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Bugs for v1.x

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#241 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 14 May 2004 - 02:13 AM


And I mean it! :D
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#242 Feanor


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Posted 14 May 2004 - 07:54 AM

Listen to Maestro, Littiz. No need for hostilities around here. So bury the tomahawk of war... :D

#243 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 15 May 2004 - 04:29 AM

Ok guys, back to bug-finding! :D
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#244 Littiz

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Posted 15 May 2004 - 09:17 AM

(Episode III/3)

I don't think this has anything to do with the current problem on ES, so I think I don't deserve this.

Still you miss the point.
Forget my last mistake with it: ES has *never* worked, your own installation is not portable.
You didn't know that new projectiles have to be assigned dinamically, you kept assigning them yourself, and didn't tell me what the assignments were even though they didn't follow the numerical order of the names. Of course I tried to imagine myself, but following the logic of numbers, things couldn't work.
True, you reported them at last, but only when I asked for them, after having banged my head on the problem.
Mind you, I'd have no serious problem it, if only you avoided annoying comments like:

"Anyway, I *once again* corrected this"
"hey, it WAs working on my PC before I installed 1.3"

...which would "accuse" me, while the real problem is that you don't know what the problem is.
Again, I kept asking you to try to learn a bit more about technical issues. If not to get help with actual coding, at least to avoid useless, pointless and boring additional work for me.
I've asked you to give at least a read to WeiDU and such MANY times. Months have passed, and you never spent a minute on it - not until you were *forced* to do it...
The last time I asked you (kindly!) to give me some help with the more technical stuff, you came to answer that you were the Creative Mind, you were so very sorry that I had to do the most boring work, but I had to accept it as the team configuration seemed fine to you!

You're right, I can't blame you for your "disorder", and my coding is far from perfect as well (honestly, scribe scrolls files ended being a mess...).
In fact, notice that I genuinely joked with this issue, as long as I wasn't annoyed by all the rest. Anyway, disordered stuff IS "unmantainable": remember what happened when we tried to work again on Divine Intervention?

Did you try my version at least, the one I've send you? No. As you said, you "rejected" it. I asked you to give at least ONE reson for me why we should use your version. The reply was: it is intentional.  I REALLY hope you see the slight change in your attitude as well here.

I don't need to give reasons if I ask you to undo changes to my work that you did (and released!) without permission.
You don't even see how wrong your behaviour is, TGM.

I told you I didn't want any more fixes or adjustments, I hadn't even the time to check your proposal. As all the new proposals, no matter if minor or heavy, it had to be DEBATED for version 2.
So I replied that the setting was intentional, since I was happy with the result, and, for the moment, I didn't want any modification I couldn't (and didn't want to) check.
Still, without my approval (worse: with my refusal), you went on your way and modified my work, you force-changed the build and *released* it, forcing me to accept your change.
This is NOT correct, no matter how right or little the change is.
Frankly, I expected you to undo the change, when I asked you nicely, by mail.
You didn't, but I expected you to undo the change at least now, after my outburst.
You still haven't undone it.
I can't pretend you to change, no one ever changes his attitude, I know it too well as it applies to me and my flaws in the first place.
So my best proof of good will is that my break is also meant to "reset" things ;)
But at least try to understand what has gone wrong so far, and that sometimes is necessary to take a step back...

Edited by T.G.Maestro, 15 May 2004 - 11:05 PM.

Ever forward, my darling wind...

#245 Littiz

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 01:27 PM

Ho-ho-hoooo. Now wait a minute. I'm hardly against this statement here. As I see things, this mod is COMMON work/success and I treat it like that.

We both correct each other's stuff, but release is delayed until everyone is content. ;)
Anyway, I decided to have a look at your changes.
Debate aside, my vote is for the old version, since it is showed on the character from start to end, and it looks better overall, imho.
(I knew I had to trust my work :P)
(Please don't find anything else to debate now :wacko: )

Other (still minor) issues:
The patching of Greater Evasion should be made conditional.
You re-ordered the S.A.'s table but not the descriptions (S.A.'s doc used to be perfect :P)
The version was named 1.03, not 1.3 (we'd soon deplete numbers otherwise!), and certainly not thirteen! :lol:

Really, can't you wait with a fixed build for a while, without modifying it too much?
There are no life threatening bugs, I think :rolleyes: ;)

Peace (for the moment! :lol: :D ). ^_^
Now sorry but I'm back from another 12 hours work session, I'll go to bed without reading the other threads -_- :unsure:

Ever forward, my darling wind...

#246 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 18 May 2004 - 01:13 AM

We both correct each other's stuff, but release is delayed until everyone is content

True-true. My mistake. ;)

Debate aside, my vote is for the old version, since it is showed on the character from start to end, and it looks better overall, imho.
(I knew I had to trust my work

At least YOU are satisfied with it! :P :lol:

You re-ordered the S.A.'s table but not the descriptions

Hmmm? :huh: I'm sure I reordered the list:

                      3) Sword Angel's High Level Abilities

The table includes the following special abilities (a "*" follows the new ones):

-Power Attack
-Critical Strike
-Improved Merciful Fighting*(requires: Sustaining Will*)
-Body Purge*                (requires: Sustaining Will*)   
-Spiritual Integrity*      (requires: Sustaining Will*)
-Regeneration*              (requires: Sustaining Will*)
-Sustaining Will*

Or are you referring to the order of the ability descriptions?? Hey, you REALLY scare me sometimes, you know! :blink:

The version was named 1.03, not 1.3 (we'd soon deplete numbers otherwise!), and certainly not thirteen!

Sure, 1.03 is better. But where did you see thirteen? :blink: :blink: :blink:

Really, can't you wait with a fixed build for a while, without modifying it too much?
There are no life threatening bugs, I think

It is very hard for me to sit still while I have MUCH time to work on the mod :) - and I fear this won't last forever, that is why I try to fix/plan/order as many things as possible. But don't worry, I won't release anything for a while, I'm working heavily on future stuff. ;)
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#247 Littiz

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Posted 18 May 2004 - 11:27 AM

Or are you referring to the order of the ability descriptions?? Hey, you REALLY scare me sometimes, you know!

I did say descriptions, not names ^_^
Check the HLA doc, you'll see that it's ordered (unless you modified it :P )

Sure, 1.03 is better. But where did you see thirteen?

Pretty evident, the modified name of the build itself :wacko: :lol:

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#248 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 19 May 2004 - 08:32 AM

Back to the bugs.

Just as Feanor pointed it out, True Kai wasn't displaying the rising spirit visual on slain opponents. (-Fixed.)
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#249 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 20 May 2004 - 02:33 AM

There is another bug, caused by the last modifications on Shadowless Kick.
Littiz, you assigned a tlk line to this ability (which IS fun btw! :D ), but it displays every time this ability is used, and I'm positive you wanted this to appear only if someone targets himself with the kick.
This should be fixed.
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#250 Littiz

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Posted 20 May 2004 - 08:54 AM

*Covers his head with dust, and begs for mercy*

This happens when I do things in hurry.
I've identified the problem, but this needs a subtle tp2 change.
Ok then, I owe you this fix ;), so I'll do it despite the break (which remains valid!!!!!)

Being there ( :( :( :( ), I'll try to do a better version: the Shadowless Kick on self shouldn't work, but the monk should get somewhat hurt for the attempt anyway :lol: :D

Ever forward, my darling wind...

#251 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 20 May 2004 - 09:19 AM

*Covers his head with dust, and begs for mercy*

*TGM shows Mercy!*
Oops, this one was a leftover symptom from my Mortal Kombat years... :D

Ok then, I owe you this fix , so I'll do it despite the break

Hehe, while you are at it, you could also fix that minor thingy with Energy Storm, and correct the numbers of the build to 1.03.. :P
Are you interested in a few other bugfixes that won't need the editing of the dialogues or anything (you just have to overwrite the files I guess), I have a few of them since 1.03... :P :rolleyes:

Just throw me a post and I'll send them to you ;) .
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#252 Rathwellin the Bard

Rathwellin the Bard

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Posted 21 May 2004 - 07:00 PM

You guys did disable shapeshifters from talking while in GWW form didn?t you?

Tonight I went back to one of my old test saves with Sarevok, Cernd, and a PC Sorcerer among others. I had several party members cast buffing spells and then kicked off Energy Storm.

On the first test I noted with interest that Cernd was pretty much immune to the ES damage in GWW form.

On the second test I forgot to shift him before I kicked off the storm. However after he took damage I remembered and activated this ability. Two odd things followed.

1. He started talking with Sarevok while in GWW form. I couldn?t tell if the dialogue simply started before the shift started ... though he was in GWW as they spoke ... or if it was related to problem #2.

2. He suffered moral failure, probably after I had initiated the innate but right before the shift to GWW actually occurred. So right after the Sarevok dialogue he starts running around like a chicken with his head cut off. However he never seemed to recover from the fear effect. His GWW regeneration had him healed in *very* short order but he continued to run round and round for a good few minutes of real life time before I got bored and wrote this.

edit - the moral failure finally ended though. Thank goodness.

Edited by Rathwellin the Bard, 21 May 2004 - 07:06 PM.

#253 Caveman

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 12:09 AM

The 'S.A.-falling-when-summoned-creatures/bystanders-die' bug has not happened since... for some time now, and by all accounts can probably be considered fixed.(THANKS!!! :wub: )

Hey, I know how it is, work/eat/sleep a few hours/game/post...and repeat x infinity. The small piles of clothes and dishes turn into mountains! I have caught myself nearly getting burned out on hobbies and side projects, which is no good...since that was my job's job! Some rest, relaxation, and hard liquor had me back to normal in no time! :D
Look at it this way: you all have done what most people on the forum could only think about doing. The mod may have a few bugs, but nothing game crashing/earth shattering. It's a damn good mod, y'all should be proud! :D
Now with that being said; 'Holy Cheesy Loopholes, Caveman! You missed one!'
...I was just digging through my Bag of Holding when I noticed that the Sword Angel was able to equip the Studded Leather of Resistances +3(CYLEAT). <Yes, I did un-equip it!>

#254 Feanor


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Posted 22 May 2004 - 02:49 AM

Angel was able to equip the Studded Leather of Resistances +3(CYLEAT).

I don't think there is such a leather armor in the unmodded game, Caveman. :blink: Where did you get it from ?

#255 the bigg

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 04:50 AM

Angel was able to equip the Studded Leather of Resistances +3(CYLEAT).

I don't think there is such a leather armor in the unmodded game, Caveman. :blink: Where did you get it from ?

It comes from the Chosen of Cyric MOD (contained in the aPack), which Littiz doesn't know/have/take in consideration. BTW, if you installed stuff the RIGHT (aPack, then Refin) way, the problem won't show.
Why using this order:
1) aPack component 0 (the dual-wielding fix) kills any modifications to WEAPPROF.2DA done by other mods (including, guess what, the SA)
2) SA is meant to be installed last / just before Virtue and nothing else, because it does smart and dynamic changes, so it would be safe with mod items installed BEFORE.

Italian users: help test the Stivan NPC!

Author or Co-Author: WeiDU - Widescreen - Generalized Biffing - Refinements - TB#Tweaks - IWD2Tweaks - TB#Characters - Traify Tool - Some mods that I won't mention in public
Maintainer: Semi-Multi Clerics - Nalia Mod - Nvidia Fix
Code dumps: Detect custom secondary types - Stutter Investigator

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#256 Caveman

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 07:21 PM

I don't think there is such a leather armor in the unmodded game, Caveman.  Where did you get it from ?

It comes from the Chosen of Cyric MOD

@Order of installations- Thanks! I thought it might be some sort of installation issue... I couldn't equip Imoen with the Rogue's Cowl back in SoA. Clean reinstall of game and mods, fixed that, now this armor can be equipped by the S.A.(I knew I had checked it!). Only thing was I installed Refinements after Virtue, with Rogue Rebalancing the first mod installed after the patch and fixpack.

#257 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 23 May 2004 - 10:20 PM

1. He started talking with Sarevok while in GWW form. I couldn?t tell if the dialogue simply started before the shift started ... though he was in GWW as they spoke ...

As most problems concerning the shapeshifter modifications, this bug(?) should be directed to Littiz, since I'm not very content on this subject. ;)
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#258 Littiz

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Posted 24 May 2004 - 08:40 AM

the "talk" button is disabled while shapechanged.
Yet, I imagine interjections may still happen: I'm not really competent in the matter, but it depends on how they have coded them. I mean, I would use some checks like "IsValidForPartyDialogue" before activating an interjection, but I'm not sure whether random interjections are handled this way by the engine or not.

SA and items:
normally armors are not patched by the installer: SA uses (among the rest) the Shapeshifter's unusable, which already removes armors. Problems of course may be created by redundant or missing flags (the installer already fixes many).
The armor you quote probably is usable even by Shapeshifters, am I right?
Maybe aVENGER did that on purpose...

@the bigg:
thanx for the notes, but maybe you have an old version of aPack?
aVENGER used nice SET_2DA_ENTRY (or so) commands in the last version.
Anyway Refinements and Virtue can be installed in any relative order :)

Ever forward, my darling wind...

#259 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 24 May 2004 - 08:58 AM

The armor you quote probably is usable even by Shapeshifters, am I right?
Maybe aVENGER did that on purpose...

I'm sure this wasn't his intention.

Edited by T.G.Maestro, 24 May 2004 - 08:58 AM.

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#260 Feanor


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Posted 24 May 2004 - 10:07 PM

Maestro, I suspect a bug about Wong Fei Stone. This stone should be used by monks, fighter, kensai and sword angel. Did you alter it somehow, because now only monks can wear it ? :huh: