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Member Since 04 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active Mar 05 2016 08:18 PM

Topics I've Started

Can't install Finch (manual installation).

04 April 2012 - 06:26 AM

Hi guys.

I get the following error when I try to install the Finch NPC in a manual installation:

Posted Image

I am using the latest version of the BW-Fixpack, though I don't see any fixes for Finch in it.
Does anyone know what is going on?

Thanks in advance.

Ascension in the BWP

26 December 2011 - 12:05 PM

Hi guys,

I intend to make a custom mega-mod install and I was wondering if I could use the weidu Ascension (v1.4.24) in my install. I know that the weidu Ascension should be installed before the BG2 Fixpack, but should I install it before or after the TobEx (Beta 0021)? (I am using the BWP .pdf guide for the install order).

My intention initially, was to install together the BP with SCS I and II, but after reading some topics here and in the G3 forums warning for incompatibility, I decided to go with the original Ascension + SCS + Tactics (some components).

Btw, has anyone fully tested the BP with SCS for compatibility? Some reports indicate compatibility issues (i.e. a bug in the Illasera battle), but if there are no other bugs/problems maybe I should ''risk'' a BP-SCS combination?