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BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

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#4601 Februarius

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Posted 26 January 2018 - 10:08 AM

This is what I get after checking download links.


These selected downloads are defect:
The Darkest Day
Chatty Imoen
Updated BWS and tested links few minutes ago.
I removed IWDification component, it wasn't necessary anyway.
Downloaded Chatty Imoen.zip directly to BWS folder.
Downloaded TDDv1.14.zip directly to BWS folder.
Hope this will work.


Edited by Februarius, 26 January 2018 - 10:57 AM.

#4602 Roxanne



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Posted 26 January 2018 - 10:59 AM

This is what I get after checking download links.


These selected downloads are defect:
The Darkest Day
Chatty Imoen
Updated BWS and tested links few minutes ago.
I removed IWDification component, it wasn't necessary anyway.
Downloaded Chatty Imoen.zip directly to BWS folder, hope it will work.
I also just noticed, there are 2 versions of Darkest Day in BWS!
It seems that I only need TDDz. I assumed this was a patch. 
But why is the other TDD present for EET? And why there are no conflict warnings.


TDD is here http://www.shsforums...rkest-day-v114/

To install TDD on EET you need the original TDD AND TDDz. BWS will handle the install for you.

Chatty Imoen works for me, you may need to disable some virus or add blocker maybe.

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#4603 Roxanne



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Posted 26 January 2018 - 11:03 AM

Downloaded Chatty Imoen.zip directly to BWS folder, hope it will work.

With that you mean to the folder where BWS stores the downloaded mods?


You will get a feedback from BWS in the next step where it will ask you where the mod is and you just need to point it to the download.

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#4604 Februarius

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Posted 26 January 2018 - 11:11 AM

Yes, to ''BiG World Downloads'' , I wasn't precise enough.


I now tested links again, now the NPC Tweaks is missing, strange.


I run BWS update again, and something updated.

Could it be that they are changing something, so I am experiencing troubles?

#4605 Roxanne



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Posted 26 January 2018 - 11:23 AM

Yes, to ''BiG World Downloads'' , I wasn't precise enough.


I now tested links again, now the NPC Tweaks is missing, strange.


I run BWS update again, and something updated.

Could it be that they are changing something, so I am experiencing troubles?

No, it was just me revising the TDD link.


And...in a very big install with many mods there is always a chance that one link or other fails temporarily. This should not be a problem if you keep the 'BiG World Downloads folder. BWS checks there if you already have a mod and only download what is not yet there (except for some mods for which it cannot verify the update status).

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#4606 Februarius

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Posted 26 January 2018 - 11:46 AM

Downloads finished.
Many thanks for your comments, quick replies and help last few days.
I am starting installation.

See you on the other side!  :D

#4607 Februarius

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Posted 27 January 2018 - 07:44 AM

Installation went smoothly, no problems whatsoever.  :whistling:


Question regarding uninstalling some mod components. Is ti possible?
Mostly I would like to remove some GUI changes that I dislike.
If I would start new installation of BWS, is it enough just to copy both backups and overwrite everything in BG and BG2 folders?
And leave all mods extracted files in game folders?
Also, since now I have all mods downloaded, do I just update BWS and test downloaded mods before next installation?
If some mods have changed, will BWS replace them in downloads folder, and extract on top of existing ones in game folders?

#4608 Roxanne



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Posted 27 January 2018 - 07:59 AM

Installation went smoothly, no problems whatsoever.  :whistling:


Question regarding uninstalling some mod components. Is ti possible?
Mostly I would like to remove some GUI changes that I dislike.
If I would start new installation of BWS, is it enough just to copy both backups and overwrite everything in BG and BG2 folders?
And leave all mods extracted files in game folders?
Also, since now I have all mods downloaded, do I just update BWS and test downloaded mods before next installation?
If some mods have changed, will BWS replace them in downloads folder, and extract on top of existing ones in game folders?

Uninstalling mod components is possible but must be done with caution. GUI mods are generally installed very late in sequence, so most likely no problem. It is best to post your weidu.log and name the specific component you want to get rid of, this makes it easiest to give you sound advice.


If you really want a new BWS install, you need to start from a clean game. Extracted mods will block BWS. Extracting and patching mods is part of the BWS process, sometimes files need to be moved or replaced etc. BWS will ask you to give it a clean baseline and will not even start.


If you do a new install and you tell BWS rhe name of the download folder where your downloaded/unextracted mods are, it will check those and reuse them if possible or replace them with updated versions if applicable.

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#4609 Februarius

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Posted 27 January 2018 - 11:58 PM

Do you know which mod installs animal companion Hiass the wolf? It is strange,I am sure I didn't see this mod in my selection.

How to get rid of him?

Also, Imone appearance is mage, not thief when she joins me in front of the Candlekeep.
She had thief avatar when I talked to her inside Candlekeep.

I am sure I didn't select this option in any of the mods.

#4610 Roxanne



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Posted 28 January 2018 - 12:05 AM

Do you know which mod installs animal companion Hiass the wolf? It is strange,I am sure I didn't see this mod in my selection.

How to get rid of him?

Also, Imone appearance is mage, not thief when she joins me in front of the Candlekeep.
She had thief avatar when I talked to her inside Candlekeep.

I am sure I didn't select this option in any of the mods.

Haiass comes with the Sandrah mod. Do not take Sandrah into the party and send the wolf away. Done. Otherwise he is needed for Sandrah's many quests and he is a useful companion as well.

What did you say to Imoen in the Candlekeep dialogue about the type of companion you would find useful?

The Sandrah Saga

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#4611 -PaulaM-

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Posted 28 January 2018 - 12:35 AM

Do you know which mod installs animal companion Hiass the wolf? It is strange,I am sure I didn't see this mod in my selection.

How to get rid of him?

Also, Imone appearance is mage, not thief when she joins me in front of the Candlekeep.
She had thief avatar when I talked to her inside Candlekeep.

I am sure I didn't select this option in any of the mods.

I've posted this yesterday


many questions about EET with Sandrah mod are answered there, I hope.


#4612 Februarius

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Posted 28 January 2018 - 07:38 AM

Do you know which mod installs animal companion Hiass the wolf? It is strange,I am sure I didn't see this mod in my selection.

How to get rid of him?

Also, Imone appearance is mage, not thief when she joins me in front of the Candlekeep.
She had thief avatar when I talked to her inside Candlekeep.

I am sure I didn't select this option in any of the mods.

Haiass comes with the Sandrah mod. Do not take Sandrah into the party and send the wolf away. Done. Otherwise he is needed for Sandrah's many quests and he is a useful companion as well.

What did you say to Imoen in the Candlekeep dialogue about the type of companion you would find useful?

I choose multiclass option mage/thief. Does this means that mage avatar has advantage? Any way to change this? I would prefer that she looks like a thief. I think there was a mod that lets you change avatars in game, but I skipped that component.

#4613 The Imp

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Posted 28 January 2018 - 08:06 AM

Does this means that mage avatar has advantage? Any way to change this? I would prefer that she looks like a thief. I think there was a mod that lets you change avatars in game, but I skipped that component.
The only advantage is that you see the characters avatar with a robe when you equip them with one rather than a peasant jacket. It's either or... unless you install a component that switches the avatar look when they equip armor types. The 1PP mod has one as do multiple other mods that basically are clones of each others.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#4614 Roxanne



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Posted 28 January 2018 - 10:24 AM

Do you know which mod installs animal companion Hiass the wolf? It is strange,I am sure I didn't see this mod in my selection.

How to get rid of him?

Also, Imone appearance is mage, not thief when she joins me in front of the Candlekeep.
She had thief avatar when I talked to her inside Candlekeep.

I am sure I didn't select this option in any of the mods.

Haiass comes with the Sandrah mod. Do not take Sandrah into the party and send the wolf away. Done. Otherwise he is needed for Sandrah's many quests and he is a useful companion as well.

What did you say to Imoen in the Candlekeep dialogue about the type of companion you would find useful?

I choose multiclass option mage/thief. Does this means that mage avatar has advantage? Any way to change this? I would prefer that she looks like a thief. I think there was a mod that lets you change avatars in game, but I skipped that component.

The avatar is pure graphics, it has no impact on what the NPC can use or wear.


You can

- either use Near Infinity to change the avatar, mind that you need to change the cre file in your savegame not the default one.

- Post a savegame that can be modified

- Console C:Eval('Polymorph(THIEF_FEMALE_HUMAN)')  while you put the cursor over Imoen

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#4615 Quorwyf

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Posted 30 January 2018 - 08:32 AM

Just went through BWS for EET. When I launched the game the old intro played instead of the EE version. How do I get the EE videos back?

Edited by Quorwyf, 30 January 2018 - 08:38 AM.

#4616 Roxanne



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Posted 30 January 2018 - 08:50 AM

Did you install BG:EE Classic Movies mod?

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#4617 Quorwyf

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Posted 30 January 2018 - 09:08 AM

I didn't think I did. Checking logs..


Did not find the word 'classic' in either WeiDu log in the BG2EE folder. Is there anything else I should check?

Edited by Quorwyf, 30 January 2018 - 09:13 AM.

#4618 Roxanne



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Posted 30 January 2018 - 09:54 AM

If you know how to use Near Infinity, you can do this:


In your user/documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition Trilogy create a folder Movies.


Open BGEE in Near infinity, go to movies and export Intro.wmb to BGIntro.wmb in your new user/documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition Trilogy/Movies folder.

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#4619 Quorwyf

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Posted 30 January 2018 - 10:08 AM

Thanks, i'll try that later.


Do I need to re-run BWS to get portraits? I selected a few portrait mods but they were skipped due to the MyDocs/BG-EET folder not having a portrait folder...which feels like the single dumbest reason for something in BWS to fail but I guess that is beside the point.

#4620 Roxanne



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Posted 30 January 2018 - 10:36 AM

Thanks, i'll try that later.


Do I need to re-run BWS to get portraits? I selected a few portrait mods but they were skipped due to the MyDocs/BG-EET folder not having a portrait folder...which feels like the single dumbest reason for something in BWS to fail but I guess that is beside the point.

It would be *the single dumbest reason* if it were true, which is not the case. The reason is something else.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*