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G3: Talents of Faerūn version beta 1 released

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#1 IE Modding News

IE Modding News

    Spellhold Studios

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Posted 13 December 2023 - 04:35 AM

Talents of Faerūn (ToF) is a new mod by DavidW, author of Sword Coast Stratagems. 

ToF is a collection of about 85 mini-mods for the Enhanced Edition versions of Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, and Icewind Dale, partially inspired by existing mods and tabletop Dungeons and Dragons resources. It contains many optional tweaks to various parts of gameplay, focusing on expanding and rebalancing player character abilities. Features include 150-odd new high-level abilities, a new 'feat' system where lower-level characters gain abilities every few levels, revisions to existing kits, new classes, new kits for multi-class characters, new types of magical specialization, a dozen or so new spells, many spell tweaks, 20-odd new gods for clerics to worship, a subrace system, a revised system of cleric/druid spells, and tweaks to the rules for ability scores and proficiencies.

Talents of Faerūn is currently in 'beta', meaning that I think it ought to be recreationally playable but almost certainly contains significant bugs that my own testing has not discovered. Use at own risk.

Grab it direct here. You can also visit the extensive project pages, readme, or TOF forum for more information.

Read the original article at The Gibberlings Three