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#21 The Imp

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Posted 09 May 2020 - 09:27 AM

Well, you have not done a full biffing, just the media files. Now, I can't say for sure, but that could make your game need to load the various files to a reserve, which could take a long time... or it might just be a waste of time... the full biffing is done for a reason the way it was.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#22 Bloodtitan

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Posted 09 May 2020 - 01:26 PM

I've chosen the option that was used by BWP before, and the game started back then. Now I see the game starting but immediately closing. ToBEx takes long to load, yes. Are you sure this isn't a ToBEx problem?

#23 The Imp

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Posted 09 May 2020 - 01:44 PM

The Generalized Biffing has been updated... so now it has 2 components, rather than 1 with a choose out of 2 options in that one component. Can't say for sure, but the End_Biff I used when I still played the game fixed the starting problems in the long past that it was.


PS, also it will be worth noting that some of the edits the BiG World products do to the mods also reduce the amount of the general files that are biffed by the mods alone, so the Generalized Biffing's correct option is more and more essential.


"Biff only wav, tis & bam files (recommended by The Bigg and Small World Dudes): v2.4" also refer's to the Bigg, who is the mod maker, not the BiG World Projects BiG, and like said Small World Dudes, aka not BiG World users. See the reference now ?

Edited by The Imp, 09 May 2020 - 01:52 PM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#24 Bloodtitan

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Posted 09 May 2020 - 10:28 PM

I can re-run it, no problem, but remeber this smaller option was picked by the automated BWP installation...

Hate to not find it anymore but two days ago I saw a thread on one of the modding forums (not this one) where ToBEx was reported to crash all megamod installations because it automatically tries to patch all mod files to the latest weidu version. In that topic it was said that the update process to weidu 24600 will hang for a lot of mods because a change that was made compared to 24300 will not forgive using a certain variable anymore.

I do not know how BWP avoids that loop when installing ToBEx but I definitely ran into it. I had to close the ToBEx installation because it hung during the auto-update process. When I re-ran the setup, the update-checks did not show up and I began to install normally.

Is that what causes ToBEx to not work correctly and how does BWP avoid this loop?

#25 Bloodtitan

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Posted 09 May 2020 - 10:46 PM

I have biffed everything now and the ToBEx starting time has decreased a lot. However, I still see ToBEx trying to start the game, BG2 appears in the taskbar but disappears immediately without generating a game window. No error message and I never "leave the desktop".

#26 The Imp

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Posted 09 May 2020 - 11:32 PM

I can re-run it, no problem, but remeber this smaller option was picked by the automated BWP installation...

Yeah, but remember, the pick was for the old version and in that, the BWP install is still done by inserting a .txt file as the console choice... which will end up not being needed. This has to do with the replacing the READLN function the old version had, that people have been screaming about to be bad for Project Infinity, because it's a little tricky. But this is WORSE, as you can probably guess, with out dated moding tools.

and how does BWP avoid this loop?

It uses a code insertinon that refuses to allow updating the weidu.exe during install... but it also updates all the setup-modname.exe by extracting it's own weidu.zip file from the archive, and so recopy/renames the file as the needed setup-modname.exe's as many time as it needs. No need to update.
Highly unlikely that it would damage the the ToBEx specifically. But it can fail to give a working game if the latest weidu.exe is not used. But that's easy to find out, you just read the first line of the setup-moidname.debug files and compare the version with the archive.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#27 Bloodtitan

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Posted 10 May 2020 - 12:06 AM

found the topic meanwhile:



EDIT: all mods were installed with 24600

Edited by Bloodtitan, 10 May 2020 - 12:16 AM.

#28 The Imp

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Posted 10 May 2020 - 12:54 AM

Well, that topic was about not being able to install a mod component because the requirement was wrongly formed due to an update in weidu.exe... and it was presumably corrected later, or reviced to not contain the reviced portion of the code.

Edited by The Imp, 10 May 2020 - 12:55 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#29 Bloodtitan

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Posted 10 May 2020 - 02:21 AM

So, since I picked the components and installation order (aside from 5 mods by lava that require the bgt-worldmap) that BWP picked, and yet my game refuses to start. What could it be? It looks ok in NI...

#30 The Imp

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Posted 10 May 2020 - 03:13 AM

So, since I picked the components and installation order (aside from 5 mods by lava that require the bgt-worldmap) that BWP picked, and yet my game refuses to start. What could it be? It looks ok in NI...

Don't know. What does the ... ToBEx print out file say after you have tried to start the game ? It's in the game folders location ... other than that I can't search the details for a while. So you have to find it yourself unfortunately.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#31 Bloodtitan

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Posted 10 May 2020 - 03:26 AM

-----TobEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender build (Sat 09 May 2020 18:34:18)
-----TobEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender build (Sat 09 May 2020 18:39:05)
-----TobEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender build (Sat 09 May 2020 18:46:47)
-----TobEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender build (Sat 09 May 2020 18:50:26)
-----TobEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender build (Sun 10 May 2020 08:43:07)
-----TobEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender build (Sun 10 May 2020 12:44:59)


Just starting Messages in ToBEx.log...


I will now uninstall the GUI mod and/or Widescreen, since no window is generated.

#32 Bloodtitan

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Posted 10 May 2020 - 03:11 PM

I have reinstalled everything and left out TDD Kits. I remember those were a problem even before BWS or BWP existed.

0. Clean patched ToB

1. I used BWP install to unpack the mods.

2. I manually used BWP Fix batch

3. I manually installed every mod and component in the same order that was used by BWP, and always picked EN as language.


Game is running now.


What remains:

a) The starting screen music and probably all SoA/ToB music is played faster, maybe an issue with 1pp HQ music.

b) The game is lagging in combat and inventory even in a new game. I have a pretty fast machine which should very well be able to handle any (modded) bg2...

#33 Bloodtitan

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Posted 10 May 2020 - 11:41 PM

Graphics problem solved, had to enable 3D in bgconfig. 2D mode does not seem to be supported by my gfx anymore.

What remains is the pitched up BG2 Music.

#34 Bloodtitan

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Posted 11 May 2020 - 10:52 PM

I was not clever enough to make a backup of the old music files for BG2. As my new HQ files do not play properly, would anyone be so nice and upload the original files somewhere so I can overwrite mine?

Note that's it's not a matter of uninstalling and reinstalling 1pp_HQ_music since that does not include the actual music files.

#35 ruzgatogosu

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Posted 14 May 2020 - 07:47 AM

I have download two mods I had forgotten with PI. They were downloaded as folders and not packed, and no Setup.exe file included. Is that intended? Being used to BWP, packed mods are normal... And I'm unsure if I should use BWP 18.2.5 or PI now… which one will give a better (if applicable) installation order result?

Yes, that's intended. BWP is only for classic game versions, not EE. PI doesn't have build-in install order (and never will because it require 24/7 maintenance), you need to create one by yourself or use existing ones created by others.

or use existing ones created by others. - i am really interersted where do ppl post many fully compiled instalation orders, maybe i can find my magical compilation ?

Edited by ruzgatogosu, 14 May 2020 - 07:49 AM.


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Posted 14 May 2020 - 11:03 AM

I have download two mods I had forgotten with PI. They were downloaded as folders and not packed, and no Setup.exe file included. Is that intended? Being used to BWP, packed mods are normal... And I'm unsure if I should use BWP 18.2.5 or PI now… which one will give a better (if applicable) installation order result?

Yes, that's intended. BWP is only for classic game versions, not EE. PI doesn't have build-in install order (and never will because it require 24/7 maintenance), you need to create one by yourself or use existing ones created by others.

or use existing ones created by others. - i am really interersted where do ppl post many fully compiled instalation orders, maybe i can find my magical compilation ?


Look  herehere, and here.

Project Infinity public BETA - mod manager for Infinity Engine games

Infinity Auto Packager - automatically generate and adds mod packages to GitHub release

Modder's Guide to GitHub - you cannot have progress without committing changes

#37 Bloodtitan

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Posted 14 May 2020 - 10:09 PM

Attaching the log of the final and so far working installation. The installation itself was done manually, no BWP nor PI.

Attached Files

#38 billy3

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Posted 19 October 2020 - 10:48 AM

How is your install going so far?  Did you use the EE or non EE versions of the games?


Attaching the log of the final and so far working installation. The installation itself was done manually, no BWP nor PI.

#39 The Imp

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Posted 19 October 2020 - 11:06 AM

How is your install going so far?  Did you use the EE or non EE versions of the games?
If you had downloaded and looked the weidu.log file, you would have seen the ToBEx in the list being the very first mod, and G3 Fixpack, and thus you would then know those to be a non-EE game exclusive. The EE's use the EEex todays., and the fixpack is intergrated within

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.