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Member Since 24 Sep 2008
Offline Last Active Aug 05 2019 09:17 AM

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In Topic: Dialog box too big for lower resolutions

13 February 2016 - 05:14 PM

The mod can accept any custom resolution, so if you add a custom widescreen resolution slightly higher than 856x480 --either through your GPU's panel or by editing the registry-- maybe you'll get what you want.


Yes, custom is possible but the monitor MUST support them otherwise he/others can damage the monitor. :/


Btw ghostdog, regarding updates aqrit posted some here plus Planescape/other games need support for 3K, 4K, 5K and 8K resolutions aside probably bigger fonts too, just saying. ;)

Hmm? Unless you have a CRT or some very early LCD, I don't think it's possible to damage your monitor with custom resolutions.


As for updates for higher resolutions, I'll wait for 32K first. That way I'll be able to paste all areas into a single one, so you wont have to scroll or do area transitions. Binoculars will be included in the boxed version :D

In Topic: Dialog box too big for lower resolutions

13 February 2016 - 03:28 AM

In the original game, in 640x480 the dialog box also took almost half of the screen. Indeed in 856x480 it's a little higher than that, but unless something major happens, I won't be updating this mod again.


The mod can accept any custom resolution, so if you add a custom widescreen resolution slightly higher than 856x480 --either through your GPU's panel or by editing the registry-- maybe you'll get what you want.