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BGTEE Play testing bug list.

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#1 Demtrek

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Posted 14 March 2017 - 08:18 AM

I read somewhere in these vasts posts you modders were looking for people to play test and report bugs for BGTEE.  I started a game about 10 days ago.   But between work and fiddleing around with other stuff I realized Im falling behind with the lightning speed you modders fix stuff.   This is a list of jibberish I wrote in notepad then pasted here.  Some could be bugs, some could be the way it was supposed to be, some could be my ignorance on game mechanics. 


I didnt comment on installation errors because I dont know about that stuff and I see others did already.  I only comment on game play.  I am about 1/6th through the game.  About to explore the bandit camp areas.  The lower half of the BG1 map area is explored, Gnoll Fort, Nashkil, Cloud Peaks, Bear River, Bragg Area, ect...


Also I have not read every single post in these forums, so some of this stuff might of already been talked about.


STARTS HERE..................................................


BG2EE Folder Start Icon starts the game.

In "Tactics" I changed a few NPCs to multi class..like Xar and Imoen, they dont have spells even though they are listed as being level one in each class.  When they level up to level 2 they get spells.

When I select NONE for character information script, it changes back to advanced.  

Sarahs mod didn't work with 3 of my installations...After she joined party my inventory was messed up, about half my items were bugged in a way when I selected them to pick them up it would pause for 2 seconds.  The other half behaved normally.  When I left Gorions death site, game crashed.  When I re-installed without Sarahs mod, niether of these were an issue.

Lions way bandits. 1 female 3 males, they just looted a caravan.  Woman talks, saying something like "we'll just have to kill you now", only her and one male bandit (male just north of her) turn red.  The other 2 just stand there (2 south of her).  They can still be attacked and killed without penalty.

Potion Seller at Carnival, the one in the tent selling the red and violet potions.  His opening text is so big it only shows the 1st response your allowed to make.  I knew what the other response was so I just pressed 2 on my keyboard, but there was no scroll down option to access it with the mouse.  Also when I lockpick the east chest no guards are called, west chest was too hard to pick, but when I returned later with a potion of thievery it opened and guards were called.

Marl and Dunkin at the Fieldpost Inn.  I walk in, they give a warning.  Montaron say something, I tell him to back down.  Marl and Dunkin go red without warning or 2nd conversation.

Kolbold Mines, Nashkil.  Duergar Encounter Level 3, Duergar Fighter shouts something that belongs to a different NPC, "Lies all if it!  We're your friends here, come into the tent and we'll talk about it"

Valley of the Tombs.  I emerged here from the Nashkil Mines.  Two women, Natalka who attacks me, and Elka who remains blue and follows Xar of all people.  I can only assume she is scripted to take out mages first but never turned red.  Also no conversation with either.  One attacks and about 5 rounds later the other one appears and follows me.  I attacked her just to get her stuff, no rep penalty when I did so.

Officer Via, Flaming Fist woman who buys scalps, buys anything now.

Reforming party, I just dropped Imoen, Khalid, Jaheira, Xzar, Montaron....all left the party with no ending conversation.  They just turned blue and stood there.  Thought nothing of it, just thought it was a new feature to prevent some of them leaving forever.  Went and picked up Vyn, Gavin, Kagian, Garrick, and Tiax.  Went back to where a dropped other 4, in front of Morning Lord Temple, and dropped all but Vyn, these 4 all gave departing conversations, told them all I would be back.  So now Im like...what the?  I talk to Jaheira and she gives me what should of been her departing conversation....so I tell her to wait.  Then I go talk to her again and she gives me her "want me back" conversation.  1st Option- take her back  2nd- Option leave her be  3rd Option-  Doppleganger Mage.  Option 3 was new...so I click on it
I say: Doppleganger Mage
Khalid says: Doppleganger Assassin
Jaheira says: Kolbold Cheiftan
Jareira is then in the party, Kahlid remains blue.
So now Im thinking about the other 3, Imoen, Xzar, Montaron.  Imoen behaves normally, I first get her departing conversation, then a normal "want me back" conversation.
Xzar and Montaron both have the 3rd option, like Jaheira, but the both ramble something about undead knights and ulcaster school...but also both join seperatly leaving the other standing blue.  Im guessing option 3 was supposed to be having one memeber of a duo join without the other, which is working, but the conversation part is messed up.

Shar Teel, when first met, I accept challange and she just stands there blue.  I have to attack her first.  Normally after one hit she gives in.  I took me 2 hits and she had 1 hp left.  Then she joins.

Enemy NPC's all have text they display as conversation that doesnt match up.  SO far it's only been in combat.  So if the NPC has something to say before they attack, nothing is wrong.  Once the attacking begins, durring combat, they shout weird things that look like they are conversations for BG2.

While resting on Dryad Falls screen, I have yet to explore the west half of the map.  Durring my rest, the Ogre Mage (westside center of map still unexplored and Ogre Mage still way out of sight) spams out some sort of countdown..."It seems we have been deceived, Kaishas remains on the island.  We must confront Selaad....ect...expires in 120 seconds." then the counter goes off 6 or 7 more times..

Ok, well I just visited the Gnoll Fortress...I've pretty much come to the conclusion that everyone I meet and fight has dialog errors, including a few that I dont fight....so Im not going to comment on the indviduals bugs reffering to these anymore.

Borda, false potion seller outside of Xzart Village doesnt have the bag the produces a random magic item once a day.   Not sure...if this is a bug, but it was a cool item to have.

Arrows from Magic Ammo Belt.  I put them in there unidentified.  When Im ready to ID them I selected 64 Unidentified Fire Arrows and hit the "to backpack" and it makes two stacks of 64 Fire Arrows, so double.  One is IDed the other stack remains non-IDed.  Same with arrows of biting, but not detination arrows.

Gem bags are doing same thing ammo belt is doing, but only certain items.

When I was using EEKeeper I was changing some spells for a enemy spell caster.  In the 5th level wizzard section some of the spell names are replaced by talk text.

Bandit scalps wont go into bags of holding.

Lagg?  Well, there is something I've not complained about in a BG game in a long time.  Xvart Village, hoard of Xvarts coming at me, lagg appears.  I cast a fireball on what looked to be 25 or so and the fireball made everything lagg even worse, the whole killing part was skipped, except sound.  When the lagg reduced they were all dead...but it was still laggy.  Not until I went around killing the last of them and picking everything up did it go away.

Laurel, Paladin waiting for Gibberling Hoard at Bear River map, wont talk after I killed off all the Gibberlings.  I search whole map again looking for any strays that might of ran off in a random direction and could not find any.

Cant put Braggs body in a bag of holding, but I am able to put the rotten bodies from Ghouls.

At the inn IDing stuff.  I open potion bag and have a red skinny potion bottle...fake healing.. When I select it to move it to the inventory it also selects one in the bag that is already IDed and wont let me only select the unidentified one.  So I have to move both of them to the inventory.

I have 2 daggers, Both "Heart of Golems".  Both were not IDed.  I IDed the first one and the other was automatically IDed.  First, Im not entirely sure I had two of them.  It might be the same bug I reported with the arrows, where it made a duplicate when I transfered it to my inventory.  Second, the second one might of been a duplicate I already had IDed and was selected as per the potion bug I wrote above.  Maybe the arrow/gem ID bug is doing the samething as well, selecting a equal amount of already IDed arrows and moving them, instead of creating new ones.  I'll try to remember to take better notice.

Attached File  WeiDU-BGEE - Notepad.pdf   21.05K   213 downloads


I plan on playing the game all the way through the trilogy and posting these "bugs" as I play...but it could take a month or more depending...and if there is some major fixes or new content added I may just re-instal and start over if what Im doing seems to be outdated or not helpful.

Edited by Demtrek, 15 March 2017 - 07:22 AM.

#2 Roxanne



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Posted 14 March 2017 - 08:42 AM

What exactly is the game you tried to install BGTEE?

There is either BGT for the classic BG1 + BG2 games


EET for BGEE/SoD and BG2EE


Your install log looks like you installed neither of them but a wild mix of everything.


If it were EET it would be started with baldur.exe in the BG2EE folder.


Before starting to provide bug reports, you should assure that you have a reliable installation.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#3 -Demtrek-

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Posted 14 March 2017 - 12:44 PM

I used bws and picked bgee1+2 trilogy. After that I had to direct the installation paths. It reminded me SoD also had to be installed. Then I picked "tactics" at the bottom drop down tab.

Everything was finished in about 4 hours. I looked into my gov games folder and opened both bg1ee and bg2ee. It looks like mods were installed in both folders and not just one. Both folders also have multiple start icons. But when started only one of the two icons in the BG1ee folder gave me button to select campaign.

#4 Demtrek

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Posted 15 March 2017 - 07:19 AM

Yes, I got a little mixed up.  It is the BG2EE icon I am using to start the game.  Also I attached the wrong installation.  I changed it.

#5 Falagar

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Posted 15 March 2017 - 09:18 AM

I would just use the EET shortcut that installs after the BWS is finished instead of just using the BGEE & BGEE2 icons.