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BWPv18.2 released

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#21 Telperion

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Posted 07 October 2019 - 08:26 AM

Hello Leonardo, Hello @all, I'm using your BGT-Tool for more than a decade now and, on first hand, want to say: Thank you, mate! You're the man! ;) But.... this time, first time in 3 years i think, i was not able to install the mods with the Installer :( Everything went fine (unzipping, choosing Language and mods, admin-permission, conflicts, etc...) but after that: freeze! The last Info Windows gives to me is the amount of my RAM and Virtual Memory. And thats it, even after 30 minutes.... and i have to end the Window. :(

#22 tomkaz

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Posted 07 October 2019 - 01:59 PM

Hi All;


Some suggestions with getting the 'preview' ( [1] Display the preview? (strongly recommended) and a typo in 'individual.bat'.


Place a PAUSE statement before the line 'Call ".\%BWIPI%\close1.bat' in individual.bat and your preview will pause after Section 20.  Gives you time to examine the preview for errors. 


In Section 18 find the following:


%IFNS%btweak.exe (
                    Call %EINSTI% btweak_lite "0 1 2"
                    findstr /I /M "AoE_Restr" %CON%>nul
                    if not errorlevel 1 (
                                       Call %EINSTI% btweak_lite "3"
                    ) else (
                                       IFS%btweak_lite.exe %TXT% | findstr @418 | Call %C% >> %E%
                    Call %EINSTI% btweak_lite "4 5 6"
Note the line starting with IFS is missing a "%".  It should start with %IFS%.

#23 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 07 October 2019 - 10:44 PM

That is really strange. At the moment I have no idea what is the cause for this.
In the SoA folder you will finde a file BWP_IP.log. This file reports the already completed tasks. Wath is the last line there?
I also need to know the last lines from the batch file where the program stops. At this stage you can start the install.bat without worries. It will only start there where you have stoped it.

Thank you for your report. I will update the installpack next weekend.

#24 Telperion

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Posted 08 October 2019 - 02:08 AM

BWP_IP.log: (the last 7)


Press any Key to Continue...
Ihr habt 1 GB RAM installiert.
Davon sind 1 GB frei.
Euer freier virtueller Speicher ist 3 GB.

In english: 1 GB RAM installed, 1 GB free, 3 GB freie virtuel Memory.

#25 tomkaz

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Posted 08 October 2019 - 12:43 PM

Hi All:


When I went to download Unfinished Business v27rc1, the file was not available.  In its place, was Unfinished Business v27.  This does not install with BiG World Installpack c18.2.1.  Is Unfinished Business v27rc1 still available.  If not, can I alter BiG World Installpack.bat to install Unfinished Business v27.



#26 tomkaz

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Posted 08 October 2019 - 06:15 PM

Hi All:


I had three games fail.  The installation goes very well.  The problem is that I can start the game, but I cannot save the game. I do not know how far I could proceed without saving the game.  Any suggestions?


I did have a problem with aTweaks v453.  The windows version had some malware and caused crashes when I tried to make another game.  I think Microsoft Security Essentials got rid of the malware because I can now download the windows version of aTweaks v453 which I could not do when it had the malware.  I am now using the platform independent version and it loaded aTweaks 453 in the last game.


Even with the good version of aTweaks 453, I cannot save the game.  I have 245 mods in my megamod game and all but five do not install.



#27 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 09 October 2019 - 09:18 AM

BWP Installpack is now v18.2.2

There was a wrong jump label that is fixed now. The Pogramm should work now correctly.
I am astonished about your data "You have 1 GB RAM installed." This numeric value is read from your computer. Is it true? Is it no typo?

I have added a pause after the preview.
Occasionally I also noticed that I could not save. I thought it was a conflict with my old computer. However I could save shortly afterwards.

When I leave the game I get the message: "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly.  Windows will close the program and notify you if solution is available". Nevertheless I can continue the game where I saved it. I don't have any idea what causes this problem. This does not harm, but it is annoying.

#28 tomkaz

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Posted 09 October 2019 - 12:42 PM

Hi Leonardo:
Thank you for all your help.  I especially like your WeiDU.Log.
Earlier, I played several v18.2 games. The mods I used were minimum for game, Section 1, Section 1 to Section 6 (BG1), and Section 1 to Section 13 (BG1 + BG2). I did not include NPCs.  These games started without any problems.  It is only when I added mods from Section 14 and onward that I had troubles.  The more of these I added, the more trouble I had.  The trouble I had with saving games began when I added Stratagems v31.  These tests were run on two different computers with the same results.
When I tried to make a megamod game with v18.1, I found that I had success when I only included either Big Picture or Stratagems.  Adding both mods messed up the game.  This could be because I included conflicting components and did not carefully check them  so they did not interfere with each other.
Right now I only add components that I find in BiG World Project WeiDU.Log.  I assume that you use as many mods as you can and if the components worked for you, they would be safe for me.
Starting my 10th v18.2 megamod game with a fresh individual.bat.  The eighth v18.2 game use Big Picture for AI and the ninth v18.2 game used Stratagems v31 for AI.  Both had those two mods and failed when I tried to start them.
Thanks again for all your help,

Edited by tomkaz, 09 October 2019 - 12:45 PM.

#29 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 09 October 2019 - 01:42 PM

@tomkaz, did you install the SCS's NPC alteration parts ? Aka the component that allows one to edit the NPCs proficiencies alike they were a BG1 character(as the component sets the character to be at level 1, and so effectively you can choose hteir proficiencies).
Especially if you install that with the Level 1 NPCs, it sets the game so that both mods don't work correctly as they do almost the same thing ... just a lot differently. And this at least once produced not able to save errors.
PS, and by the by, we DO NOTHING WITHOUT YOUR weidu.log except make bad guesses, even when you install things with BWP. It's easy to put one to a spoilers tags.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#30 Telperion

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Posted 09 October 2019 - 10:05 PM

Thanks alot, i will try a new install on sunday. I'm playing BG on my old Laptop because all the Mods are downloaded there and i am to Lazy to Search for all of them again. Actually there are 2 GB RAM, but i had nö Problems installing BWP in the past.

#31 tomkaz

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Posted 10 October 2019 - 06:15 AM

Hi The Imp:


I am only using Stratagems v31.  I was sure I did not alter any NPC parts.  I checked SCS v31 for them, but did not find any component.


As I said earlier, I have a problem with aTweaks v453 Windows Version.  Microsoft Security Essentials tells me I have "Trojan: Win32/Zpevdo.B in that file.  MSE cleaned it out of one computer but it appears I have some damage left over.  I dread having to reinstall Windows again.  The trojan is now in my other computer.  I wonder if that has messed up BWP.


I have a game installing now.  I will post the WeiDU.log in about 6 hours.


Thanks for you comments,



#32 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 10 October 2019 - 06:48 AM

Hi The Imp:
I am only using Stratagems v31.  I was sure I did not alter any NPC parts.  I checked SCS v31 for them, but did not find any component.

Well, if you just read the readme and scroll down that list to this part "Allow Player..." you'll find one.

It's been there the last 7 years...


The Trojan you detect with Windows Defender is a FALSE POSITIVE. It has no impact to your computer !!!! The only reason that the Windows Defender doesn't detect ALL the other weidu.exe files as the same Trojan is that they have a flag noted in the program to know that the files are not infected. It's that badly programmed anti-virus program.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#33 tomkaz

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Posted 10 October 2019 - 10:42 AM

Hi The Imp:


I am trying to get WeiDU.log into a Spoiler.  I hope this works.




When I configured this game, I did not get confirmation of the colors.  When I open baldur.exe, it has the delete icon in the upper left corner.  There were four minor errors that I see with games that worked.  Stratagems was left out intencialy to see if Big Picture and Stratagems were conflicting.


I hate to admit this, I am 76 and my memory is fading.  So please forgive me if I mess up sentences.  I usually need to write these notes at least three times.


If the Spoiler did not work, please give me instructions,



I do not know what happened, but some thing has disabled Baldur's Gate and BGII - SoA in two of my computers.  So I will be busy reinstalling Windows on them for the next 3 or 4 days.


What ever it is it just keeps my games in the mode to uninstall my games when I open the baldur.exe disk and it prevents the colors from working.



Edited by tomkaz, 10 October 2019 - 02:15 PM.

#34 tomkaz

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Posted 12 October 2019 - 11:56 AM

Hi All:


My computer just crashed.  It could be the power supply, the mother board, or something else.  The Windows 7 mother board would be the hardest to replace.  My question is, will BiG World Project work with Windows 10 as well as Windows 7 did.


I would appreciate any comments from those using a Windows 10 computer.  If some brands of Windows 10 computers should be avoided, I would also like that information.




Sometimes things go in your favor.  I took it to Best Buy this morning and they got it fixed in ten minutes.  I am back to installing windows and BWP games.



Edited by tomkaz, 13 October 2019 - 03:33 PM.

#35 new(Mike)

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Posted 14 October 2019 - 01:54 AM

BGT 1.20 can only be installed with BWP 18.1, when I install BGT with BWP18.2.2

the error message is as follows:

[Setup-bgt.exe] WeiDU version 24600
Using Language [English]
Installing [Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core] [1.20 (20 Feb 19)]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Required binaries missing for your architecture. Please put tis2bg2, tisunpack and mosunpack into your system path and install again with system-path argument.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall   0 files for [BGT/BGT.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled      0 files for [BGT/BGT.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: Failure("Required binaries missing for your architecture. Please put tis2bg2, tisunpack and mosunpack into your system path and install again with system-path argument.")
PLEASE post the file  SETUP-BGT.DEBUG to http://forums.spellh...p?showforum=261
Automatically Skipping [Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core] because of error.
Using Language [English]
NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core
Press ENTER to exit.

if i install BGT with BiG World Fixpack v18.2+BiG World Textpack v18.2 ENGLISH+BiG World Installpack v18, it's ok without any errors


if i install BGT with BiG World Fixpack v18.2+BiG World Textpack v18.2 ENGLISH+BiG World Installpack v18.2.2,BGT cannot be installed


Edited by new(Mike), 15 October 2019 - 06:11 AM.

#36 Sergio

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Posted 15 October 2019 - 01:06 AM

1) When trying to install Vlad compilation you find in Black wyrm lair forum (here: http://forums.blackw...?showtopic=5424), there is a component named "my compilation" that seems to be made of:
Tortured Souls
Keldorn Romance
Third path

In your BWP.pdf you refer to an edited version of Vlad compilation that actually has these components splitted.
Where is this "edited" vlad's compilation? Or are the informations on the bwp.pdf old?

2) In the refinements topic in beamdog forum, https://forums.beamd...Comment_1100011
subtledoctor actually suggests using Refinements v3 with classic edition. Would you agree or not?
The fact that refinements v4 patches rather than overwriting makes me think that v4 is still superior. Do you think the HLA issue will ever be fixed or the problem found?


Edited by Sergio, 15 October 2019 - 01:20 AM.

Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#37 Senka

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Posted 15 October 2019 - 01:37 AM

1) When trying to install Vlad compilation you find in Black wyrm lair forum (here: http://forums.blackw...?showtopic=5424), there is a component named "my compilation" that seems to be made of:
Tortured Souls
Keldorn Romance
Third path

And BD-WeiDU too

#38 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 16 October 2019 - 03:48 AM

There are no changes from BWPv18.1 to BWPv18.2 that could cause that. From time to time I noticed similar behavior. Reason are wrong registry entries. That was the reason why  you should restart your computer before installing



Where is this "edited" vlad's compilation?

The BWFixpack makes the necessary changes.


subtledoctor actually suggests using Refinements v3 with classic edition. Would you agree or not?

You should do what the author suggests. I will change Installpack at weekend accordingly.

#39 ChitownWillie

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Posted 16 October 2019 - 04:36 AM

BGT 1.20 can only be installed with BWP 18.1, when I install BGT with BWP18.2.2

the error message is as follows:

[Setup-bgt.exe] WeiDU version 24600
Using Language [English]
Installing [Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core] [1.20 (20 Feb 19)]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Required binaries missing for your architecture. Please put tis2bg2, tisunpack and mosunpack into your system path and install again with system-path argument.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall   0 files for [BGT/BGT.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled      0 files for [BGT/BGT.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: Failure("Required binaries missing for your architecture. Please put tis2bg2, tisunpack and mosunpack into your system path and install again with system-path argument.")
PLEASE post the file  SETUP-BGT.DEBUG to http://forums.spellh...p?showforum=261
Automatically Skipping [Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core] because of error.
Using Language [English]
NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core
Press ENTER to exit.

if i install BGT with BiG World Fixpack v18.2+BiG World Textpack v18.2 ENGLISH+BiG World Installpack v18, it's ok without any errors


if i install BGT with BiG World Fixpack v18.2+BiG World Textpack v18.2 ENGLISH+BiG World Installpack v18.2.2,BGT cannot be installed





Copy 3 files:


* From: "\BGII - SoA\bgt\install\win32\x86"

* To: "\BGII - SoA\bgt\install\win32\x86\amd64" <-- Create this folder manually


Edited by ChitownWillie, 16 October 2019 - 04:37 AM.

#40 new(Mike)

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Posted 16 October 2019 - 06:19 AM

I have resolve this problem

because my OS is 64 bit


I create a new folder  "\BGII - SoA\bgt\install\win32\amd64" ,and copy  tis2bg2, tisunpack and mosunpack  into this folder


then bgt can be installed 


thank you very much


@ChitownWillie  @Leonardo Watson