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Question about BiG World Fixpack

BWP BGT-WeiDU BiG World Fixpack

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#1 ilgatto

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Posted 21 November 2018 - 08:24 AM

Esteemed ladies and gentlemen,

Having very little experience with such matters - and against all advice - I am still trying to manually install a modded BGT-WeiDU game using Leonardo Watson's installation guide (BiG World Project Baldurs Gate v18.1, English).

From this guide, I understand that I should run 'BiG World Fixpack.bat' in my main game directory after copying all relevant files and folders into that directory and that, after this, I need to run several patches and fixes provided by the fixpack at various stages of the install.

Take, for example, step '1.11 astScriptPatcher' on page 23 of the installation guide, where the author says: "The BiG World Fixpack copies the file Setup-astScriptPatcher.tp2 into your main SoA directory. Double-click the Setup. The DOS dialogue appears:".
From what I understand so far, "Double-click the Setup" means that I should double-click an 'exe' file and not, for example, a 'tp2' file.

After extracting the archive 'BiG World Fixpack v18.1.7z' into a dummy folder, I can only find the following 'exe' files in it: 'tee.exe', 'find.exe', 'patch.exe', 'acm_upsample.exe', and 'tisunpack.exe'.

Question: What "Setup" must I "double-click"?

So far, I have not yet run 'BiG World Fixpack.bat' anywhere. Does running that file in my main game directory - or anywhere else, for that matter - create the "missing" 'exe' files?

I haven't been able to find an answer to this question and I would greatly appreciate anyone providing it or pointing me in the right direction.






#2 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 21 November 2018 - 10:56 AM

From this guide, I understand that I should run 'BiG World Fixpack.bat' in my main game directory

And that will install the Fixpack which is what you should do.

Take, for example, step '1.11 astScriptPatcher' on page 23 of the installation guide, where the author says: "The BiG World Fixpack copies the file Setup-astScriptPatcher.tp2 into your main SoA directory. Double-click the Setup. The DOS dialogue appears:".
From what I understand so far, "Double-click the Setup" means that I should double-click an 'exe' file and not, for example, a 'tp2' file.
Question: What "Setup" must I "double-click"?

You would run the Setup-astScriptPatcher.exe, which is just a weidu.exe renamed as that... the idea here is that the install of the fixpack itself also makes new files like the "Setup-astScriptPatcher.exe", as it only needs to copy the weidu.exe it has from a downloaded archive. Which is done for ... what else except for not needing to autopatch the file during 2000 runs of the same file.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#3 ilgatto

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Posted 21 November 2018 - 12:41 PM

Thanx a million!



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