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Has someone tried "mages drop spellbooks" in a big Mega Mod?

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#1 -ghost-

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Posted 24 April 2018 - 12:29 PM

From the bigg tweaks. I'm thinking about installing it but I worry that in a Mega Mod you would maybe get access to spells that you should not be able to? Because mods add so much stuff everywhere and maybe some spells of NPCs we were not meant to see. And which could make the game unstable (like dimension door).


Has someone tried? And was there such a problem?

#2 Roxanne



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Posted 24 April 2018 - 12:37 PM

From the bigg tweaks. I'm thinking about installing it but I worry that in a Mega Mod you would maybe get access to spells that you should not be able to? Because mods add so much stuff everywhere and maybe some spells of NPCs we were not meant to see. And which could make the game unstable (like dimension door).


Has someone tried? And was there such a problem?

It was long ago, it was with BGT, I cannot remember there were any issues. The spells in those spellbooks were all standard spells like you would find or can buy them anywhere - as far as I recall.

The Sandrah Saga

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#3 Greenhorn

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Posted 24 April 2018 - 12:55 PM

Not problems per see but I would recommend to keep percentage to low level ( 25% or so ). They contain spellcaster's memorized spells but sometimes it is misleading as some casters just force cast spells ( example is orcish mage, his spellbook didn't contain single spell cast against my party  :P ). 

#4 Roxanne



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Posted 24 April 2018 - 01:12 PM

Not problems per see but I would recommend to keep percentage to low level ( 25% or so ). They contain spellcaster's memorized spells but sometimes it is misleading as some casters just force cast spells ( example is orcish mage, his spellbook didn't contain single spell cast against my party  :P ). 

That is another thing.

Those spellbooks are generic things. They have no connection to the caster that drops them. At least not the spells they contain. Just higher level enemies have better spells in their books but not necessarily the ones they know/cast themselves.

I guess that such a mod would be nearly impossible to code. And if you did, some other mod may easily give the spellcaster other spells or some AI that forces spells that are not even memorized.

The Sandrah Saga

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#5 -ghost-

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Posted 24 April 2018 - 01:35 PM

Thanks both.


Greenhorn yes I'm going with 25/25 tbh.


Roxanne it's interesting that you say that. If the spellbooks are just generic it would solve the question I had at first. But the reason that I asked was because I was under the impression that it actually 100% took what the wizard had memorized and that this was exactly the reason why the spells did not always match what the wizard actually would cast. Because the vanilla AI sometimes cheats and does not use the memorized spells. Actually the readme recommends the use of SCS just for the reason that it actually uses the correct spells then and it would match more what you got. It even goes to say that some spells will never be in the spellbooks (like mislead) because no enemies have them memorized. They just cast them anyway. If true that's pretty hi tech. But that's also why I had concerns of getting weird spells.


It's not important. I've decided to install it anyway but I just find it interesting.

#6 Greenhorn

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Posted 24 April 2018 - 02:03 PM

Those spellbooks are generic things. They have no connection to the caster that drops them. At least not the spells they contain.

This is were you are wrong Roxanne. Actually they contain exclusively memorized spells of that particular mage who dropped it. You can easily check it even with the simple tool like Shadow keeper. For good, old Bigg nothing is impossible.  :Bow: Of course memorized spells and those actually cast by unfortunate, deceased magic practitioner are two separate things in many cases...  :P

#7 Roxanne



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Posted 24 April 2018 - 02:10 PM

Those spellbooks are generic things. They have no connection to the caster that drops them. At least not the spells they contain.

This is were you are wrong Roxanne. Actually they contain exclusively memorized spells of that particular mage who dropped it. You can easily check it even with the simple tool like Shadow keeper. For good, old Bigg nothing is impossible.  :Bow: Of course memorized spells and those actually cast by unfortunate, deceased magic practitioner are two separate things in many cases...  :P

Yes, I should not try to recall things from memory, my brain is too old for that. I guess I used the mod without some clever addition that gave enemies better spells and then got bored in early BG1 when everyone just dropped trivial stuff. What you say makes much more sense. I may also have mixed this up with a mod that let enemies drop a certain percentage of broken potion bottles and lot of other unusable inventory items to increase overall difficulty.

Sorry for that.

The Sandrah Saga

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#8 Greenhorn

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Posted 24 April 2018 - 02:18 PM

Yes, I should not try to recall things from memory, my brain is too old for that.

Somehow I don't believe it is true.  ;) Ah, I would be happy to know at least 10% of what you know about this game and it's workings. 

#9 The Imp

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Posted 24 April 2018 - 10:42 PM

Not problems per see but I would recommend to keep percentage to low level ( 25% or so ). They contain spellcaster's memorized spells but sometimes it is misleading as some casters just force cast spells ( example is orcish mage, his spellbook didn't contain single spell cast against my party  :P ). 

That is another thing.
Those spellbooks are generic things. They have no connection to the caster that drops them. At least not the spells they contain.

I would definitely not recommend this with SCS, as the spellbooks on that mod are different from the regular spells. Same is true with the Spell_rev mod, and was it Rogue Rebalance or the aTweaks, either way, they have enemies with special hostile only spells.
It should also be noted that: Roxanne doesn't use the SCS !!!

Dimention door, op my ... try demons that align themselves with the caster automatically ... boosted demons with 200+ hitpoint.

Edited by The Imp, 24 April 2018 - 10:47 PM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#10 subtledoctor

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Posted 25 April 2018 - 06:52 AM

I love that mod, I think it makes total sense that mages would carry around at least part of their spellbook stash... at least with some spells useful for traveling etc.

I set it something like 50% of mages drop 25% of their spells. It definitely eliminates scroll scarcity, but that's fine IMHO. At some point most of the dropped spellbooks will be useless to you anyway. (I usually save the really good ones, like Tolgerias', for Imoen.)

Also it encourages casting from scrolls rather than hoarding them, which in turn reduces the incentive for rest-spam.