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Member Since 14 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Mar 20 2019 04:40 AM

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In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.3

27 February 2010 - 10:00 AM

May I suggest that instead of "unsuitable", you call them "unbalancing"? "Unsuitable" seems to imply that it contains unsuitable content, such as nudity, crude humor etc.

In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.3

26 February 2010 - 04:14 PM

1) You should make it clear on the main page how much time/space it can take to install. I wasn't expecting it to take 12 hours or 30 gigs.

Like Jarno said, this is touched upon in page 17 of the guide :) (btw, unless you do an Expert install, you're not gonna reach 30 gigs :D)

This is not correct - I did a standard install, and hit 30GB (31 489 266 245 bytes to be exact) for the BGII - SoA folder. Keep in mind that this is without running any kind of cleanup, and the source files for the mods are still there. A disk free space check definitely seems in order, or at least some kind of warning to the user prior to the install.

I also wish you'd actually type out the full name of the mod in the install.bat when displaying messages to the user. In general it's a much better idea to give the user as much information as possible, so that one shouldn't even need a manual in the first place to do an install (except as a general reference). The VBS script has done a lot to improve this already, so it's really just a matter of polishing and improving things.

PS. Run a spell-checker on anything a user sees - it helps save you from a lot of confusion later if something is incomprehensible or ambiguous.

In Topic: BWP - SCARY amount of errors during installation

25 February 2010 - 03:14 PM

If you temporarily need to run a program with a different language setting than the OS, you can use applocale:


It works fine in Vista/Win7 as well as in XP. You can also use it to create a shortcut, so it always runs using the locale you've selected.

In Topic: BWP - SCARY amount of errors during installation

22 February 2010 - 07:24 PM

Anyway, I've added those (x86) to the baldur.ini paths and the error is gone now. Gotta mind this if you were copying files from installation on another system like Vista or XP!

This happened because your original install was on a 32 bit installation of Vista. On 64 bit Windows, 64 bit software gets installed to Program Files, while 32 bit software to Program Files (x86). The solution in that case is to update the baldur.ini file like you did, and make sure you delete everything from your old install prior to copying it over from the other computer. All you really needed was the registry entries anyway.

Mind you, installing to (either) program files directory is a bad idea to begin with, as this can screw up the rights, particularly when you're dealing with mods. Install it in C:\Games or something similar instead.

If you're having trouble reading the installation discs on Vista/Win7, I recommend you reboot Windows into Safe Mode and install from there instead. There's something screwy with how the installer gets treated in normal mode sometimes - it always works in safe mode though.

In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.3

20 February 2010 - 08:14 AM

(there is a 24699 patch but it's beta - DO NOT USE!!!)

No kidding - the 24699 patch is not compatible with mods and will cause your game not to work if you install BWP. I discovered that the hard way.