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Member Since 02 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 23 2009 11:24 AM

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In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.0

23 August 2009 - 11:24 AM

It's SO COOL!! And I hope there will be no more problem that troubles me :D

In Topic: BWP Installer issue

12 August 2009 - 03:11 AM

Well, perl is not used. I do not know where you got these from.  :huh:

Also note that the BWS 7 is a little out of date since BWP 8 was considered to be out there a few weeks ago and now the BWP-process seems to be kind of stuck at the moment. So Leomar has not updated the current URLs and such, so there may be a handful of files the BWS cannot fetch any more since of those circumstances.

But if you get errors anyway, I'm not sure if the BWS is the one to blame (since it just loads and extracts the packages before it starts the BWP-batch-file).

You're right. It's not BWS or BWP problem I think. Just my system is blame :wacko:  And that's why I give up attempting to use these mods   :crying: :crying:

In Topic: BWP Installer issue

12 August 2009 - 01:36 AM

Well, glad that you found a solution.   :clap:

I did not know that someone that far away from Germany would use my script and get these errors after so much testing from our (little) team.

After looking into the autoit3 ascII ref-page, I can tell you that this is an extended ansi.
Maybe Korean (and other) "windows versions" just does not support these characters the way my windows-version does.

Perhaps it would be a good thing to create a little script to run over the BWS-script to get the extended ones and replace them with a chr()-function. I just must admit that I do not know exactly why a string like >>?<< is not common character.  :blink: ;)

Thanks your attention :)

I'm not any of script or programmable languge user, so I don't know why, too.
(It's my first experience using AutoIt :)

Anyway, though success of running BWS, some 'Can't open perl script "-e" : No such file or directory' errors makes me give up using BWS and force me restore backup and manual install some basic mods(like bg2 fixpack, tweakpack, bgt, etc.) like just i was used to.
I'm not watching whole procedure but some(rather many of) mods make errors. I remember just two of them; scs, scsii.
(I selected 'Tactics mode')
Now I totally give up with BWP. It's not well in my system(WinFLP+MUI). There are always errors, errors, and errors   :crying: :crying:

Well, anyway thx again :D

In Topic: BWP Installer issue

11 August 2009 - 08:12 PM

Please open Includes\5_Basic.au3 with a text editor and remove the lines 168 following (Func _Trans_Html2Ascii() and so on). Make a backup first, then try to run it again. I think this should be it. This func is not used in the script any more, it's a "leftover". At least that's what I figured, since someone fixed a similar error some time ago. ;)

By the way, what's your OS-Lang? Korean, Japanese, something with an unusual set of chars?

I do what you want but there's another error message like 'parsing is not terminated'
(now I uninstalled MUI, so that's not exact one ;-)

And yes, I use Korean Windows. That may cause problem   :crying:  
I use WinFLP + MUI(Korean) so I uninstall my MUI, then it works :-(

What a simple solution it is   :whistling:

In Topic: BWP Installer issue

11 August 2009 - 08:56 AM

Go to "BiG World Setup"
Drag and Drop the BiG World Setup.au3 onto the AutoIt3.exe
In case, post further errors here.

Well, liitle late :-) (I'm not first poster, but same problem)
-Autoit Error-
Line 173 (File "C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Big World Setup.au3"):

$p_String = StringReplace($p_String, '&#8216;', '?)

Error: Unterminated string[/codebox]

Dragging Debug.au3 on AutoIt3.exe -> Nothing happens. Even the program didn't execute.
And Traces.au3 shows same error except Line No. (This time, it was 245)

[codebox]-Autoit Error-
Line 245 (File "C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Traced.au3"):$p_String = StringReplace($p_String, '&#8216;', '?)Error: Unterminated string

And.. is there anything do I next?