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Romancing Imoen in a megamod?

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#1 PutridWalker

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Posted 24 February 2018 - 12:20 PM

How does that work out in a compatibility sense? I mean not only in a technical sense, but also in concept?


I mean specifically that I am going to install several mods affecting this, such as

- Kelsey (which I have heard can romance Imoen)

- Gavin (which I also heard can romance Imoen)

- Imoen Romance (because I myself want to romance her)


So, how will this work out? Will Kelsey, Gavin and me romance her at the same time? That would be... awkward. Or is there some checks in the mods to prevent this?

#2 Roxanne



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Posted 24 February 2018 - 01:36 PM

Did you check this



Just from the development history of the mods, Imoen romance is the *youngest* of those mods. So obviously that mod should be the one to make the checks to provide compatibility. You cannot expect older mods to take care of compatibility with something they do not even know about when being developped, right?

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#3 Roxanne



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Posted 24 February 2018 - 01:48 PM

For your list. Chloe will romance Imoen unless she has a romance with the (female) protagonist, i.e. when you play a male, this will be the case. The updated EE version of Chloe handles this more sophisticated but the BGT original was released prior Imoen Romance and thus cannot know about that mod.

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#4 PutridWalker

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Posted 24 February 2018 - 04:02 PM

Well, I don't really expect anything to be honest. Many people do not care if 3 people would be romancing Imoen at the same time (I think many prefers it even), but I would personally prefer to keep the game somewhat immersive, hence why I asked how the game would play this situation out. If all romances would go at the same time I would probably not install Kelsey and Gavin to begin with since I'd have to ignore them in game anyway :)


I understand the mods are technically compatible, but it was more a question of how it's handled immersion-wise within a megamod install. Perhaps the mod authors intentionally allows the romances to go at the same time, it's their decisions.


And I do not use Chloe - I'm using Kelsey and Gavin :)


I figured megamodding people would know best how this worked out in game, especially since both Kelsey and Gavin usually comes as "recommended" here.