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[Archived] Infinity Sounds v1.3

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#21 Tash

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Posted 30 December 2014 - 08:55 AM



I've redesigned this mod a little bit. From now on it'll be called Infinity Sounds (ooh, pretentious! :doh:). For now it still focuses on BG1 sounds restoration, but I plan to change it to something bigger in the future.

I started again from a scratch (!) to ensure consistency in quality and volume levels. I've fixed all of the audible compression artifacts.


What's different from the previous version? These are small: Grease shouldn't loop battle music anymore. Magic Missile, FireBall and Cure Wounds should now sound just like in BG1. Bow combat sound effects have better dynamic range. And some necessary... adjustments :whistling:.


Now for the new components: I've added BG1 armor movement sound effects; these aren't super-audible, but they are different from BG2. Well, if you're a BG1 purist, check the description. Otherwise, I bet you've never even heard those.


I've also included the original BG1 soundsets. Not really necessary if you use BGT or TuTu, but handy just the same, isn't it? And yes, the hidden BG1 designer soundsets are also in there as a separate component, if only you want to play around with them. All of them are selectable for character customization; my files start with "!B" code, so look for "!Bxxxxx."


What's still todo? Projectile-based spell sound effects. Most of them are different in BG2, so that's a lot of work. When I feel like doing it :shifty:. BUT, your most precious Magic Missile and FireBall are already restored to their fully glory!


This mod isn't compatible with BGEE as of yet.

Edited by Tash, 30 December 2014 - 06:09 PM.

#22 The Imp

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Posted 30 December 2014 - 08:36 PM

Does this contain the thunder3.wav -files header fix ? :devil:

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#23 Tash

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Posted 31 December 2014 - 07:11 AM

That's a cool idea, Imp; however, I think BG2 calls its lightning sound effects from AMB_E13x files, there are five of them, and they all sound really good. If I remember correctly, BGT/TuTu use BG2 engine hardcode for ambient calls, but I wouldn't bet on it. Plus, in my opinion, these particular effects sound better in BG2 variants. What do you think?


I could add Sam's file to Sounds of the Sword Coast, though. I'll test around and see if BG1 even calls that file during lightning storm. WinRAR v5 here I come...


Also, something I've just noticed: BG2 plays armor movement sound effects at really low volume, for some reason. In BG1 these are perfectly audible. Thankfully, there's a big headroom for a volume boost, so I'm thinking of increasing the gain quite a bit. Any insights on this? Would these sounds be too unpleasant after a while if they were slightly louder? If you want to check them out in an editor, they start with "ARM_" code. The game engine plays them every time characters start/stop moving or change directions. See, that's why I love the original BG so much. It's so much more... soundy? Polyphonic?

Edited by Tash, 31 December 2014 - 07:14 AM.

#24 Tash

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Posted 03 January 2015 - 11:00 AM

Somebody stop me!


Previously I'd been told that the restored BG1 sounds were too quiet when compared to everything else in BG2. I couldn't believe it, but I tried to adjust to the request in v1.0. Now that I've been playing BG2 for a few days, I can't really agree. Maybe it's just my sound card, but BG1 sounds are blaring loud. That's not a good thing when every time you cast a spell everyone in the house knows you're sitting there in the dark and playing video games again :doh:. So, I decided to attenuate most of the sound effects, and this includes the official BG1 soundsets which were a bit harsh to my ears.


Nobody's stated their opinion on BG1 armor movement sound effects :crying:. That's too bad, 'cause I've increased their volume so that now you can hear them slightly better. Let me know if it's annoying with your sound cards/to your ears; especially the leathery ones. Additionally, I've applied a little gain to footsteps, as normally I almost can't hear many of them. Unfortunately, they can't be much louder without an engine hack and more gain would only damage the waveform, so that's it.

I've also added two new components, so check the description. Actually, what the hell, here are the changes in v1.1 :woot::


  • Attenuated most of the restored audio files to match BG2 volume levels.
  • Louder armor movement sound effects.
  • Slightly louder footsteps.
  • New component: "Restored BG1 Interface Sound Effects."
  • New component: "Restored Gulp! Sound Effect."
  • Spell sound effects changes: Aid, Sanctuary, Slow Poison, Spiritual Hammer, Glyph of Warding, Mass Cure, Heal, Regen, Animate Dead, Raise Dead, Restoration, Negative Plane Protection, Repulse Dead, Summon Insects, Nature's Beauty.

#25 Dakk

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Posted 13 January 2015 - 06:26 PM

Installing right now on my BGT install! Looks super cool, now to find out if sounds likewise :D


No problem with Spell Revisions, what with the changing of casting animations and sounds?

#26 Dakk

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Posted 14 January 2015 - 06:06 PM

The mod seems to be breaking my install. Whenever I choose a kit (so it doesn't happen for say, Monk or Sorceror) the game crashes. If I recall correctly this hints at some kind of corruption of dialog.tlk.




I had 5 mods installed afterwards, and uninstalled one after one, starting the game after each one, and everything was finally alright once I uninstalled Inifinity Sounds.


EDIT: I've isolated the component: it's:
~!BINFINITYSOUNDS/SETUP-!BINFINITYSOUNDS.TP2~ #0 #12 // Mute Tooltip Paper Sound Effect: v1.1


Which is too bad, because that was probably my favourite component of them all :woot:


EDIT2: The component is commented in the .tp2 with "~Sorry, this mod is only for BG2.~". But is has the same predicate as the component above. Either way, that should work on BGT, no? As is happens all that component does is place the silent file "PAPER.wav" in the override. And when I remove it, all is well. That's.. weird. Note that the other component (REPDOWN) also breaks game.


TL;DR: "Mute Reputation Loss Sound Effect" and "Mute Tooltip Paper Sound Effect" does not work on BGT and will cause a CTD when you choose kits.

Edited by Dakk, 14 January 2015 - 06:24 PM.

#27 kreso

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Posted 15 January 2015 - 02:55 AM

The mod seems to be breaking my install. Whenever I choose a kit (so it doesn't happen for say, Monk or Sorceror) the game crashes. If I recall correctly this hints at some kind of corruption of dialog.tlk.


TL;DR: "Mute Reputation Loss Sound Effect" and "Mute Tooltip Paper Sound Effect" does not work on BGT and will cause a CTD when you choose kits.

Odd. It works fine on my install(s).

#28 The Imp

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Posted 15 January 2015 - 03:27 AM

The mod seems to be breaking my install. Whenever I choose a kit (so it doesn't happen for say, Monk or Sorceror) the game crashes. If I recall correctly this hints at some kind of corruption of dialog.tlk.


TL;DR: "Mute Reputation Loss Sound Effect" and "Mute Tooltip Paper Sound Effect" does not work on BGT and will cause a CTD when you choose kits.

Odd. It works fine on my install(s).

Can the two of you come up with anything that might be different between your installs ? And then find the recurring cause for the error ?

Operation System, used game language, different game version(5CD, GoG game... ), Generalized Biffing at the install(as in one having it while the other doesn't) etc. ???

Edited by The Imp, 15 January 2015 - 03:31 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#29 Dakk

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Posted 15 January 2015 - 05:28 AM

The mod seems to be breaking my install. Whenever I choose a kit (so it doesn't happen for say, Monk or Sorceror) the game crashes. If I recall correctly this hints at some kind of corruption of dialog.tlk.


TL;DR: "Mute Reputation Loss Sound Effect" and "Mute Tooltip Paper Sound Effect" does not work on BGT and will cause a CTD when you choose kits.

Odd. It works fine on my install(s).

What, really?  :blink:


My setup:

Digital download BG1 & BG from Dungeons & Dragons Anthology: The Master Collection (from GamersGate)

No manual patching, as usual on digital download

English language

Windows 8.1

Not installed in a protected directory

Weidu-log as above

No biffing


The error is reproducible every time I drop any file named paper.wav in the override. Even tried other sound files, including empty ones.

Edited by Dakk, 15 January 2015 - 08:04 AM.

#30 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 15 January 2015 - 09:58 AM

Open one of the setup-*modname*.debug -files and post what weidu.exe version was used ? It's the very first line. There's an error that made the older versions bad ...
Not installed in a protected directory
So I take it's not in the C drive, or if it is, it's in the C:\Users\<username>\ -folders as everything else is protected. No don't answer if it's so.

Edited by The Imp, 15 January 2015 - 10:00 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#31 Dakk

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Posted 15 January 2015 - 10:36 AM

Open one of the setup-*modname*.debug -files and post what weidu.exe version was used ? It's the very first line. There's an error that made the older versions bad ...
Not installed in a protected directory
So I take it's not in the C drive, or if it is, it's in the C:\Users\<username>\ -folders as everything else is protected. No don't answer if it's so.


Latest non-beta Weidu I believe, 23700. Let me check just be sure.


Yes, "WeiDU v 23700 Log".


Nah it's installed in C:\games\[...]. Everyone who used computers when DOS was a thing know to never install in weird directories. ;) For people for whom Steam = games it's harder haha.

#32 SinForged

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Posted 16 January 2015 - 11:32 AM

Hi, I've been lurking on the Spellhold Studios forums for awhile now, I decided to register to make this post and to give feedback for the awesome mods here.


First off, Thank you for this mod, the sounds in BG 2 were alright but the BG 1 sounds are awesome. I also REALLY like the new chunking sound. You know, the gory one... It really fits with the animation.


I got all excited when I saw the volume was adjusted and then saw that the new version isn't compatible with the Enhanced Edition... I'm guessing that includes BG2: EE as well?


I had tried using this mod on BG: EE and BG 2: EE before, but all the added sounds were too low, but if I turned off the EAX they were fine... You had said before that BG: EE used OpenAL and that your sound card had problems with it. I didn't have any problems with the EAX in BG: EE or BG 2: EE and I can't enable EAX in the original, so I guess I have a newer sound card then you, though I'm not sure, as I didn't care too much about sound when I built my PC, I just looked for a good motherboard with an integrated sound card.


I thought the Open AL EAX might be the cause of it, but I haven't tested this mod on the original BG2, so I can't say for sure... It might be the sound card I'm using...


When I have time I'll test out version 1.0 and 1.1 of Infinity Sounds, as well as the last Restored BG1 sounds on the original BG2. If you could, maybe you could put up a version with completely unmodified sounds, so I can try that as well. I'll let you know how it turns out.


Again, thank you for all your hard work and I'm looking forward to EE compatibility.

#33 Tash

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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:39 AM

Thanks for your interest, guys. Sorry for the late reply; I'm in the middle of transferring my other PC components to a new case.


No problem with Spell Revisions, what with the changing of casting animations and sounds?


I don't know of any game-breaking compatibility issues. The worst case scenario, you simply get to hear different sounds than I envisioned for the mod. For example, I've noticed Demi drops a few custom-named spell files (eg Spiritual Hammer) to Override, and if he forces the game to use them instead of the default ones, they won't use all of BG1 sounds effects. Note, however, that most files in SR simply override BG2 defaults, so there shouldn't be more issues if you install Infinity Sounds last.


Here are spells which possibly have minor conflicts with SR v3.1: Grease (for some reason, Demi changed the sound reference which my mod tries to replace textually, so you won't hear that greasy thud when someone gets caught in the spell), Web (I'm not sure), any Cure-type spell (may play an additional swirly sound effect which I disabled in the original .vvc, as Demi drops his custom file named "pcure-something"). I can't find v4 (closed beta?), so I can't test the new version.


TL;DR: "Mute Reputation Loss Sound Effect" and "Mute Tooltip Paper Sound Effect" does not work on BGT and will cause a CTD when you choose kits.


All right, noted. Good job at isolating it. These components have been there almost since the beginning, but nobody had previously reported this. It works in my games (GOG editions, Win XP). I biffed my Override, but I think I didn't install bgmain.exe patches for BGT music, and neither did kreso, I believe, so I'll investigate a little bit later on. What about Gulp! sound effect? Does it crash your game, too?


Again, thank you for all your hard work and I'm looking forward to EE compatibility.


Thank you for the feedback. It's true; I've had nothing but problems with audio in BGEE. Currently, I want to focus on the platform I use myself for playing the game and could possibly offer updates and support, that is BG2/BGT. There are some differences between the games which mean releasing separate packages with necessary adjustments. When I'm done with BGT, and if I can get the Enhanced Editions, I'll probably take a look at BGEE compatibility again.


#34 Tash

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Posted 18 January 2015 - 03:45 PM

Latest non-beta Weidu I believe, 23700. Let me check just be sure.


Yes, "WeiDU v 23700 Log".


Nah it's installed in C:\games\[...]. Everyone who used computers when DOS was a thing know to never install in weird directories. ;) For people for whom Steam = games it's harder haha.


I installed BGT following your WeiDU log, but my game didn't crash. Could it be differences between our editions? I have the latest GOG version.


If you want to use SR, some spells may have different sounds than the original. For example, Demi changed Chromatic Orb's completion sound effect from Evocation to Alteration. In general, there may be tiny differences like that, but nothing of the game-breaking sort. Grease and Web won't play their respective sound effects when somebody fails their checks; I'll fix them in the next version.

#35 Dakk

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Posted 19 January 2015 - 05:21 AM

Latest non-beta Weidu I believe, 23700. Let me check just be sure.


Yes, "WeiDU v 23700 Log".


Nah it's installed in C:\games\[...]. Everyone who used computers when DOS was a thing know to never install in weird directories. ;) For people for whom Steam = games it's harder haha.


I installed BGT following your WeiDU log, but my game didn't crash. Could it be differences between our editions? I have the latest GOG version.


If you want to use SR, some spells may have different sounds than the original. For example, Demi changed Chromatic Orb's completion sound effect from Evocation to Alteration. In general, there may be tiny differences like that, but nothing of the game-breaking sort. Grease and Web won't play their respective sound effects when somebody fails their checks; I'll fix them in the next version.

Damn, so weird. You followed my entire install, BGT and all? I have to try a clean install with my version (GamersGate, D&D Master Anthology, as linked above) then.


EDIT: On a totally clean BG2 of my version it works fine, see log below. If it doesn't crash for you, installing the same mods and components, I have no idea what causes the problem. A full re-install will be next for me I suppose. Sorry for what so far seems to be a false alarm :)



Edited by Dakk, 19 January 2015 - 05:30 AM.

#36 Tash

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Posted 05 February 2015 - 03:13 PM


This is a WeiDU-based mod which means it will be compatible with most of the other WeiDU mods; however, there may be minor issues, such as incorrect or missing spell sound effects, between component "Restored BG1 Spell Sound Effects" and the following mods:

x Spell Revisions
x Divine Remix
x Lost Crossroads Spell Pack

** NOTE ** None of the spell files are overwritten during the installation process. This mod only patches the existing spell files to change sound effects. If any other mod overwrites the patched files, these changes will be lost. Therefore, it is best to install this after any other mod which makes changes to spells.



v1.2 (February 05, 2015):
  • More consistent spell expiration sound effects.
  • Many more restored spell sound effects.
  • Volume adjustments: spell casting sound effects.
  • More volume adjustments: spell sound effects.
  • Even more volume adjustments: armor movement and footsteps.
  • Slightly louder additional designer soundsets.
  • Fix: Web and Grease with Spell Revisions.
Click here to download this file


I've included some of the changes as discussed in this thread: here.


A lot of new sound effects and volume adjustments here and there, so the zip's grown by quite a bit.


** Note ** While I've fixed a couple of minor issues with Spell Revisions v4 Beta 7, there may -- and will -- be other missing or incorrect sound effects. Please don't hesitate to report any findings here; I'd be grateful for your help! :new_thumbs:


All the spells should be easy to find in the .tp2 file, so if something's bothering you, with or without Spell Revisions, comment them out and enjoy the game again.


EDIT: When the time comes, and Spell Revisions v4 gets released, I'll come up with some smart file patching to maintain consistency even with new spells introduced by mods.


I'll repeat myself, but I suggest playing with "Environmental Audio" set to off (unticked); it isn't implemented properly in the original game.


Also, you'll notice that footsteps and armor movement sound effects always get disabled during combat, regardless of your config. This is an engine thing. Let me know if prancing around in leather armor is too annoying; I'll turn its volume down a bit next time.

Edited by Tash, 05 February 2015 - 05:28 PM.

#37 -Túrin-

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Posted 08 March 2015 - 07:12 AM

I've also included the original BG1 soundsets. Not really necessary if you use BGT or TuTu, but handy just the same, isn't it? And yes, the hidden BG1 designer soundsets are also in there as a separate component, if only you want to play around with them. All of them are selectable for character customization; my files start with "!B" code, so look for "!Bxxxxx."


What's still todo? Projectile-based spell sound effects. Most of them are different in BG2, so that's a lot of work. When I feel like doing it :shifty:. BUT, your most precious Magic Missile and FireBall are already restored to their fully glory!


This mod isn't compatible with BGEE as of yet.



Hi Tash!


First of all, thanks for the work, you've put into your beautiful mod.


There are some issues about my Big World installation that spoils the voices of characters (mixes up with each other), such as some intermissions narrations (instead of narrations npc dialogs are used), although the installation looks like working fine otherwise.

I accused seom mods, and made some trials and I really don't want to get into baseless assumptions, but finally I've drewn the conclusion, that there is some installation incompatibility problem with InfinitySounds and my inst. setting.


The cause of my suspicion is that Imoen uses some samples from the original BG main charater soundsets, which are installed by this mod. (E.g. the dialog.tlk is replaced or changed by the mod.)


But I really don't want to throw out the baby with the bath water, I want your mod, just want to fix the problem, or take out the component, which is responsible. (Presume that really this is the root of the problem.)


You can find more infos about this on these link:




I use BGT.

If you need some more infos or DEBUG files, I can present it. 


Thanks in advance!

#38 -Túrin-

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Posted 08 March 2015 - 07:42 AM

I've got the 4 DVD version, win7, the main directory is NOT in C, or protected dir..

I use BGT music, and 1pp High quality music for BGT, Soa/Tob, and ToSC, and Lost crossroads spell pack, and spell revisions which can get in connection with Infinity Sounds.

#39 Tash

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Posted 08 March 2015 - 09:22 AM

I've got the 4 DVD version, win7, the main directory is NOT in C, or protected dir..

I use BGT music, and 1pp High quality music for BGT, Soa/Tob, and ToSC, and Lost crossroads spell pack, and spell revisions which can get in connection with Infinity Sounds.


I'm sorry to hear your BWS went wrong. That's always tough :(. Having read about your issues, I think you're right to blame audio mods; however, I'd like to point out that my mod can't possibly be the culprit here.


"Infinity Sounds" simply copies the files to your sounds and override folders without touching the dialog.tlk or other critical game files. The component "Restored BG1 Spell Casting Sounds" only patches the existing spell files to change sound effects; again, without overwriting or otherwise modifying the dialog.tlk. There may be compatibility issues with "Lost Crossroads Spell Pack," "Divine Remix" and "Spell Revisions," as these mods overwrite the original spell files, often changing their structure. On the other hand, these compatibility issues would never manifest themselves in the kind of problems you've been experiencing.


I'm afraid I can't be of much help here, Túrin. If uninstalling my mod solves your issues, please don't hesitate and let me know. That would potentially mean I have no idea what I'm doing.

#40 -Túrin-

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Posted 08 March 2015 - 10:08 AM

I've got the 4 DVD version, win7, the main directory is NOT in C, or protected dir..

I use BGT music, and 1pp High quality music for BGT, Soa/Tob, and ToSC, and Lost crossroads spell pack, and spell revisions which can get in connection with Infinity Sounds.


I'm sorry to hear your BWS went wrong. That's always tough :(. Having read about your issues, I think you're right to blame audio mods; however, I'd like to point out that my mod can't possibly be the culprit here.


"Infinity Sounds" simply copies the files to your sounds and override folders without touching the dialog.tlk or other critical game files. The component "Restored BG1 Spell Casting Sounds" only patches the existing spell files to change sound effects; again, without overwriting or otherwise modifying the dialog.tlk. There may be compatibility issues with "Lost Crossroads Spell Pack," "Divine Remix" and "Spell Revisions," as these mods overwrite the original spell files, often changing their structure. On the other hand, these compatibility issues would never manifest themselves in the kind of problems you've been experiencing.


I'm afraid I can't be of much help here, Túrin. If uninstalling my mod solves your issues, please don't hesitate and let me know. That would potentially mean I have no idea what I'm doing.



Thanks, this also helps something.

Do you have any idea, which audio mod can have effects like this? (The strangest thing for me (who am not a programmer, and haven't ghost of a notion of these things) is that either mod does this, it also mixes the "new" (old, but before hidden) char. sounds, your mod offers, that's why, I thought that there could be sg. with I.S.)