonsense really necessary?~ [rh#ad4]
SAY LEADER ~Oh, I don't mind this at all.~ [rh#ad5]
SAY TIRED ~What is this, a Thayvian plantation? Couldn't we find an inn?~[rh#ad6]
SAY BORED ~If I'm drunk again by the time you decide to do something, you've only yourself to blame.~ [rh#ad7]
SAY DAMAGE ~Damn!~ [rh#ad8]
SAY DYING ~No... not like this...~ [rh#ad9]
SAY HURT ~Where's a damn cleric when I need one?~ [rh#ad10]
SAY AREA_FOREST ~It's not exactly Cormanthor, is it?~ [rh#ad11]
SAY AREA_CITY ~Ah, the sights and smells of the city... I could do without the latter.~ [rh#ad12]
SAY AREA_DUNGEON ~Quite the setting... I'm beginning to wish we'd simply paid someone to do this for us.~ [rh#ad13]
SAY AREA_DAY ~A lovely day, isn't it? Shame about the locale.~ [rh#ad14]
SAY AREA_NIGHT ~Mmm... the sun sets, and the day truly begins.~ [rh#ad15]
SAY CRITICAL_HIT ~That should just about finish this.~ [rh#ad16]
SAY CRITICAL_MISS ~Dammit!~ [rh#ad17]
SAY TARGET_IMMUNE ~Oh, this is working wonderfully. If you don't find me a better weapon soon, I might as well just sit in a corner and watch.~ [rh#ad18]
SAY INVENTORY_FULL ~I'm a mage, not a pack mule.~ [rh#ad19]
SAY SPELL_DISRUPTED ~Some cover over here, if you don't mind...~ [rh#ad20]
SAY SET_A_TRAP ~This is sure to be entertaining.~ [rh#ad21]
SAY HIDDEN_IN_SHADOWS ~It's not quite invisibility, but I suppose it'll do.~ [rh#ad22]
SAY PICKED_POCKET ~Well, what have we here?~ [rh#ad23]
SAY BATTLE_CRY1 ~To the Abyss with you!~ [rh#ad24]
SAY BATTLE_CRY2 ~No mercy for scum like this!~ [rh#ad25]
SAY BATTLE_CRY3 ~Die, already!~ [rh#ad26]
SAY BATTLE_CRY4 ~I can already count the gold.~ [rh#ad27]
SAY BATTLE_CRY5 ~Don't even bother to run.~ [rh#ad28]
SAY SELECT_COMMON1 ~Yes?~ [rh#ad29]
SAY SELECT_COMMON2 ~What is it?~ [rh#ad30]
SAY SELECT_COMMON3 ~Speak up.~ [rh#ad31]
SAY SELECT_COMMON4 ~What now?~ [rh#ad32]
SAY SELECT_COMMON5 ~Spit it out already.~ [rh#ad33]
SAY SELECT_COMMON6 ~Hmm?~ [rh#ad34]
SAY SELECT_ACTION1 ~Certainly.~ [rh#ad35]
SAY SELECT_ACTION2 ~Of course.~ [rh#ad36]
SAY SELECT_ACTION3 ~If you insist. And you always do, don't you?~ [rh#ad37]
SAY SELECT_ACTION4 ~A waste of a mage's talents, if you ask me.~ [rh#ad38]
SAY SELECT_ACTION5 ~Yes, yes, yes. I'm working on it.~ [rh#ad39]
SAY SELECT_ACTION6 ~Oh, not this again.~ [rh#ad40]
SAY SELECT_ACTION7 ~You can do better than that.~ [rh#ad41]
SAY SELECT_RARE1 ~Go point that thing at someone else.~ [rh#ad42]
SAY SELECT_RARE2 ~Well, you do have a way with words, don't you?~ [rh#ad43]


6. Save the file using the Save As.. command, and change it's name to be setup-Adrian_Soundset.tp2

7. Copy the already used setup-adrian.exe to the same folder and rename it as setup-Adrian_Soundset.exe ...

8. Run the setup-Adrian_Soundset.exe, install the component of your choice, and note that it only kinda works in the original BG2 game and Adrian's audio and text of the character is English, other features could still be French if the original mod was installed that way. And the mod you make uses the assets the original mod comes with, so it needs to be installed AND it'sd folder needs to be in the game folder for this add on mod to work properly !

9.... and start a new game. Or at least a game that has been saved before you move into any area where the Adrian is located in the game.


I might eventually resurrect the mod + sound addon in the Mod Resurrection forum... and add EE compatibility to the total thing. But I won't even claim to have done a thing (significant).

Edited by The Imp, 11 January 2017 - 04:23 PM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#8 -Guest-

  • Guest

Posted 17 January 2017 - 01:11 PM

The Imp, thank you for your most informative message.


Althoug, I did some tinkering and here's how it is. I recorded my soundset and saved the files as WAV using the names provided by Rhaella. Next step was to put them in the "override" folder of BG2EE... and that's it. After starting the game and meeting with Adrian for the first time the soundset just works. I would've attach it just as tatterdemalion did it, but I can't seem to find the right button to do it. Would anyone be interested, though?



#9 phaelin

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  • 2 posts

Posted 17 January 2017 - 01:13 PM

Sorry, for the double post - I wasn't logged in.




The Imp, thank you for your most informative message.


Althoug, I did some tinkering and here's how it is. I recorded my soundset and saved the files as WAV using the names provided by Rhaella. Next step was to put them in the "override" folder of BG2EE... and that's it. After starting the game and meeting with Adrian for the first time the soundset just works. I would've attach it just as tatterdemalion did it, but I can't seem to find the right button to do it. Would anyone be interested, though? And now that I'm logged in I can.



Attached Files

It would be of small avail to talk of magic in the air.

#10 Rhaella

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  • 648 posts

Posted 08 March 2018 - 07:49 AM

Hey, just wanted to let everyone know that I've implemented both soundsets as optional installations for v4.