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New HLA tables

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#141 Scar

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Posted 19 March 2004 - 04:58 PM

OK, what about this idea: have one innate ability called "True Dweomer". It can be picked as HLA up to 4 times according to tables 44 resp. 47. It does pretty much the same as a Wildmage's Reckless Dweomer but without the danger of Wild Surges: it presents a list with all avaliable TDs to pick from.

Now, that alone would be far to powerful, so I came up with a hook: the source book states that for each TD at least one material component is needed. So the generic TD checks the casters inventory for valid components and presents a list accordingly. If you've got a dragon's tooth, you can summon Kreb?s Flaming Dragon, but if you're out of bones, well, tough luck, no Kolin?s Undead Legion for you. Of course, when you cast the dweomer, the corresponding component is used up. That means you could implement some insanely powerful TDs, but limit their use by putting only one or two of the needed components in game :P. It would make a TD what it's supposed to be, a high power spell that's somewhat difficult to use and scarce in numbers.

I don't know if that's feasible, having a spell interact with inventory in such a complex way. But it'd sure be cool, and IMHO as close to PnP as we can get without being too much of a pain.

Now, one thing's still missing: spell descriptions. I'd simply put them on the components, in the identified description, with a pretty high lore value (and preferably a level requirement for successful identification, but I think that's not possible).

So, what do you think?


#142 Galactygon


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Posted 19 March 2004 - 05:07 PM

Sounds intriguing. ^_^

However the implementation itself (if it is possible) is a totally different story.

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#143 jester


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Posted 19 March 2004 - 05:23 PM

.... insanely powerful TDs, but limit their use by putting only one or two of the needed components in game :P.

UU would cast a simy and use the item there :)
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#144 Jinnai


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Posted 19 March 2004 - 07:31 PM

Another thing, if its possible, would be to make some of the spells more than one round in casting time. While this isn't a dedtriment when cadting buffing spells, it is when casting mass destroy stuf, and there are spells, atleast in 2nd edition that require such.
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#145 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 19 March 2004 - 11:43 PM

Sounds intriguing. 

However the implementation itself (if it is possible) is a totally different story.

Indeed. These ideas sound really interesting, but they are not always worth putting into an action-based RPG like BG2. -_-

Another thing, if its possible, would be to make some of the spells more than one round in casting time

Yes, this one is good too, and implementable. You might have noticed thta many of the new and more powerful HLAs in Refinements use casting times like 8 or 9, but we can easily increase these numbers - and it would be a nice way to balance too overwhelming power of the TDs (just compare them with other classes HLAs - they are way over them both in power and level - the only HLA from another class that can be in line with them is Energy Storm of sorcerers, yet that ability is VERY hard to use).
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#146 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 19 March 2004 - 11:44 PM

- other TD level spells and HLAs: Volcano from the druid table, and Divine Intervention from clerics. Both are extremely powerful abilities/spells, yet both have their possible drawbacks.
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#147 Scar

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Posted 20 March 2004 - 10:30 AM

UU would cast a simy and use the item there

Hmm, my idea would work with the backpack, not the equipped inventory (quickslots etc.). Does a simy get a complete copy of the backpack, too? If not, it would be completely prohibited from TDs (which wouldn't be to bad, IMHO).

Indeed. These ideas sound really interesting, but they are not always worth putting into an action-based RPG like BG2. -_-

Well, that depends on your personal style of play. Me, e.g., I don't see BG as that much action-based (that's what I've got DungeonSiege for). I rather play it in a semi-turn-based way, hitting the space bar before giving orders, so the described technique wouldn't interfere (for the player, it's not much different to a Reckless Dweomer in execution).

Another thing, if its possible, would be to make some of the spells more than one round in casting time

I second that. There are PnP-TDs that have casting times as long as multiple turn or even hours (though that would be a bit over the top...).


#148 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 20 March 2004 - 12:53 PM

Something else:
It always bothere me why the two Whirlwind HLAs have blue icons while it is more than obvious that they are offensive (red) HLAs. Not to mention that their Special Effect icons are red too.
So I decided to change their colors to red, I think it looks much better now. They were sent to all of the testers, I'm waiting the comments on them :) !
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#149 Jinnai


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Posted 27 March 2004 - 09:43 AM

After thinking about this, i came up with an ability a good monk could use for the opposing of the evil monk's poison ability (and a neutral monk taking either).

Body Like the Water


Water can be calm at one moment and a pounding torrent the next. It shapes itself around the world. allowing others to control it, untl it unleashes its fury. Thus does a truely masterful monk allow himself to become like water and learn from its ways.

-2 attack turn

+1 wis
+3 AC bonus
-3 Thac0
+5 damage
+1 to all saving throws
Critical failures are treated as normal failures and opponents critical attacks are treated as normal attacks.
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#150 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 28 March 2004 - 10:14 PM

Thanks Jinnai, I will consider it.
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#151 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 06 April 2004 - 08:31 AM

I'd like to warn everyone that the descriptions listed on the first page aren't 100% up to date. They will be updated after we close the beta-testing period. ;)
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#152 Andyr



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Posted 07 April 2004 - 08:51 AM

I had another idea for Enlightenment. :)

My original quibble a few pages back was that adding 2 Level 7 slots was silly, as they're the most powerful and you get loads anyway, especially with holy symbols and stuff.

So why not make it give +1 WIS and +1 CHR, symbolising a better understanding of the deity, and increased personability?

I don't think it'd be too unbalancing.
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#153 -Feanor-

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Posted 07 April 2004 - 09:02 AM

Hi, Maestro ! I have some suggestions for your HLA for monks.

Do you remember our little debate about the Lunar Stance ? Kish asked you "why this ability has such a monkly name as stance" and here he caught you. I have another hint here : that stance can be a monk's class ability, but maybe Balthazar's Lunar Stance is overpowered because he is a Bhaalspawn (don't be bothered, this introduction has its purpose). So, what's the idea : what do you say about a Lunar Stance without the immunity to Time Stop (because that seemed to upset you). I insist so much about this because Lunar Stance, as it is described in Oversight MOD, seems to me a very appropriate ability for the monk (it suits perfectly to the monk's style).
And another two suggestions. I have noticed you have put deathblow and greater deathblow in monk's HLA table. Here I think the monk, even he is a melee fighter, is too different from the classic warrior to have even one ability the same (and, by the way, deathblow and greater deathblow are not so big deal). What do you say about something like this (those are inspired by Kiara-Zaiya Mod, I don't know if you have played the mod, but I describe the abilities for those who don't) :
1. Snake Stance : a kind of improved haste which doubles the number of attacks per round.
2. Dragon Stance : strength is set to 25, first hit is always a critical one, 25% to physical damage (slashing, piercing, crushing, missiles), immunity to wing buffet and immunity to inconsciousness.
About the Solar Stance, not that is a Balthazar's personal spell, but I don't think it's appropriate for the monk's style.

#154 GreyViper

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Posted 07 April 2004 - 10:24 AM

Another suggestion a spell for Wild Mage called "Rift". It can?t be scribed to book and only appears with wild surge.
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#155 -Feanor-

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Posted 09 April 2004 - 12:49 AM

Maestro, where are you ? (knock, knock...) I know it's hard to answer to all, but I'm just too curious to see if my suggestion had any success (see one reply above).

#156 Littiz

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Posted 09 April 2004 - 03:29 AM

TGM is away for about 10 days.
I'm "present" but I can't do much more than browsing the forums...

All the new_content_related_work for Version 1 is closed now, when we're done with the testing we will release.

For future versions, I personally can be convinced to replace deathblows with modified stances. :) Don't know TGM's opinion. It's a possibility for version 2.
There's always the problem that we've already reached the limit for new portrait icons, though.

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#157 -Feanor-

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Posted 10 April 2004 - 12:39 AM

For future versions, I personally can be convinced to replace deathblows with modified stances.  Don't know TGM's opinion. It's a possibility for version 2.
There's always the problem that we've already reached the limit for new portrait icons, though

That was the main idea : not that those stances seem more suitable for the monk, but, in fact, I wanted very much to get rid of those deathblows, which are completely useless, if you ask me. I mean you don't need them for the easy fights and you can't use them for the tougher ones. Replacing them (or making them more effective, how you wish) would be a great idea.

#158 -Feanor-

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Posted 10 April 2004 - 12:39 AM

For future versions, I personally can be convinced to replace deathblows with modified stances.  Don't know TGM's opinion. It's a possibility for version 2.
There's always the problem that we've already reached the limit for new portrait icons, though

That was the main idea : not that those stances seem more suitable for the monk, but, in fact, I wanted very much to get rid of those deathblows, which are completely useless, if you ask me. I mean you don't need them for the easy fights and you can't use them for the tougher ones. Replacing them (or making them more effective, how you wish) would be a great idea.

#159 Jinnai


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Posted 20 April 2004 - 08:12 AM

This may not be the best idea for a HLA, atleast for BG2, but what about giving druids the power to control the weather?
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#160 Baltrek


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Posted 20 April 2004 - 08:34 AM

As in call lightning?

Or as in, gee, I wish it would rain?