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Alan M.C.

Member Since 30 Apr 2003
Offline Last Active Mar 08 2004 12:51 AM

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In Topic: How to disable resting in an area ?

25 October 2003 - 01:52 PM

You could try "StartCombatCounter()" in the area script, in principle being in combat disables all rest possibilities. If it works the only problem will be the annoying: "Monsters are about to...." each time someone presses the Rest button.

Alan M.C.

In Topic: How to disable resting in an area ?

24 October 2003 - 02:15 PM

even if their sleep is interrupted the party still gets 'rested' i.e. the spells are re-memorized, the characters are healed

As far as I know you don't get your spells back nor get healed unless you are fully rested.

Of course, I could always do something cheesy like creating a bunch of invisible creatures with the ENEMY allegiance and bird avatars and then place them all over the area

That wouldn't be necessary. One spawn added in IETME is enough to interrupt sleep at any given time.

Another *area* you could look at is to disable the rest button itself, using IEEP and choosing <Disable Buttons> (it can disable spell, talk...) but I am not sure about the *rest* button though a lot of buttons nos are unknown.

Alan M.C.

In Topic: How to disable resting in an area ?

23 October 2003 - 01:12 PM

I'm not really a specialist in this *area*. But if it's so important for your MOD the PC can't get sleep in the outdoor area you're planning, why don't you use sleep interruption in IETME?
If sleeps gets interrupted all the time, it nearly comes to the same. ;)

NB: romance events which are spawn from the MyNpcD.bcs file are still happening. ;)

Alan M.C.

In Topic: Erm...does it look...OK?

21 October 2003 - 11:44 AM

If I convert to TUTU first before extracting dialogues, will that add globals?

If I still want Tiax to reply, can I use the DO sequence with hopefully TUTU produced Global after Tiax's words?

This is wishful thinking. As I saw it, TUTU extracts the files to the BGII override folder for use in the BG2 engine but does not alter these files, at least not to the "SetGlobal()" level.

Alan M.C.

In Topic: Two coding issues

15 October 2003 - 01:17 PM

To create an object (creature) in a script:


To add a special ability from a script:


To avoid the BAD coding mentioned by Hlidskialf on the main player or existing NPC you can use EXTEND_TOP on Dplayer1.bcs or the NPC override BCS. Not something really recommended but quite convenient to add a few new spells quicly without resorting to creating an entire new KIT.

So to add let say an additional quivering palm as from level 18 on the main character if he is a monk, you'd EXTEND_TOP the following script to Dplayer1.bcs

DisplayString(Myself,'New ability gained: quivering palm')

Alan M.C.