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Favourite Character

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Poll: Well? (63 member(s) have cast votes)


  1. Bastilla (13 votes [20.63%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.63%

  2. Carth (12 votes [19.05%])

    Percentage of vote: 19.05%

  3. Mission (3 votes [4.76%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.76%

  4. Zallbar (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  5. T3-M4 (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  6. Jolle (3 votes [4.76%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.76%

  7. HK-47 (20 votes [31.75%])

    Percentage of vote: 31.75%

  8. Canderous (9 votes [14.29%])

    Percentage of vote: 14.29%

  9. Juhani (3 votes [4.76%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.76%

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#21 Beyshaliban


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Posted 23 June 2004 - 12:14 PM

But we all know the protagonist isn't a usual jedi...

#22 -Tancred-

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Posted 23 June 2004 - 02:26 PM

It's a great ensemble cast of personality-defective misfits. Canderous, the over-the-hill warhorse with a mid-life crisis; Mission, the lippy kid with a broken home; Jolee, a recluse living on grief and guilt; HK-47, a psychopath whose very existence is illegal; Zaalbar, a titan with self esteem below sea level; Juhani, with her wrath and her memories; Carth, traumatised from war and loss; and Bastila, caught in a serious inferiority complex. And then there's T3-M4, who must be insane to hang around this crew. I'm not even going to get started on their leader.

Even though I've never experienced his romance dialogues - or maybe because of it - my vote goes to Carth. The change and strength that works on him from the first time you speak to him to the last time is quite a beautiful thing.

#23 Beyshaliban


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Posted 23 June 2004 - 11:35 PM

The romance wasn't "bad". By picking the right replies it developped nicely. But it was... sterile. I mean Carth is, what, 38? The PC would be very late 20s or even older from my estimation.

to all the "kids": Life does NOT end once you're over 30. :P

#24 The Amazing Maurice

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Posted 24 June 2004 - 01:40 AM

I to disliked Carth from the start but he grew on me after a while. :D

After the SF what I liked in particular was rather than stick the PC in charge Carth took the lead - made a nice change.

#25 Archmage Silver

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Posted 24 June 2004 - 04:40 AM

Just had to vote Mission.

#26 Mr Ennigma

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Posted 15 July 2004 - 01:59 PM

Had to vote for HK. I 'd take him along even if he was useless simply for the banter. Posted Image

to all the "kids": Life does NOT end once you're over 30. Posted Image

How very very true. Posted Image

This is a wondeful game! Very much looking forward to II.
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#27 Arian


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Posted 16 July 2004 - 05:25 AM

HK-47 *always* wins these. :P

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#28 Kish

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Posted 24 September 2004 - 10:07 AM

I'm torn between Mission and Juhani.
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#29 Isair

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Posted 24 September 2004 - 02:29 PM

I voted for Carth. I like that guy. :P
He's just like me. ^^

#30 Tom



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Posted 27 September 2004 - 10:53 PM

I disagree, I didnt actually like HK too much, in most of my games because I cant be bothered spending the points on repair so I can fix him. But also I just got tired of all his 'negatory', 'affirmative', 'conjecture' and such, just got annoying for me. Now T3-M4, THERE is a reliable and faithful droid, just not much for conversation...
I also hated Zaalbar, just found him stupid and annoying.
All the other characters I liked however, Perhaps my least favourite of them being Juhani and Carth, although I still think Carth was cool (reminded me a bit of Anomen what with all his whinging) but my vote in the end goes to Bastila. She was the only character that I kept with me throughout the entire game (although Jole is amusing at many points I usually keep him after I find him.)
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#31 Lestat

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Posted 24 October 2004 - 12:18 AM

Jus Remember Guys In Battles Between Man VS Machine Who wins?!

GOOOOO HK-47!!! :gun:  :bash:
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#32 elfheart

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Posted 24 October 2004 - 06:23 AM

Canderous! I mean, come on people... :D Actually, I really, really like all the characters, though Bastilla got on my nerves with her ant-darkside preching to my lightside PC. :gun:

#33 Aszlari Swordbringer

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Posted 24 October 2004 - 02:13 PM

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only person to vote for Juhani as my favourite character. Many people find her accent annoying, but personally, I like it. After all, she's not human, so why shouldn't she have an exotic accent? Too, she is a worth fighter, one who I am always glad to bring with me. She's also the most like me personality-wise: good-hearted but with a very short temper.

And am I the only one who would've liked to have the option of accepting her into your party without her turning light? The options of killing her and of redeeming her would still be there, of course, but this option would've added a well-needed third evil character (before Bastila "falls," of course). If you're evil and actually roleplaying, the only options until way late in the game are Canderous, HK-47, and possibly T3-M4.

#34 Kish

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Posted 24 October 2004 - 02:28 PM

And am I the only one who would've liked to have the option of accepting her into your party without her turning light? The options of killing her and of redeeming her would still be there, of course, but this option would've added a well-needed third evil character (before Bastila "falls," of course). If you're evil and actually roleplaying, the only options until way late in the game are Canderous, HK-47, and possibly T3-M4.

"Always there are two--no more, no less." With your apprentice if you go Dark already determined, there's no way another Dark Jedi could survive. From the perspective of someone who much prefers the Light Side, I like Juhani better for not being really corruptible--even when she thinks she's Fallen, she won't do anything more dangerous than corrupting the grove.
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"You are what you do. Choose again, and change."
--Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan

#35 Userunfriendly


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Posted 24 October 2004 - 03:02 PM

HK-47, Meatbags! :lol:

Bey: I also liked Carth ^_^ although the "romance" was... uh... *no comment* ;)

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finished bastilla romance, now trying to get juhani romance to work..

but where is xor??? :bash: :bash: :bash:

i think i need to finish that quest before getting 3 starmaps...

oy...currently running out of sequence, visited all worlds, in korriban now, did not trigger map in tatooine and kashayyak....

maybe the juhani romance works only if you do the worlds and trigger maps in tatooine, kashayyak, and mannan... :wall:


luckily i saved before becoming jedi...

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#36 Kish

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Posted 24 October 2004 - 06:09 PM

If you're waiting for Xor's second appearance, it doesn't have to be before you find three Star Maps. It just has to be before you go to the Star Forge System.
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"You are what you do. Choose again, and change."
--Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan

#37 -Guest-

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Posted 03 April 2005 - 11:59 AM

And am I the only one who would've liked to have the option of accepting her into your party without her turning light? The options of killing her and of redeeming her would still be there, of course, but this option would've added a well-needed third evil character (before Bastila "falls," of course). If you're evil and actually roleplaying, the only options until way late in the game are Canderous, HK-47, and possibly T3-M4.

"Always there are two--no more, no less." With your apprentice if you go Dark already determined, there's no way another Dark Jedi could survive. From the perspective of someone who much prefers the Light Side, I like Juhani better for not being really corruptible--even when she thinks she's Fallen, she won't do anything more dangerous than corrupting the grove.

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IIRC KotOR is set a couple of thousand years before Darth Bane's reformation, so there really isn't any limit on the number of Sith.

#38 Grunker


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Posted 19 April 2005 - 07:08 AM

"Query: Should I begin blasting now Master?"

HK-47 rules!

Though Carth and Jolee were fair to.

For me Bastila was kindda like Saemon Havarian in BG2, someone you'd love to whack into mush with a stick because they are SO GODDAMN ANNOYING! :devil: But the game wouldn't let you... :(

EDIT: Poor Zaalbar and T3-M4 has no votes... T3-M4 wasn't that bad was he? Even Mission has votes I mean... (Intentionally left out any comments on Zaalbar).

Edited by Grunker, 19 April 2005 - 07:10 AM.

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#39 Kai of Candlekeep

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Posted 21 April 2005 - 10:51 PM

Canderous!!!!!!!!! Whether I play DS or LS, I can't leave the Ebon Hawk without him. I love him to death. I wish he was a romance option, seriously. My DS female Jedi wants him baaaaaad... :wub:

Carth is also incredibly sexy (for a guy made out of pixels), but I can't handle him when I play a DS character... the constant guilt trips drive me nuts.

HK-47 when I play DS and Jolee when I play LS, for comic relief.

What I want more than anything is a mod that allows me to Force Choke Bastila everytime she gets preachy, just to shut her up. :devil:

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#40 Briannandoah


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Posted 21 April 2005 - 11:52 PM

I am known to like the characters in a game most others seem to dislike :P

Though this time it seems that even though everyone writes they hate Bastila, she still gets high score on the votes. Yeah, I voted for Bastila, since I think she is quite complex character. Or then I just add my own opinions to her, I think... but it is so fun to tease her all the time for her attitude. She so very much tries to be good and tries to ignore the fact that there could be something dark inside her. Too much as we see...Okay it is a bit obvious, but hey, SW is full of cliches and that doesn't bother me on the movies so it really doesn't bother me on this game either. Infact I expect some cliches, and I am quite disappointed to the fact that I've only heard the "I have a bad feeling about this...? once in the game. It might have been there more often, but I sure didn't get it.

I had to choose between Carth and Bastila though, because for some reason I just love Carth. He's sweet. Though perhaps a bit immature for his age (38). Oh well but men, they never grow up, do they :rolleyes:

Of course, I also like Jolee (he is funny and it is good that there is someone to break at least a little this 'great epic' with his jokes and critisism toward 'the great destiny that awaits'). I also like Juhani (though I hate her name, because in Finland Juhani is man's name and I just can't shake the strange feeling off everytime I read it - how about the other Finns on this forum, does it bother you? Or am I the only one who gets bad vipes?). Mission is also nice kid.
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