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Comments on "Twists of Fate"

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#1 MorningGlory

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Posted 20 April 2004 - 08:35 PM

Hi, Ru!

You already know what a fan I am of your oneshots.. :D Always original and always entertaining. :P I particularly like the first one you have here -- nice comedic touches with the two would-be lovers attempting some privacy. Then fate steps in...

And, I just KNOW you're going to continue adding to this thread, aren't you?? :D :D

Thank you for sharing with us, my friend! :D


#2 Userunfriendly


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Posted 20 April 2004 - 10:17 PM

why does the first one remind me of a peter sellers/pink panther type comedy??? or a rob rheiner romantic comedy...you know, everyone shows up just as the lights go down low, and the main characters are only partially clothed, and the entire world catches you in flagre delicto??

few more minutes, and aerie might have gotten an eyeful.. ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

the second one, that one was just such a shocker...really surprising...

good stuff!!!
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#3 Beyshaliban


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Posted 21 April 2004 - 03:51 AM

Wonderful little tales. :D

Keep adding to this thread, will you! It's always a treat to read your pieces.

UU's suggestion about the timing made me howl. :lol:


#4 Rusalka

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 06:33 AM

Thank you my friends! I will definitely be adding more to this thread. I have a couple that I need to re-work or decide if I might actually continue them or not, but hopefully I will have another up soon.

Peter Sellers is very funny. Maybe I sould study his work for ideas. ;)
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#5 VigaHrolf


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Posted 21 April 2004 - 07:14 AM


Two great pieces here. Loved em both, although for entirely different reasons. The romantic comedy for the just the sheer amusement of it. It is just outright funny. :D

Keldorn... that's just harsh. I really like it and you can just feel the old knight's concern and pain. And his death so.. tragic...

Great stuff. MORE!!! ;)

#6 thecursed


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Posted 22 April 2004 - 03:36 AM

didn't quite get the second one, but first was a holler. my niehbors here at the library thought so anyhow :unsure:
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#7 Rusalka

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Posted 22 April 2004 - 06:27 AM

Thank you very much Viga. I hope the next things I post will garner equal praise.

@thecursed: I have worried that the Keldorn one wasn't totally clear. It's based on the part in the game where Anomen and Keldorn will eventually come to blows if Anomen has failed his test. I tried to hint that Anomen failed because of the influence of an evil Bhaalspawn, but Keldorn still hoped that Anomen could be saved from her influence. I should have made it clear that their duel was allowed to go forward because the Bhaalspawn thought Anomen would kill Keldorn and not the other way around. She was pissed that Keldorn didn't get his ass kicked so she took matters into her own hands.

If anyone didn't get this piece either and has some ideas how I can make things clearer, give me a shout by PM. :)
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#8 thecursed


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Posted 22 April 2004 - 06:47 AM

since i've never took them together (i think i took anomen oncebut i'm not sure) i understand why i was lost. thanks for clearing that up.
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